I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 680 The Origin of Infinite Parallel Universes

The situation in the Hades universe is much worse than that of Earth 0, which is still outside.

The "Crisis on Infinite Earths Summary Conference" held at the United Nations headquarters on Earth 2 was not only attended by dignitaries from Earth 2, but representatives from all four universes were sent to Earth 2.

They can travel through parallel universes as mortals, not because they are carried by high-tech spaceships or by people with powerful powers.

The four universes are already physically connected.

People on Earth 1 can walk through the space-time distortion zone and directly enter Earth 2, or Earth 4, or Earth 10. Therefore, even if the Anti-Monitor is really dead and the antimatter universe disappears, the troubles in the Hades universe are far from over.

For example, after Alexander, Leila, and the Abandoned took turns announcing that the crisis was over, some American politicians stood up and loudly asked the soul question: "How to ensure that the United States on Earth 2 will not be invaded by other earths?

I am the Secretary of State of the United States. No one knows the style of the United States better than me.

Earth 2 is only in the 1990s, and its technological and military capabilities are obviously not as good as those of Earth 1 in 2005.

When the crisis of the Infinite Earths subsided, the United States on Earth 1 would probably first send a human rights report to the United States on Earth 2, and then advocate that the Americas were the national policy of the United States. Even the Americas in other worlds also belonged to the United States. Finally, the war started with small-scale provocations. unstoppable. "

"When you say that, you must want to use the same method to treat Earth 10 in the 1980s, right?" The U.S. Secretary of State for Earth 10 was excited.

It was not until the end of the United Nations crisis summary meeting that Harley asked Dr. Destiny to send a message to Alexander Kent and others.

The three of them appeared directly on Liberty Island and headed to the Hall of Heroes below the tuning fork.

Pioneer Lyra lost all her power and became an ordinary person, but Alexander still had positive matter energy in his body, and the outcast could also travel through parallel universes.

The three of them were a little embarrassed when they faced Harley.

"Do you think the crisis is over?"

Harley went straight to the topic without sarcasm about the results of the last battle.

She was indeed angry that they did not listen to her and refused to recognize her as the boss, which ultimately led to heavy casualties among the heroes on the expedition.

But those who don't listen to her and don't recognize her as the boss are mostly heroes. For example, heroes from other universes such as Ms. Quark and Dr. Light don't know her at all, and they can't let her lead the team.

Now most of them died on the battlefield, including acquaintances like Diana, who couldn't make sarcastic remarks.

On another occasion, another incident, it would be strange if she didn't mock her and make the three of them blush.

"Based on the information we have at this time, this should be the case."

Alexander considered his words carefully and did not finish his words.

Harley pointed her gaze at him, "Why do you think the antimatter universe has disappeared?"

"The antimatter energy in my body has disappeared, and I can no longer sense the antimatter universe, so I guess we killed the anti-monitor that day." Alexander said.

"Your parents are very smart people, what's wrong with your brain?" Harley's expression changed slightly, and she frowned and said, "Did you burn out your brain because you tied it to the tuning fork that day and converted too much antimatter energy?"

"Are you insulting me?" The red-haired young man was angry and clenched his fists.

Harley said calmly: "You are humiliating yourself. There are a lot of logical loopholes in the basis for your judgment that the antimatter universe has disappeared.

For example, if you cannot sense the antimatter universe, it does not mean that it has disappeared, but that there is no antimatter energy in your body.

The antimatter energy in your body disappears because the Wantian Yi, which was once filled with antimatter energy, has now become empty, and the energy in your body has also been drained away.

At the same time, if you stay in the positive matter world for a long time, your body must adapt to the rules of the universe, so you cannot carry antimatter energy for a long time.

In addition, if the monitor dies, the positive matter universe is still safe and sound. Why will the anti-matter universe disappear if the anti-monitor dies?

The most important thing is that when you returned victoriously, you left from an intact antimatter universe, not a world that was about to doomsday, right? "

Alexander said solemnly: "When we left the antimatter universe, there was a big explosion in the meteorite maze, which was no different from the end of the world.

The antimatter energy in my body did not disappear in an instant.

Before the energy completely disappeared, I had lost my sense of the antimatter universe. "

"What's the connection between meteorite explosions and the disappearance of the universe?" Harley shook her head, "Forget it, there's no point in arguing like this.

Leila can stay or go as she pleases, and you and the outcasts will stay on Earth 0 and join me in the second antimatter cosmic expedition.

The Outcast can locate the Counter-Monitor.

If you enter the antimatter universe, you will probably be able to absorb enough antimatter energy again. "

Alexander was stunned, "Can you locate the antimatter universe?"

"I can't, but the little blue men can. Although they suffered heavy casualties in the anti-matter lightning, there are still a few who survived." Harley said.

Alexander, Laila and the Abandoned looked at each other and nodded: "If I can find the antimatter universe, it will prove that my guess may be wrong. I have no reason to refuse the opportunity to completely eliminate the crisis."

Several people have very strong mobility.

Alexander immediately left Earth 0 and returned to the underworld to gather heroes. Harley called Hal Jordan and told him her plan, asking him to go to Oa to find the Guardian.

Before Alexander left, Hallie pulled him and said mentally: “You have to make a big show of yourself, but don’t move too fast.

If the Anti-Monitor is still alive and deliberately drains the antimatter energy from your body and pretends to be dead, then he is probably engaged in a big conspiracy.

At the same time, he must always keep an eye on us. If you make a big show of it, he can judge the time of our visit through the progress of your actions. Do you understand what I mean? "

Alexander gave her a strange look and nodded: "The enemy was unexpected and launched a sudden attack when he thought we were not ready."

