I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 709 On the eve of the expedition

Alexander didn't ask about Harley's method, he just frowned and said, "Is there anything wrong with my 'Double Barry Fusion Method'?"

"It can't be without problems, but we don't know anything about the fusion method. If there is a problem, we can't find it. This is the most terrifying problem." Harley said.

"What do you think?" Alexander turned to Old Barry.

Barry thought for a moment and said with a mouth missing most of his teeth: "I have never merged with a time clone. After the fusion, whose consciousness will be dominant?

He and I should be considered two different people, right?

Also, if I lack time and he lacks stability, will it happen that after the integration, the advantages of both sides are not integrated, but the hidden dangers of each are inherited, which is unstable and loses time. "

"The essential difference between parallel universes is the vibration frequency. Human beings can also be understood as individuals with different vibration frequencies." Alexander thought: "Even if the same entities in the parallel universe, two Superman and two Batman, their vibration frequencies are different. Same.

But there is only a difference in time between you and your time clone, and the vibration frequencies are exactly the same.

How come the person you were three minutes ago and the person you are now are not the same person?

And we all know that two waves with the same frequency can merge into a stronger wave. "

"It seems feasible!" The Flash's scientific research assistant Heath Scott liked this 'vibration wave theory' and said excitedly: "Barry, think carefully about where the third time clone went.

We can find him through the time ball, or take him to the present, or you can go to him in the time ball, and then you vibrate at the same time.

It's the kind of body particle vibration you normally experience through physical matter.

Two people vibrate and merge at the same frequency, and your biological vibrations are exactly the same, so they should really complement each other. "

"But I don't know where the third clone went." Barry shook his head.

Catherine, the Flash's biological assistant, reminded: "Barry had met Bateman during the Heroes Convention. That should be the third time clone."

"No, the two uniforms are different." Sisko shook his head and said: "The Flash on the eve of the Heroes Conference should be 'older' and the timeline is later.

He uses a special kind of nanotechnology that allows him to hide his uniform inside the Flash's ring.

I haven't cracked that kind of technology yet. I can definitely crack it, and I already have some clues. But as you know, the earth has encountered too many things recently.

I've been busy studying antimatter.

Some time ago, I digitized my soul and went to work as a spy on the Monitor satellite. After I came back, I had to study tuning forks.

Barry's uniform at this time was just space fireproof material.

In other words, the Flash who traveled through time to meet Bateman existed in a more 'future' time than the present. "

"Oh, it's such a mess. Why is Barry running around?" Catherine frowned and sighed, and suddenly her eyes lit up. "Barry will still have the opportunity to travel through time and space in the future. He will still be a young man. Does that mean he has regained his youth?"

"Well, that's an optimistic idea." Sisko rubbed his chin and thought.

"Barry, please think about where the third clone is." Catherine said excitedly.

Barry's chicken-skinned face wrinkled into a pile of dry "toilet paper", "If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that three time clones were separated at that time.

Maybe he appeared in a deserted place and disappeared without being noticed? "

"This" Sisko became numb and looked at Alexander with questioning eyes.

Alexander frowned and said: "If you can't find the clone, you can't help it. Harley, did you just say there are other ways?"

Barry and his friends also looked at Harley with their final, more ardent gaze.

Well, now they finally remembered her.

Harley stared at Alexander and smiled strangely, "I have two methods, one treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and has serious sequelae, the other treats the symptoms and the root cause, without any sequelae."

"There are actually two ways!" Barry's old face turned into a chrysanthemum smile.

"The first one is to drink the magic potion, the magic potion of youth. After one cup, you will immediately rejuvenate yourself and return to your 20-year-old peak."

Catherine's eyes lit up immediately, "Can ordinary people who are not mages drink? Can I drink too?"

Harley nodded and said, “Anyone can drink it, but it also has serious side effects.

First of all, you must drink regularly and quantitatively, almost once a week. If you don’t drink, you will get older.

Secondly, any magic has to pay a price. You ordinary people could have lived and died normally and gone to heaven after death.

But after drinking the magic potion, heaven will always be closed to you, and hell will be infinitely close to you.

However, hell is still the best destination, and you are more likely to fall into a more terrifying situation. "

"It's such a big harm, but you were planning to give me a potion earlier." Alexander said with a wooden face.

Harry was stunned for a while before he realized that he was talking about his rapid growth in a day and a half.

At that time, she had promised Louise that if the Monitor could not solve his problem, she would take him to see Xanadu.

"What right do you have to be dissatisfied? If it weren't for the sake of your mother Louise, if you die in front of me, would I blink an eye?" Harley sneered.

The atmosphere became condensed, and Barry quickly changed the subject and asked: "What about the second method that has no side effects?"

Harley pointed at Alexander and said: "He has the origin of positive matter left by the monitor in his body. Earth 0 is a positive matter universe, and life in Earth 0 is also a creation of positive matter.

