I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 634 The Flash is trapped

Bateman was taken back to the Monitor satellite by the Pioneer that afternoon, and more than a dozen heroes left with him.

Harley really didn't want Earth 0's power to continue to drain away, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. She also promised that day that it was all voluntary.

Harley could no longer contact Heaven or Hell before the next morning.

The Forgotten Bar even closed early.

Harley tried to enter Limbo. Like a silver pea jumping into a high-speed rotating meat grinder, the silver pea was not broken, but it was also scarred.

"Harley, I found a way to travel across the multiverse."

On the morning of the third day, Barry Allen, the Flash, reported good news to her.

Harley put down her work and rushed to Central City, where she saw a huge treadmill in the Star Laboratory.

Compared with ordinary treadmills, its area is more than ten times larger, and four people can stand on it and run side by side.

Barry first introduced her to two friends, Sisko, a scientist who prefers physical theory and invention, and Caitlin, a beautiful biologist.

After greeting each other, the short Sisko introduced: "I found the core principle of the hero Luther's time travel machine-vibration!

Infinite parallel universes look like apples in a basket, piled in the Wan Tian Yi.

They can be observed from a higher dimension, and they actually overlap in the three physical dimensions.

All parallel universes overlap in physical positions and vibrate at different frequencies. By changing the frequency, you can travel to another universe in place.

And controlling frequency is what The Flash is good at.

Barry can travel through parallel universes without even using a treadmill. "

"Has Barry been to a parallel universe?" Harley asked.

"Well, I also met several other Flashes, such as Jason from Earth 2. He didn't know about the Crisis on Infinite Earths before, but their universe also has a cosmic tuning fork." Barry said.

"What is the function of the cosmic treadmill?" Harley asked again.

"When I stand on it and run, I can use the speed force to start the treadmill and pull people nearby into another time and space.

Not only can you travel through parallel universes, you can also enter the super-time flow, enter the river of time, go back to the past or jump to the future. ” Barry gets excited.

"Such a bug?" Harley was a little surprised.

Then she became suspicious, "Would traveling through time not affect the current time and space?"

In theory, as long as you go back to the past, you can affect the present.

Don't do nothing.

Even a fart or a spit can change the entire timeline in a butterfly effect.

But she has been staying on Earth recently and has not noticed the distortion of time and space.

"I just stand on the river of time and observe the past without making any changes." The smile on Barry's face disappeared, becoming more sad and desolate.

"What did you see?" Harley asked.

"I went to see my mother, and I could smell the barbecue she made and feel the warmth of her cheeks." Barry said in a complicated tone, "I wanted to jump out of the river of time, enter that moment, and stand in front of her. , talk to her”

"The past cannot be changed. What you see is just a shadow of what happened in the past." Harley said.

"No, I feel that she is real and that world is also real. I feel that I can truly enter that world." Barry said excitedly.

Harley opened her mouth to scold him for not messing around, but immediately thought that he hadn't messed around yet, and time and space were not messed up. She held it back in one breath and spit it out again, changing from harsh to curious: "Why didn't you jump in?"

"The Infinite Earth Crisis is breaking out right now. Countless universes are being destroyed every day, and billions of people are dying. I still know my priorities. Well, I won't be too late to find her after I'm done with this."

Barry looked like he was taking the overall situation seriously, which made Harley want to slap him.

"Barry Allen, I advise you never to do that. Don't really enter another time and space. You can go to the parallel universe and mess around, but don't go back to the past or enter the future." She said seriously.

"I know it well." Barry's expression was solemn, but his tone was perfunctory.

"I'm serious, traveling through the timeline will definitely change the present. It's understandable that you miss your mother, but you should cherish the relatives and friends who are by your side at this moment.

When you think you can make up for past regrets, you will most likely lose more and everything you have now. "Harry said solemnly.

"Harry, I know more about time and parallel universes than you do. You haven't even traveled through time, but I've experienced it myself dozens of times." Barry's face became more impatient.

The atmosphere was a little tense, and Sisko quickly smiled and said: "A treadmill that is more perfect than the heroic Luther prototype is placed here. Don't you want to do something?

Harley, what was your original intention in arranging this project? We can try. "

Harley glanced at him and said, "Go to the parallel universe and see the catastrophe there."

"It is better to observe our own universe than to observe other universes. Barry, try to run into the future and move forward day by day to see when the disaster will come." Sisko said.

"Have you tried it before?" Harley frowned.

Barry shook his head, "We called you immediately after we were sure we could go back to the past. I guess there should be no difference between the past and the future."

"I don't feel very reliable," Harley said hesitantly.

"Why is it unreliable?"

"Things shouldn't be so simple." Harley frowned.

Caitlin checked the treadmill again and said, "Everything is normal on the machine. Do you want to start it?"

Cisco looked at Harley, "You said it shouldn't be that simple. Are you worried that what Barry saw was a phantom?"

Harry said: "I asked the most famous fortune teller to predict the future, but she only saw monstrous floods, starlight annihilation, and the disappearance of the sky. That's all. She couldn't determine the time and specific events.

