I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 70 Machine Gun Sister

"What happened last night?" Plica asked directly, staring into Harley's eyes.

Harley already knew that the big black girl was "cunning and thoughtful", so she didn't hesitate and said frankly: "I was attacked at night, it was a narcotics police officer."

Puli's eyes flashed, Ka looked her up and down and asked, "Are you injured?"

Harley lifted up her dress from the hem, revealing her belly wrapped in gauze.

"The continuous gunfire in the Eighth Alley last night, was it you?" Pulika said in shock.

"You knew it so quickly?" Harley was also a little surprised.

"This is my territory. After every gunshot, I will immediately know the reason." Plica said proudly.

"Then do you know what happened?" Harley asked.

Pulika's expression became solemn, "Diana, you are very good. The GCPD didn't come to find you, and I didn't receive an abnormality report."

Harley was a little proud, but quickly shook her head with a wry smile, "It's a matter of time, if you can't help me, I will run away today."

This is the truth.

Sister Diana is also a fake identity anyway, at worst she will have to change her identity.

"This matter is a bit big and I can't make the decision. Will you come with me to see Boss Sasse at four o'clock in the afternoon?"

In front of Pulika, Harley showed 100% trust without any hesitation.

Pulika nodded slightly, feeling very satisfied with her performance.

After leaving Aunt Tata's house, Harley immediately put on her backpack and rushed to the kitten's shabby house.

"Sass!" Selina was nestled in the moldy bed, and it seemed difficult to open her eyes.

"What did you do last night?" Harley asked in surprise.

"All night long at the Fishbone Bar." At the end, she added: "The Fishbone Bar is Sister Yu's home base. The blocks between Crime Alley and the Upper East Side are all Sister Yu's territory."

In fact, the Crime Alley where the Waynes were shot is only a few blocks away from Bali Street.

"How is Sasi like a person? Is he cunning, lustful, and trustworthy? Do you think I should go? Or should I just run away and change my identity?" Harley asked repeatedly.

Selina comforted her: "Don't worry, people on the road are far more disciplined than gcpd. No matter you go to see any boss, as long as you don't directly offend him, there will be no danger.

Let alone you, if Falcone extends an invitation to Maroni, Maroni will not worry about his own safety, and Falcone will never touch him. "

"No, I'm different from ordinary people!"

Harley first held her heart-shaped face and twisted her neck, then slightly raised her small chest to show off her slender and beautiful waist.

"Look, what a beautiful girl. A beauty like me is enough to make them break any rules."

Selena stared at her with a dull face for a while, then she held her silver plate face in her hands, twisted her neck and said, "Am I worse than you? I have met so many big guys, and none of them even talked to me."

"Kitten, you are beautiful too, but..."

"Okay, stop being so pretty, Sass doesn't like women at all."

"His men are all Valkyries, not a single man." Harley doubted.

Selina sighed: "Sass is in charge of most of Gotham's porn industry. It is easier for the madam to manage the skilled women below. Have you seen his female killers? They are all beautiful and charming?"

Harley shook her head, "They are all tall, powerful, and have strange shapes."

"So what are you still afraid of? Don't forget, you are planning to go to him. If he does something bad to you, how will he get around in the future?"

"It makes sense." Harley was gradually convinced.

"What kind of person is Sasi? Is he worth following?" she asked again.

"Are you really planning to enter the industry?" Mao Mao asked in surprise.

"Of course not, but I don't want to be friends with bad people either," Harley said.

"Sass's words." Mao Mao thought for a moment and said, "Besides his love of killing people, he doesn't seem to have any shortcomings."

"He likes killing people very much. He feels unhappy if he doesn't kill people for a day?" Harley frowned.

"That's not the case."

Mao Mao shook his head and said: "He is the killer leader of the Falcone family. He is responsible for helping Falcone kill people. As long as ordinary people don't provoke him, he doesn't even want to look at them."

"What does he do on a daily basis and what are his hobbies?"

In the evening, while walking on the way to the Bloody Paradise Bar, Plica gave Harley a strange look and said, "I thought you wouldn't come back."

"If such a big thing happened, of course I have to go back to the Anglican Church." Harry's expression remained calm and composed.

Pulika thought this was reasonable.

"What does the Episcopal Church say?" she asked.

"If it doesn't work, we'll evacuate the chapel." Harry said in a complicated tone.

Pulika nodded, that made sense.

"What do you think?"

"Since I am willing to start a business here alone, it shows my ambition. If possible, I hope to continue running the small church." Harley said.

"The matter of the anti-narcotics police is nothing to Boss Sasse, but if you want him to help you, you have to show your value to him." Plica said.

"I see."

Sass is a somewhat handsome bald man, with a smooth chin and no beard or eyebrows. His head is as smooth as a boiled white egg.

In his thirties, about the same age as Jim Gordon.

Even in a suit and leather shoes, there is a fierceness about him. At a glance, it makes people think that he is a ruthless character.

"Are you really 21 years old?" Sass circled Harry twice, his voice trembling and hoarse.

Not sexy, but rather perverted.

"I have a tender face."

