I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 681 Supreme Superboy

"I heard a lot of flaws in your affectionate speech." Harley said sarcastically: "First of all, Crona caused so much damage to the universe, and he knowingly did it and deliberately conducted forbidden experiments, but he was just exiled.

With your guardian's immortal lifespan, is it possible that he is still alive now? "

Gunther's expression was a little strange, as if he had the superiority of a higher being looking down on lower creatures, "Harley Quinn, you will have different views on the same thing, at different stages of life, and at different stages of civilization.

For example, a three-year-old child regards not being able to eat gummies as the biggest pain in life, an eight-year-old child regards going to school as torture, and a 15-year-old boy considers suicide because of a broken love. But when they are 30 or 50 years old, the previous The pain is like a sweet memory.

They certainly haven't lost their pain, but it has become deeper and more complex.

For example, primitive people were afraid of any form of illness, and colds were also a pain to them. Medieval humans were afraid of plague and smallpox.

Now, you people on earth are afraid of AIDS.

Injecting a person with HIV is definitely the cruelest punishment, right?

But what about in the 30th century when AIDS has long been conquered?

In short, with the growth of personal experience and wisdom, and with the continuous advancement of civilization and technology, the meaning of "the greatest pain in life" has been evolving.

You think death is the greatest punishment because you have not yet overcome death.

But we Martusians have defeated 'death', and the most ordinary citizens have gained immortal life, immortality and immortality.

We even question the concept of ‘death’ as a result.

Therefore, depriving Crona of his immortal life may seem terrible to us, but it is not the greatest punishment. "

Harley had to admit that this forced the little blue man to pretend.

She couldn't refute it even if she wanted to. The little blue man in front of her was living and irrefutable evidence.

He has lived longer than the age of her earth!

Gods seem to be immortal, but in fact they are very dependent on faith and the rules of the universe. Maybe if faith disappears, the gods will disappear immediately, or maybe the rules of the universe will change and the powerful god king will disappear.

But the little blue people do not need faith or rely on the laws of the universe. They are immortal, as powerful as gods, possess the uniqueness of the multiverse, and are not afraid of the restart of the universe.

These blue-skinned bastards really make other races envious and jealous!

"How did you deal with Crona?" Hal Jordan asked curiously.

Ganser said lightly: "He was transformed into incorporeal energy, hovering in the universe forever. He will feel the pain of the universe, but he does not even have the ability to speak, and others cannot see or touch him."

Several people on Earth looked at each other, and their beliefs began to waver.

Perhaps this is really a punishment more terrible than death?

Harley wondered: "If the Anti-Monitor was worried that you would threaten his cause, he would take the first step and destroy Oua in one fell swoop.

Now the question is, he can easily destroy Oua, so why should he be afraid of you? "

"Why was Oa frozen by the space-time beam, and then encountered anti-matter lightning and exploded the earth's crust?" Ganser asked in return.

"I'm also surprised that if the earth's continental plates are also blown apart, very few people on earth will survive, and they will no longer be able to form a large army to guard the tuning fork." Hal puzzled.

Harley glanced at Dr. Fate and said nothing.

Doctor Destiny said: "The Anti-Monitor can't do it. Unless he first destroys my Tower of Destiny and then completely collapses the laws of the universe, he can't launch a law-level antimatter attack on the earth.

Just like to hurt a person's heart, you must first cut his armor and chest.

While the armor was still intact, the knife would definitely not be able to touch the heart.

If the Anti-Monitor destroys the Tower of Destiny and completely collapses the laws of the universe, there will be no need for anti-matter lightning to destroy the continental plates. It would be more practical to directly pour into the anti-matter clouds and convert the earth into anti-matter energy.

Therefore, when we see the destruction of countless parallel universes, it is always the shadow demon that takes the lead, followed by the antimatter cloud, and there is no law-level attack like the one that appeared in Oa. "

Ganser's eyes dimmed and his tone was calm: "The Anti-Monitor can attack Oa because Oa has a special connection with the planet Kovad.

Just like your earth and the earth in other universes, their positions overlap. The only difference lies in the vibration frequency.

Therefore, we can build a portal to directly enter the Kovad star from Oa, and the counter-monitor can also launch a direct attack on Oa through the Kovad star.

Therefore, the Green Lantern Corps was almost wiped out. It was not that we were too weak, but that the Guardians failed in their duties and failed to detect this in advance.

He was too careless and failed to dodge the counter-monitor's sneak attack.

Looking at Hal Jordan's performance in the Expedition, you will understand how much impact a complete Green Lantern Corps can have on the war situation.

The second reason why the Anti-Monitor is afraid of the Green Lantern Corps has to do with the portal.

We were able to open the portal, but he couldn't find its location.

The portal is a machine, but it is not the metal machine you think of. "

He paused, turned around, looked around the tuning fork, shook his head and said, "You civilizations have not yet gotten rid of your dependence on physical matter.

The portal on Korvad is built with the protoss of Korvad. The portal cannot be destroyed unless the planet is destroyed. "

"Can you sense the Kovad star now?" Harley asked.

"You have to try it before you know." Ganser thought for a while and said, "It's like dialing a mobile phone number to know whether it is an empty number."

"Hal, you go practice your 'dial skills' now." Harley said.

Gunther instantly transmits the message to Hal through the green light ring.

