I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 722 The Creation Plan of the Anti-Supervisory King

"Fijinet, God of Time?" The experience jar stopped bubbling, and Harley could only reply, "Can you stop the 'killing move' first?

It’s not that I didn’t want to pay attention to you just now, it was actually my first time entering the river of time, and I wasn’t familiar with the method of spiritual transmission. "

This is not the truth, nor is it entirely a lie.

The river of time can annihilate everything.

This is the truth that everything in the world cannot escape the ruthlessness of time.

Ordinary psychic transmissions originate from mental fluctuations.

But mental fluctuations cannot exist in the river of time, and naturally they cannot transmit sounds.

However, Harley's Time River Defense Specialty has reached level 7, and she is immune to 95% of the negative effects of the Time River. With the resistance of several other specialties, her mental power can be spread early.

"Humph, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined." Fijinet, the God of Time, snorted coldly and said indifferently: "Stop destroying the River of Time immediately, otherwise I will punish you again with magic that transcends the forbidden curse."

"I didn't destroy the river of time, and I didn't know -" Harley quibbled, then suddenly froze, "You said 'again'? You don't use the 'killing move' now?"

"Witch Harley, if you dare to mess around and change the subject, I won't mind destroying you completely." The God of Time's voice was majestic and his tone was ruthless.

Harley shut her mouth and concentrated on understanding the mystery of the river of time, no longer wasting time paying attention to this inexplicable god of time.

Encountering the God of Time is both unexpected and natural.

Time is also one of the laws of the universe. It is not surprising to understand the law of fire and become the god of fire, and to understand the law of time and become the god of time.

The surprise was that not long after she fell into the river of antimatter time, the God of Time came to find her, and he also knew her.

"Witch Harley, why don't you speak?"

After getting no response for a long time, the whirlpool around Harry didn't stop, and the God of Time became furious.

"You are too majestic, I don't know what to say." Harley said.

The God of Time shouted: "You are looking for death——"

After a loud shout, there was a long period of silence and silence.

Harry waited for a long time and couldn't help but feel strange when he didn't see Him speaking or making other actions.

She stopped drinking from the river of time, opened her head and looked in the direction of the sound - the sound seemed to be coming from upstream, which seemed a bit far away.

"Gudong, Gudong -" She had just stopped drinking water, but before the vortex in the river disappeared, the river of time around her began to boil.

Like boiling.

"Huhu, you know what's going on." A slightly weak voice came, and the boiling river water gradually subsided.

Harry opened his mouth, and suddenly a realization came to his mind: the boiling river water was the special effect of the God of Time's 'world-destroying' killing move, but it had no effect on her at all.

After the guy said those harsh words, he kept attacking her, but she didn't even know it.

"Oops, I misunderstood him! Fijinet is the god of time. Whether the forbidden curse or the super forbidden curse's ultimate move, it is related to time or the river of time.

But just as the eighth defense specialty reached level 7, I was completely immune to his attacks. "

"Witch Harley, you are suspected of destroying the river of time and affecting the continuity and stability of the timeline. I will suppress you in a time cage for ten thousand years. Come with me." The majestic voice of the God of Time came again. Come.

"Where are you?" Harley asked.

"You go up the river of time and you meet me about 500 million years ago."

"Where am I now?" Harley asked again.

"You are almost close to the origin of time. Stop talking nonsense and come here quickly." The God of Time said impatiently.

"Why don't you come and arrest me? I can't swim." Harley said.

"A terrifying war is about to break out in the place of origin of time that will spread across the universe. Aren't you ready to join the war?"

"so what?"

"The closer you get to the origin of time, the more dangerous it becomes. I can't go there. Come here quickly." The God of Time scolded.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry to go to war."

She didn't even dare to approach the place where time originated, which blinded her admiration for him releasing the forbidden curse after 500 million years.

"Gudong, gudong."

The first food defense feat has been discontinued, eating the same food to the limit.

The jar with only the eighth defense expertise left was bubbling rapidly.

Harley calmed down and continued to understand the mystery of the river of time.

If you can live in the river of time for a long time, even a pig or a stone should be transformed into a 'god of time pig' and a 'stone of time'.

Harley felt that with the Eighth Time Mother River defense expertise, she could become the God of Time sooner or later.

Thinking of the God of Time, she thought about it and deliberately reduced the effectiveness of the mother river's defense.

"Gudong Gudong." Sure enough, after the defense was lowered, the experience jar bubbled again.

"Hehehe, that idiot Fijinet is actually still attacking me."

Harley was amused.

"Oh, I didn't expect that one day, I would be troubled by a strong defense. Because the defense is too strong, I can't feel the damage, and I can't upgrade. What kind of world is this!"

On the other side, the Time Origin Expeditionary Force is on the time travel machine.

"There was an accident, and Harley jumped out of time." Dachao contacted Alexander urgently.

"She's looking for death!" Alexander was horrified and a little angry at the same time. "We're about to reach our destination. Why would she do such a thing?"

"She shouldn't die. She is very purposeful and not impulsive. From what I know about her, there is probably a big profit in the river of time." Dachao analyzed.

"What are the benefits? There is nothing in the river of time except annihilation and disappearance. Forget it, missing her will not affect the overall situation. We are almost there."

Harley was not the only 'material life' that could enter the river of time. At this moment, the old Superman picked up Alexander, and when the time bubble opened the door, he soared into the sky and jumped directly into the river of time.