Earth 0 was originally a cosmic egg, which was planted in the "positive matter field". It absorbed positive matter energy and grew into a mature tree. The leaves on the tree also came from positive matter nutrients.

The leaves are us.

Therefore, the origin of the monitor is a panacea for life in the material universe. "

"I am willing to give Barry some of the positive energy in my body, but can he absorb it?" Alexander frowned.

"He can't. Facing positive matter energy is not much different from being attacked by an antimatter cloud, but you can give him part of your origin, which means you can absorb the life characteristics of positive matter energy." Harley said.

Alexander's pupils shrank, "You want my life?"

"I'll take a part of your life just enough for Barry to recover."

Alexander's face was cloudy and he was silent.

"I'd better drink the potion." Barry glanced at the two of them and said with a gentle smile: "I know the potion is also very precious. Don't take too much. It's enough to help you return to the place of origin. My mission is completed."

"You will go to hell after you drink the magic potion." Catherine worried.

Barry shook his head and said calmly: "As long as the living person does his or her own thing, the matters after death will be left to God."

Alexander gritted his teeth and said: "No need to drink the magic potion, I will give you the source of life."

Barry's complexion changed slightly, and just when he was about to refuse, Alexander waved his hand, stared into his eyes and said, "My mission is to end the crisis on infinite earths.

For this purpose, many heroes who trusted me died.

I am sad, but also feel that their sacrifices are valuable for the sake of the multiverse and the countless billions of lives in the universe.

Now when it's my turn to make sacrifices, I won't hesitate or feel sad. Instead, I will be very happy.

Don't put any mental burden on me, Flash, I'm really glad I could help you. "

"Alexander." Barry and the heroes beside him were so moved that their eyes turned red.

"It's not like he's going to die. Why are you so excited?" Harry next to him had a disgusted look on his face.

She was the one who came up with the idea, and they didn't know how to thank her.

And Alexander was obviously forced into a corner by her before he said these beautiful words.

She was too familiar with this routine.

"Isn't Alexander's sacrifice worthy of our gratitude? If you don't feel it, there is no need to say sarcastic words." Dachao frowned.

"Why weren't you touched when I sacrificed half of my origin for Wonder Woman?" Harley said lightly.

"Why aren't you moved? When you came back from Paradise Island, I called you to thank you and praise you." Da Chao said.

Harley rolled her eyes.

Two days later.

Harley was studying time bubble technology with Darth Vader at home when she suddenly received a call from Doctor Destiny.

"Harry, a ghost appears in the world and wants to see you."

When Harley rushed to the Tower of Destiny, she saw a weirdo in green robes of normal height.

Green short boots, green briefs, green gloves, and a green hooded cloak, revealing her white breasts and thighs, a very weird outfit.

Before, he was so huge that he couldn't see the whole thing clearly, so he didn't think it was strange. Now that a middle-aged man dressed like this appeared face to face, Harry wanted to call him "pervert".

"Boss Ghost, I got to see your true face today. You are really majestic and majestic!" Harley's face was full of admiration, with a faint but obvious awe in her eyes.

——This bastard can obviously become smaller, but when he showed up a few times before, he deliberately looked like a dick with galaxies surrounding his body. It was too pretentious.

She continued to curse inwardly.

The ghost nodded calmly and said: "I'm looking for you for three reasons. First, since you received the number of the 'Christ Salvation Group' from the Voice of Heaven, you can't slack off.

Where is your team now? Where is the flag? Where are the uniforms of the Crusaders?

It’s almost time to embark on your final expedition, and you still have nothing.

This won't work!

Other times I don't care, but this time I am leading the team. I will be the person in charge and lead you on an expedition to the place where time originated.

There is no room for disorganization and chaos in my team. "

"OK, I'll pull up the team when I get back." Harley made her promise honestly before defending herself: "Heroes are unique and have their own tastes. Just like you, Ghost Boss, they all wear their own designs. uniform.

There is no way to unify the clothing.

However, I took over the chest advertising space of the hero uniforms. The logo of Christ the Redeemer can be seen on the chest or cape behind each hero. "

The ghost thought for a while and said, "Remember to get the flags and slogans again. The second reason why I'm looking for you is to know when you will go to war."

"It takes time to create a time bubble and solve the energy consumption." Harley first explained the Flash battery plan and Barry's current status, and then said: "It is not easy for Alexander to pass the origin of life to the Flash. He is also currently copying the Monitor. I don’t know when the ‘energy transmission’ instrument on the satellite will be ready.”

The ghost said seriously: "You don't have much time. The world in the Hades Universe will be destroyed in three days."

"Three days?" Harry was surprised and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say last time that the frequency difference would return to zero after at least half a month?"

The ghost said: "Before the frequency difference returns to zero, the planets in the universe will explode in the collision. For example, at this time, the crusts of the four earths have cracked. In about ten hours, volcanoes and earthquakes will destroy most of the world."

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