I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 721 Fijinet, God of Time

With the boundless dark void as the background, the river flickers with white light, flowing through a line of 14 billion years from the starting point of time.

This is the river of time on Earth 2, like the long trail left by a meteor across the starry sky.

If you stand in a higher space and overlook the entire river, you will find that the first half of it, from the 0th year of the universe to the 4 billionth year, is as thin as the second-hand smoke coming out of Constantine's nostrils; from the 4th billionth year to the 14th billionth year Years later, it solidified into a mist-shrouded river.

It was born 10 billion years ago, but has been "imposed" with a history of 14 billion years.

Only in the next 10 billion years will the universe "really" exist, existing in the Wan Tian Yi in the form of a material universe.

The previous 4 billion years evolved from the law of cause and effect and existed only on the timeline.

The history of Earth 2 is like a double-axis painting. The two axes scroll left and right, unfolding a complete picture. The left scroll rolls to the past, and the right scroll scrolls to the future. The length of the left and right scrolls is 4:10, and the left scroll The scroll is a 3D projection, and the one on the right is the "real" scroll.

Before the Crisis on Infinite Earths, in this boundless dark void, from the starting point of time to 4 billion, there were countless illusory rivers shining with pale white light. They belonged to countless parallel universes within the Wan Tian Yi.

Now, there are only 5 positive matter universes left. The rivers of time in the universes that perished in the antimatter clouds have not completely disappeared, but they are also so faint that they are invisible to the naked eye.

Harley couldn't see it anyway.

She walked directly out of the time bubble and stood with her feet on the surface of the time bubble, like a sword fairy flying in the misty sky with a magic weapon of aperture.

Although she stood 'high', she still couldn't see other rivers outside the river clearly.

The Time Mother River Defense Specialty is only level 6. Harley cannot penetrate the entire super-time flow and can only vaguely sense that there are other rivers of time outside.

When the time bubble began to jump and change river channels, jumping from the river of time on Earth 2 to the river of time in the antimatter universe, Harley suddenly saw more.

She first saw the expeditionary force: the six time traveling machines were like six speeding meteors, with two golden rings surrounding the meteors - the running Flash.

The shooting star jumped out of the clouds, and the field of vision suddenly opened up.

"Holy shit!" Harley was deeply shocked.

She saw "a" long sun at a glance.

The river of time on Earth 2 is as pale as the fluorescent morning mist.

The river of time of the universe that has disappeared in the antimatter crisis is as blurry as the trademark watermark on spectacle lenses.

In the center of four intertwined rivers of light and mist (the four universes of the Hades collided together, and the timelines became entangled) and countless rivers of watermarks that are invisible to the naked eye, there is a 'Tongtian River' that is as bright as the sun.

It's too bright.

In front of it, even within 4 billion to 14 billion years, the river of time on Earth 2 is as dim as the light at the buttocks of a firefly.

Too wide.

Compared with it, the river of time on Earth 2 is like Harley's little finger and Superman's thick waist.

There is also a strange gravitational force that wants to suck the time bubble into it. The rivers of time in other universes are also like planets in the star system, tightly united around it.

"The mother river, that's the mother river!" Harley was fascinated, "If you can go there and take a sip."

"Gudong." She swallowed, looking at Mu He with a somewhat fearful look.

The ghost didn't lie, the mother river was in great danger.

She only had the urge to go to the mother river to drink water, and her sense of crisis was triggered.

"Dong" the mother river disappeared from the eyes, and the time bubble fell into a new river of time.

Harley could sense a faint breath of antimatter energy.

This is the river of time in the antimatter universe.

There was a huge amount of energy passing through the river, traveling from the present back to the past, back to the place where time originated.

What makes Harley feel strange is that the antimatter universe has obviously been swallowed up by the anti-surveillance king. Not only does this river not nearly disappear like other parallel universes that were annihilated in the antimatter cloud, it is even more powerful than the first half of Earth 2. .

Suddenly, she thought of what the little blue man had said: When the one universe split into countless parallel universes, the antimatter realm also copied the sister star of Oa, Kovad, and formed countless galaxies according to the appearance of the main universe.

"In other words, although the antimatter field was desolate during the period of "0 to 4 billion years in the history of the universe", it already existed and existed at the same time as the unique universe.

This is also a time mother river, the time mother river of the anti-matter multiverse in the Anti-Monitor King's dream! "

Harry suddenly felt a strong impulse in his heart.

She lay on the time bubble, only sticking her head into the time bubble, and shouted to everyone: "I'm sorry, my wallet fell into the river. You go first, I will swim over to find you later."


"Harry, what are you doing?"

"Even if you want to lie to people, you should come up with a better excuse. I lost my wallet, but you can say it out loud."

The Legion of Heroes of Earth 0 is in trouble.

Harry smiled and said: "If I say that if my sword falls into the river, I can't carve a boat to find the sword, I can only jump into the river to find it immediately, it sounds so true that you won't even believe it.

If you believe my lies, I will become a big talker.

But I didn’t want to deceive you, so I made an excuse that no one believed. If you didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t be lying. "

The heroes' expressions were distorted.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Bateman said solemnly.

"I want to open up a second battlefield and give the anti-supervision king a heavy blow from another direction."

