Alexander Kent did not expect this situation at all.

He said well when he came here that he would use reason to persuade Harley Quinn to return from her lost ways.

If that doesn't work, use the overall situation to oppress the heroes and generals on Earth 0 who are on Harley Quinn's side, and return to their side.

After that, a bigger trend formed, forcing Harley Quinn to immediately pull back from the brink.

As a result, it was less than half an hour after arriving in the conference room, and at least 20 minutes of it were spent talking about patriotism. In the remaining ten minutes, Harley Quinn did not use any sweet words to persuade the old Superman and the others. She just plainly stated her plan.

His own super legion was convinced.


Alexander was anxious, "Everyone, please listen to me!"

He attracted everyone's attention and said sternly: "The current situation does not allow us to wait slowly on Earth 0.

Previously, only Earth 1 and Earth 2 were merging. Now, after Earth 4 and Earth 10 join the Hades universe, they also begin to merge with each other.

The four universes are about to merge into one, and we don’t have much time left. "

"What do you mean?" Old Superman frowned and said, "Earlier on the Monitor Satellite, you said that the collision was temporary and a technical adjustment. When the new cosmic structure of the Hades universe is formed, the fusion will stop."

Alexander said helplessly: "Yes, I just said that a few days ago.

But the Monitor satellites were still there at that time.

It is not only a satellite, but also the mastermind of the tuning fork of the universe, with a complete multiverse management and control system.

I have been using the Monitor satellite to monitor and adjust the fusion process to ensure that the new structure takes shape without causing a final disaster.

Now the satellite is destroyed and the fusion is out of control.

The Anti-Monitor seems to have built another instrument in the antimatter universe that weakens the vibration frequency difference of the universe, which is accelerating the collision speed of the universe."

"Hey, wait a minute, what does universe fusion mean?" Harley asked quickly: "Isn't the underworld a peaceful and peaceful haven?"

Alexander hesitated for a moment, and then said honestly: "The single universe is not like apples, piled randomly in the Ten Thousand Heavens, they together form a harmonious overall structure.

That is, the multiverse structure with the 52 most important universes as the core.

It can be simply understood that the single universe is a glass of champagne, and countless champagnes are piled up in an orderly fashion into a champagne tower.

Now entering the Hades universe, the former 52 universe structure is no longer usable. There are only 5 universes left, so we can only rebuild a small champagne tower.

This process is the fusion of the universe. "

"Well, no wonder."

No wonder her immune restart was triggered. Now that she found the specific reason, Harley frowned and said: "How much impact will the construction of a new structure in a single universe have on the planets in the universe?"

"There are constant natural disasters over there, and time and space are messed up. It's like the earth has become a crispy cake, and the sky has become a rain shield during a Category 12 typhoon. It's very bad." Old Superman sighed.

The heroes of "this" Earth 0 looked at each other with a look of joy.

"How does the collision occur? Is the single universe like two balls colliding, or are the two balls coming together and merging into a new ball, or is one ball swallowing the other?" Harley asked.

"Worse!" Alexander sighed and explained: "You should know the existence of many single universes in Wantianyi.

They are in exactly the same position, the only difference is the frequency of vibration.

Different frequencies separate the single universes. If the frequency difference decreases, the two universes will approach each other. When the frequencies are exactly the same, they will collide in the three-dimensional material world and then disappear. "

"Fake, it's so dangerous, why do you still let us go to the underworld to die?!" Hal Jordan said angrily: "If you pulled Earth 0 in before the monitor satellite was destroyed, there would be a reasonable reason.

But the satellites have exploded. You know that the fusion is out of control and even plotted by the anti-monitors, but you still want to let us in. What are you thinking? "

"Now it seems that General Wuhuan is far-sighted."

"We just want to use the underworld as a backup, but others want to drag us into the background."

Earth's heroes and alien generals were all talking about it, and their words and expressions showed their dissatisfaction with Alexander and the Pioneers.

Not to mention Earth 0, even the heroes who came with Alexander were shocked and then angry.

"Alexander Kent, you didn't tell us the truth before." Old Superman's eyes were stern, and he even called out his last name.

"Pioneer, you betrayed my trust." Uncle Sam lamented.

The Earth 10 he was on was originally the same as Earth 0, and was not the first wave to enter the Hades universe.

Later, the Monitor satellite exploded, and the Pioneer devoted all her energy to projecting a huge portrait on Earth 10, telling the story of the crisis on infinite Earths, and persuading people to follow her into the underworld, just like she did on Earth 0.

The heroes and people of Earth 10, like the heroes and people of Earth 0, tend to "migrate to the universe" on a large scale.

There was no Harley on Earth 10, and no one stopped her, so she went to Hades on the same day.

"I'm not lying to you." Laila said with a sincere expression: "The destruction of the Monitor satellite did not change the general trend of the Monitor's plan - the underworld is everyone's future.

Staying in the original Wan Tianyi, what can you do now? What can be done in the future?

Do you have the same plan as Earth 0?

You have nothing, you can only carry it to death, and the only result of carrying it to death is to perish.

If you stay outside the Hades universe, your own universe will be annihilated, and you will enter Earth 1 and Earth 2 in the Hades universe. You will be isolated and helpless, and ultimately you will not be able to escape the fate of extinction.

In the end, we were disunited and defeated miserably, and the Anti-Monitor won the final victory.

On the contrary, even if there is a possibility of failure when entering the underworld, we can at least get a chance to save ourselves before the universe collides and explodes. "

Uncle Sam sighed and remained silent.

Alexander looked around at everyone and said excitedly: "I even think the Anti-Monitor helped us, and the situation now is better than before the Monitor satellite exploded.

See what we are doing now?

