I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 664: Leave a name on the wall, a story that will last forever

The antimatter universe, the planet Korvad, the Anti-Monitor Fortress.

When the Monitor satellite is destroyed.

The Pharaoh said respectfully: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for taking down the monitor satellite. The remaining species in the multiverse have completely lost the ability to travel at will."

The Anti-Surveillance King smiled lightly, "The Monitor Satellite is not only a multiverse transmitter, it has a great role."

The Pharaoh asked in confusion: "Did His Majesty have other purposes for destroying the Monitor satellite?"

"Just wait and see."

Two days later.

Pharaoh once again sincerely praised: "Your Majesty is so wise and powerful that he began to study the 'Cosmic Frequency Difference Zeroing Instrument' long before the emergence of the underworld. He is truly far-sighted and wise."

While sighing, a doubt naturally appeared in his mind as the "most intelligent man in the universe": there seemed to be an unspeakable tacit understanding between the monitor and the anti-monitor.

The Anti-Monitor controls the anti-matter cloud to destroy the universe. When the Monitor is at its strongest, it only blocks it and does not counterattack. Even the Green Lantern Corps can open the passage to the anti-matter universe. There is no way the Monitor can't do this.

Moreover, the Anti-Monitor can create anti-matter clouds to devour the positive matter universe. Couldn't the Monitor return the favor and use positive matter clouds to annihilate the anti-matter universe?

Before the Anti-Monitor destroys all universes, five tuning forks suddenly appear in the Ten Thousand Celestial Instruments.

The tuning fork is a technological creation that even the "most intelligent man in the almighty universe" respects and marvels at.

It was obvious that designing and producing five tuning forks would require a lot of time and effort, even for someone as knowledgeable as the Watcher.

Just like it took the Anti-Monitor less than half a year to build the 'Cosmic Frequency Difference Zeroing Device'.

How long has it been since Crisis on Infinite Earths swept Wan Tianyi?

It has been less than two months since the destruction of the first '52 Universe'.

The Monitor "guessed" that he would only have five universes left, and built five cosmic tuning forks in advance.

The Anti-Monitor guessed that the Monitor was going to create a Hades universe and built a cosmic frequency difference zeroing device in advance.

The Anti-Monitor set off an anti-matter cloud crisis. The Monitor only stopped the anti-matter cloud, but did not summon 100,000 supermen to rush into the anti-matter universe and kill him.

The Monitor placed five tuning forks in the five "selected" universes, and the Anti-Monitor only attacked other universes, as if avoiding those five.

The universe that can be selected, even if you guess it with your butt drum, must be very important.

Does the Anti-Monitor know which universes are more important?

Coincidentally, he left them untouched until the end of the crisis, letting them hold on until the tuning forks came.

At this time, the Pharaoh wanted to ask the monitor face to face: You can repeatedly build five tuning forks, so why can't you use this time and energy to build an assembly line with a daily output of 100,000 tuning forks?

Later, the Anti-Monitor uses Shadow Fiend to control a Harbinger.

The Pharaoh was doubtful at that time: How could this pioneer enter the monitor satellite without being discovered to be abnormal?

The Anti-Monitor did it anyway.

The monitors found out.

But the monitor did not reveal the identity of the pioneer, and instead complied and was assassinated.

The strange feeling appeared in Pharaoh's heart again.

In the monitor's plan, he had already arranged for his own death and for the positive matter energy in his body to enter the tuning fork.

To give it a Pharaoh feel, the Watchers probably had this plan in mind when the tuning forks were being built.

The Anti-Monitor controlled the Harbinger to kill him, as if he expected it? Are you cooperating with his plan?

Now, the Pharaoh has a strange feeling again: the anti-monitor destroyed the satellite, and several earths in the Hades universe encountered crises, and began to force Earth 0, which was originally unwilling to enter the Hades universe.

Letting Earth 0 enter the Hades universe is something that the heroes of Earth 0 and Harley Quinn are not willing to do, but it is what the Monitor hopes and plans.

In other words, the destruction of the satellite by the anti-monitoring king is ostensibly a victory for him, but it also allows the monitor to achieve his wish: all the remaining five universes will enter the Hades universe, making the Hades universe a new celestial instrument. .

