I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 713 The first time travel

The Hall of Heroes below the Cosmic Tuning Fork is where the heroes who guard the tuning fork reside.

It is not an ordinary military building, but made up of several alien spacecraft.

The Hero Hall is the main cabin of the spacecraft.

The bridge of the spacecraft is also the control room for the tuning fork.

Originally, people on Earth did not know how to control tuning forks. Later, Bateman transformed into Mission Impossible and stole part of the source code from the Monitor satellite. After that, the tuning forks were controlled by Cyborg.

At this time, in the tuning fork control room, Darth Vader, Cyborg, and Flash assistant Sisko stood in front of the Fifth Ring Admiral, accepting the arrangements she made before leaving.

"I will soon take the time ball to the 31st century on Earth 2, and will later lead the 'Christ Salvation Mission' on an expedition to the origin of time.

When I was on Earth, even if someone was causing mischief and wanted to use a tuning fork to control our universe and jump to the underworld, or do other things, I could detect it immediately and stop it.

Now that I am leaving, the responsibility of guarding the tuning forks will be heavier than ever.

Therefore, I decided to divide the control of the tuning fork into three parts, from Cyborg alone to three people each controlling a part.

Whoever wants to use a tuning fork to move Earth 0 must obtain the consent of the three of you at the same time.

Cyborg, do you have any objection? "

Cyborg shook his head and said: "The authority is three points, the tuning fork is safer, my responsibilities are smaller, and I am more relaxed."

“Remember, no matter what happens, what Alexander or others say, even if the Monitor is resurrected and appears on Earth 0 and asks you to do anything with a tuning fork, don’t agree.

I don’t want to come back from my ‘travel’ only to find that people and the earth have changed. ” Harley warned at last.

After arranging the tuning fork, she took Ivy, Yebby, Fat Head and the old priest Carlisle into the time bubble to start their first time travel journey.

The fat head shrinks into a ball as big as a cat, taking up no space.

Carlisle has decided to join the Hero's Expedition, this time coming early to adapt to the time ball.

Not only him, but many heroes who have not traveled through time will go to Earth 2 to test the time travel machine in the next few days.

"Why not test on Earth 0?" Carlisle asked curiously.

Brainiac 5 said: "The timeline of your universe is too stable. The more stable the timeline is, the more turbulent the river of time will be, and the more dangerous time travel will be."

"The more stable the timeline is, the more unstable the river of time is?" Ivy frowned.

The green boy explained: "The stable timeline means that the timeline is not easy to change, or in other words, the immune system of the timeline is too strong and will actively eliminate anyone or anything that is ready to change the timeline.

The immune system of the timeline can be like a river of time with turbulent waves and endless storms, drowning all those who try to travel through time.

The more intense the fluctuations in the timeline, the more tolerated the time travel and modification of the timeline, and the calmer and safer the river of time becomes. "

As he spoke, he started the time bubble engine. The bubble did not move. The surrounding space was shaking violently. Endless white light came from all directions, submerging the time bubble and making the surrounding scenery blur and fade.

After a moment, the vibration of the time bubble disappeared, and the white light disappeared in front of Harley's eyes. She looked out of the transparent bubble, countless sounds filled her ears, and countless scenes flashed quickly before her eyes.

There was a dull pain in her head, and she let out a muffled groan.

"What's wrong?" Ivy quickly asked with concern: "Harry, your face is pale, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Harry endured the pain in his head and asked strangely: "You don't feel it?"

"What does it feel like?" Ivy asked confused.

"Xiao Bu, where are we now?" Harley asked.

"You just entered the time river of Earth 0, then you will jump to the time river of Earth 2, and then move upstream and directly enter the 31st century of Earth 2." Brainiac 5 replied.

Harry rubbed his temples, feeling the intense activity of the defense expertise of the Mother River of Time, and said thoughtfully: "Didn't you see or hear anything?"

"It's quiet here, there's no sound. Except for the white light coming from all directions, you can't see anything," Ivy said.

"What about you?" Harley asked again.

"I am the same." Brainiac 5 and Carlisle said.

"I seem to be able to see some blurry scenes, maybe I'm dazzled?" the fat man said hesitantly.

Yebi turned his head, glanced at Harry doubtfully, and said, "It's not dazzling, I can see it too. It's so fleeting that even my thoughts can't capture it. Could it be that you saw more, or even heard something?"

Harley nodded slightly and began to lie naturally: "It's probably the power of Manhattan that's working - ah!"

As she spoke, she endured the swelling pain in her head and sore eyes and looked up outside.

Suddenly, the scenery that came into view increased countless times, and the sound also became stronger countless times.

Just like the 5G signal of audio and video of a TV program was forced into her 2G head, suddenly, the signals of 10,000 TV programs were superimposed and poured into her still 2G head.

The data was too much and too huge. Harry felt as if his head had been hit with his own blood-killing stick, and he couldn't help but scream.

But with just one scream, the pain in her head suddenly eased. Ten thousand TV programs were once again reduced to one, and the video signal was reduced from 4K high-definition 5G traffic to ordinary 3G. She could see the picture in front of her slightly clearly. I can vaguely hear some sounds.