We are arguing and we cannot reach a consensus.

Countless universes have been destroyed, and only five seeds are left. In such a desperate situation, we are still unable to work together.

The world is about to be destroyed. Earth 4, Earth 10, and Earth 0 still need pioneers to sacrifice themselves, project their souls to every world, and use up all their strength to persuade you.

What are you suspecting?

This is the Watcher's plan.

As the manager of the positive matter universe, the positive matter universe is everything to him. What bad intentions can he have?

You doubt Laila and I again, but we are earthlings just like you. If the universe is gone, we still can’t live.

Now, the Anti-Monitor has left us all with no choice but to fight against the odds.

Before the frequency difference of the universe drops to the limit, a super army will be formed immediately to conquer the antimatter universe. "

"We have no choice, and you have no choice. There is only one way, follow the monitor's plan!" His expression was a bit ferocious, and he was specifically facing Harley and the heroes of Earth 0. His voice was so loud that it almost Roaring: "You Earth 0 can be careful and continue to wait.

But I am not afraid to tell you that if the four universes of the Hades universe are destroyed by collision, the Hades universe will also be destroyed.

If the underworld is gone, you will be homeless, even if you kill the anti-monitor, it will be useless.

Because Hades Universe is the next Wan Tian Yi! ! ! "

"Alexander, don't get excited, speak slowly!"

Superman hurriedly went up to comfort him. While persuading, he also quietly observed Harley with worried eyes.

——Harley is used to bossing around and being the boss. The last time Brainiac incident didn't let her be the boss, she was resented for a long time. Now she's yelling at her and being cared about, what should she do?

Fortunately, Harley didn't get angry and just smiled lightly.

Superman breathed a sigh of relief.

Alexander glanced at his adoptive father with a complicated expression, softened his tone, and sighed: "Sorry, I overreacted.

However, the current situation is so critical.

The Anti-Monitor probably guessed part of the Monitor's plan, and developed the 'Cosmic Frequency Difference Zeroing Device' before the emergence of the underworld.

After he destroyed the monitor satellite in a sneak attack, he immediately activated the machine. The difference in the vibration frequencies of the four universes in the underworld became smaller and smaller, and a devastating collision was likely to occur within a few days.

That’s why I came to Earth 0 in person, hoping that Earth 0 can move to the Hades universe immediately.

I will open a channel into the antimatter universe and defeat the Anti-Monitor. "

"Why did you wait until we went to the underworld before you opened the channel?" Bateman asked.

Alexander said: “Earth 0 is very important and cannot be lost.

If I open the channel now, the strongest combat forces will go to the antimatter universe.

The Anti-Monitor does not go to fight, but instead comes to attack Earth 0, which has lost the protection of heroes. What should we do?

If you heroes from Earth 0 do not join the battle, and the Super Legion, which has little chance of winning, fails, do you want to form a second team?

If they are formed, it is better to go with us now, the chance of winning is greater; if the second team is not formed immediately, the four universes in the Hades universe will be destroyed in the collision, and Earth 0 will still not be saved. "

"These" Earth 0 heroes are a bit numb.

They have no choice, they have to swallow it even though they know it is shit?

"Your Majesty, Admiral, what do you think?" Bateman frowned and looked at Harley.

Even he couldn't find the logical flaw in Alexander's words, nor could he find a solution.

"How long can the four universes of Hades survive?" Harley asked.

"No more than three days." Alexander sighed.

The expressions of old Superman and Supergirl changed slightly.

"Three days." Harley's eyes flashed slightly and she asked again: "Can you extract antimatter energy from the antimatter cloud?"

"My body is special. No matter how much positive matter energy is poured into my body, I can absorb the same amount of antimatter energy.

The energy of matter and antimatter needs to be balanced.

If you want to rely on me to stop the antimatter cloud, I am powerless. "Alexander said.

Harley smiled with satisfaction, "I have a plan that can kill the Anti-Monitor today."

"What?!" Many people cried out.

"Harley, are you kidding me?" Superman's face was full of doubt, but his tone was full of expectation.

Facing everyone's eyes, which were either suspicious, disapproving, disdainful, or slightly expectant, Harley said confidently: "Give me a day. If I can't deal with the Anti-Monitor today, let's go to the anti-matter universe tomorrow."

"Tell me your plan first." There was no doubt or expectation on Alexander's face.

He didn't believe her at all.

Harley looked at him steadily, "My plan requires your cooperation. You need to make some sacrifices that do not endanger your life. Are you willing?"

Superman's heart skipped a beat, and he had an ominous premonition.

Just as he was about to say something, his cheap son had already said categorically: "For the sake of the multiverse, I will even sacrifice my life."

Harley nodded and said: "My plan is very simple. To defeat the Anti-Monitor, we don't need to go there, we can let him come over.

After the gods from the divine domain enter the material world, the divine body will experience a frequency reduction phenomenon, which can be simply understood as a reduction in overall strength.

If he enters the positive material universe, the Anti-Monitor will probably not be an exception. His physical power will not break the limits of the material universe and will not surpass Superman by much.

But we have more than one superman. "

"The frequency reduction is just your guess, and the anti-monitor is not stupid. Why did he come to Earth 0?" Alexander said.

The foreign heroes all looked suspicious.

"Give it a try. If it works, you will be successful in one battle. If you fail, there will be no loss." Bateman said.

"We want to believe Harley. She is the Five-Ring Admiral and the leader of the Earth-0 Anti-Rebel Monitor Alliance." Superman said.

"This will not delay your plan, and you have no reason to refuse." Wonder Woman said.

Afterwards, the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance expressed their willingness to try Harley's plan.

"Then try it." Old Superman said.

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