I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 71 Gordon did it too? (Please recommend, please collect)

This morning, Hallie placed breakfast on the "commissary" counter and asked those who needed it to line up to get it.

This time, she didn't see two annoying little black kids.

After a while, she felt a little bored, so she went to the chapel opposite, stood under the statue of Christ, holding a Bible in her hand, and began to preach her "fallacious theories."

Unbeknownst to her, Jim Gordon and his old partner Harvey Bullock also joined the followers below.

She didn't know the look on their faces when they first saw her.

But you can guess that it must be very shocking and unbelievable.

After Harley finished her addiction and announced the end of today's service with satisfaction, Jim came over with a complicated expression and whispered: "I didn't expect to see you here."

Harley was really shocked for a while, and then complained: "I wear glasses and change my hairstyle, can you still recognize me?" (Da Chao: You are actually complaining about me, right?)

"We are heroic detectives, our eyes are sharper than a dog's nose."

Harvey poked his eyes and muttered again: "I just listened to your sermon, and you said, 'Before going to bed every night, reflect on your actions and thoughts from all aspects of the day, and you will be heard by God in the City of Silver.' .

And your description of the Silver City of Angels is not found in the Bible at all.

It's a bit like a cult. "

"You're a police detective who hasn't been there even a few times a week, and you want to teach me, a nun, how to do things?" Harley dismissed it.

"I know your ins and outs, Sister Diana!" Harvey sneered.

"I have been to the City of Silver, listened to the voice of God, and became colleagues with the Archangel Zauliel. Do you know that?"

"Just go crazy, go crazy as hard as you can." Harvey didn't believe it at all.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Jim interrupted the pointless argument between the two and said seriously: "Three detectives from the police's anti-narcotics team disappeared on Bali Street, near this apartment.

There was also a police sergeant among them, and the time was about 10:30 the night before yesterday. Sister Diana, what do you know? "

"I don't know anything." Harley shook her head.

"Do you think it's a coincidence that we found you here?" Harvey's mouth curled up with a touch of sarcasm.

"Sister Diana, you have to tell the truth. A rookie police officer, a senior detective, a sergeant, this is shocking.

Anyone who dares to touch a police officer will have the same hatred as the GCPD, and there will no longer be a place for him in Gotham. This is the rule. "Gordon said seriously.

"Today is our first time here, but it will never be our last, unless the criminal can be caught immediately. You don't want the police to come looking for you every day, right, Sister Dai Nana?"

Harvey's accentuated vocals on "Diana" carry a distinctly menacing tone.

"Gordon, have you solved my dad's case? Who is behind it?" Harley suddenly asked.

"Uh" Gordon's majestic Chinese character face was a bit disfigured.

His eyes flashed and he said: "There aren't many clues yet. You also know that the man behind the scenes must be the real culprit of the crime alley robbery case, so don't worry, I have never given up on the investigation."

"What about the false accusation against me by the Holy Advent Crusaders? When will my case be dropped?" Harley asked again.

"Uh, well." Gordon's face was full of helplessness, "We have never found Harvey Dent, and Wayne Telecom has not been able to recover the communication content between you and me that day."

Looking at Harley's big eyes as cold as a lake, he quickly promised: "Don't worry, we just can't reverse the case immediately.

There is too much resistance to overthrowing the church, but public opinion is fermenting, and the police department and the city prosecutor's office are under tremendous pressure at all times.

The police inspector has decided to form a task force to re-investigate the monastery case.

In other words, you are now no longer a wanted criminal, but a suspect.

Even if you disclose your identity now, you will only be monitored by the police and will not lose your freedom. "

"Who is the leader of the task force?" Harley asked again.

"Of course it's me, I promised you." Gordon said immediately.

"You do the math for yourself. You have to investigate the case of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, and you have to find out the murderer who killed my father. You also have to help me restore my innocence and bring the Crusaders to justice."

