I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 710 Darkseid flinched

Harley asked: "Boss Ghost, now that you have discovered the problem and you don't seem to be too worried, there should be a way to deal with it, right?"

The ghost said proudly: "Of course, for you mortals, the collision of the universe is an irresistible natural disaster that will destroy the world, but for me, stopping it is just a matter of effort.

The third thing I want you to do is to ask you to announce to everyone in the underworld that God has not given up on them, and God's messenger ghost will help them escape the fate of destruction. "

"Uh, just advertising without any requirements? For example, shouting slogans like 'Long live God, the ghost is supreme'?" Harley's expression and tone were very strange.

"Just let the world know God's teachings and what God has done. God never forces believers to believe in Him. Forcing will only be counterproductive." Ghost said.

Harley nodded and concluded: "So, the second and third things you asked me for are actually the same thing. The crisis in the underworld is coming. We don't have to worry. We can continue with the previous plan and you will solve the collision of the same planets. The problem."

"No, three things are three things. I can only postpone the collision. Without going to the place where time originates, we cannot solve the crisis from the root. Therefore, you must speed up, form an army and build a time travel machine as soon as possible." Ghost. said seriously.

"I understand." Harley agreed.

For the next five hours, there was no movement from Harley, and neither was the ghost.

But the planets in the underworld began to erupt in cataclysms, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and space fragmentation.

The signs that the world was about to be destroyed were so obvious that Alexander, Old Superman and others rushed to Earth 0 to seek help.

It was not until this moment that Harley revealed the news that God's wrath could and was willing to save the world.

She talked non-stop, giving pointers to the visitors from the underworld: "You don't have to do anything, go back to your respective universes, raise your voice, no, you have to turn on the cosmic radio and send messages to all the civilizations that are wailing and frightened - don't Don't be afraid, don't panic, God's wrath is coming!

By the way, don’t call it ‘ghost’.

The name "ghost" is too local, and it is difficult for ordinary people to connect him with God.

In addition, don’t use ‘god’, which is related to gods, to refer to God. Use ‘heavenly father’, the heavenly father in heaven.

Finally, remember to add the signature of ‘The Christ Salvation Group, Head of the ‘Martial Arts God’ Harley Quinn’ at the end of the telegram. "

Not to mention the heroes of the underworld, even the people on Earth 0 were dumbfounded.

"Harley, you're not joking, right?" The old Superman looked forward to it, but felt awkward at the same time.

Harley said seriously: "I told you a long time ago that although heaven is closed, God has not given up on the world.

The Christian Salvation Army is not a grassroots team. We have a number, a team flag, a slogan, and a fighting goal. We are the most regular crusade in history.

In the history of Christianity, popes have repeatedly launched crusades or crusades for other purposes in the name of God.

I am not sure whether they are true or false, but I swear that our Christian Salvation Group is the most serious warrior of God.

The leader of the Salvation Group is me, and the backer is the wrath of God. "

The old Superman's face softened and he calmed down, "Alexander, what did you say?"

"At this point, I can only trust the ghost."

Alexander's face was not very good-looking, and relying on ghosts meant that there was a major problem with his earlier 'Monitor Plan'.

This is a route problem, very serious, not only has the hero's trust in him been shaken, but now his absolute blind faith in the monitor has also been shaken.

Two hours later, all the people on earth and half of the universe in the underworld heard the message sent in the name of the leader of the Christ Salvation Group.


People in the Earth 0 universe felt nothing, but the four Earths in the Hades universe heard a roar coming from the depths of the starry sky at the same time, and then, a huge green-robed figure occupied most of the starry sky.

"Wrath of God?!"

The sacred aura emanating from the green-robed man made everyone who saw him understand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but..." The ghost screamed loudly, and even the vacuum star field could not block his voice. His two hands were like holding an invisible closing elevator door, pulling hard to both sides.

The "door" is opened, and the gap in the vibration frequency of the universe is widened.

The greater the difference in vibration frequency, the farther away the parallel universe is and the less likely it is to collide.

The smaller the vibration frequency, the closer the parallel universe is, and the more likely it is that the positions in the three-dimensional space overlap.

Now the frequency difference is widened again, and the four earths are directly separated.

The world-destroying natural disaster suddenly disappeared.

The pious cheers of "Sovereign God, Heavenly Father is merciful" resounded throughout the underworld.

“Heaven is closed, but God has not given up on earth.”

Seeing the heroes of the underworld again, and seeing their completely different attitudes towards God in their expressions and words, Harley suddenly had an enlightenment.

God has not given up on the world, not because he has given up on believers, but because he has not given up on the business of faith in the world!

“In Crisis on Infinite Earths, there are more than just two players, the Monitor and the Counter-Monitor, and it’s not just the two managers of the multiverse who are working on Dr. Manhattan.

God is probably a player hiding behind the scenes. What is his purpose? What will happen in the place where time originated? "

When Harry realized something, he also secretly cursed a few words in his mind as "a cunning and cunning dog god" and "a bastard who is always good at doing evil things."

Just like what the gods, demons and mages scolded her after she blamed God.