If the anti-supervisor king can have the last laugh and destroy the new Wantianyi, the Pharaoh will breathe a sigh of relief: the previous strange feeling was all an illusion and a coincidence, the result of the two supervisors knowing each other and fighting for their wits.

If the anti-monitoring king fails to have the last laugh, and instead allows the underworld to develop into a mature Wantianyi, the anti-monitoring king fails miserably and shrinks back to the antimatter universe, and the multiverse returns to the pattern before the disaster.

At that time, the Pharaoh will feel strange and incongruous again, very strange, very incongruous: the monitor and the counter-monitor are obviously mortal enemies, but they are like a pair of tacit allies, playing a trap. Who are they trapping?

But the Pharaoh was 100% sure that the anti-monitors hated the monitors to death and were sincerely rebelling.

"Is there a higher will controlling them? It's not impossible. The Monitor and the Anti-Monitor are just two programs that manage the multiverse, not completely free beings."

Pharaoh was thoughtful.

Then he began to think about what benefits he could derive from this secret of the universe that only he knew.

The Pharaoh didn't notice that when he was going through this series of complicated thoughts, the eyes of the anti-monitoring king in front of the console changed one after another, from doubt to anger to surprise. Finally, he turned into a look of realization with fear.

Well, the Pharaoh's body was entirely created by his antimatter energy, and nothing in the Pharaoh's mind could be hidden from him.

"The Monitor and I really seem to have a tacit understanding." He stood from a higher perspective, overlooking the behavior of him and the Monitor, from the very beginning of the crisis to the present, and then fear and doubt arose in his heart: Could the multiverse be affecting me?

He knew his situation better than Pharaoh did.

He definitely had no private contact or tacit understanding with the monitor.

Moreover, he appears to have a mother, but she was actually created with a special mission.

"I am who I am, I am Mobius, an independent and free being, the master of the multiverse who is about to reach the top!" The Anti-Monitor engraved this idea in his mind like a knife.

"Hey, Your Majesty, Harley Quinn is calling you." Suddenly, the Pharaoh's voice came from the other end of the console.

This is a circular hall with a ten-meter-high monitor attached to the wall. The screen lens is seven-thirds of the way, and the detailed landscape of the real universe above is like a satellite observing the surface of the earth.

Below are various regions within the multiverse: for example, the Ten Thousand Heavenly Sphere with surging clouds of light red antimatter.

For example, Earth 0 is embedded in the antimatter cloud like red dates in a date cake.

For example, Limbo is ravaged by elemental storms.

For example, the Hades universe and the four single universes within the Hades universe.

"Call me?" The anti-monitor slid the screen and changed the lens of the underworld in front of him to Earth 0 in front of the Pharaoh.

"Anti-Monitor, I am Harley Quinn, the leader of the 'Anti-Monitor Alliance' on Earth 0. Let me ask you something, are you afraid of me?"

A line of English appears above the tuning fork one letter after another. Each letter is a hundred meters high. It is written by a Green Lantern with the golden light that symbolizes the golden nuclear bomb. It can exist stably for a long time.

"Now that there is only one universe left in Wan Tian Yi, Earth 0, why don't you dare to come out and fight me to the end of the universe?"

"You want to anger me with these two simple sentences?" The anti-monitor sneered repeatedly, unmoved.

The Pharaoh frowned. The performance of the 'Pharaoh II' seemed to be below the standard today. The provoking method was too obvious and clumsy, with almost no technical content.

Even a few well-educated curse words are better than this dry statement.

"Is this enough to anger the scheming Anti-Monitor?" Earth-0, Alexander Kent looked disapproving, "The Monitor satellite exploded for several days, and the Anti-Monitor did not take action against Earth-0.

It shows that he has a complete plan - the plan is to destroy the underworld first and completely eliminate the retreat and future of Earth 0. "

The heroes and generals were also puzzled. If the five-ring general was "elegant and gentle" and couldn't think of a curse word, there would be countless psychologists on Earth willing to provide the best services.

"Maybe you are guessing that I am provoking you to fight. My companions are also thinking that in order to provoke you, it is better to give you a piece of women's clothing." Harley's "Rebel against the Monitor" Still going on.

"It's a good idea to give women clothes." Everyone on Earth 0 nodded lightly.

