I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 683 Meeting Sinestro again

"They seem to be lovers," Bateman said.

When Harley summoned Alexander, Gunther, and Seid one after another, the heroes of Earth also got the news that she had formed the Second Expeditionary Force, and they all rushed over one after another.

After they came over, they did not interrupt the conversation between her and Said. They just stayed in the Hall of Heroes and watched their exchanges.

Unexpectedly, I finally heard the big news.

"Maybe they are still a couple. Gunther's hair is gray, and he is obviously past the age of dating." Harley said.

"Aren't they immortal? I think Said is quite young, and the other guardians are also young and old. It's strange." Superman said.

"It probably has something to do with mentality and strength." Dr. Destiny guessed.

Bateman said solemnly: "The point is not age. Cyd said he wanted to disband the Green Lantern Corps, but Gunther didn't object violently.

If Syd is Ganser's lover or even his wife, she obviously has a deep meaning when discussing this topic in front of us on this occasion. "

"Isn't this obvious?" Zha Kang leaned against the wall, took out a Silka cigarette from his pocket, lit it for himself with a Zippo lighter, and nuzzled at Harley, "I'm talking to Witch Harley, green light." The legion has been disbanded, and the few remaining little blue men have retired to Zamalun, so don’t worry about the past grudges anymore.”

He originally did not join the "Defense of the Tuning Forks", but as soon as the Crisis on Infinite Earths began, he was pulled into the "Wizards' Council" by Doctor Fate.

When Harley convened all the hero representatives to hold a "hero meeting" at the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society, Zha Kang went to the Tower of Destiny.

He is also a Grandmaster, one of the big guys in the magic world.

But he has too many troubles. Not only is he wanted by the Green Lantern Corps, but the magical superpowers also want to know the secret of his coming down from the wall of origin. Even though he had participated in the Wizards' Council and nominally joined the Anti-Monitor Alliance, he rarely appeared in public.

Apart from serving as the 'Law Battery' in the Tower of Destiny, he has never participated in any battle.

Harley glanced at him, "Do you feel a lot more relaxed when you hear that the Green Lantern Corps is disbanding?"

Zha Kang smiled proudly, "I'm not afraid of those green light bulbs. Hehe, I have developed the magic to restrain the green light's searching tactics.

Even if I'm in the same cafe as them, as long as I don't sit face to face in the same box, they can't find me. "

Bateman looked at him deeply, then turned his gaze to Harley and asked: "Do you think the Green Lantern Corps will be disbanded?

The central energy battery seems to be dead. Not only has it lost 90% of its reserves, but it can no longer extract energy from the emotional spectrum. "

"Why do you care about this?" Harley said calmly: "What we think in our hearts can determine the attitude of the little blue man?"

When the heroes dispersed and Harley was about to return to Quinn Manor, Bateman quietly jumped out again.

Well, it's really silent, and you still have to dance.

Jumped from the roof onto the road in front of Harley.

"Shit, what are you doing?" Harley was really frightened. "Do you know that I almost killed you just now?"

"I believe you won't." Bateman took a few steps closer and whispered: "The Little Blue Man can retire, but the Green Lantern Corps may not be disbanded.

I know Hal Jordan. He is determined and attaches great importance to the honor of being a Green Lantern. He will never be willing to take off his ring and change from a candidate for Legion Commander to a worker on Earth. "

"What use does this have for our expedition into the antimatter universe?" Harley asked.

Bateman said seriously: "This matter is very important, but it really shouldn't be discussed at this time, but Said said it in public.

The news couldn't be kept secret, and soon Hal Jordan would know too.

He needs to master the technique of opening the 'Oa-Kwad' portal as soon as possible. If he delays time due to random thoughts, it will affect the expedition plan.

Or, could you arrange for a few more female little blue people to join in the practice? "

"As the current 'World's Greatest Green Lantern', his willpower and potential are worthy of our trust. Even if it is affected, it will not be delayed for a few hours." Harley said.