Harley waved him away.

Two hours later, Hal Jordan returned to Earth with Gunther, the little blue man in red robe.

Ganser's condition was very bad. Little Blue's face looked like it had been smeared with pearl powder. He was sick and had no energy. "I can't do anything. The trauma caused by antimatter in my body has never recovered."

"Tell me how to get Hal Jordan to open the door," Harley said.

Ganser frowned and looked at Hal, and said: "That is a complicated technique. With his current strength, he may be able to master it, but he will not have enough time."

"How long?" Hal asked.

"Even for the Guardians, it will take at least two months. Can you wait two months? If the universe is still peaceful within two months, the crisis is probably over.

If the crisis is not over, the Anti-Monitor will not give you two months of peace. " Ganser said.

"Kent, can the two months of training be solved with magic?" Harley turned to Doctor Fate.

"You can ask Sage Aoqi to take him into the twisted zone, where time and space are chaotic, and he can steal two months or even more at a low cost." Dr. Destiny said.

"OK, now there is one last question left," Harley stared at Gunther, "How strong is your method of locating the antimatter universe?

If the antimatter universe and the Anti-Monitor are intact at this time, it proves that Alexander Kent has been deceived by the Anti-Monitor, and the loss of anti-matter energy in his body is also related to the Anti-Monitor.

Is it possible that the Anti-Monitor could mask the antimatter universe, rendering the Guardians' techniques useless? "

Ganser said: "Unless the Anti-Monitor destroys Kvard, there is no way to organize the Green Lantern Corps to locate the portal."

Harley asked, "What's so special about Coward?"

"I don't know if you have noticed that there is no Green Lantern Corps in other universes except Earth 0." Gunther said.

"There is a Green Lantern on Earth 2." Hal said.

Gunther's eyes flashed slightly, "His green lantern comes from the Green Lantern Corps. Except for Earth 0, in all parallel universes, there is no Oa and no Guardian clan.

Because we, like the gods and demons of the fifth dimension, have the unique characteristic of being immune to the restart of the universe. "

Harley was surprised, "Kent, he didn't brag?"

Doctor Fate shook his head, "He is telling the truth. The Guardian Multiverse is unique and is not affected by the restart of the multiverse."


"We have reached the end of science," Ganser sighed, and there was sadness and pride on Xiao Lan's face, "We are one of the oldest races in the universe.

Before you were even born on earth, we had already become gods.

What the gods have, we all have, immortal life, powerful spiritual energy, and spiritual power that shakes the stars.

It is not that we are like gods, but that gods are like us.

At that time, many of the old gods had not been born, and the new gods were nowhere to be seen. Today, at most, only half of the eight major divine realms exist.

There were no parallel universes at that time, there was only one main universe with extremely rich origins, and even the antimatter universe was just nothingness.

The birth of the parallel universe and the formation of the antimatter universe are related to the mad scientist named ‘Crona’ among our tribe.

He violated the ban of the Supreme Academy of Sciences and conducted the most taboo 'observation experiment on the origin of the universe'.

Crona developed a machine to observe the timeline, going all the way back along the timeline of the mother universe until the beginning of time.

He saw a pair of big hands holding the galaxy, which was the Creator creating the universe. "

"You are looking for death." Harley said.

She didn’t know if the little blue man knew about it, but she was certain that the hands that shaped the stars must have come from Papetua.

Actually observed the creation of Papetua

By the way, this little blue man also said that the earth was not born.

The earth is associated with Pappetua, who at that time called her child.

This shows that Papetua had not yet been sealed into the Origin Wall at that time.

Ganser said: "We are not dead, even Crona, who directly observed the creation process, survived the explosion in the laboratory.

But the consequences of that incident were extremely serious. The universe split from a single one into countless ones, and the empty antimatter space gave birth to a complete universe according to the pattern of the main universe.

Because the antimatter universe mimics the autonomous universe, there is also an Oa star there, also known as Kovad.

When we were investigating the cosmic consequences of Crona's forbidden experiments, we visited the nascent antimatter universe and built a portal on it. "

"So, you are responsible for the current crisis on infinite earths?" Harley said with a dull face.

Ganser said calmly: "What does it have to do with us?"

"Of course it's related. If the universe hadn't been split into countless parts, making it impossible for the monitors to look after it, the Abandoned Ones would have been arrested as soon as they discovered antimatter energy.

No, there are no countless parallel universes, the abandoned people do not exist at all, and the crisis has been solved from the source. "

Ganser said: "The cause of the splitting of a single universe into infinite universes seems to be Crona's observations, but he definitely does not want that result.

Now the multiverse has changed from countless to five, and there is even a tendency to merge into one. The cause seems to be the Abandoned One, but is he leading all of this? "

"Oh, you said the mastermind behind all these incidents is the Monitor?" Harley said.

Ganser's expression remained unchanged, "Everything is an arrangement of fate."

"Don't you have any responsibility?" Harley sneered.

Ganser said bitterly: "We are indeed guilty. We failed to predict the crisis on Infinite Earths in advance, and we failed to play an important role in protecting the universe during the crisis. We failed in our duties."

"That's true." Harley raised an eyebrow, "Do you really think of yourself as the guardian of the universe?"

Ganser said: "Although Crona's observation experiment was a personal act, and we have banished him forever, we Martus people have not shirked our responsibilities.

In the years since, we've all tried our best to deal with the chaos unleashed by the Big Bang.

This is where the title ‘Guardians’ comes from and why the Green Lantern Corps was created.

The Anti-Monitor knew that with us guarding the universe, it would be difficult for him to achieve great things, so he took the first step to destroy Oa. "

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