I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 633 Christ Salvation Group

"If we were in this universe, could we use heaven's merits to save the souls of dead heroes?"

The communication with the voice of the sky was only between breaths. In reality, Bateman had new questions.

"As long as the hero has a chance to call for help when he dies, it should be okay." Harley said.

"The financial management rules of Paradise Mountain are that if a hero's merits are not enough, his soul will belong to you after death?" Bateman asked again.

"It's not to belong to me, but to serve me for a period of time and work to pay off the debt."

"Can a living hero pay the debt on his behalf?" Bateman asked.

"Of course. Do you want to be a hero and pay off the hero's debt?" Harley asked curiously.

"It's not just me, we are the Zhenglian as a whole. As long as the hero dies fighting to defend justice, the living hero is willing to bear his debt." Bateman said seriously.

"Have you talked to Superman and Wonder Woman?"

Bateman nodded.

"Why did you change your mind? You were extremely opposed to Paradise Mountain Financial Management before." Harley asked.

"Heroes are not afraid of sacrifice, but even their souls are not afraid of sacrifice." Bateman looked sad, "They are all heroes, and they should all go to heaven, where they can be united with their parents and relatives, and wait for their friends, wives, and children in heaven.

They sacrificed themselves to save the lives of others and deserved to expect a happy ending rather than leaving nothing behind. "

"How to judge whether a person is a hero?" Luthor was touched in his heart and asked: "If I die in the battle against the Anti-Monitor, while managing a loan in Paradise Mountain, will you pay off my debt?"

"If another hero dies, will you repay his debt?" Bateman asked.

"Well, I am for everyone, and everyone is for me." Luther touched his chin, lost in thought: Do you want to pretend to join Zhenglian's "mutual aid plan"? Or, firmly believe that Harley has prepared "The Last Ship"?

Harley VS Zheng Lian, it seems that Zheng Lian is more credible, Harley is too much like him

Harley asked curiously: "If the sacrifice would cause the soul to fly away, would you be afraid, hesitant, or shaken?"

Bateman said solemnly: "There must be fear, and there is also hesitation. We are human beings, but they still insist on being on the front line. Heroes die every day, and there is not a single deserter."

——Although there are no deserters, if a better ending can be given to the heroes who died in the battle, the Zhenglian giants will certainly strive for it.

Harley somewhat understands the thoughts of the heroes of the Justice League.

"Voice of Heaven, is there any method suitable for this situation to prevent the soul from being annihilated by antimatter and with extremely low merit." She communicated with Voice of Heaven again.

"It's very troublesome. After sunset today, heaven closes, and at 12 o'clock at midnight, hell closes. Before today, other divine realms had already disappeared and disappeared. Naturally, it is impossible to receive the souls of believers." Tianzhi said.

Harry had thought about this before and immediately said: "I have the Holy Mother's Seal, which is like the Holy Mother's Kingdom and can store souls for a long time.

Send the souls into it first, wait until the crisis is resolved, and then let them take their places.

In other words, you only play a role in exaggerating the space transmission function of the universe. "

"Yes, 50,000 merits and a soul transfer card will transfer the soul to the Holy Mother's Seal. But you must remember not to infiltrate those souls with the power of the Seal, as that will prevent them from going to heaven or other divine heavens." The voice of heaven said.

"I understand that it affects going to hell or other divine realms, but why can't you go to heaven if you are infected with a little bit of the Holy Mother's power?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"You have used your unclean mind to pollute the power of the Holy Mother in the Seal of Radiance. Now it has become a corrupt power. If you are infiltrated by it, you will probably go to hell." Tian Zhisheng said indifferently.

Harley wanted to shout: Screw you, God!

She admitted that her behavior was not in line with God's teachings, but she wouldn't go to hell just by "touching" her, right?

"Fifty thousand merit is a bit expensive, can it be cheaper?" she asked dully.

“Considering that ten million meritorious deeds come from God’s blessing, the price of the ‘Soul Transfer Card’ has been discounted.

If within the same universe, the soul transfer would be almost fifty thousand meritorious, but this time it not only spans the universe, but also spans time.

It’s the same as when you were transported from the Wizarding Group’s fragmented world in the hyper-time flow to the edge of hell that day, at least 500,000. "The voice of heaven said.

"If I let the card-carrying hero print the cross representing Christ on the chest or cape of the uniform, well, it is a chest advertisement, can it be cheaper?

Think about it, heroes who risk their lives and save lives gather together, how dazzling and brilliant it is.

But when hundreds of millions of people looked at them, they were surprised and said, "Hey, the S on Superman's chest became the Holy Cross." That would be such a sensation. "

Tian Zhisheng obviously hesitated, and after a while he said: "This kind of advertisement cannot bring faith, and it is not in line with God's teachings."

"I will not rigidly change their uniform emblems, but in the name of God, form the 'Christ Salvation Group' - a group of heroes who represent Christ to save the world.

They are the modern Holy Crusaders, so of course they have to have a unique crest and benefits. " Harley laughed.

"If it's a 'Crusader', that's fine. Depending on your superhero level, B-level heroes get 10,000 less merit, A-level gets 20,000 less, S-level gets 30,000 less, SS-level gets 40,000 less, and Superman only costs 1% of the original price. , that is, five thousand meritorious deeds.

In addition, on the basis of the above, another 70% will be reduced as the military expenditure of the Crusaders. "The voice of heaven said.

"Buzz -" Harry felt the Holy Mother's Seal in his sea of ​​consciousness tremble slightly, and a realization came to his mind: this Seal, which had been expelled from the public institution before, was once again included in the establishment of Silver City.

However, she is no longer the Virgin, but the head of the Redeemer Order of Christ of the Holy Cross.