Bateman frowned and said, "When I first returned to Earth from the Monitor satellite, I told you the limits of the satellite's monitoring of planets in the universe, right?"

Harley nodded and said, "I haven't forgotten that what can be seen by the earth's satellites can also be seen by the monitor's satellites.

Even if we are standing on the open street chatting now, the surveillance satellite can still take a blurry picture. "

Bateman said: "What the monitor can do, the counter-monitor can probably do it as well. He may not be able to hear what we are talking about, nor can he see everything happening in the Hall of Heroes.

But Alexander and your behavior of recruiting heroes, especially the successive arrival of Green Lantern and Purple Lantern, will surely make him guess something.

We couldn't afford to lose even a few hours. "

Harley said: "The anti-monitors have long discovered the backdoor of Kovad, so they took action against Oua.

If he was full of courage, he would have destroyed the planet now. Without missing a few hours of Hal's study, I deliberately asked Alexander to slow down the pace of recruiting heroes. I also confused the anti-monitor and bought time for Hal.

In addition, in order to buy time for Hal, one day turned into one month and two months, and Sage Aoqi had to pay the price.

Any magic comes with a price. One more person doubles the price. "

"You have no idea about the Green Lantern Corps?" Bateman looked at her and asked strangely.

Harley sneered and said, "Stop thinking nonsense. Even if Gunther retires, even if Hal Jordan turns the tide, rebuilds the Green Lantern Corps, and moves the Corps' headquarters to Earth, the Corps will always belong to the little blue man."


"The little blue people are the rulers and core technology controllers of the Legion. As long as they are dissatisfied with Hal's Green Lantern Corps, or if any of the little blue people feel offended, they can easily start over and create a new central energy battery, remotely Abolish the current one.

If you don't believe it, just wait and see. Even if the little blue man leaves Oa, he will take away the Green Lantern Corps' nuclear weapon - the Book of Oa. "

"The Book of Oa." Bateman thought thoughtfully.

That night, the moon was sparse and the breeze was light. A faint sound of New Year's greetings overflowed from Quinn's villa on the hillside by the river.

"OK, very good, very beautiful!" The fat head moved his left eye out from behind the camera and gave a "thumbs up" - one of Harley's fins - to the big red goldenrod in the flowers.

Harley walked over, leaned in front of the camera screen and watched the playback. She nodded with satisfaction and said, "Fat Head, with your current photography skills, you can go to Hollywood!"

It is mid-February 2015, and Chinese people are about to celebrate the New Year.

Ever since she became the mayor, she has released short videos wishing Chinese people a happy Spring Festival on public media every year, just like those foreign dignitaries.

In previous years, it was issued on New Year's Eve.

Before the invasion of Krypton, that is, before she became a five-ring general, her videos might not be visible in China.

If it does appear at all, it's in a flash mob. Compared with the presidents of many countries, her political status at that time was not enough.

Now that my status is high, I can't do anything casually.

However, the expedition to the antimatter universe is just a few days away, so she can only record videos in advance this year.

"Really? I can go to Hollywood and work as a photographer?"

Hearing Harley's polite words, Fatty was so excited that he waved his long fins like a dance.

"Are you really going to Hollywood?" Harley stiffened and her expression became weird.

The hobbies of several pets in the family are more bizarre than the last, and Duoduo is the most normal. She only likes to chew bones, bask in the sun, hold a Frisbee, and follow Harley for morning runs.

Duoduo's grandson "Black Loach" likes to follow Batman and become a superhero.

Dodo’s son Yebi likes to read.

A lantern beast with a fat head, he first liked watching TV, and later fell in love with movies because of the IMAX screen "monitor" specially customized by Harley, and then became obsessed with photography.

"I want to be a photographer first. I want to be a big director in the future. I will first shoot "The Legend of Ion Shark" and tell everyone about my inspirational life." The green eyes of the fat man were shining.

