"I believe in Christ and cannot harm clergy. There are so many gangsters on the street, and they are all guilty. I am guilty of killing them. This way I can complete the task and I will feel better." Vince looked at the captain and begged.

"You are just one of tonight's tasks. If you kill her, things will be complete."

Captain Inchhead picked up Vince's gun and put it into his hand. He immediately took a few steps back and put his gun behind Vince.

"What did she do?" Vince glanced behind him and gave up the last impulse to struggle.

"We are the only people in the anti-narcotics team. We can't ask us to pay the goods and then let us bulk the goods ourselves, right?"

The Chinese-character face now regarded Vince, who had excellent anti-narcotics skills, as one of his own, and he spoke with a hint of instruction.

He pointed to Iverson B next to him, "Davis and James are our agents on Bali Street.

Our anti-narcotics detectives are responsible for finding the source of goods, and they are responsible for distributing the goods. Under them, there are retail outlets covering various neighborhoods and streets in Gotham.

Previously, Martha Wayne planned to demolish a group of red brick buildings and build a charity cathedral, so several of our small strongholds were evacuated.

Now that Martha is dead and the cathedral is still there, most of the residents have moved back, and this little nun occupies a small shop in one of the apartment buildings.

Not only did she reject Davis and James, she also humiliated them in public. "

"It's just a few curse words, it's not a big deal, right?" Vince murmured.

"Hmph, if she only curses a few words, we only need to slap her a few times in public and make her cry and beg for mercy. But look at Davis's face."

Vince looked carefully and found that both agents had bruises on their noses and faces, and black tape was stuck on their foreheads.

The Chinese character face continued: "There are 35 sales points on Bali Street alone, and looking at the entire Gotham, more than 5,000 people are working for us.

It can be said that the number of jobs provided by the Anti-Narcotics Group to the citizens of Gotham is second only to Wayne Group and large chain stores such as KFC and McDonald's.

We can suppress so many people just because we have been showing dominant power.

If this little nun is not dealt with, some people may develop the very dangerous misconception that we are beginning to be weak.

In your eyes, or in her own eyes, beating two agents is just a trivial matter, but she is just a little nun, one of the many ants in Gotham.

To us, killing her is a smaller matter than a trivial matter. "

Seeing that Vince was still hesitant, the captain said impatiently: "It's late at night and it's winter again. Do you think we are doing this for her?

We are here for you!

A mere little nun, no matter how good she is in fighting, she will die if she is shot.

You saw it too, she was paralyzed here, letting others slaughter her, and James only spent 40 US dollars to do this!

I tell you clearly that she has never been the focus, you are. You must kill her immediately to prove your loyalty and consciousness. "

When Vince heard this, a kind of twisted satisfaction gradually appeared on his face, and a weird laugh came out of his mouth, "Hehehehe, Captain Rivers, thank you, I really appreciate it!"

"What?" Cun Tou was stunned.

Is this newcomer scared out of his mind?

Vince wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, looked up and sighed: "No one has ever valued me so much. At home, my mother is a prostitute and my father is a gambler. They never said a word of praise to me.

In school, I had poor grades in cultural classes and poor physical education. I also had low self-esteem because of my poor native family. I didn't make any real friends. They all treated me as a freak.

I work hard in the police station just to gain recognition from everyone and praise from my superiors.

Thank you, you value me so much, I am really satisfied and happy! "

Harry, who was lying on the ground pretending to be paralyzed, could hardly hold himself any longer.

——I thought you were a young and promising good policeman before, but I didn’t expect you to be so perverted inside. You started to turn evil before you even shot me?

The captain was stunned for a moment, then patted his little brother on the shoulder happily.

"Vince, you are a good boy, a true Gothamite, and you will also become a qualified GCPD in the future!"

"Captain, I have never seen such a lovely nun. She is so beautiful. It would be a pity to kill her. Can you?" Vince shyly picked the back of his head and said with a blush, "I want to fuck her butt." .”

"Hahaha" The two Iversons laughed, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Why a butt? This little nun may still be a virgin." The captain asked with a smile.

"I've never tried sex before in my life."

"OK, you can play whatever you want, as long as you want." The captain said casually, waving his hand.

"I thought we had to fight quickly to prevent others from finding out." Vince was stunned.

"Haha, so what if I'm discovered? Call the police, hahahaha"

The captain smiled and bent over, "We are the GCPD!"

Vince also smiled, looking at Harley on the ground with a lewd smile: "Captain, I have to say, you should have roped me in earlier.

From tonight, from now on, I am truly alive. "

"Boss Vince, do you mind if I make a second bet?" Iverson A was also a little jealous.

Vince was even more excited when he heard that he had become "BOSS".

"Good brother, we can work together-"

Harley couldn't bear the filthy words and dirty stares any longer. She spun her strong long legs vigorously and used a trick to twist the legs of Vince who was approaching with a lewd smile.

"Ahhh!" Vince couldn't control himself and threw himself at Harley. Harley stood up with the help of his strength and huddled her slender but not delicate body behind Vince.

