A few days ago, the antimatter universe, Kovad Star.

The vast and empty multiverse surveillance hall.

The anti-surveillance king stood in front of the ten-meter-high video wall with his hands behind his back and watched quietly.

The screen lens is divided into two parts. The upper part occupies 70% of the area, showing a detailed landscape of a certain universe invaded by an antimatter wall. The lower part is divided into many small grids, all of which are unconquered universes.

The Anti-Monitor King selects a universe below, and the internal scene of that universe is displayed on the big screen above.

At this time, the anti-surveillance king was staring at the universe of Earth 0, and did not change the camera for a long time.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what the monitor has done. The antimatter cloud is strangely suppressed. The destruction of the multiverse is still accelerating, but the growth rate is decreasing." King Pharaoh said.

"This is a game between me and the monitor. If I make a move, of course he can fight back." The anti-monitoring king said calmly.

"What do we do now? There's not much left in the universe, maybe it's time for the Harbingers to assassinate the Watchers," Pharaoh suggested.

The Anti-Monitor King glanced at him, "Every time a positive matter universe is destroyed, the power of the monitor becomes weaker.

Now that the destruction of the universe is accelerating, the power of the monitor continues to decrease, which is obviously more beneficial to me. Why should I rush to use the killing move?

The weaker the Watcher, the greater the chance of a successful Harbinger assassination.

Once he kills the Watcher, I'll win for good. "

"Theoretically, this is true, but Harley Quinn is a variable. I always feel that she is planning something, and her behavior is too abnormal." King Pharaoh said.

When the Sun Herald went to Earth 0 to pick up little Alexander, his soul was controlled by the Shadow Demon. Everything that happened in the Earth 0 Watchtower after that - Harley's suspicion of the Monitor, her refusal to go to the Monitor's satellite, and her persuasion to the hero to stay on Earth' As long as the pioneers know about the negative attitude of forming small groups, they will be seen by the anti-supervisor king and the pharaoh.

“With her ‘second-generation Pharaoh’ and ‘smartest woman on earth’ wisdom, she shouldn’t be stupid.

Then, there is only one possibility left. She is very confident that there is a better way to solve the crisis than taking refuge in the monitor. "

The anti-monitoring king sneered: "I have the shadow demon transformed by her grandfather. It is easy to control her. No matter what plan she has, it will be in vain after all."

The Pharaoh frowned. He saw how powerful the Shadow Demon was. He saw it with his own eyes. He was as powerful as the Herald, but he couldn't resist. Because the Shadow Demon was an extension of the will of the Anti-Monitor King.

"But Witch Harley should not be underestimated, she has the power of Manhattan!"

"I'm looking for you, isn't it just to deal with the power of Manhattan?" the anti-surveillance king said.

"Should we do nothing now?"

The anti-monitoring king shook his head slightly, "When you play chess, you come and I go back and forth. After the monitor takes action, I must fight back.

Well, I'll take two of his pieces. "

He reached out and flipped the video lens, and a set of photos appeared on the screen, showing a 'hero' following the pioneer.

"I noticed him very early, a psychological pirate from Earth 2. He was originally a super criminal who got the mask of the evil god."

Introduction to the character ability of Pharaoh Scanning the Psycho Pirate: As long as you look at the mask of the Psycho Pirate, your mind will be infused with the emotions that represent the mask's expression.

For example, a mask appears as fear, and the person who sees the mask will be overwhelmed by fear.

"The Herald took him with him to use his ability to 'persuade' criminals who were unwilling to join the 'Salvation Legion'?" Pharaoh asked curiously.

"Well, many people, like Harley Quinn, don't want to go to the Monitor satellite, but the Monitor needs them, so the Pioneers find psychological pirates to turn lazy people, bastards and people who are afraid of death into heroes who are willing to sacrifice generously. .”

"Why doesn't the Pioneer use the psychological pirate to control Harley Quinn?" Pharaoh asked doubtfully.

"Probably afraid of offending the heroes of Zhenglian."

Half a day later, taking advantage of the fact that the psychological pirate was alone, the anti-monitoring king easily captured him and took him to his castle.

Another day passed, and the hero "Red Tornado", also from Earth 2, became the second prisoner.

"He is a technological creation, but he represents a source of nature. When the time is right, I can use him to bring natural disasters to the earth." The anti-surveillance king explained.

On the third day, the anti-surveillance king stared at the Flash running freely on the timeline with a serious expression: "The threat of The Flash is no less than that of Harley Quinn. I have never paid attention to him before. It's so inappropriate."

"It is indeed very powerful to travel through time and different universes at will, but it will have no impact on the overall situation, right? You are already above time." Pharaoh asked doubtfully.

"This is not an ordinary time travel. The Flash controls the Speed ​​Force, and the process of traveling shakes the timeline. If he is allowed to continue running, it is likely to restart the universe.

The current universe is scarred by the erosion of antimatter clouds, but once it is restarted, it will be completely new, and I will also lose a large part of my antimatter energy. "The anti-supervision king said in a deep voice.

"The universe restarts." The Pharaoh thought thoughtfully.

"Although he has great potential, it is as easy to deal with him as to deal with Harley Quinn." The anti-monitoring king laughed.

"Control with Shadow Demon?" Pharaoh asked.

"Shadow Demon is ineffective against him. He can escape from the single universe he is in through vibration. Naturally, he can also use vibration to escape from Shadow Demon's possession.

But I am the master of the universe, and time is within the world.

As long as he dares to time travel again, I will arrest him as easily as I would a goose. "The anti-supervision king sneered.

Now, Central City Star Laboratory, the explosion site of the cosmic treadmill.