On Covad, the anti-monitor continued to sneer, "Sending women's clothes to me is not something ordinary people can do."

——Furthermore, even I am not sure whether I am a boy or a girl. You want to humiliate me by giving women clothes?

"Harley" continued: "Actually, you are all overthinking it. When I say this, I just want to make one thing clear - Anti-Monitor, are you afraid of me?

Between plotting and brute force suppression, you chose to use plotting against me, didn't you? "

The anti-monitor frowned, as if she had told a fact, but...

The Pharaoh said: "Your Majesty, using your wisdom to defeat the cunning and wise witch shows your wisdom."

The Anti-Monitor's eyes moved to the button that turned on the 'Shadow Demon Torrent', and he began to hesitate.

Being smarter than the Witch Harley is something to be proud of?

Anyway, this long-recognized fact made him feel no pride at all.

On the contrary, it was a bit humiliating.

Because he chose to use strategy to defeat her, it seemed to imply that he was afraid of fighting her to the end of the universe.

But if he launches an attack on Earth 0 now, he has obviously fallen into her trap.

——I remained motionless to see what she would say next.

The conflicted Anti-Monitor secretly thought.

But for half an hour, Harry didn't say another word.

"What does she mean?" he couldn't help but ask the Pharaoh next to him.

“This,” the Pharaoh thought carefully, “she was emphasizing just now that she was writing to you for only one purpose—whether you are afraid of her.

Now that she stopped talking, it was hinting that she had the answer. "

"what is the answer?"

"Well, she wanted to say she got the answer 'you do fear her'."

The Pharaoh then said: "Actually, this is just to stab you, just ignore her."

The anti-monitor scanned the underworld and shadow realm on the screen and asked, "Do the gods and demons in the eight major divine realms know what is happening now?"

"Should know"

In fact, there is no need to ask the Pharaoh, the Anti-Monitor himself knows the answer.

"I don't care about those cowards and cowards who don't even have the courage to fight me head-on. I -"

The words in the Anti-Monitor's mouth stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking.

He looked again at the button that poured out shadow demons and antimatter clouds.

Half an hour passed in silence again.

"Witch Harley finally failed and failed to deceive the Anti-Monitor with her tricks."

On Earth 0, the magic master spoke in a complicated tone. While he was mocking, he also felt disappointed.

Laughing at the witch's failure, but also feeling disappointed at the failure her failure brought to the earth.

"It's true that Harley failed, but the Anti-Monitor is too cowardly. If I had his power to destroy the multiverse, wouldn't it be great to crush Harley Quinn and vent my hatred?" Phoenix Faust De said contemptuously.

"Indeed, to deal with enemies like Witch Harley, it's more satisfying to kill them directly."

"Slapping mosquitoes with your palms is quite different from using mosquito coils to smoke them, especially when mosquitoes with full blood-sucking belly and red bellies are still buzzing in your ears."

All the masters agreed.

At this moment, another line of words appeared in the sky, "I am the Green Lantern of Earth, and the words I speak at this time only represent myself."

The font changed, becoming a squiggle, and the color of the text also changed to green, symbolizing the Green Lantern Corps.

"The Fifth Ring General ordered me to go to the Origin Wall, where she killed thousands of god kings and demon kings, and write a line of words on the forehead of each god and demon stone sculpture - When the king is angry, millions of corpses will be laid down; turtles will shrink. Damn it!”

“Fuck—” all the magic masters were dumbfounded, “It turns out that the killer move is here. This line of words itself is nothing, but that ‘God and Demon Pit’ has gathered almost half of the powerful god kings, demon kings, and angels in the multiverse.

After that, the eight divine realms will inevitably be spread until the multiverse is destroyed. "

Green Lantern finally added: "Your Excellency Anti-Monitor, please continue to endure. After destroying Harley and destroying Earth 0, quietly go to the Origin Wall and erase the words on the foreheads of gods and demons.

Friendly reminder, just cover it with high energy magic dust.

By the way, you must remember to cover your face when you go, don't let those demons see you. "

"Fake, this is to kill people——"


The dazzling white light, like the Milky Way bursting from the sky, suddenly poured into this universe.

"Enemy attack - anti-monitors are going crazy!" The alarm sounded on the tuning fork.

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