I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 69 Harley wants to turn around (please recommend and collect)

There was a fierce exchange of fire in the alley here, but not a single passerby passed by.

The people of Gotham are too smart, or in other words, all the idiots would have died long ago.

Only ten minutes had passed, and there were car lights swaying at the entrance of the alley dozens of meters away. Reeves made another call, and immediately two old men with dull expressions walked in.

Reeves pointed at Vince, and the little old man knelt down to lift the body without saying a word.

"Are they deaf-mute?" Harley, who was hiding behind Reeves, whispered.

"If blind people could know the way, they would be deaf and blind," Reeves said casually.

"Let them carry away the other three corpses." Harley said suddenly.

Reeves' expression changed and he asked warily: "What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, I'm a nun. I swear to God by my real name and family name, and I will never go back on it. It's just that missing Vince alone is too conspicuous and unreasonable," said Harley.

"You don't understand!" Reeves said excitedly: "If Vince insists on being a good person tonight, I will really shoot him and then call the body collector like I am now.

Is this an old tradition of the GCPD that has lasted for decades, or hundreds of years?

When I returned to the police station, I only had to tell the inspector and captain that Vince had lost contact during the operation, and they would not ask any more questions. "

"Fake!" Harley cursed and said in a deep voice: "If only Vince died, you could follow the tradition, but now your partner is also dead, how do you explain it?"

"He died gloriously in a firefight with a drug dealer."

"But you were unscathed?" Harley sneered, "The best option is for them to disappear, and then you go back and pretend to be confused, just saying that you didn't meet them.

Unless, you are lying to me, you will confess tonight's failure to the anti-narcotics team, then regroup, and come back to take revenge on me! "

As she spoke, she pressed the barrel of the gun against Reeves' back.

——Motherfuck, even if all four corpses are disposed of, when I return to the police station, I will still unite with my companions to make a comeback. Little Splasher, you are still too young!

Reeves deliberately hesitated for a moment and then gestured to the two deaf-mute old men.

After just three minutes, the alley was clean.

The corpse collector even used a special spray to spray the entire floor and walls of this alley like pesticide.

The blood reaction elimination solution invented by a certain chemical genius in Gotham is a special bacteria that can decompose heme within forty-eight hours.

"Can I go now?" Reeves asked nervously.

"Let's leave here together. Maybe I have to go back to the Anglican Church." Harry said.

Reeves opened his mouth, and finally sighed, trying to maintain his image as a "Gotham gangster", pretending to be calm and walking slowly.

Until they were about to leave the alley, the sirens and the noise of passers-by could be heard one after another. The neon lights in front of the shops and the street lights cast a mottled light on the ground. The captain finally breathed a sigh of relief. On the street, even the police did not dare to kill him casually. --"boom!"

At this moment, time seemed to slow down extremely. The expression of relaxation and joy was frozen on the face of the drug police officer, but his eyes were full of doubts and unwillingness.

If "Goodbye Cop" were played again here and now, Reeves would dare to compete with Tony Leung for the best actor title.

The same anti-narcotics police officer was also suddenly headshot before the dawn, with the same complex and vivid facial expressions

"Bah!" Harry spat at the dead body, lifted the manhole cover next to it, and sneered: "Do you know why I let you come here? Because when I came here, I found a sewer manhole here.

As for breaking the oath, let God punish Diana, and I don’t want to go to heaven at all, I won’t die. I want to learn magic, I want to live forever! "

He picked up Reeves' wallet and watch, took off the gold buttons from the cuffs of his suit, and broke off the mobile phone sim card.

"Plop!" He kicked the body into the well, put the manhole cover back on, and walked away calmly.

This wouldn't hide the truth forever, but it would buy her a few days.

When she got home, Harley took off her clothes and checked them carefully, only to discover that she had been shot seven times.

One shot to the shoulder blade, four shots to the lower abdomen, two balls of white and tender watery tofu, and two shocking blood holes.

"Fortunately, I met Selena in the evening!" Harley looked at the torn kelaf fiber cloth and couldn't help but be afraid secretly.

After hearing the warning that Selena's drug dealer might shoot her, Harley had the idea of ​​getting a bulletproof vest.

Is there any high-end armor in Gotham that is lightweight and completely bulletproof?


That day at the National Bank, Harley saw Mr. Shadow being hit by a machine gun at close range, but nothing happened.

But high-end goods are too expensive. Selena is a typical American girl. She didn't spend money in advance just because she was a street kid and didn't have a credit card.

Saving money? what is that?

With only a few hundred dollars left, she could only buy an ordinary body armor for Harley.

At most, bring an aluminum oxide insert plate and insert it behind your back to prevent the gun from being shot!

The front is just normal protection.

The distance was too close, and the opponent's pistol was powerful enough to tear open the second-hand Kairav.

On the other hand, Harley's arms were also specially protected, with arm-protecting metal plates tied like shin guards.

However, this time it was a close range shooting, and there was no chance for her to protect her head.

"Hiss~~~~~" Using the tweezers to pick out the last bullet, Harley seemed to have used all her strength to pinch out. She was in pain and weak, and collapsed on the carpet, dripping with cold sweat.

This time she was shot from the front. After being double-buffered by Vince and the body armor, the key was the 17-point defense. The bullet did not penetrate deeply into the flesh, and the tail stuck outside the skin was even visible to the naked eye. She could take the bullet herself.

