I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 712 Dream Clothes

Ivy is dreaming about turning the entire earth into a big forest. In the center of the forest is a giant tree that is 10,000 meters high. The umbrella-like branches on it form a sky island. On the island is Quinn Manor, Harley and Selena. , Ivy herself, two animal servants brought back from fairyland, a vague-looking child, Fat Tou, Duoduo, Yebi, and Loach all live in a paradise-like dream manor.

The real Harley stood under the giant tree and shouted "Morpheus" in the forest.

After shouting for a while, the white clouds in the sky gathered into a thin shoehorn face.

Harley's face was full of surprise, "Brother Mo, you really didn't sleep!"

"I don't have to sleep."

"Sleeping is a euphemism for hiding. Heaven and Hell, Apocalypse and Creation, Heaven and Hell are all pretending to sleep."

"Well," the man in the white clouds in the sky pondered for a moment, then said slowly, "So, I just woke up."

The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, "I have tried to enter other people's dreams many times before, but the dream is still there, but I can't run along the wind and against the wind like before, and enter the horn door of true omens, or the ivory door of daydreaming. .”

"Every time you enter someone else's dream and call my name, I can hear it." Morpheus considered his words and explained: "They are also the eight divine realms, but there is a huge gap in the way of existence and power attributes.

Heaven and hell were created entirely by God.

It does not borrow any laws, powers or substances belonging to the multiverse.

Therefore, heaven and hell are extremely independent. I guess they will be safe even if the multiverse is destroyed.

Heaven and Hades come from magic and belief. They are more closely connected with the multiverse, but they are freer than the remaining four divine realms.

The Apocalypse Star and the Creation Star come from the material universe.

They were originally the habitat of the old gods in the material universe. Later, the old gods above were slaughtered and replaced by new gods. Only then did they leave the four-dimensional material world and ascend to the divine realm.

Also because of their close connection with the material universe, the Green Lantern Corps once included Apokolips in its own management sector and also numbered it as sector. Apokolips is universe sector 38. "

"I used to wonder why the little blue man showed such restraint when Apokolips invaded the earth." Harley suddenly realized and sneered: "At that time, I guessed that they had suffered a big loss at the hands of Darkseid, and they even treated me the same way. , signed a 'peace treaty'."

"I didn't say that the Green Lantern Corps suffered a big loss on Apokolips." Morpheus said strangely.

"Hey, you didn't say it, but I know the characters of the little blue man and Darkseid." Harley smiled: "They have included Apokolips in Sector 38. Those newborn calves who have never seen a tiger are not allowed to rush into it." Go up and moo a few times?

What will Darkseid do next and what will be the ending? Do you need to think too much? "

"Well, the Green Lantern Corps was defeated and signed a peace treaty with Apokolips."

After a pause, Morpheus continued the previous topic: "Heaven and Hell have the lowest dependence on the multiverse, almost none. Instead, the multiverse needs to rely on Heaven and Hell to maintain the stability of the power of miracles in the universe.

Heaven and Hades rely on the multiverse in terms of belief and thinking, and their independence is slightly weaker; Apokolips and the Creation Star are rooted in the multiverse in terms of matter and energy, and their independence is weak.

These six divine realms all come from the conscious creation of independent beings, and have more or less independence.

In the words of you people on earth, they have certain private equity. Heaven and Hell are purely private with unlimited liability. 60% of the equity of Heaven and Hell belongs to the multiverse. 80% of the equity of Apokolips and Genesis Star belongs to the multiverse. Dream and Nightmare is 100% public property.

Even I am the embodiment of the supreme law of the universe, how can I privatize dreams?

If God dies one day, heaven and hell will end.

If the kings of gods in the heaven die, the heaven will fall apart.

If Darkseid dies and the turmoil on Apokolips still exists, someone else will be forcibly pushed into his position and replace his role on Apokolips and in the multiverse.

If I die one day, the multiverse and dreams will have no impact, and the situation will be as smooth and stable as your country changing presidents. "

When he said this, there was no unwillingness or disappointment in Morpheus's tone, he was very calm and calm.

"Because of this, the other six divine realms can hide, but my dream kingdom has always been closely connected with the multiverse. However, the crisis on infinite earth has too many implications, and there are only five of the countless parallel universes left."

At this time, Morpheus's voice became more heavy and emotional, "Too many people have died and too many worlds have been destroyed.

Although Dreamland cannot close its doors, I am also worried that anti-monitors will set their sights on the Dreamland Kingdom.

During this time, I shrink the territory of the dream kingdom and temporarily separate it from the dreams of living beings.

Well, it was like two stories and I took out the ladder in the middle.

In this way, even if the anti-monitor has any intention, he cannot enter the dream dimension through sleep.

Just like you can enter other people's dreams at this time, but you cannot enter the dream kingdom through this dream. "

"Why didn't you respond to me before, but now you're here as soon as I call?" Harley asked.

Morpheus sighed: "Before, the antimatter cloud filled the entire Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments. If I responded to you, it would be like lighting a torch alone in the dark night, and it would probably attract the attention of the Anti-Monitor.

