I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 682 Purple Lantern Corps and Little Blue Woman

Doctor Manhattan once said that the core of the DC multiverse is Superman. The main reason why he chose to integrate the "Watchmen Universe" with this universe is also Superman. Superman is a light of hope that illuminates the world.

Maybe he was right, or maybe he just admired Superman too much and made such a subjective judgment.

But among the countless heroes in the multiverse, Harley does value Superman the most.

With a superman as a companion, she dares to attack the Three Houses; if she is given two supermen, she dares to force her way into Apokolips; if there are three supermen at her disposal, she dares to shout to the entire multiverse: Who else is there? !

Therefore, she knew the situation of the four single universes and the four supermen in the Hades universe, even though she had never been to the parallel universe.

The middle-aged Superman of Earth 1 died in battle, and the old Superman of Earth 2 was over sixty.

The Quantum Superman of Earth 4 is a knockoff named Superman, but he is actually Harley's old subordinate, Colonel Adam, who is also the peer of Captain Atom of Earth 0.

Oh, Captain Atom over there is dyed blue, which seems to be a "tribute" to Doctor Manhattan.

The color may be different, but the strength is essentially the same as Captain Atom.

And he died in the last expedition.

Major Adam from Earth 0 wants to thank him because there is a quantum superman in the team. He stayed on Earth to protect the White House and did not go to the antimatter universe and did not encounter the massacre in the meteorite maze.

Then there's Superman, the overlord of Earth-10.

Mainly because he was too old. He had fought in World War II for forty years and was already seventy years old. He began to lose energy and died of exhaustion while protecting his own cosmic tuning fork.

Well, in terms of lifespan alone, the American Uncle Sam has an advantage. He is a true late-game hero.

When he first debuted, he had the image of an energetic old man. After forty years of fighting, he transformed Overlord Chao from a middle-aged man into an old man. He is still a handsome and handsome old man, and his strength has not diminished, but has increased in strength.

The five surviving universes all already have their own Superman.

Therefore, the appearance of the new Superboy is very strange.

Lyra says he is 'Superman', not Superman's son, then he is Superman.

"He said he came from the Supreme Earth." Laila said.

Harley frowned slightly and said, "Why does he call his universe 'Supreme'? We have several main universes that are numbered honestly starting from 0."

"Don't worry about such useless little details," Laila waved her hand, "The monitor ordered me to find the savior hero after the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Therefore, many universes have been destroyed or are being destroyed at that time.

When the Supreme Earth was destroyed, the Pioneers were unable to find it and bring Superboy to the Monitor satellite, so he found it himself later. "

"He didn't die when the universe was destroyed? How did he do it?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"He can travel through parallel universes and even survive outside the universe. When the Supreme Earth was destroyed, he panicked and fled to other universes, and then fled all the way until he recently entered the Hades universe." Laila explained.

Harley asked in surprise: "Is he the 'genuine' Superman? Or is he a 'vibrating Superman' with the power of the Flash?"

"He is the same as your Superman from Earth 0, an orphan from Krypton."

"Beep beep beep——"

The tuning fork control room suddenly sounded the alarm, and Cyborg shouted to the Hall of Heroes outside: "Harley, there is a space wormhole in the outer orbit of the earth. It is suspected of green light energy, but it is not a green light."

"The person you are looking for is here." Ganser looked at Harley and said.

"Clear the alarm and let them in." Harley said.

Cyborg immediately issued alarm-clearing instructions to defense posts on the island, on the sea, at the bottom of the sea, and in outer space.

A moment later, a patrol boat accompanied by a beam of purple light descended on Liberty Island.

Purple light envelops a female blue figure.

The alien patrol boat returned to outer space only after confirming that she was an invited guest and not a spy.

Earth's soldiers alone, even with the 'Universal Brand' equipment that Harley obtained, cannot achieve this level of space defense.

The space force of advanced alien civilizations has greatly improved the earth's defense in the four-dimensional material world at this time.

"Hello, Gunther." The female little blue man greeted the male little blue man first, then looked at Harley with a gentle smile and said in English: "Hello, Harley Quinn, I am Syd, nice to meet you. You, it's also an honor to receive your invitation.

In fact, we had the idea of ​​​​looking for you before, but you actually introduced the Anti-Monitor into the material universe and made him so embarrassed. We thought you could easily deal with him without our help. "

This little blue man was so enthusiastic and his mood changes were very vivid, like a living person, which surprised Harry a little.

Well, it's not that the little blue man shouldn't look like a human being.

It's the little blue men on Oa who look like wood carvings and clay sculptures. No matter what kind of psychological activities they are doing or what situation they face, their faces are expressionless and their tone is indifferent to the point of indifference.

This female little blue person is not big, just over one meter tall. Her appearance is not much different from that of Europeans and Americans on Earth. Her appearance is actually more stern, but she feels very kind and gentle.

"Hello, Syd, you seem to be different from Gunther and the others."

Said glanced at Ganser and said: "The Guardians shave off emotions, we don't, and we are the administrators of the Purple Lantern Corps of Love."

"Oh, it turns out to be a purple light." Harley then remembered that when Syd flew over just now, his body was covered in a layer of purple light. Cyborg also said before that the purple light that opened the micro wormhole looked like a green light but was not a green light.

It's not her fault for being slow to react, but the Guardians have always claimed that only the Green Lantern Corps exists in the universe.

Before she took Parallax out of the central energy battery, the entire universe didn't know there was a second spectrum of emotions besides the green light.