Looking at Hal who closed his eyes to receive the information, Harry's heart moved, "Can the yellow light be used?"

Ganser hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Give me one to increase insurance." Harley said.

Gunther refused with silence.

"Hal, give me a copy of the information." Harley said.

"Gunther, I think what Harley said makes sense. One more person, one more insurance."

Hal said, and without waiting for Gunther to react, he raised his right hand, and the ring shot out a beam of green light, which landed between Harry's eyebrows.

An "instruction manual" as complicated as operating Brainiac's spaceship was poured into Harry's consciousness. The amount of information was so large that it felt like a sap had been slapped on her head.

No wonder Ganser said it takes at least two months to learn.

What is complicated is not the process of activating the portal, but the underlying principles.

Just like driving a car, starting the car is very simple, but to become a qualified driver, you must undergo more systematic driving school training.

Gunther's pale blue face was a little dark, "Hal, this is the top secret of the Green Lantern Corps, related to the safety of the Oa and the positive and negative universes."

"If the universe disappears, the Legion and Oa will naturally disappear. What's the point of keeping the secrets even higher?" Hal said disapprovingly.

Gunther felt the urge to expel him from the Green Lantern Corps again.

At this time, Sage Aoqi received the message from Doctor Destiny and transmitted it through the space gate.

He bowed respectfully to Ganser before leading Hal to "Dinosaur Island".

There was originally no dinosaur island on the earth. In order to accommodate the chaotic time and space belts that were falling all over the earth like ribbons, Dr. Destiny teamed up with many masters and forcibly built a giant island in the Pacific Ocean that was surrounded by divine magic circles, hidden from the world, and similar to the Amazon Paradise Island. .

There are only dinosaurs, mammoths and other non-modern exotic animals on it, but no humans, so it is named Dinosaur Island.

Well, if it were General Lane who handled this matter, he would most likely throw all the time-travelers into Dinosaur Island, unless the time-travelers came from the future and could provide future technological knowledge.

However, the government is dominated by Zuobai, and there is a group of righteous superheroes watching from the side. Not to mention ordinary time-travelers, even primitive people have been assigned to the big house.

Harley stared at the little blue man again and asked: "Master Ganser, your guardian clan should be more than just the ones left on Oa, right?"

"They can't help. The Martus who settled on Oa are the guardians." Gunther said.

Harley asked: “Are they unwilling to help, or are they incapable?

You also know the situation in the multiverse now. There are only five single universes left, and the number of heroes is limited. They also suffered heavy losses in the last expedition, including two Wonder Women.

The second expedition is about to begin, and every additional point of strength increases the chance of victory.

Even if the other little blue men ahem, the other Martus are weaker than the Guardians, they are at least stronger than most heroes. "

Gunther was lost in thought.

Harley advised: "If the Anti-Monitor is alive, he will definitely not let go of the Earth 0 universe. He can kill the guardians on Oa, but will he let the Martus people on other planets go?

If it turns out that the Anti-Monitor is dead, the expeditionary force will be disbanded on the spot, and your tribesmen will not suffer any losses. Wouldn't it be more practical to go back and continue living their own lives? "

Ganser said: "Things are not as simple as you think. You have also met the guardians, but have you ever found a woman? The Martus people are not separated, but divided because of different theories."

"Could it be that the Martus woman, who is so accomplished in boxing, just abandoned the men?" Harley was surprised, "Anyway, you are already immortal, and there is no need to have children to reproduce the race."

Ganser shook his head, "We have differences in our attitude towards the crisis of the universe. Some men believe that the Martus should be responsible for the safety of the universe and become guardians; women feel that they should not interfere with the natural development of the universe and live their own lives. That’s it, they chose to leave and become Zamaron people.”

"There aren't many male guardians on Oa, what about the others?" Harley asked.

"Of course there are more than two factions."

Ganser only said a simple sentence, obviously not wanting to expose too much of the secrets of the little blue people.

Harley said calmly: "Can you contact the Zamaron people? Ask them if they are willing to save themselves. If they are willing, they can come to Earth to report. If they are not willing, forget it. I won't force them.

Anyway, you little blue men are here, and they are definitely not the main force. The main force is the two supermen. "

Ganse was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "I'll help you with the interrogation, but I can't guarantee the result."

With that, he used his green light ring to send a message.

When the Zamaron woman replied, Laila told Harley: "We recently met another Superman, a little Superman who is sixteen or seventeen years old. There are three Superman in total."

Harley wondered: "Superman from Earth 1 died in the battle, there was an old Superman from Earth 2, Quantum Superman from Earth 4, and Superman from Earth 10 died in the battle to defend the tuning fork. Where did the little Superman come from?"

Several readers have asked why Superboy-Prime didn't appear and should we write about him?

Of course we have to write about him. Superboy Prime is a very special existence in DC comics. A large part of the reason for writing Crisis on Infinite Earths was for him.

Why did he show up now?

In Crisis on Infinite Earths, the heroes fought the Anti-Monitor four times in total, the first expedition, Supergirl's death, the second, The Flash's solo dance and sacrifice, the third at the origin of time, and the fourth final battle.

Superboy-Prime did not appear at the beginning. He only found an organization and joined the coalition of heroes on the eve of the Third War.

So where was he before?

Lost, wandering around outside the universe.

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