I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 684 The bribery conditions of the anti-supervision king (please vote for me at the end of th

Sinestro's voice became clearer, "Don't panic, don't be nervous, I-"

Harley said calmly: "How did you see that I was panicking and nervous?"

Sinestro's tone paused, "Sorry, I'm a little panicked and a little nervous."

Harley smiled coldly, and the Sandman's robe appeared out of nowhere, wrapped around her pajamas, then stepped out and disappeared into the meditation room.

Yebi and Fat Tou simultaneously turned to look in the direction of the meditation room.

"Harley just used the power of the yellow light to open the space door and seems to have left Gotham." Fat Head murmured.

"Strange." Yebi was puzzled, "Who is looking for her at this time?"

At the same time, on the back side of the moon, in the cracks of the barren mountain peaks, a figure emitting light golden light spoke to the ring on his right hand.

".I'm a little nervous. What I'm going to talk about next is very——"

"Boom -" A golden halo of light exploded in the space in front of him, and a woman in purple and black robes walked out with half of her slender and shapely legs and feet bare.

"You——" The golden man was shocked, "How did you find this?"

"Energy projection?" Harry frowned, stretched out his right arm, and held the palm of his sleeve lightly. The golden man seemed to be under great pressure and wailed. Without even the slightest struggle, he shrank into a ball of golden light as big as a date.

"Buzz--" Harley opened a space wormhole again, took one step forward, and came to a meteorite belt 50 light-years away.

"Come out." She threw the light ball casually and shouted towards a meteorite.

The ball of light hung there without moving, and no one responded.

Harley looked calm, put her hands behind her back, and said nothing.

A full quarter of an hour passed, and the meteorite she had been staring at emitted a bright golden light, and a red-skinned man with two mustaches floated out.

Sinestro, the former "Greatest Green Lantern in History".

"Are you a Yellow Lantern now?"

Even though she was already sure in her heart, Harley's expression was still very strange when she saw the yellow light uniform he was wearing at this time.

"Why did you find me?" Sinestro said solemnly.

"Why can you find me?" Harley asked.

Sinestro stretched out his hand to call back the light group, integrated it into his body, shook his head and said: "That's different, I know you are on Earth, in Quinn Manor.

I have determined your detailed location before I can send you the information.

I first hid my own body tightly, and then used Green Lantern's "Energy Twin" technique to create an energy body copy that could only transmit information.

The copy also uses my original ‘spatial sound wave’ technology.

Theoretically, you can't even detect the copy, let alone find me. "

Harley smiled happily and said: "It seems that your self-created spatial sound wave technology is not up to standard. As soon as I heard the sound, I locked the spatial coordinates of the copy, and then used it to reversely locate your original body."

She has reason to be happy, because she finally discovered another benefit of devouring the origin of Parallax Monster: remote sensing of the Yellow Lantern's location.

As soon as the "space sound wave" of the energy copy approached her, the source of the yellow light in her body was triggered, accurately locking the position where the sound wave came from.

Then the body is sensed through the energy body.

Sinestro said seriously: "Even if my skills are immature, the Green Lantern Corps has billions of years of history. As a common method of long-distance communication, energy twins have been used countless times by every Lantern. This situation has never happened before. .”

"Well, you also said that it is the Green Lantern Corps. What does the rules of the Green Lantern Corps have to do with our Yellow Lantern Corps?"

Sinestro looked suspicious, but couldn't verify it.

Harley looked at the yellow light ring on his right finger and asked curiously: "Who made this ring for you? Do you see how small I am? I miss it so much."


"My good friend and good partner, the Parallax Monster." Harley's eyes glowed golden, as if she wanted to see his whole body thoroughly, "You have seen it, right? Is it in your body now?"

"I use the yellow light ring and I haven't seen any parallax monsters."

Sinestro felt uncomfortable looking at her, and felt even more uncomfortable after hearing her words.

"Where did you get your ring?" Harley asked.

Sinestro hesitated for a moment and said, "The weapon bearers from Covad helped me build it."

After a pause, he added: "We can talk about the ring later. I'm looking for you today because I have more important things to do."

Harley sneered: "No need to talk, I know what you want to say and who you represent. Unfortunately, this world is my home, and I will not betray it like you."

Sinestro smiled bitterly and said, "You think I don't love my hometown? Since you can guess my purpose, you should also know that I was exiled to the antimatter universe by the Guardians, right?"

"I also know that Hal Jordan reported you."

"Report? That's betrayal!" Sinestro gritted his teeth, and his red face twisted into a complex expression of pain and hatred. "I treat him as my brother, my nephew, and my successor. He can join the Green Lantern Corps again. This is the result of my strong suggestion to the Guardian.

But he betrayed my trust, betrayed my friendship, and he killed my wife and my people."

"So, you have a reason to take revenge on this universe. I am different from you." Harley said seriously.

"No, hatred and anger did not destroy my reason and emotions, they just made me stronger." Sinestro's eyes were clear and he looked at her calmly, "I just want to take revenge on the hypocritical Hal Jordan, and the corpse, A mediocre little blue man.

I still love my people, my home planet.