"What's wrong?" Ivy's worried pretty face appeared in front of her, and she reached out to touch her forehead.

Harry's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Xiao Bu, did we just jump from the river of time on Earth 0 to Earth 2?"

"Hey, master, how did you know?" Brainiac asked in surprise.

Harley had a clear understanding in her heart. During the jump from Earth 0 to Earth 2, the time bubble probably jumped out of the river, allowing her to see more timelines in the hypertime flow.

She couldn't bear the countless timelines and information.

Fortunately, the time bubble jump process is very short.

Harry didn't answer but asked: "How did the time bubble jump from one river to another?"

"Change the frequency of vibration."

"So, with the time bubble, you can travel through time and space at will, and go to any parallel universe you want? It's too powerful." Carlisle clicked his tongue.

Brainiac 5 shook his head and said: "The current situation is special. There is only one universe, Earth 0, in the Ten Thousand Celestial Sphere. We will never get lost. Before, we would not have dared to enter another world through the river of time."

"It's scary to get lost?" Carlisle asked.

Brainiac 5 said seriously: "It's very scary, because getting lost not only leads to the wrong timeline, but also jumps to the wrong point in time.

But the voyage of each time bubble is fixed, determined by the total amount of energy in the bubble. If you enter a wrong timeline, directly span ten thousand years, and exhaust the energy at once, the time bubble will become a time coffin.

For example, Earth 0 is now 2015 and Earth 2 is 1995. Jumping from Earth 0 to Earth 2 will jump to the current time point of Earth 2, which is a 20-year time travel.

If Earth There is no way to reach the river of time on Earth X. "

"Is it because your time bubble can't jump to 2015 on Earth X, or is this a rule of the river of time that other time travel machines can't do?" Harley asked.

Brainiac 5 thought for a while and said: "I have communicated with the Lord of Time and the Lord of Time, and they are in a similar situation to me.

So, I guess that’s the rule – when traveling through parallel universes, the first point of departure is always the current point in time.

That is to say, if The Flash travels back to Earth 0 from any universe, he will not travel to the past or future of Earth 0, but to the exact current point in time.

Of course, time bubbles traveling through parallel universes are different from The Flash.

The Flash is not in the river of time, does not have to cross timelines, and does not have to worry about traveling to the wrong universe and losing himself in time.

After all, time bubbles are time travel machines.

Let it travel through parallel universes, just like a Mercedes-Benz business car loaded with plows and plowing in a rice field. "

"Hey, this is the 23rd century?" Harley pointed to the "world" outside and asked curiously: "The 23rd century on Earth 2 is also a 'real illusory world'?"

The green-skinned boy frowned and said, "Master, do you still think that I am an illusory person and that the 31st century I live in is an illusory world?"

"Don't pay attention to my words and opinions. 'Illusive people' are just like black people and Asians. They don't have any discriminatory meaning." Harley waved her hands and continued to stare at the "world" outside.

It's like playing a 3D documentary about "Era Changes from 2200 to 3000".

Not seeing the details, but strangely seeing all the major events.

When the time stopped on January 6, 3022, a series of very philosophical thoughts once again appeared in Harry's mind: Who am I and where am I? Is this world physical or mental? What is reality and what is fiction?

Don't blame her for overthinking.

The more she learns about the DC universe, the less materialistic she feels it is.

"Wow, we really traveled through time and into the future."

Ivy and Carlisle looked at the world around them that seemed to be embodied in a science fiction movie, and they were amazed.

The building lines are beautiful and simple, the sky is bright and clean, and the air seems to have been filtered, with a fresh and sweet smell.

It's not a psychological effect.

Although the time ball floats on the top of a three-hundred-meter-high white metal tower, there is a circle of ash trees full of small flowers planted around it.

From time to time, several car-sized airships flew over the building like fish, leaving no unpleasant "car exhaust" behind.

Humanity in the 31st century has realized true clean energy.

Ivy and Carlisle looked around, and Yibi was also curious. The fat man who had seen many alien civilizations with Hal was not interested.

Harley seemed to be looking around, but her mood was far less calm than the expression on her face.

"Yabi, what did you see?" she asked calmly.

"Well, I see hope. Humanity will not be destroyed by the energy and environmental crisis." Gou Shengzi said happily.

"Fat Head, what about you, have you seen something deeper?" Harley asked again.

"Yes!" The fat man pointed in one direction and said seriously: "Harry, you are in a big crisis!"

Several people looked in the direction and saw dozens of twenty-meter-high stone sculptures erected in the Central Park outside the building, including Superman, Bateman, and Wonder Woman.

"Even Cyborg and Green Arrow are here, but there is no General of Five Rings. It seems that you are in danger of losing your life and are being despised by the people." Fatty sighed.

Harry said with a dull face: "You can see really deeply."

"What did you see?" Yebi asked curiously.

"Illusion beneath reality." Harley sighed.

"Here we go again." Brainiac 5 sighed and said displeasedly: "Master, you said that we are illusory people and an illusory world. This is discrimination."

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