Harry opened his hands and counted, "How many important things are waiting for you to do, but you just leisurely came to my place where I am a piece of shit to investigate the disappearance of a little police detective."

"Hey, do you look down on the detective? Let me tell you, hurting the police is the biggest crime in Gotham." Harvey complained dissatisfied.

Seeing the indignant looks on both detectives' faces, Harley sighed and said, "Jim, I sincerely advise you not to touch this case."

"Why? What do you know?" Gordon asked quickly.

"I only know two things. First, they came to Bali Street not to fight against drugs, but to implement your GCPD tradition; second, something unexpected happened during the implementation of the tradition, and the prey became the hunter."

"What tradition?" Gordon looked confused, but Harvey looked stern.

Harley stared into the eyes of the detective in the center, "It seems you understand what happened, are you still planning to investigate?"

"This" Harvey's tall figure suddenly collapsed and he sighed helplessly: "Gordon, maybe we really should go."

"Speak clearly." Gordon looked at Harley and said.

"Gordon, your resume before joining the police station seems to be very good." Harley glanced sharply at the faces of the two police detectives, "You are considered an elite detective, right?"

"Let's go, Gordon, let's go! We were tricked by that bastard Fras." Harvey's expression changed again, and he pulled Gordon out.

Gordon threw his partner away without any hesitation in his eyes, "Harry, please speak clearly!"

"Fake, don't you understand what she said?" Harvey growled irritably, "Vince joined the police at the same time as you. He has repeatedly solved major cases in the past few months and is a 'best rookie' like you.

So, the anti-narcotics captain Reeves took him to Bali Street to find his 'Copot' (ps).

If you succeed, you will be a real GCPD. If you fail, you will be a dead ghost sinking to the bottom of the river.

In the end, there was an accident, or Vince fiercely resisted, or the unlucky guy was turned against the wind in front of the pig. In short, we can't control this bad thing. "

"Cobot" Gordon seemed to have remembered something, his whole body was cold, the blood on his face had faded, and his eyes were full of fear and grief.

"Did you—" Harley looked at Gordon in shock.

"This has nothing to do with you!" Harvey, like a hen guarding her cubs, stepped forward and stood in front of Gordon, using his height and loud voice to pressure Harley.

Gordon pulled away from his partner and said in a deep voice: "You know so much, you must also know some details. Tell me."

"I said all this just to keep you out of trouble." Harley said.

"Tell me." Gordon's eyes were sharp and his attitude was very firm.

"Come on, Gordon, I don't want to be too cruel to you." Harley sighed.

"I won't compromise."

Gordon spoke righteously and with piercing eyes, like a judge representing fairness and justice.

"OK!" Harley came to the corridor and shouted to Aunt Tata's house: "Pulika, the gcpd is looking for you!"

"Holy shit!" Harvey slapped his forehead and groaned, "This little bitch has gotten ahead of herself."

"What?" Gordon wondered.

"Bang!" The security door was suddenly opened, and the big black girl walked out angrily in her pajamas.

"For what happened the night before yesterday." Harley whispered.

"Fake, are you delaying my rest for such a trivial matter?!" Pulika roared at the two police detectives: "We did it, what's wrong, what's wrong, ah, what's wrong!"

"Hey, Prica, don't get excited, it's me, my old friend Harvey!" Detective Zhongfentou smiled and leaned over, greeting him familiarly, "Don't be angry, this is a misunderstanding."

"Harvey!" Gordon looked in disbelief.

Harvey looked helpless and said quickly in a low voice: "If you still want us to get out of this neighborhood alive, just stop talking, okay?"

"Go away! Stop mumbling in front of my house, I still want to sleep!!" Pulika yelled with her hands on her hips.

"OK, let's leave now and never come back again." Harvey breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Gordon and ran away.

Gordon still looked unhappy, looking back from time to time to look at Harley who was silent, with a fragile look of loss in his eyes.

"Look, do they look like two dogs?" Pulika said to Harley with a grin.