Harley only explained one sentence, and with a "pop", she pulled her head out of the time bubble, spread her arms, and jumped out of the time bubble with a leap of faith.

"Crash--" Although there was no sound of falling into the water, she imagined in her mind that she jumped into the river and the water splashed everywhere.

Endless white light overwhelmed her, and pain spread from every cell in her skin, making her no longer able to have romantic fantasies.

The top priority is to survive.

She opened her mouth and let the majestic 'river water' pour into her belly.

At the same time, all of Harley's body specialties were triggered:

The first food defense specialty helps her digest the water of the Mother River of Time;

The second cheeky defense skill allows her to stay awake in pain that feels like being soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid;

The third god's force field is activated, and the god's skin is actually partially resistant to the dissolving power of the mother river of time;

The fourth defense expertise, the sixth annotation defense is in effect, resisting the damage of the mother river of time;

The defense specialty of the fifth connection power is activated, the attribute of immunity to time damage comes into play, and the indelible attribute of the presence field resists the disappearance of the physical body;

The Sixth Spectrum Defense Specialty and the Seventh Speed ​​Force Defense Specialty have extremely weak effects, but they are also taking effect inexplicably;

The Eighth Time Mother River Defense Specialty, Level 6, is immune to 80% of the negative effects of the Mother River.

Although the eight defense specialties work together, she is still not 100% immune to the damage of the Time Mother River.

For example, if the God's Force Field can avoid damage by 20%, the Sixth Note's Defense Immune by 30%, and the Mother River Defense Specialty can be immune by 80%, the total damage-free effect is not 20%+30%+80%=130%, but the immunity is 20% first. %, the remaining damage is exempted by 30%, and the remaining damage is exempted by 80%. After calculation, the total injury is avoided by 88.8%!

"Strange, it's normal for the eighth and fifth defenses to be activated. The third God's force field. God's power is omnipotent and all-encompassing. The defense against it also has an effect on the mother river of time, which is considered normal.

Sixth Note: Defense seems to be a panacea. It can partially defend against energy attacks of any attribute. After all, the universe is composed of matter and antimatter, and time is also within the universe, so it barely makes sense.

But the Speed ​​Force and Spectrum——"

Then, a thought popped into Harley's mind like lightning: the seven basic powers of the DC multiverse!

She calmed down again, unified all her thoughts, and carefully perceived every detail.

After a long time, with her eight major specialties activated at the same time, Harley finally found a clue: it seemed that the connection power defense and the spectral defense, the speed force defense, and the sixth annotation defense formed a weak and interconnected connection in her body. the "network of connections".

"The idea of ​​gathering the 'Seven Dragon Balls' is correct. If the seven basic powers of the universe are gathered together, coupled with the defense expertise of the connection power, the eight specialties resonate, just like the five elements cycle of the fairy world, the effect will be."

"Gudong, Gudong." A series of bubbles suddenly appeared from the level experience jar, awakening Harry from his whims.

Harley turned her head and looked around, and all she could see in front of her eyes was a barren void flashing rapidly like a slide—the empty scene in the antimatter realm before the universe split into multiverses.

"Gudong, Gudong." The level experience jar is still bubbling.

It wasn't an illusion, someone was attacking her. Although she didn't feel any pain.

There must be pain. Without injury, there would be no experience, but she is being eroded by the mother river of time. If the mother river's damage to her fluctuates between 100 and 120 points, this kind of damage is "jumping into the river to kill oneself", and there is no experience. take.

At this time, there was a little thief sneaking up on her with an attack that could damage up to 2 points.

If it hadn't been for the bubbling experience jar, she wouldn't have known someone was attacking her.

After hesitating for a moment, Harley kept drinking water without moving or making a sound.

——The damage was weak anyway, so I pretended not to be harmed and continued to "drink water" to improve the defense expertise of the Mother River of Time. With this expertise improved, I am no longer afraid of any monsters and monsters in the River of Time.

She thought so.

"Gudong, gudong." The mother river's defense specialty jar keeps "+1%".

"Gudong, Gudong." The jar of food defense specialty also bubbled weakly.

When digesting the mother river of time, expertise experience is increased at a slow rate of "+0.001%".

"Gudong Gudong." The growth rate of the level experience jar is pretty good, +0.01%!

Harley enjoyed three times the happiness, and the people who had been attacking her were not happy anymore.

"Why didn't you react to my forbidden spell-level magical attack?" A voice with a strong aura but a weak volume asked doubtfully.

——Forbidden curse? I don't feel it!

Harry was afraid of destroying the three times happy state, floating in the river of time like a floating corpse, closing his eyes and pretending to be dead without speaking.

Well, this was simply a cover-up. The water from the nearby river poured into her mouth crazily, and even formed a whirlpool around her.

"Gudong, Gudong." The bubbles in the experience jar increased, and the experience growth rate doubled, +0.02%. Her act of pretending to be dead angered the opponent, and her malice doubled.

The happier Harley gets, the more she plays dead.

"Witch Harley, I am Fijinet, the god of time. Stop the atrocities of destroying the river of time immediately!"

The unisex voice was really angry.

Harley pretended not to hear.

"Don't force me to use the world-destroying killer move!"

"Gudong Gudong——" The experience jar stopped bubbling.

Harry was stunned, this 'killing move' hit the vital point directly, so powerful!

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