I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 708 The Secret of the B307 Document

After sending away the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, Harley met with the "Lord of Time" Rip Hunter and the Lord of Time.

The Time Lords are a group of people.

A group of "time guardians" whose mission is to protect history and control time travel technology.

Well, Harley simply understands them as little blue men in the timeline.

Rip was very cautious about his origins, the structure and operation mode of the Time Lord organization, and did not want to talk more.

"I can only provide a time ball, that's all. First of all, I can't influence the decisions of other time lords; secondly, I am just the driver of the time ball, not a scientist. I can't build a time ball, and I don't know its function. principle."

"In which universe and at which time is the Council of Time Lords located?" Harley asked curiously.

Rip said vaguely: "Now there are only six universes left in the multiverse, one antimatter universe and five positive matter universes, but there are still countless rivers of time in the super-time flow.

The Council of Time Lords guards the timelines of multiple parallel universes at the end of one of the very special timelines. "

"The way the Lord of Time exists is inherently illusory, how do you judge whether the illusory timeline needs to be corrected?" Harley asked.

Obviously, the Lord of Time, like the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, does not exist in a timeline that is "empowered" and does not form a physical universe in Wantianyi.

Most of the timelines guarded by them are "fake worlds" with only "virtual lines" of time and no physical universe.

What's the point of going through such trouble?

Rip said displeased: "I am standing here talking to you now, how come it is unreal?"

The Lord of Time is a super criminal who is even more difficult to communicate with than the Lord of Time.

"Of course I know the principles of the time travel machine. I built it. But if you want me to donate my technology, you are just dreaming! Which super criminal would teach his eating skills to a superhero?"

As a super criminal, the Time Lord has the consciousness of a super criminal.

This guy is being watched by superheroes, and Harley can only remember his name, appearance, and the style of the time travel machine firmly in her mind.

She decided that after the matter was settled, if she met him again, she would immediately do justice to God, eliminate harm for the people, disarm illegally, and confiscate weapons of mass destruction.

After seeing three time travelers in a row, Harley and Old Superman found Alexander Kent again.

"I have talked with them. The three methods of traveling through time all require huge amounts of energy, and they have not been able to completely solve the energy consumption problem.

To put it simply, time bubbles, time balls, and time traveling machines are all boats on the river, but we have to go on an ocean voyage. "

Alexander smiled confidently and said, "This problem is easy to solve."

"Oh, tell me."

"We have the Flash, and the Flash is the most powerful and efficient energy source in the multiverse. Give him a few hamburgers and let him eat enough, and he can run out of a world of energy," Alexander said.

Harley was stunned and speechless.

If you think about it carefully, what this guy said makes sense. The Flash can easily exceed the speed of light by dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times, if all of it is converted into kinetic energy.

"Can the old Flash lead hundreds of heroes alone?"

Alexander pondered for a moment, shook his head and sighed: "No, so we have to rejuvenate the Flash on Earth 0."

If a person is an air bag filled with time, the air in the air bag will decrease a little every day he lives.

Then, Barry Allen running around the space cannon and running out of the time storm wall was an air bag with a hole in it.

Later, Harley handed him over to the weapon wielder for treatment, and they only repaired the hole in the air bag.

Like a tire patch.

But the 'qi' he lost, that is, time, was not replenished.

At this time, Barry's hair was gray, his skin was as loose as chicken skin, he was covered in age spots, and most of his teeth were missing. He looked like a dying old man.

He stayed in the Star Laboratory to recuperate and did not dare to go home or let his adoptive father and girlfriend know that the black girl Iris who grew up with him was not his girlfriend yet.

All in all, it was miserable.

"Barry, how do you feel? Can you still run?"

Looking at old Barry lying on the lawn with his head raised and basking in the sun, Harry couldn't bear it, but he had to ask.

Barry turned around, his old eyes still clear.

He smiled, nodded and said, "I think I can still run. Although I look very old, my mentality and strength have not disappeared with me."

His technical advisor Sisko couldn't stand it anymore and said excitedly: "Barry is already like this, and you still want him to run away? Aren't you afraid that he will trip over you halfway?"

Harley pointed at Alexander and said, "I want Barry to enjoy his old age. It was he who made the plan for the expedition to the origin of time, and it was he who came to find Barry."

Alexander said: "Before we let Barry run again, we will help him regain his youth."

Old Barry's eyes lit up and he asked with a leaky mouth: "What should we do?"

Alexander asked: "During the time when you disappeared, two time clones appeared on Earth 0. Do you remember?"

Barry's old face was blank, nodding and shaking his head for a while, looking like he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

"What do you mean? Is there any?" Alexander asked.

Barry recalled: "At that time, my speed was getting faster and faster. After breaking through a certain limit, countless scenes flashed quickly in front of my eyes, among which there should be what the other two time clones saw and heard.

But too much information flashes in a short period of time.

I definitely remember it at the time, because the Speed ​​Force made my brain work extremely fast, and it was able to keep up with the flashing scenes.

But now that I am older, I have some memory loss and cannot remember clearly. "

Alexander asked again: "Look back, did you have the urge to deliver news to us at that time?

One of the time clones came to the Hall of Heroes, where the heroes of Earth 0 were having a meeting, and you revealed two pieces of news to them.

