I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 714 Taking kickbacks in the 31st century

The arrival of Harley and others did not cause an uproar on the earth in the 31st century.

The Karate Kid explained: "First of all, Master, you are not very famous. There is no statue of you in the headquarters of the Legion of Super Heroes, which is the Hall of Heroes of the Justice League.

If Superman comes, no matter which universe the Superman is, he will immediately attract the attention of people around the world.

There will be at least a dozen TV reporters waiting here.

Secondly, our 31st century has also been affected by the Crisis on Infinite Earths, first with antimatter clouds and sporadic shadow demons, and later with natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes.

Four universes collided a few days ago, and the world in the 31st century is also on the verge of collapse.

Until now, no one has relaxed. Even the Legion of Super Heroes is busy repairing the earth's crust and coastline. They are in no mood and have no time to hold a welcome party for the heroes who have traveled through time. "

"Business matters, take me immediately to check the time bubble and time film. By the way, arrange a tour guide for Ivy and Carlisle to let them wander around while I am busy working." Harley said.

The Karate Kid hired a teenage hero with metal wings who was suspected to be the descendant of Hawk Girl to serve as a tour guide.

Harley stayed at the Legion of Super-Heroes base, watching Brainiac 5 create a time bubble, while inspecting the time film that had been created.

"Master, you have not studied time travel at all in the 21st century, and you came here empty-handed and did not bring any instruments. How can you test the strength of the time film?" Brainiac 5 asked doubtfully.

Harley pointed at herself and said calmly: "I am the best testing instrument!"

Then she performed a variety of methods of destroying the time membrane in the laboratory warehouse for him and several heroes who came after hearing the news, including punching, biting, blowing, and needle poking.

Punches, needles and pokes, existence field attacks relying on quantum critical strikes.

Teeth biting is a real skill. When Harley used her teeth to bite off the time film like glass and chew it to pieces, all the heroes present grinned and had goose bumps.

It feels like hearing someone scrape your bones with a razor blade.

Instead, it was the most technical "blowing" - blowing out a wisp of gastric acid mist wrapped in the energy of the yellow light. No one noticed the clues. They just thought it was some application of the power of the yellow light, and it didn't attract much attention.

"Master, your testing method is a waste of time and has no fixed standard." After trying it in turn, Brainiac 5 said.

"How many layers of film do you plan to install at one time? Can you stack ten layers?" Harley asked.

Brainiac 5 shook his head and said: "I tried it. It was originally two layers, and one more layer. Three layers is almost enough. Any more will affect the normal navigation of the time bubble."

Harley nodded and said: "You are an expert. Let me listen to you. There are five time balls in total. We will pick out the 15 time films with the best quality, and the rest will be professionally scrapped."

"What kind of professional law?"

"I'll take it back and study it." Harry said calmly.

"One or two is enough for you to study. There are nearly a hundred time membranes here. After deducting the 15 selected ones, there are still more than eighty left. Isn't it too many?

What you think is unqualified is just not strong enough and is not defective. It can be used for ordinary time travel.

Time film is not an assembly line product. It has high technical content and consumes a lot of energy and resources.

By some estimates, the value of a layer of time film is close to that of a galactic battleship. "Brainiac 5 frowned.

"Hey, Xiaobu, let me tell you the truth." Harley patted the green boy's shoulder and said with a smile: "This is a kickback, and you get the kickback by disposing of waste."

"Getting a kickback?" Brainiac 5 was so shocked that he stuttered.

"You, the Lord of Time, and the King of Time are inviting bids from me. I will hand over all the projects directly to you. It is normal for me to get some kickbacks!" Harley said earnestly.

"But why do you want to take kickbacks?" Brainiac 5 couldn't keep up with her train of thought.

"I'm asking you directly for these 80 sets of time masks, will you give them to me?" Harley asked.

"There are too many. They are the property of the entire legion and the Earth government. I have no right to give them away." Brainiac 5 shook his head.

Harley spread her hands, "So, I want it, but if you don't give it to me directly, I can only take the kickback.

I got the benefit, so you don’t have to worry about it. The time film was scrapped and was taken away by the waste collector instead of given away. "

Brainiac 5 was stunned. This statement seemed to make sense logically, but it was so shameless. Isn't Master a hero?

"What do you need so much time for?" He frowned.

"Practice time magic."

Brainiac's expression changed several times, and he said in a deep voice: "Master, you have spoken so thoroughly, and I have spoken directly.

I didn't get any money from your project, but instead gave me some time. Why should I let you take a kickback? "

"Money is not important, what is important is the merit of saving the world. If the Christ Salvation Group uses your time bubble to save the multiverse, you will take the most credit. Don't you want to take the most credit? Do you want to be unknown and accomplish nothing?

Now, the people of the multiverse and the gods of the multiverse all know your name Brainiac 5, and know that you were so awesome in the 31st century that you changed the fate of the multiverse.

You get the glory and satisfaction of saving the world, I get a little kickback, and the master and the disciple each get what they want, isn't it perfect? "

Brainiac opened his mouth five times, not knowing how to answer.

In the complicated eyes of all the heroes, who were either disdainful or incredulous, Harley finally succeeded in getting the kickback.

That night, she ate all the 'kickbacks'.