"What are you thinking about?" Bateman's voice reached her ears.

Harley spread her hands and said, "Crash!"

Like a card magic trick, the silver-white cards formed a line, fell from the sky, and landed in Harley's palm. A box of playing cards was thick, two boxes, three boxes. The piles got higher and higher. Finally, Harley had to use a yellow light energy device to appear. Get out a tray and stack the cards into a small pyramid.

"Take it, this is what you want."

She used all her seven million, leaving only a fraction of two or three hundred thousand as a reserve fund for financial management in Paradise Mountain.

A few meritorious deeds are nothing compared to a hero sacrificing his life.

Bateman reached out and took one, and saw that the card was silver-white, with a faint golden light, the size of a playing card, with Jesus nailed on the cross on the front, and a line of words on the back: God has mercy on the world, and the heroic spirits of the Christ Salvation Army will never be destroyed.

"Is this the legendary paradise helicopter card? Why are there so many?" he asked in surprise.

"It's not a direct ascension to heaven, it's just to allow the hero's soul to escape instantly to avoid antimatter annihilation or any other form of soul dispersion.

It doesn't care whether the hero goes to heaven, hell, or returns to Limbo. " Harley said.

"Isn't this just like usual?" Luther said disappointedly.

"Yes, it is at this special time that the soul's final destination is not affected."


Bateman is quite satisfied. He believes that every hero who sacrifices deserves to be welcomed by heaven.

"What does Christ the Redeemer mean?" he asked again.

"Originally, these cards are very expensive, at least 500,000 merit cards each. It is almost equivalent to the lifetime savings of an ordinary mercenary in heaven killing demons and slaying demons.

I had some access to heaven and told God what happened to the hero.

God is merciful, but cannot save him for free——"

“If God wanted to help, why didn’t he save me?”

Bateman was a little excited and interrupted her directly.

"If He saves heroes for free, should He also save ordinary believers? How to save countless souls?

How to place them after they are rescued?

After the rescue, what should I do if the cycle of soul energy in the universe is broken and the multiverse is completely destroyed? "

"What cycle?"

Harley thought deeply: "I just guessed that the annihilation of the material universe and the souls in the universe does not disappear. In the multiverse, the law of conservation of energy can basically be maintained.

The universe that disappears today is likely to be the nourishment for the next multiverse. You should ask the monitor. He is the manager of the material universe. Heaven is only one of the eight divine realms.

Don’t keep thinking about selfless devotion in heaven.

Angels who engage in "faith trade" must not only pay attention to the basic balance of payments, but also abide by market transaction rules, and cannot engage in dumping or monopoly operations. "

Bateman sighed and no longer struggled with the issue that shook his faith, and asked: "How many merits are blocked in heaven now?"

Harley said: "God is merciful and heaven is generous. I have a way, so the 'Paradise Mountain Christian Salvation Group' led by me was successfully registered in heaven.

The Christian Salvation Army I formed is similar to the Crusade organized by the Pope back then. It is at least nominally a warrior of God.

These soul protection cards are used as equipment for the Salvation Army warriors and do not require meritorious service.

Just because it doesn’t cost money doesn’t mean it’s free. The cost is shared between heaven and me, with heaven investing 90%.

I used charity to save money, ruined my family, and gave up all my wealth to hold 10% of the shares.

However, the Salvation Army is just a name, without any responsibilities or obligations.

When you stick the card on your body, a emblem of the Holy Cross will be left in the place where it is stuck. When someone asks, "Who are you," just add "I am from the Heavenly Mountain Christian Salvation Group" before your name.

For example, you can say, 'I am Bateman from Earth 0 of the Christian Salvation Group of Heaven Mountain. May God bless the world.'

When the battle is over, everyone, the Salvation Group will be disbanded on the spot, and we will meet again indefinitely. "

"Why does this 'Crusader' sound like a commercial advertisement for heaven?" Luther asked with a strange expression.

"It's all voluntary, not forced. Zhenglian will take this card and distribute it himself, but it can only be used by heroes."

Harley asked Ivy to find a suitcase, put the card in it, and then placed the suitcase in front of Bateman.

"In order to redeem these soul preservation cards, I donated tens of millions. If you have any conscience, you'd better add 'Praise to Harley'.

If anyone shouts, after death, I will give him a small gift worth 100 to 1,000 merits. "

The expressions of the surrounding heroes and Luther were a little distorted.

Afterwards, under the command of Harley, the remaining Earth heroes and Earth scientists began to build two major military and scientific research bases on Liberty Island.

Concerned that a battle would take place near the tuning fork, Harley also asked Darth Vader to move the Statue of Liberty away.

Like most residents of downtown Manhattan, they sought temporary refuge in the countryside.

After finishing all this, Harley remembered Superman's adopted son, "What happened to Superman and Alexander?"

"Superman is very busy, but in good condition, Alexander." Bateman paused for a moment, "He is very special, he can contain the energy of both matter and antimatter at the same time, and he is very valued by the monitors.

Now little Alexander is still growing rapidly. When he reaches adulthood and absorbs antimatter energy, he will not only stop aging, but may be stable in the same state for a long time. "

Harley was a little excited, "Can little Kent absorb antimatter energy?"

Then doesn’t he become the best filter of positive and antimatter energy?

"Voice of Heaven, I want to exchange for the Ark of the Holy Covenant. I want to make it with the most common materials, as long as it has the appearance and momentum of the Ark of the Holy Covenant." Harley communicated with Voice of Heaven for the last time.

“No fakes are sold in heaven.”

"Okay, to put it another way, I want a drawing of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and there is a wooden box at home that looks like the Ark of the Holy Covenant. Please give it the power of divine radiance."


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