It was loud enough that the two detectives who had just walked down the doorstep could hear it.

They ran faster - Harvey dragging Gordon with him.

Harley's mood was very complicated.

"Who is Plica?" Gordon asked dully on the way back to the old city police station.

"A gunman under Sasse. He has a good brain and is worth dating."

Harvey's tone was casual and his expression was calm, without any emotion or resentment after being humiliated.

"I don't think Pulika is the murderer, why is she?"

"No reason!"

Harvey said earnestly: "Brother, you shot Copot, maybe you did whatever Falcone said, but if they don't let us do it, we'd better be obedient.

So what if you disobey?

Kill us, or take out our dirty information, send us to Blackgate Prison, and choose an obedient detective.

The world continues as usual, no different from before.

And you also heard what the witch said, Reeves and the others deserved their death.

If you really caught the real culprit, would you send him to the police station?

Haha, do you dare?

Even if you dare, will the judge dare to judge him? "

Harvey looked sarcastic and pretended to be a judge by deliberately holding his voice, "Oh, dear criminal, please confess honestly. Why did you kill our respectable Sheriff Reeves? Oh, because of tradition? What tradition?"

"Gordon, you have handled many cases. You should know that from the beginning to the end of a case, there must be a motive for the crime confessed by the criminal.

The kind that can be interviewed and reported by the media.

Can we let the news media know about the GCPD’s tradition?


The chief doesn't allow it, including you and me, and neither do all the officers in the department.

The mayor and aldermen, even Falcone, wouldn't allow it.

What will they do then?

Think about the witch's father, how he died.

Therefore, if you insist on the so-called justice, it is equivalent to hanging an innocent person under the ventilation window of the cell with your own hands.

You are still sinning, even worse.

Therefore, the lesser of two powers harm each other. Let’s not get blood on our hands and pretend nothing happened. Now go to Papa Bic’s pizza shop and order an eight-inch seafood pizza and a shot of Heineken. Isn’t it wonderful? "

"It shouldn't be like this." Gordon held his head, his face full of pain.

"Man, that's how it is, Gotham has always been like this. Remember those words of wisdom I gave you when we first became partners?" Harvey asked.

"Don't be a hero." Gordon said dullly.

"Good, you have to remember it, so that you can see your grandson." Harvey said happily.

"But I don't want to be a hero. I am a police detective. Isn't it the duty of a police officer to uphold law and justice?" Gordon shouted.

——Since you shot Cobot, you have completely missed justice.

With such complaints in his heart, Harvey comforted his little brother and said: "This is Gotham. As long as you don't take the initiative to do evil, you are already a role model for the police!"

"Harvey, change direction and go to Jersey City." Gordon said suddenly.

"What?" Harvey didn't turn, but slowed down the car.

"Put the Reeves case aside for now. Now let's go to St. John's Monastery. I want to persuade the teachers and orphans there to come forward and testify." Gordon's eyes became firm again.

"But we haven't had lunch yet." Harvey hesitated.

"Buy two hamburgers to eat on the way." Gordon turned to his partner and narrowed his eyes: "Or is this case also stressful for you?"

Harvey turned the steering wheel with a wry smile, "It's really stressful. But after all, the Advent Crusaders are not locals in Gotham. I'd rather fight with them than provoke the big guys from Sass."

(ps: Cobot is the Penguin, Oswald Cobot. At this time, the Penguin was still a lowly umbrella boy. Because he betrayed his boss, he was selected as Gordon's vote.

Well, Vince, the anti-narcotics police officer in this book, actually imitated this plot of Gordon.

Gordon is held to the head by Harvey with a gun. Either kill the "innocent" Cobot, or he kills him. There is no other option.

Harvey Bullock was also helpless because he had experienced the same thing when he was young.

The director and Falcone held the handle, and he had no right to resist.

This is Gotham, the tradition of the GCPD, where the old lead the new and are passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that every outstanding talent is "qualified" for the GCPD. )

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