That is the place that gave me birth, raised me, gave me honor, and made me vow to repay it with my life. "

His expression became extremely complicated, "The Koruga civilization, like the Earth, has not left the star system, and its status in the universe is only one level higher than that of primitive civilization.

Being a Green Lantern, a cosmic policeman, has brought me nothing but glory.

Only by making my home planet more prosperous and powerful, and teaching people to live and work in peace and contentment without being bullied by alien civilizations, can I be satisfied and proud.

Out of ten thousand people, maybe one thousand may oppose me, eight thousand may misunderstand me, nine hundred may support me, ninety may love me and respect me, and the last ten may be my friends, family, companions, and comrades-in-arms.

How could I give up the one thousand people I should cherish the most because of nine thousand ignorant idiots who don't like me? "

Sinestro's tone was complex, but his feelings were sincere, and Harley was touched.

No matter what his true thoughts are or what his character is, being able to say these words proves that he at least understands what it means to be a real person.

"Could it be that the promise given to you by the Anti-Monitor was to save the planet Koruga?"

Sinestro nodded slightly and said: "No need to restart, just dematerialize Koruga directly and move it to the new universe."

"Can your people survive after dematerialization?" Harley asked.

"I am living proof," Sinestro opened his arms toward her, "I can survive freely in the universe of matter and antimatter."

"How did you do it?" Harley asked curiously.

"Humanity's adaptability is stronger than you think, and the difference between matter and antimatter is smaller than you think." Sinestro's face showed a look of memory, "When the little blue man took away my green light ring, he also I was not allowed to enter the antimatter universe empty-handed.

That would not be exile, but death or punishment.

You may not know that the little blue people don’t believe in death or punishment. They are more interested in imprisonment, sealing and exile. "

He smiled sarcastically, "Those hypocritical dwarfs."

Harley didn't follow his words, "They gave you an antimatter stabilizing bracelet, which only ensures that your body will not collapse immediately in the antimatter universe."

"Yes, that bracelet can only prevent me from exploding, but like I said, people are very adaptable. Without the green light ring, I am just an ordinary person who needs food, water and air.

The first is oxygen. At first, I could hardly breathe the oxygen on the planet Kovad. Let me explain, I was transported directly to the center of the antimatter universe, the planet Kovad.

It is the sister of Oa. Its air composition, topography and even human race are very similar to Oa.

Even if the air composition is fine, the antimatter oxygen is still like poison. It can be inhaled into the body, but it is also harming my body.

I lay paralyzed in the desert for three days and nights, as if I had a stroke. I was conscious but unable to move.

Later, an armed person passed by and took me home for treatment for half a month before I finally got off the ground.

Since then, my body has begun to dematerialize.

Breathing the air of the antimatter world and eating the food of the antimatter world, how can the body still maintain a state of positive matter? "

Harley frowned and said, "Did you successfully complete dematerialization by relying on the monitor bracelet, the treatment of the 'weapon wielder', or your own will?"

Sinestro glanced at her appreciatively, "You guessed it, it has a lot to do with your own will. If you want to dematerialize the entire planet, you must extend the process to tens or hundreds of years to ensure that ordinary people can also can complete the transformation.”

"When did you return to Earth 0 from the antimatter universe?" Harley asked.

"Just today, I returned to this universe and immediately used the 'Energy Twin' to send an energy copy to the solar system."

"Your body has completed the transformation into positive matter so quickly?" Harley asked in surprise.

Sinestro sneered and said: "Harley Quinn, you should try it yourself. After you try it, you will find that matter and antimatter are the deception of high-dimensional universe managers on us low-dimensional cosmic people. They definitely come from the same source.

I originally thought that it would take a while for me to re-transform, or to keep using yellow light energy to protect my body. However, after direct contact with this universe, my body became materialized almost instantly. "

Seeing that Harley was deep in thought and remained silent, he added: "Preserving the Koruga civilization is only one of the benefits. The Anti-Monitor King will also give me a parallel universe as a gift.

In that universe, the Koruga civilization will be the 'royal civilization'.

The Koruga people have unlimited territory and endless resources.

Not only are my people no longer affected by problems such as food, housing, energy, environmental pollution, climate change, etc., they can also have more noble pursuits.

For example, practicing one's own civilizational concepts within the scope of the universe is like the cosmic peace policy promoted by the Little Blue Man. "

His tone became very excited, and there was very obvious yearning and expectation in his eyes and expression.

It can be seen that he sincerely surrenders to the anti-supervisory king and truly believes that the anti-supervisory king will fulfill his promise.

Harley said slowly: "It sounds good."

Sinestro heard the change in her tone and immediately said: "The Anti-Supervision King can also give you the same promise. If you have higher requirements, you can also put them forward."

Harley said solemnly: "It sounds good, but how can you be sure that he will not break his promise?

If we resist, we have at least a 50% chance of winning; if we surrender, our fate is entrusted to others, and the final outcome is entirely determined by his subjective will. "

"First of all, if you resist, there is absolutely no 50% chance of winning. I swear to you with my love for Koruga - the anti-monitors have an absolute advantage, and you and us have no hope at all."

A hint of bitterness appeared on Sinestro's serious red face, "You think you have a chance of winning just because you are ignorant and know nothing about the anti-supervision king's trump card."

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