Most of the time, they were right. The God of the DC Universe is too careless in his work. He seems not to be afraid of being scolded by others as having evil hands and a evil heart, so he is not afraid to directly show his evil side.

"The ghost war is in the place where time originated. Something that I can't guess but is beneficial to God will definitely happen!" Harley frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly thought of another player who was eager to try - Darkseid.

Uncle Da was obviously unwilling to be left alone. He was able to immediately send his kind grandmother to bribe her when she first decided to organize the Second Expeditionary Force, which showed that he had been watching the development of the situation from the dark.

He is not only staring at the earth, he must also be staring at the anti-supervision king.

What is Darkseid's purpose?

"None of these supreme beings can save fuel."

Harry cursed secretly and shouted: "Yeb, take me to Long Island, Big Barda's house."

Mr. Miracle is not at home, participating in an escape room TV show.

Ever since Harley scolded the anti-supervision king to Earth 0, the bloody sky of Earth 0 has disappeared, the natural disasters have disappeared, the world has almost returned to its original state, and the people on Earth have resumed their previous entertainment life.

"Bada, where is your kind grandma? I've been back for so long, why hasn't she come to find me yet?" Harley asked directly and eagerly when she saw the Nemesis with eight-pack abs doing weight training in the small yard. .

"This" Big Barda wiped the sweat from her forehead and body with a towel, her expression showing some hesitation.

"What happened to grandma?" Hallie asked.

Big Barda shook her head and frowned: "Do you really want to be Darkseid's spy?"

"I know that dealing with Darkseid is to seek the skin of a tiger, which is very dangerous. But for the people of the earth, the people of the universe, and the existing positive material universe, I am willing to sacrifice myself to kill the tiger!" Harley said righteously.

Big Barda's expression changed several times in succession, and she said in a strange tone: "I saw how you spied for the Anti-Monitor. You single-handedly made him lose everything and almost lost his life.

The kind grandma firmly believes that dealing with you is seeking skin from a tiger, which is extremely dangerous.

Even as powerful as Darkseid, he cannot bear the corresponding risks. "

Harley was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Big Barda said: "Didn't you become a spy for the Anti-Monitor?

But you only served as a spy for less than a day, and you made the Anti-Monitor disgraced, losing his great foundation and good situation. Now he is wandering alone, time is flowing, and his life and death are uncertain.

And you did all this without using the power of other superheroes at all. You only worked as a spy for one day, and you deceived the Anti-Monitor to the point of losing his pants.

I was shocked, Grandma Kindness and Darkseid were horrified.

The backlash against you as a spy is so terrifying, how could they still want you as a spy?

Darkseid probably secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and was extremely lucky that the Anti-Monitor found you before he did. "

Harley said aggrievedly: "Bada, you have to believe me, I didn't do anything at all. It's just that the anti-supervision king has bad luck and bad character.

As long as the moral character is strong, don't deceive Sinestro, don't humiliate the Pharaoh, will they betray him?

And, I lost it at the time.

If I hadn't been lucky and Sinestro came to the rescue, I would have become the puppet of the Anti-Monitor after being possessed by the Shadow Demon. "

"Really?" Dabarda saw that her expression was sincere and her words were sincere, and she couldn't help but be doubtful.

"If you don't believe me, don't you still believe in The Flash?"

Dabarda was eight percent convinced and only two percent doubtful. She hesitated and said, "It's useless for me to believe you. Darkseid was afraid and withdrew."

"Nonsense!" Harley said excitedly as if her faith was insulted: "How could the great Lord Darkseid be afraid?

He is a monster without fear, the most powerful new god who is invincible and cunning!

She must be a kind old woman!

She believed the rumors and misunderstood me, so she took matters into her own hands, deceived superiors and subordinates, and falsely conveyed the imperial edict. In fact, His Majesty Darkseid was looking forward to my answer at this moment.

Big Barda, you ask him - is it because he is afraid of Harley Quinn that he doesn't dare to ask her to be a spy? "

No matter how upright Big Barda was, she still discovered the problem in Harley's words.

"Ask him this way, besides giving me an omega ray and telling you to be a spy, what other choice does he have?" She rolled her eyes at Harley.

"Ask the kind old woman to ask and let her be exposed to Darkseid's omega rays." Harley said with a smile.

Big Barda actually took out her mother box and sent a message to her kind grandmother.

It wasn't until the next morning that Harley met the "kind director of Apokolips Orphanage" at Big Barda's house.

Well, the kind grandmother manages the Apokolips Orphanage, selecting high-quality girls and carefully nurturing them.

She was sent to be Darkseid's concubine who was beautiful and kind-hearted.

A tall woman with excellent fighting talent joins the "Nemesis" reserve team.

She herself was a tall, stern old woman with thick gray hair and meticulous grooming.

Looks like the people on earth.

"Witch Harley, let me tell you the truth, I can let you be a spy, but there is no magic contract, no transaction involving the source of power, and you don't need to meet Darkseid himself. Let's stay far apart and use the simplest method. ways to cooperate.”

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