One is to warn us that when we think we have won a great victory, the crisis is not over yet, but has become more dangerous.

This information was later verified and you were right.

Our first expedition was not fully successful, but we began to let our guard down, thinking that the Anti-Monitor and the anti-matter universe were gone.

The fact is that the anti-monitors are spreading suspicion and secretly studying the anti-matter space cannon while we are slacking off.

If it weren't for your warning, if it weren't for your sacrifice, we would have no defense against the antimatter cosmic cannon.

As long as it is successfully built, it can at least blast the underworld with one cannon. "

Harley's eyes narrowed. This bastard placed all the credit for destroying the space cannon on The Flash. Was he trying to deny the significance of her 'one-man expedition'?

"When you were running, did you have the urge to inform us of this news?" Alexander asked without looking at her, only staring at Barry expectantly.

Barry only thought for a moment and said: "After being reminded like this, I suddenly remembered that this is indeed the case.

I have been to the past, and I have also tried to go to the future to learn about Crisis on Infinite Earths.

I have experience traveling through time.

So I knew then that I had entered the river of time.

When I saw Harley and Superman in a meeting, I knew it was 'in the past'.

I didn't know that Harley had arrived on Kovad and was still next to me. I sent a warning to the past Harley and the Justice League.

In addition to the antimatter cosmic cannon, there is also the B307 document mentioned by Pharaoh.

When I was bound to the energy wall, I heard the Pharaoh say something accidentally - the B307 document is related to the survival of Earth 0.

Then I passed this message on to past Hallie as well. "

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but look at Harley and asked: "What's in the B307 document?"

The others also looked at Harry curiously.

Harley's expression was weird for a while, and her eyes seemed to be enlightened for a while, "There is no B307 document, only a sample of SB3071. I guess that B307 is incomplete information."

"What is the SB3071 sample?" Barry asked again.

"SB is the abbreviation of 'sperm bank', sperm bank 3071, sample No. 3071 of the Pharaoh's sperm bank." Harley said with a dull face.

"Oh shit!"

Everyone who was originally full of expectations had their expressions distorted, even a little disgusted.

They opened their mouths wide, waiting to be fed the secret of B307 by Harley, but they were stuffed with sample number sb3071.

Dachao couldn't believe it, "What's going on? You said that at the beginning?"

He couldn't speak anymore.

Because when he recalled it, except for arranging for Darth Vader to go to Pharaoh's Arctic base to search for B307 documents, Harley never took the initiative to talk about it.

"Is it possible that you found the right one, or maybe you missed something?"

Harley shook her head.

The Pharaoh himself didn't even know what the B307 was. He only heard her talk about "it can fight anti-Manhattan artillery", and he was thinking about it in his heart and muttering about it in his mouth.

As a result, the Flash accidentally listened to it. When the Flash traveled to the past, he told Harley in the "past" B307 as key information.

The "present" Harley pretended to be controlled by the shadow demon Kasapa. In order to deceive the Pharaoh, she deliberately revealed "the B307 document contains the secret of restraining the anti-Manhattan cannon" to the Anti-Monitor. The Anti-Monitor used this matter to question the Pharaoh. ,Pharaoh

The cause and effect form a complete closed loop, but logically.

From the maturity of the underworld to the present, time has lost its meaning. The past, present, and future are coexisting, so how can there be any logic?

Judging from the results, "B307" is indeed an important piece of news to restrain the anti-Manhattan artillery.

Not only did it destroy the Anti-Manhattan cannon hidden in the Anti-Monitor battlestar, it also killed the Pharaoh himself.

The specific content of the B307 document is not important. What is important is that this message is really important.

"Now that the pharaohs are dead, there is no point in discussing the B307 document." Harley looked at Alexander, "You said you could help Barry regain his youth, but you talked about it for a long time, and you didn't explain the method."

"I just confirmed with Barry that he has two time clones that go back to the past." Alexander said.

"Then what?"

"How many time clones did he separate at that time?" Alexander asked.

Harley recalled carefully for a moment and said: "I seemed to see three Barrys, like a slow-motion replay, slowly leaving his body, but then disappeared in the speed force storm in the blink of an eye."

"That is to say, Barry is not just separated into two time clones." A flash of light flashed in Alexander's eyes, "The Barry before running around the space cannon is defined as the 'Barry at the 0-minute coordinate point'.

Five minutes later, he split into the first time clone, which was the 'Barry at the 5-minute coordinate point', the second clone at five minutes and one second, the third clone at five minutes and two seconds.

In the seventh minute, Barry begins to lose time and begins to age.

Now the first and second clones have appeared and died naturally.

If we find the third 'Barry at the time coordinate point of 5 minutes and 3 seconds'.

He has not lost time, but he cannot exist stably in the 'now' point in time.

Our aging Barry has no time but a stable existence.

By merging the two Barrys, Barry can regain his youth and stabilize his existence. "

Harley asked doubtfully: "Are you just out of your mind, or do you have some theoretical basis?"

Alexander's eyes flickered, "I don't have a specific theory, but it won't hurt to give it a try."

Harley stared at him for a while and said, "Actually, I also have a way to save Barry."

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