Now not only has the antimatter cloud disappeared, but he himself has also disappeared at this point in time.

He went to the place where time originated, too far away from the here and now.

Then again, what do you want from me? I don't think I can help you with anything. "

"I originally planned to find you to hide the treasure. I am about to go to the place where time originated. I have more than a dozen artifacts in my family's treasure house, hundreds of precious magic books, and various magic materials. I want to find a place to store them to avoid the universe."

Harley spoke more slowly and more hesitantly.

Finally, she seemed to have made a decision in her heart, and a look of determination flashed in her eyes, "Brother Mo, I not only want to protect my baby, but I also want more.

The artifact I 'bought' from the Fairyland Market is a treasure. My friends and the world I am familiar with are treasures more precious than the artifact.

I don't want to lose the first half of my life.

I didn't know what to do before, but now that I see you, I suddenly have a new idea.

Can you give me the 'Dream Book' (ps) of at least the people I know on Earth? "

"What are you going to do?" Morpheus asked in surprise.

“I have met some strange people these days. They live on the timeline, and their world does not exist directly in Wantianyi.

For example, there is a "Legion of Super-Heroes World" in the 31st century. They are the 31st century of Earth 2.

There is only Earth 2 in the Ten Thousand Celestial Sphere, and the 31st century only exists on the timeline.

But the people in both worlds are real.

There are countless timelines in the hyper-time flow, and people on other timelines cannot achieve the same level of freedom as the Legion of Super Heroes, and the freedom is in Wan Tianyi's "realization".

The difference between them should be a kind of original power.

It can be simply understood that the hypertime flow is a mastermind that contains countless world data, providing some creation power and allowing the data world to be projected onto the Wantian Yi to form a real world. "

"Hypertemporal flow is not a purely digital mastermind. It is far closer to the 'origin' than the real world in Wantianyi." Morpheus corrected seriously.

"I'm just using a metaphor to make it easier to understand. The book of dreams is like an ID. If you carry it with you, maybe I can still struggle a little when the universe restarts." Harley said.

"How to struggle?" Morpheus asked doubtfully.

"What separates people is not genes and identities, but experiences. When the universe restarts, Batman will still be Batman, he will still look the same, he will still be the prince of Gotham, and his parents will most likely be dead. Even his genes will be exactly the same.

But are the two Batmans the same?

Their experiences will certainly not be 100% the same, because the world has changed.

People can dream, and they leave their life experiences in their dreams, forming a "dream book" that is unique to them.

Even fellow beings in parallel universes will have different dreams and have different dream books.

So, I can use the Book of Dreams to find exactly the person I need without confusing him with countless peers in countless timelines, right? "

Morpheus said thoughtfully: "When the universe restarts, you plan to embody your acquaintances from the timeline to the new universe, thus becoming immune to the restart to a certain extent."

"What do you think?" Harley smiled.

"The idea is good, but how to do it?" Morpheus asked doubtfully.

"As a supreme being, can you create the world?" Harley asked.

Morpheus said: "I am the Lord of Dreams, the embodiment of the Law of Dreams. My power attribute is too single to create a world from scratch."

"Where's Lucifer?" Harley asked again.

Morpheus affirmed: "He must be able, and his power comes from God. Theoretically, God's power is all-encompassing and is the most suitable power for creation."

Harley thought for a while and said: "There are countless timelines in the hyper-time flow. If I give you a cosmic egg, can you project one of the timelines into the egg and hatch it into a physical universe?"

"It should be possible. My power level and quantity are not bad, only the attributes." Morpheus sighed, "It would be much easier for me to switch to Zeus and Odin, those god-kings with divine power and creation attributes."

"I don't have the power of creation, but I have anti-matter energy, a lot of anti-matter energy." Harley touched her belly and said with a smile: "The Anti-Monitor King is planning to use anti-matter energy to create an anti-matter multiverse. I don't ask too much, so let me The acquaintances can be 'pulled' into the new universe from the super-time stream."

"Can you use antimatter energy? And, can you stay conscious in the restart? Can you survive in the hypertime flow and find the person you are looking for?

You don't understand the river of time, and you know nothing about the flow of time.

In addition, there are many problems that even I can't think of, but you will definitely encounter them. "

Morpheus shook his head repeatedly, not optimistic about Harley's whims.

"I'm really not sure, but there's always a one-in-10,000 chance if you give it a try. If you don't fight, there will be no chance at all. For my 'baby', I'm willing to do my best." Harley said seriously.

Without the eighth defense specialty, it must be fanciful, but now her mother river defense has been activated.

Morpheus stared at her for a while, then his tone softened and said, "Take off your clothes."

"What?" Harley was startled.

"Give me the Sandman's robe, and I will sew all the dream books of the people you know on it and weave it into a dream garment." Morpheus explained.

(ps: The Book of Dreams is introduced in detail in Chapter 599. If you have any doubts, you can look back. In addition, the concept of the Book of Dreams is not my original creation. In the "Dark Metal" event, Morpheus He also led Batman and Superman to the library to find "self".)

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