The change happened suddenly, and the two detectives with the short hair and the Chinese character face had no time to react - they had already sheathed their guns.

Iverson B, who smiled lewdly and wanted to take a sip of soup, backed away quickly.

On the contrary, it was Iverson A, who kept holding a gun and alerting the "Kung Fu Sister" to regain body control.

"Bang bang bang!" After only half a second of hesitation, Iverson A showed his decisiveness and ruthlessness and fired directly, ignoring the new BOSS Vince who was blocking the front.

Harley felt as if she had been stabbed by needles several times in her chest and abdomen - the distance was too close, and several bullets passed through Vince's body and hit her.

"Gudong, gudong." The experience tank bubbles and overflows, ding dong, level 16!

16 points of defense.

Harley had no time to care about the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness. Before she could stand still, she started to draw her gun.

The pistol was stuck at his waist, covered by his jacket.

He didn't dare to move while lying on the ground. It was only when Wulong Jiaozhu stood up that he started to touch the gun.

"Bang bang bang!" The barrel of the Colt passed through Vince's ribs and sprayed three points of fire toward Iverson A.

Then, immediately turned to the left - the Chinese character face and Iverson B were on the left, and the short-haired man and Vince were on the right. She was surrounded from left to right.

"Bang bang bang!" She shot and hit the Chinese character in the face who was about to raise his head to shoot, and then turned to Iverson B.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" The missed captain shot at her wildly.

Suddenly, firecrackers were set off in this narrow alley.

Only a few seconds.

This is reality, not a movie. There are no pistols with unlimited bullets. Harley and Captain Inch-head both shot out a bunch of bullets in one go.

It's too difficult to get a headshot with one shot, and you can only kill by accumulating numbers.

"Fake, Fake, isn't she a nun? Why is there a gun on her? Fake, damn James, why didn't you search her before!"

The inch-headed captain was sweating profusely, retreating, cursing, and quickly changing magazines.

"Fake! Not only did he carry a gun, but he also wore a bullet-proof vest?!" A black shadow rushed towards him, and it was too late to shoot.

"Bang!" Captain Cuntou was knocked down by a heavy "corpse".

"Captain, save me." In a daze, he heard Vincent's warm, wet voice in his ears.

The inch-headed Rivers ignored him, and didn't even care about the stream of blood on his neck, because the footsteps came to his side.

"Don't kill me, I am the captain of the Gotham Narcotics Squadron and a police sergeant! I have been praised by the mayor many times, and I have been on the front page of the Gotham Times five times!

The impact of killing me would be too great and too bad.

You let me go, Vince and Tom died at the hands of drug dealers James and Davis, I shot James and Davis to death, and you were just a passerby passing by. "He said eagerly.

"Get up and talk." Harley didn't actually shoot him, but only took away his gun.

The short-haired Rivers breathed a sigh of relief, pushed away Vince who was lying on him, and squatted on the ground holding his head.

"Captain, save me" Vince was not completely dead yet, still moaning and groaning.

Captain Cuntou ignored him and kept saying to Harley: "Sister, don't worry, I will handle it thoroughly and not let you get involved."

"Blow his butt!" Harley pointed at the moaning Vince and said coldly.

"What?" Captain Cuntou was dumbfounded.

"In this, in this environment, in this situation, I, I need the help of some little blue films." He said shyly.

Harley was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "Instead of blowing it up with your useless dick, use a gun, your pistol, to blow up his vagina. I will also vote for him and kill him before I believe you." "

"It's too crazy, it's too cruel." Captain Cuntou was stunned.

"If you don't blow his ****, I will blow your head." The barrel of Colt's gun was close to the forehead of the short-headed captain.

"Captain, save me" Vince was in a dying state and was confused.

"Fake, Fake!" Captain Cun Tou cursed a few words and went to pick up his gun.

At that moment, his expression was distorted and full of sinisterness.

But Harley had already taken a step ahead, stood behind him, and said coldly: "Don't do anything stupid!"

"Fuck, Fuck!" Reeves slapped his forehead a few times, inserted the pistol into Vince's back door, "Bang bang bang bang. Click!"

Just shoot out the bullets in the pistol.

"Are you satisfied now?" Cun Tou yelled at Harley, "He has bullets from my pistol in his eyes. I have to work harder to get rid of them."

Harley's eyes flashed and her voice softened, "How to deal with it? I'll help you."

"You swear you will let me go." Bitou said through gritted teeth.

"Anglican nun Diana Da Vinci swore to our Lord that if she cheated on you, she would not be able to go to heaven after her death." Harry said solemnly.

You are so evil and you still want to go to heaven?

Captain Cuntou cursed in his heart, but did not dare to say it out loud.

"Hey, body collector Jordan? I'm Rivers from the Gotham Police Department. Send your people over immediately. Yes, there's only one body. I'm in the XXX alley of Bali Street."

When he hung up the phone, Harley frowned and asked, "What does a body collector do?"

Reeves lit a cigarette and said in a dull voice: "Similar to the Gotham Sanitation Department, they deal with garbage and clean up the appearance of the city.

They get paid to do things and never talk to cause trouble. "

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