He is stronger than Harley, can find the right direction, and is faster than the time bubble.

"Superman, you are simply synonymous with omnipotence." Alexander said with emotion.

"I am older, have experienced more, and have mastered more skills." Old Superman said in a complex tone, "After traveling through time several times in my early years, I also tried to go to the origin of time, but I never succeeded.

Even if I am a superman, this kind of thing is beyond the limit of my power. "

"Click -" They broke through the barrier of all things and hovered in a void place with no matter, no mental fluctuations, no air, no light, no darkness, and no time.

"Is this here?" Superman asked.

They wouldn't even be able to find each other if the energy emanating from Alexander's body hadn't formed a ball of matter between them.

Because there is no light, no mental fluctuations, no sight, no sense, not even space.

"Yes, it is here, endless nothingness, nothing, just blankness, existing before time and thought."

As Alexander spoke, the energy in his body continued to flow out, forming air around him and creating a rocky land beneath his feet.

"Click -" The next moment, six spherical traveling machines seemed to break through an invisible wall and came to the two of them.

"We're here—boom!"

Before the excited shouts could be heard from the time bubble, the void began to vibrate. The gray rocky earth and the scarlet sky were formed in the blink of an eye. Light followed, and a huge "metal shell man" appeared in front of them.

"Anti-Monitor!" Old Superman's pupils shrank and he was on full alert.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. To be honest, I'm very disappointed that it took you so long to get here. But, it's better late than never."

The anti-surveillance king was more than fifty meters tall at this time, and the big Superman was not as big as his mouth. With a wave of his hand, the scarlet energy formed a streamer and easily rolled up six aircraft.

"The time bubble is out of control, escape quickly!" Brainiac was horrified.

The time bubble and time ball barely cracked a gap, and the heroes rushed out like frightened wasps in a hornet's nest.

"Stupid, this is the origin of time in the antimatter universe. The air, earth, and laws here are all created by me. Where can you run away? Isn't it the same wherever you escape?"

The anti-surveillance king smiled coldly, spread his hands, and the time in the time bubble froze. The hero who failed to escape became a bug in amber. The scarlet ribbon easily brought the six time-traveling machines to him.

"The escape route has been cut off, you are finished."

"Don't talk to yourself. We will never retreat until we kill you." Dachao floated slowly in the air, his expression gradually became serious, and he softly uttered one word: "Attack!"

"Whoosh -" He was like a red laser, shooting directly on the blue metal cheek of the Anti-Monitor King.

"Dang!" There was no crack, just a crisp sound of chopsticks hitting the iron pot.

Da Chao's expression changed drastically, "Everyone, be careful, his defense has increased more than ten times."

"Hey, don't you understand? It's not that I am ten times stronger, but this world was created for me, and this place is the place where time originated. Therefore, I have become the God of Creation - at least here and at this moment. "

The anti-surveillance king did nothing, just stood there and let the three supermen "dang dang dang" on his face, and allowed hundreds of heroes to tickle him everywhere on his body.

"Batman, we don't have superpowers, what can we do?"

Little Robin swallowed, looking a little panicked.

Bateman said solemnly: "We can share our courage, we can give them hope (ps)."

In addition to the two of them, there are actually seven or eight heroes without superpowers around, such as Green Arrow from Earth 0 and Wildcat from Earth 2.

They were about to ask how to give courage and hope to other heroes. Is it like singing and dancing like a cheerleading team?

Then, Batman slapped the bat symbol on his chest, and a set of black metal armor clicked out from under the cloak behind him. The nanomaterial cloak also hardened into a pair of bat wings.

"You stay here to cheer us up, and I'll go too."

Leaving behind a sentence, he flew into the sky and pounced on the anti-supervision king.

Robin was dumbfounded, and Green Arrow cursed in his heart.

The Anti-Monitor King seemed to have been struck by a petrification spell. He stood there motionless, his entire upper body being submerged by the heroes' colorful superpower beams.

The shouts of the three supermen became louder and louder, followed by thunderous punches.

"Something is wrong. Where is the ghost? Where are Dr. Destiny and Constantine's mages?" Ivy, who transformed into Ion Man, looked around, confused.

She was riding on Yebi's back, accompanied by the big black dog Loach and Father Carlisle, working on the outermost edge.

"Oh, everything is arranged." Yebi suddenly sighed and looked over the left shoulder of the anti-supervision king.

There was originally only a scarlet red cloud of antimatter, but after Dog Shengzi finished speaking, a window slowly turned from virtual to real and appeared in the center of the antimatter cloud.

"That's—" Ivy's pupils shrank, "Little blue man!"

On the other side of the window is a very sci-fi laboratory, with a little blue man standing outside the window.

"Prepare to pretend to be dead later." Yebi said through his mind.

"What do you mean?" Ivy was confused.

Before Yebi could explain any more, the anti-supervision king, who had been refusing to fight back when hit or scolded, moved and smiled.

"Hahaha, you are a bunch of idiots, haven't you noticed yet? This is the trap I prepared for you."

He opened his arms, and violent power exploded from his body, forming a red light that filled the world.

The heroes surrounding him were like dust under the Shinra Tenzheng, being bounced away involuntarily.

"I deliberately led you idiots here because I need you, the life force in your body, and the representative of the origin and destiny of the only five universes left."

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