The firelight and flying debris fell on Harry without causing any damage, but the experience jar bubbled a few times.

——Malicious, Barry was murdered by someone who had malicious intentions towards her?

Harley understood clearly.

"Oops, even the treadmill exploded, Barry -" Cisco's face was a mixture of nervousness and confusion, "What went wrong?

Obviously I had calculated it before, there was no problem with the treadmill, and there was no problem with Barry.

Could it be that our universe was finally destroyed and Barry rushed too far into a timeless void? "

"Barry should still be alive, right?" Caitlin looked at Sissoko. He was panicked and panicked, which made her even more panicked, panicked and worried.

She immediately turned to Harley, who just looked solemn and thoughtful.

"Miss Quinn, what's wrong with Barry?"

Harley sighed: "He is probably being targeted by the Anti-Monitor."

Sisko thought for a while and said: "It is possible, how can we be sure?"

"I only guess that Barry's disappearance was not an accident. Someone was playing tricks on the river of time. Considering Barry's purpose and his ability to counter the Monitor," Harley said hesitantly.

Seeing the two 'Flash Assistants' with red eyes and sad expressions about to cry, she gave them a relieved smile and said with certainty: "You don't have to worry too much. Although Barry is missing, he is 100% not dead."

"How do you know?" Sisko looked forward to and worried.

"Starting a few days ago, The Flash has a new icon of the Cross of Light on his chest. Do you know the reason?" Harley asked.

"Soul preservation card" the two of them suddenly realized.

"If Barry dies, no matter which universe or timeline he dies in, I can sense the location of his soul." Harley said confidently.

In the past few days, her Holy Mother's Seal has indeed received dozens of heroic souls from different universes and different eras.

But Harley also made a big mistake this time because of her ignorance of the Speed ​​Force.

The Flash's soul doesn't go to heaven or hell at all.

The final destination of every Flash is the Speed ​​Force Wall.

The soul preservation card only guarantees that Barry's soul will not be annihilated. If Barry dies while running - when his body is wrapped by the Speed ​​Force, his soul will not be annihilated. If it is not annihilated, the soul preservation card will not be activated, even if he carries the card. .

Two days later, in the Indian Ocean, there was the magnificent Zebel Undersea King City.

Near the equator, the golden sunlight passes through a layer of clear sea water, as gentle as a girl's gaze, imprinting a layer of misty colorful light on the tranquil seabed.

A group of small fish, whose scales reflect the golden light, roam among the gorgeous corals. Strange and lovely shellfish, starfish, jellyfish and seaweed of various colors seem to be dancing a slow rhythm with the slow movement of the ocean current.

"Swish, swish, swish" The calm was suddenly broken, the water flowed rapidly, and a colorful scaled seahorse carrying a silver-armored knight flew past the coral forest like an arrow, causing the fish to scatter in all directions.

The Seahorse Rider was flying at lightning speed, pulling out a white bubble line on the beautiful seabed, hitting a transparent protective force field film, and suddenly disappeared into the eyes of nearby fish and shrimps.

"Report——" Seahorse Knight roared loudly.

The world in front of him was no longer a seabed composed of rocks, seagrass and corals, but a magnificent and beautiful city.

The seahorse galloped above the central street, and nearby residents stood on both sides of the street in an orderly manner, leaving a broad avenue for the knight.

"Report——" The seahorse knight in silver armor walked through the five-kilometer avenue and finally stopped in front of the palace with many towers. "Your Majesty, Harley Quinn, the representative of the surface people, has arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Xebel."

At the main entrance of the palace, at the top of the three-story staircase, Nereus, who was wearing gorgeous robes, sighed softly, "Meira, you can take the royal knights to the sea to greet her."

The underwater princess had a straight face and a gloomy expression. When she heard her father's instructions, she almost jumped up and said, "Father, are you——"

Are you confused?

She wanted to say that.

“King Orm of Atlantis also brought important officials from the royal court to Xebel for an official visit, and you didn’t even leave the throne.

Now for a mere witch, not only did you come to the square by yourself, but we were all called out."

Mela excitedly pointed at the hundreds of richly dressed nobles and armored generals behind her, and then pointed at the empty Central Avenue in the distance, surrounded by undersea people, "And a main street was specially cleared!

This is not the end, you asked me to lead the royal knights to leave the royal city again. Poseidon, do you think the witch Harley is the god king Zeus? "

King Nereus actually nodded and said seriously: "I just hope that you, you guys, will treat her with the solemn attitude you would treat a god king.

Don't ask for reasons, there are too many reasons. She tricked God King Zeus and harmed countless gods and demons, but she is still alive; she made the Green Lantern Corps disgraced, she killed the Trinidad, and she captured Brainiac

Most importantly, Crisis on Infinite Earths is coming, and we have her to turn to this time. "

"What are you begging her for? Do you still expect her to protect us?" Mela sneered disapprovingly: "On the contrary! I bet that she came to the bottom of the sea now to ask for something from us."

"What are you thinking?" Nereus glared at his daughter, "I guess she came to the bottom of the sea to find cannon fodder to deal with the crisis on infinite earth. Please stop staring at us Zebel, don't use tricks on us, don't plot against us.

Serving her well so that she no longer thinks about us and completely forgets Zebel is already a great kindness.

We also expect the witch to be kind and provide us with protection. Who is out of their minds to have such wishful thinking! "

Meila's little mouth opened slightly, and it took a while before she murmured: "Father, your request is too humble, isn't it?"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty is not humble, but is practical and wise in planning for the country." Several important ministers actually spoke up to defend the king.

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