Harley looked calm, without the nervousness and anxiety that ordinary people would have when meeting a big boss.

"Boss Sasse must be deeply touched. I heard that you are already in your thirties, but in reality, you look like a young man in your early twenties."

Pulika and the other black girls were dumbfounded.

"Really?" Sass touched his cheek and grinned, "You are good at talking, but you understand my position in the Falcone family. Just being able to talk is useless."

"I thought Boss Sass would let me do what a nun should do, just like the old godfather in The Godfather who only asked the undertaker to help bury his son's body." Harley said in surprise.


Sass sat back on the boss's chair, his feet intertwined on the table, and his fingers crossed on his chest. He recalled it carefully for a moment, then smiled and said: "The last time I watched "The Godfather" was ten years ago, and I almost forgot about this plot. .

Yes, under normal circumstances, as long as you show goodwill to me and the Falcone family, and you are not a useless waste, I will be happy to cover you in my territory. "

"What accident happened now? Is there too much pressure on the gcpd?" Harley frowned.

"Hahaha, gcpd is our dog," Sasse smiled easily and contemptuously, "Who in a serious family would let their children become police officers?

Diana da Vinci, I am not rejecting your friendship, but I want to do you a greater favor.

The old godfather just helped the undertaker beat up the two gangsters who bullied his daughter. I will not only help you solve the trouble with gcpd, but also give you the power, money and status that ordinary people dream of. "

Harley was dumbfounded. She was so kind to me. Could it be that I was so charming that I straightened the curve?

Several black girls were also stunned.

Only Plica quickly showed a thoughtful expression.

"What position of power?" Harley asked curiously.

Sass pointed at the several black girl gunmen sitting or standing opposite, "Like them, join my elite guard and immediately become the masters of a neighborhood."

Look at these black girls, wearing tight black leather clothes, unconventional cockscombs, mohawks, bald heads, and armed belts with machine guns and pistols.

Harley tried to put herself into it, and immediately got goosebumps all over her body.

It’s so scary that I can’t even think about it.

However, the benefits offered by the Sasse boss are also very large. Think about how much Chen Haonan has paid since he first entered the industry and took over the leadership in Causeway Bay.

Harley has reached the sky in one step.

"Why?" she asked confused.

"You're good at fighting!"

Sass directly expressed his appreciation and admiration, “After receiving a call from Plica at noon, I checked what happened in the alleys of Bali Street last night.

You were first beaten by two hooligans, and then surrounded by three police officers and two poisonous bugs. If it were any of my gunmen, they would definitely be useless.

But not only did you stand in front of me intact, you also cleverly concealed most of the matter.

He has wisdom and strength, and can kill people without any psychological burden.

Diana, you are the talent I admire most! "

Being praised so much by a killer leader, Harley didn't know how to react.

“Boss Sasse, I’m very grateful for your consideration, but I believe in Christ and I really don’t plan to change my career to be a female gunner.

But I am not a ungrateful person, and I am willing to do whatever I can to repay your kindness.

I work as a nun in a chapel during the day, and at night I can come over and help you watch the scene. If there is a fight or a fight that ruins the scene, if you step back, let me step in! "She had a plan in mind before she said it.

After the incident in the monastery, Harley was determined to improve her defense points as soon as possible, but she could never find a stable source of experience points.

In fact, the first time she was invited to the Bloody Paradise Bar, she had the idea of ​​gaining experience in the chaotic land.

But before I could turn my idea into reality, something unexpected happened.

"You mean, you don't want to join the Falcone family, but you work for me?" Sass frowned.

"Well, it's equivalent to security." Harley nodded.

"Diana, if you think about it carefully, you will do almost the same job, but choose fewer benefits." Plica couldn't help but advise.

Sass raised his hand, stopped her words, and said: "Diana, I accept your suggestion. In addition, I will give you another favor and a promise.

What happened last night still left two little tails, let me help you solve it. "

Little tail?

Harley thought about it and realized that it was two children who were beating her up.

Well solved!

She was feeling unhappy because they took away two more cartons of milk this morning.

"Oh, how good is this, they are still children." She said coyly.

"You can't bear it?" Sasi raised his eyebrows, "That's just——"

"No, I mean, don't make them suffer too much. Hey, I am not their first target. For the sake of the innocent people before and after, God will forgive us." Harley said quickly.

"." Sas looked at her with a dull face for a while, then nodded and said, "Gotti, it must be painful enough for you to handle this matter."

"Uh" Harley looked a little strange.

Sass added: "In addition to this small favor, there is also a promise. When you have enough merit, I will give you a church."

Harley's expression became even stranger.

——I don’t join your group of female gunmen because they are too low-spirited, not because I can’t live without Christ Jesus.

However, Boss Sass obviously had good intentions, so there was no need for her to refuse.

Just like that, Harley has a new job.

She was hired that night.

There is a complete training ground on the first floor of the bar, where you can exercise, practice target shooting, and even have snipers.

Harley was injured, so she stayed there playing with the pistol. On the way, she went to the lobby to deal with a few drunken and trouble-making people, and gained some experience.

At half past eleven, she came home from get off work.

The next morning she met Jim Gordon.

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