In order to observe that future, she was blind for two days, lost a lot of magic power and blood essence, and is still lying at home unable to get up.

If Barry can really go to the future to directly observe the disaster, he will receive far more information than the master of prophecy.

This is unreasonable. "

"Science and magic are not the same path. There are very few mages who can destroy cities, but human technology is mass-producing high-explosive missiles and nuclear weapons." Barry said disapprovingly.

Harley was lost in thought, Ivy touched her and whispered: "He is so confident, let him try it."

——We are not taking the risk anyway.

This sentence is a spiritual message.

Harley looked at Barry and said solemnly: "Be careful. Don't enter the future with your real body. If you feel something is wrong, run away immediately. We don't have to predict the future, but the earth cannot be without the Flash!"

——Without the Flash, she only has the zero-level Seventh Speed ​​Force defense specialty. Who can she rely on to upgrade it?

Barry was very moved and his cheeks were a little red, "Harry, I will fulfill my mission and find out the next crisis for you and the earth."

"Don't, don't say such things!"

——I'm a little scared.

"The most important thing is to take care of yourself. Today is just a test, so don't be too stressed." Harley advised sincerely.

Barry was even more moved. Without saying a word, he turned around and stepped onto the treadmill, running as fast as he could.

"Buzz buzz—" The Flash's body turned into a blurry red afterimage, and golden arcs spread under his feet. Eventually, his whole body and the treadmill were enveloped by the Speed ​​Force arc.

"Boom -" Harley seemed to hear the sound of the bubble being punctured. People outside completely lost track of the Flash. Only the treadmill was still running silently, and faint fluctuations in time and space spread in the laboratory.

Three minutes later, Harley turned to Sissoko and asked, "What time is he at now?"

"I don't know, we can't track his location here."

Ten minutes later, Sissoko became anxious, "Why did it take so long this time?"

"How long did it take to go back to the past last time?" Harley asked.

Sissoko quickly tapped the keyboard to call up the running status of the treadmill from the background, and said anxiously: "The first time was only five minutes. Now that he is more familiar with the crossing process, the speed will only be faster.

Because the time consumed is not used in observing the past or the future.

Even if he stayed in the past for ten thousand years, as long as he could accurately find the current point in time, he would come and go in just an instant. "

"Be careful -" Suddenly, Harley's face changed slightly, and a crisis was sensed by her spiritual sense. Her movements were faster than her voice, and she stepped out between the treadmill and Ivy, then stretched out her hands, and the yellow light energy The materialized rope shot out, binding Caitlin and Sissoko, and pulled them behind her with a "swish".


It was like there was a high-explosive bomb hidden in the treadmill. It suddenly exploded with slight fluctuations in time and space, filling most of the room with dazzling fire and debris.

Barry feels something is wrong with this world!

Central City was still Central City, and the buildings on the streets were the same as he remembered, but there was not a single living person in the city.

Moreover, the world in front of him gave him a sense of illusion. Compared with the original world, it was like a soulless mold. It seemed lifelike on the surface, but it was unreal at first glance.

However, Barry is certain that this is the future.

Because the crisis of infinite earths has arrived on this earth.

The sky was like a scar burned red by charcoal fire, glowing with a tragic bright red.

The next moment there was another storm, and in a matter of minutes the torrential rains flooded the city streets.

The Flash ran on the water, and when he approached the city center, a loud noise like the world's cry erupted underground. The ground beneath his feet broke like a crisp, magma spewed out, and the volcano erupted without any warning.

The Flash was caught off guard, and together with the torrential flood, he was lifted dozens of meters high, forming a wall of waves with the volcano as the center, rolling in all directions.

"Ah, have I completely entered the future?" The Flash was shocked, "No, I have to go back."

For a moment, time slowed down infinitely before his eyes, and the splashing water seemed to freeze in the air. He could run on it.

He stood up, swung his arms, and started running.

"Hey hey hey -" A deep laughter appeared in his ears, "You still want to escape now?"

Before Barry could react, he was swallowed up by endless white light.

He seemed to have fainted, and then seemed to be awake all the time. His time blurred for a moment, and he came to the empty dark room.

"Hey, hey, Earth-0 Flash, you are mine now."

A strange man in a red uniform, red cape, and golden smiling mask stood in front of him, laughing strangely.

"Who are you? Where am I? Hahaha." The Flash was extremely wary, but after seeing the smiling mask, he couldn't help but feel happy and laugh out loud.

"Ah, what did you do to me? Hahaha." Barry roared and laughed, his body shaking rapidly, trying to escape from this weird person and weird place.

An old man came over and said, "Stop struggling, you can't escape."


Barry only took one glance and recognized him as one of the crisis masterminds that Harley had reminded him many times.

"Where is this? How did I get here?"

"There is only one past, but there are infinite possibilities in the future. The future you just went to is the future where Earth 0 is controlled by us. We are waiting for you there."

Barry swallowed, "Wait for me? Why?"

"Your ability to travel through time and space at will is very annoying. You must be controlled first before we can launch a general attack on the remaining universe, especially Earth 0." The Pharaoh said in a complicated tone.

For a moment, Barry felt flattered.

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