The eighth Mother River of Time defense feat has been upgraded by 60% from level 2 to level 4, and her discomfort in the river of time has been reduced by 50%.

"It is indeed an illusory real world."

The world before her eyes became 'clearer'.

When she first arrived in the 31st century, Harley was only at level 2 Time Mother River Defense, and she only vaguely felt that the world was a bit "transparent", like she could see through the 3D lines of characters and architectural models.

Well, she felt like she was entering a holographic simulation game with 100% realism.

It wasn't the characters and architectural details that made her think it was a game.

In fact, no matter judging from the five senses, or the mental power and magic induction, there is no difference between this world and the real universe in Wantianyi.

The world even has magical elements.

When Earth 0 antimatter red clouds covered the sky and the shadow demon attacked the tuning fork, World 31 also encountered the same crisis as the material world.

Before turning on the 'Mother River Defense Specialty', Harley only regarded the 31st century as a different world, a parallel universe, and had no idea that it only existed on the timeline of Earth 2.

Now she can see through its appearance, which is exactly the same as the real world, to see the essence of the world: the thinking power of time, a splash on the river of time, a mirage.

It is not simply the power of time, but a compound of time and thinking consciousness.

Human beings in the positive matter universe are composed of positive matter, and human beings in the antimatter universe are composed of antimatter.

In the Ten Thousand Celestial Instruments, the material universe is composed of matter; in the Limbo Hell of thinking, the heavens and worlds are composed of thoughts; in the super-time flow, the 'timeline universe' is composed of time.

What is the difference between matter and antimatter? What is the difference between matter, thought and time? Is there a difference?

Harley once again fell into philosophical thinking: Who am I, where am I, and is the world in front of me real? What is the definition of true?

I spent half the night thinking about it and had no clue.

The next morning, Harley found Karate Kid and said, "I want to activate space teleportation to leave the earth, leave the solar system, and go for a walk in outer space. Please notify the Legion of Super Heroes."

In the 31st century, the Earth has already left the solar system and has even formed a loose "Galaxy Alliance" with hundreds of alien civilizations.

The entire solar system is under the supervision of the earth's military police. Leaving the earth is like ordinary people going abroad in the 21st century. They need a passport and have to go through customs inspection.

With Harley's current strength, she may not be able to forcefully leave or break into the solar system, because there are many superpowers in this world, and they are extremely strong.

There's even a superhero university on Earth - Legion Academy.

Thinking about the reality of the earth and heaven, where millions of college students graduate every year, it makes sense for Harley to be cautious.

"Our outer galaxy is no different from yours. But Earth 31 itself is more interesting. You don't visit the Earth or even leave this 'Legion Research Building'. Instead, you go to outer space. Why?" The karate boy wondered. road.

"I want to examine the reality of this universe." Harley said matter-of-factly.

"Hey, Master, why do you always doubt the authenticity of our world?"

Karate Kid wasn't too happy and a little impatient.

"Boy, you are a practitioner. Practicing means cultivating the mind. Cultivation of the mind is a process of recognizing oneself and the nature of the world.

Only by understanding yourself and the world can you explore your own potential and let the world resonate with 'me', which is the legendary 'sympathy between heaven and man, harmony between heaven and man'. "

Master Harley, who had never known or reached the realm of unity between man and nature, put his hands behind his back and faced the scarlet sunset, his smooth cheeks seemed to be covered with a layer of holy light.

The Karate Kid looked surprised and thoughtful, "So?"

"Do you know yourself and the world you have lived in all your life?"

"How do you plan to examine the reality of the universe? Can I watch?" Karate Kid asked.

Harry thought for a while and felt that if there was an "official person" accompanying him, in case there was a chance to shift blame aside from a major accident, he agreed.

The Karate Kid reported to the legion headquarters that Master Harley was going to the universe to investigate the reality of the world. A moment later, a 'giant' from the Hero Legion came over with two heroes.

One of the founders of the Legion, ‘Saturn Girl’, is similar to the Seven Giants. She participated in the creation of the Legion of Super Heroes and currently serves as the captain.

Starboy, the suspected successor of the hero Starman in the 21st century; Mon-El, the little brother of the old Superman on Earth 2 - a teenage playmate, has a body of steel similar to Superman.

All three heroes look exactly like Westerners.

The organizational structure of the Super Hero Legion is much stronger than that of Zheng Lian at this time. Not only does it have a legion academy, a legion base, and a legion scientific research institute that provide reserve forces, but it also has complete and perfect standard equipment.

They gave Harley a telepathic earbud that allowed her to communicate mentally and allow her to communicate with any alien, a protective suit that was like a force field membrane, and an equipment belt that could hold a lot of equipment.

"The heroes of Zhenglian should really learn from juniors like you."

After entering the "T"-shaped patrol ship exclusive to legion members, Harley couldn't help but sigh.

"You are wrong, this is what we learned from Zhenglian." said the Saturn girl who looked like a white American.

"Where is your research equipment?" Xing Shaoxia asked.

Harley pointed at herself and said calmly: "I am the best testing instrument."

These words and demeanor were the same as when she was testing the quality of the time film. Several heroes immediately thought of her ugly face of taking kickbacks, and couldn't help but sneered: "Is it possible that you can still bite the universe with your mouth?"

"Why not?" Harley grinned and bared her teeth, as if a cold light flashed on the surface of her teeth.

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