Later, she learned the secret of the seven-color spectrum from Fat Head. Harley also asked Hal to go to the universe to find out where there were lantern beasts of other colors. No, it was just lanterns of other colors.

She was thinking about the lantern beast in her mind and swallowing saliva in her mouth, but she would not directly tell the Green Lantern that she wanted to find the lantern beast.

Hal traveled around the universe and inquired about the Green Lantern Corps. When he returned to Earth, he told her firmly: Only the Green Lantern Corps exists in the world.

It now appears that in order to establish the unique authority of the Green Lantern Corps, the Guardians consciously concealed the other colors of the Lantern Corps.

"Besides Purple Lantern, are there any other legions?" Harley asked.

Since Said is the holder of the Purple Lantern Ring, it is normal for him to be emotional at this time.

Because the purple light represents the strongest love.

The seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, indigo and violet, the green will have the least impact on the holder of the lamp ring, and its power is the most "neutral and peaceful". The red and purple at the two ends are the most extreme.

"Perhaps, but I don't know. Is the expeditionary force short of manpower? Or are you not confident enough this time?" Said worriedly asked.

Harley's smile was light, but she looked relaxed and confident, saying: "To say that the anti-monitors are dead bones in the grave is an exaggeration.

But judging from the process and results of the two previous life-and-death battles, although he is strong and has such power that it shakes the universe, he does not surpass Superman by much in terms of physique.

We now have three supermen, old, middle and young. As long as we create opportunities for them to get close to the Anti-Monitor, the outcome is doomed. "

She is really confident, the Anti-Monitor is very strong, and Superman is not weak either.

If Superman only had hard fists, he wouldn't be much of a threat.

Wouldn't it be enough to keep him from getting close?

But Superman not only has strong fists, but his speed is second only to The Flash. Even if the enemy shows a momentary opening, Superman will seize the opportunity.

In addition to Superman, her anti-matter energy defense has reached level eight. If the Anti-Monitor dares to flood them with anti-matter clouds again, she dares to swallow the 'cloud' in one gulp.

An eighth-level feat, immune to direct antimatter energy attacks.

In other words, only the ability to convert antimatter energy into other forms, such as heat rays of light energy, lightning of electrical energy and other attribute attacks, can cause harm to her.

"What do we need from the Purple Lantern Corps?" Seid asked.

"How many of you are there?" Harley asked.

"This" is related to the core secret of the race, and Said, the power of love, also hesitated.

"For the Purple Lantern Warriors, there are about 20 managers and 100 legion members." She said vaguely.

At this time, Harley had no intention of exploring the population of the little blue people. After thinking about it, she said, "If possible, I hope you will send out the entire army."

Said's expression changed slightly.

Harley immediately explained: “My definition of you is not a fighter, but an auxiliary.

Superman needs the yellow sun to replenish his energy, and if possible, I would like to turn the entire battlefield into a world filled with yellow sunlight.

In addition, heroes will be injured and need to evacuate from the fierce battlefield and receive timely treatment.

You can make your own arrangements and divide the team into two. One part is responsible for creating sunlight, and the other part is scattered in all directions. Just pay attention to protecting yourself and the injured without fighting. "

Said glanced at Ganser, who had a cold face, and his expression was a little more surprised, "This task is very simple."

Ganser had specifically reminded her before, asking her to be careful and not to be fooled by the witch into being cannon fodder.

"But it's very important. Except for the Lantern, it's difficult for others to complete this task." Harley said seriously.

The way to cure Superman is to shine the yellow sun. The way to cure Captain Atom is to replenish the gentle quantum energy. The way to cure Firestorm is to repair the crack in the matrix that makes the two people become one.

Holy healing is only effective on normal people, but there are too many abnormal humans among superheroes.

On the contrary, it is the Tiger Balm Lantern who can use the power of the emotional spectrum to simulate any treatment method 100%.

As for taking the opportunity to use Zi Leng as cannon fodder.

First of all, Harley saw Purple Lantern for the first time today, and Purple Lantern’s performance was also very good. She came as soon as she called. She had no reason to transfer her hatred towards Green Lantern and the Little Blue Man to Purple Lantern and the Zamaron people. .

Secondly, she will only "kill someone with a borrowed knife" under one situation - she is not the person in charge or the boss, and she has 100% confidence or determination that if she messes up, she can handle everything by herself, or she simply doesn't want the matter to be ruined. Done, deliberately sabotage.

"I'll go back to Zamaron tomorrow." Said raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sun was in the west and it was almost evening.

"The entire Purple Lantern Corps will be on Earth before noon tomorrow."

After speaking, she explained, "Some members are not on the planet, and it will take time to summon them."

Harley nodded in understanding, "Just arrive within two days, there's no need to rush."

"Gunther, you are injured, come back to Zamaron with me." Said looked at the guardian beside him and said softly.

Ganser's expression also softened, and he sighed softly: "I need to be stationed in Oa, there are still some wounded people there."

"You have failed. In this crisis on Infinite Earths, you did nothing and were almost wiped out." Said said in a complicated tone, "It is the heroes of the earth who really save the world. I have said long ago that every era has its own destiny." Protagonist, our time has passed.

Now the ending of the Green Lantern Corps has proven that your concept of "Guardians of the Universe" is wrong. Disband it. From now on, we will start a new life in Zamaron. "

Glancing at the surprised people on Earth around him, Ganser frowned and said, "Let's talk about it back to Oa."

Said smiled and said goodbye to Harley and others, pulling Gunther and disappearing into the purple light.

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