(PS: Regarding defense, please refer to the work for details. 10+ machete level and 20+ can defend against light pistols. Therefore, Harley’s pure physical defense is already very strong at this time and can be used.)

In fact, through her increased experience, Harley could analyze that the injury was not serious.

Before she was shot, she was already at level 16. Now that she has taken out all the bullets, the level 17 experience tank is only three-quarters full. From this, we can see the value of "seven bullets in the body".

As for this medical kit, it was still used by Doctor Robert that day.

After applying medicine and bandaging, Hallie braced her tired body and began to eat heavily.

After struggling until 1:30 in the morning, she fell asleep.

She was woken up by the phone ringing.

The Martha's Benevolent Fund van arrives.

"Are you sleeping in? You made me wait for half an hour." The bearded driver kept chattering while Harley was loading the goods on the cart.

"Do you believe it? I made a phone call to Wayne Manor and told you to lose your job immediately?" Her eyes were cold and her face was pale, which made the bearded man a little scared.

"Don't scare me, I'm an old employee of the Wayne Group, and Martha Wayne even talked to me." He muttered.

"How about we try now? Lend me your phone and I'll call Alfred immediately." Harley's eyes were sharp.

The bearded man shrank into the cab and stopped talking.

There is more food today, 330ml of milk is replaced by 1L. In addition to sandwiches, there is also a bottle of egg liquid and 200g of dry cheese.

Hallie let the women choose between milk sandwich and egg and cheese. In this way, she quietly corrupted one-third of the food.

By noon, her food defense expertise had been upgraded to Level 2. Not only had her absorption and digestion abilities increased by 50% again, she could now weakly digest harmful toxins in her intestines and stomach.

With a few more upgrades, she might become completely immune to the poison.

She doesn't have any poison resistance, she just digests and absorbs the toxins as nutrients.

When she was distributing free food today, she saw the two children who shot her yesterday.

They didn't recognize her.

In other words, they take money to do things and don't care who the other person is.

Such children are the most terrifying.

Harley didn't think they were innocent, nor did she think they had the possibility of re-education. She just wished she could pull out a gun on the spot and blow off their little heads.

But she still held back.

Now she is a kind and pious nun.

Smile. I have already memorized the home addresses of the two little children.

Her body was injured and she needed to rest. Instead of going out to exercise in the morning, Harry led dozens of unemployed women and old men to recite the Rosary in the chapel.

She, a fake nun, still pretends to preach to the believers according to her own ideas.

No one refuted her.

On the contrary, because she was articulate, her words were simple and easy to understand, and her content was humorous and logical, everyone felt that she was more virtuous and respected.

Near noon, when she announced the adjournment of the meeting, several people refused to leave, pulling her and begging her to listen to their confessions.

"Nana, where are your sister and mother?"

Knocking on the door of the apartment opposite, there was only a little black girl sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"My mother works in the laundry, and my sister is sleeping." The little black girl kept changing the channels, but almost all channels were showing news about blues and the fallen church.

After a night of fermentation, public opinion against the Holy Advent Crusaders became increasingly fierce.

"Have you had lunch?" Harley asked.

"There's pizza in the refrigerator."

Harley handed the tomato and egg rice bowl she brought to the black girl and said with a smile: "Pizza is not healthy for staying overnight, try Chinese food."

The little loli didn't refuse and crawled on the table to eat.

"Why didn't you go to school?" Harley asked casually while watching the news.

"School has been suspended. I said I would go to church to study in the future, but there is no church yet."

Harley once again laments Wayne's influence in Gotham.

The death of one Martha changed the fate of many people.

From the most ordinary kid on Bali Street to the Hedao Emperor fighting for Arkham

"Diana, you're here." Just as she was thinking wildly, the big black girl Pulika came out yawning.

"What happened to your hand?" Harley asked in surprise.

After not seeing her all night, the big black girl's left arm was bandaged and hung under her neck.

"Didn't you watch the news? Not long after you left last night, Boss Sass led us to sweep Maroni's freight warehouse on Egret Street." The black girl said proudly.

"Now everyone is paying attention to Witch Harley, Bruce Wayne and the Crusaders. The TV and newspapers are full of news about them." Harley was vaguely proud.

Pulika's black face turned slightly dark, and she waved her hands pretending not to care, and said: "We don't care at all whether other people pay attention or not.

As long as Maroney knows the pain and just quits fighting for Arkham, we're onto something. "

"I'm afraid it will be difficult, a big project worth billions."

The two chatted for a while, and then Harley approached the big black girl and said sincerely: "Pulika, I thought about it seriously all night. The mortician is very unwise."

"What?" Even though Pulika was extremely smart, she still didn't react.

Harry said with some embarrassment: "The Godfather, the mortician."

“Before the undertaker, he didn’t want to get close to his godfather because the good days under the light confused his eyes and he did not see the real world of darkness under the light.

When his daughter was raped by two American boys and even beaten like an animal, and when the judge only sentenced the American boys to a three-year suspended sentence and released them in court, the undertaker realized that the godfather was a representative of darkness, but he did not bring about the darkness in society. Come.

In this era and in this world, light and darkness have always been intertwined, both beautiful and chaotic.

If he wants to live well in such an era, he must have support in both the dark and light worlds at the same time. "

Prica understood, this little nun wanted to get back to her.

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