——That's too simple. Dye the screen green and play it continuously for 90 minutes, which is your whole life in the central energy battery.

Harry complained in his heart, but still showed an encouraging smile on his face, nodded and said: "Well, it's very ideal, very good.

However, it seems that you have not received professional training. When the crisis is over, I will help you find some tutors in photography and directing. "

"I have online classes." Fatty said.

"Oh, you still know how to take online classes? Very good, very good! If you work hard, Fatty, you will definitely become a Hollywood director in the future." Harley gave a thumbs up.

"It's time to eat!" Ivy directed several vines to bring hot pot, fruits, meat slices, barbecue, bread, sauced bones and other foods.

"Yabi, you, Ivy, and Fatty are all going to the antimatter universe." Halfway through the meal, Harley said suddenly.

"Of course I want to go. In the two previous battles in front of the tuning fork, I killed at least 500 shadow demons, and I can rank in the top 10 on the hero list." Ivy said immediately.

This time she really wasn't bragging.

It is difficult for plant magic to harm Shadow Demon, but Yebi enchanted her roots and vines on the side, like a moving forest of spears.

Moreover, it is difficult for the shadow demon to hurt her when she transforms into a wooden person.

Well, Ivy can turn her body into wood, just like the old trees in the Amazon Tree Council.

Ivy can integrate herself into the interior of a five-story rose tree. It is difficult for the shadow demon to sneak up on her. Even if the tree trunk is torn apart, it cannot kill her.

"This time you don't need to kill all the people. Let the fat head cover you. Be an Ion Man for the time being. The main thing is to protect yourself."

Sensing that Ivy's excitement was visibly declining, Harley temporarily changed her words: "I need you to keep an eye on the Purple Lantern Corps outside and don't let those little blue women cause trouble."

Ivy was shocked, "They don't seem bad?"

"But their men are bad."

"I see."

"By the way, later you go ask Father Carlisle if you want to go to the antimatter universe together." Harley said again.

Yebi raised his head and said, "This doesn't look like going on a military expedition, but more like running away?"

"Have you read all the books into the dog's belly? You have read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and got to know Yang Xiu, but you still don't have a long memory!" Harley scolded.

Yebi gnawed on the bones and swallowed the meat into the dog's belly.

After dinner, as usual, Harley led Yerby to run around Gotham City twice.

Above Gotham City, run with all your strength along the "borderline" between the suburbs and the outside of the city, activating quantum displacement unscrupulously.

Yebi followed her, not allowed to use magic power, and ran purely physically.

After two laps, the man was so tired that he was covered in sweat, and the dog's head was filled with smoke and his tongue was sticking out of his mouth.

Exercise can really improve attributes such as speed and strength, and the effect is very good.

The attributes she has increased through more than ten years of training are almost half of the "side effects" caused by defense. This ratio is very exaggerated.

In the next ten years, if the increase in her attributes brought about by exercise remains unchanged, the total attribute value increased by exercise may be equal to the physical enhancement brought about by defense points.

Because in the next ten years, she is destined to be unable to reach level seventy like she did in the past.

Ten years later, the defense can be 90+, and Harley is very satisfied. If it can be 100+, Harley will keep smiling when sleeping, and the level will be increased by 70, reaching level 150. Harley is not crazy yet.

Back at the manor, it was already midnight. Yebi took a bath and continued to crawl at the door of the bedroom to read. This time, Fatty stopped wandering around and floated next to him to take online classes.

Harley meditates in the meditation room.

"Harley Quinn? Harley Quinn." Around three o'clock in the morning, a weak but clear voice suddenly appeared in her ears.

"Who?" Harley opened her eyes suddenly, and then her pupils shrank, "That voice is Sinestro?!"

"Huh, I didn't expect you to still remember my voice. Yes, it's me." The voice breathed a sigh of relief and became clearer.

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