I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 632 Cosmic Tuning Fork

Harley was a little surprised to see Dick and Gordon in the yard, but after asking why, she didn't persuade them and directly started the spacecraft and went to Metropolis.

We made two trips back and forth and transported hundreds of people, all of whom were old, weak, women, children, and family members.

Even if the military and political bosses were afraid of death and wanted to go to Paradise Mountain to escape disaster, Harley didn't allow it.

On both trips to heaven, Harley personally took the Dog Son to escort them because the changes in the material universe had affected Limbo.

Matter is the basis of thinking, and the four-dimensional material universe is also the basis of Limbo.

In the past, Limbo was a river with hidden whirlpools and rocks. It was very dangerous, but overall it was peaceful.

At this time, it became the center of a Category 15 typhoon, and the power of the elements turned into a mess.

In the past few days, Harley had a dog son, so she no longer used the airship as a means of transportation, and she didn't notice any changes in Limbo.

I went to pick up Lao Kamai today, and I was just flying in the shadow realm - the edge of hell, which is equivalent to the coast. The spacecraft was vibrating like chaff, and the wind was blowing sideways in the shadow realm. Even the demons couldn't bear it, and they all hid in the depths of hell.

"Voice of Heaven, after Silver City closes, can I still exchange my merits for the power of heaven?"

Paradise is literally closing its doors, in just three days.

Three days seems to indicate something.

"Yes, but the Voice of Heaven can no longer respond to you. You can directly exchange your merits for what you need."

Harry thought about how he was owed millions of dollars in assets, and couldn't help but said: "The Voice of Heaven, I have no merit, can I just get credit then?"


"Then I will apply for a loan first. In addition to my own use, it can also be placed in a financial management bank as a reserve fund. When the war comes, there will definitely be many heroes who borrow the power of God through Paradise Mountain Financial Management." Harley said.

"There is no precedent for redeeming merit points on credit." Tian Zhisheng said indifferently.

“Didn’t I accept a mission from you last time to ‘save the multiverse in the name of God’?

After completion, the income will be at least tens or hundreds of millions, right?

Not counting credit, you give me part of the advance payment, ten million is enough. "

"There is no precedent of advance payment for mercenaries in heaven." Tian Zhisheng's voice was still indifferent, without any emotion.

"I am the most special 'Mercenary of Heaven'." Harley narrowed her eyes.

"There is no special one. All mercenaries in heaven have the same rights."

"Yes, I can make a film called "The Birth of Jabi", detailing the entire process of the birth of the Holy Son Jabi. Can other mercenaries do it?" Harley sneered.

"." Tian Zhisheng was silent for a long time, and said indifferently again: "One price, ten million, let the power of God erase this memory in your mind."

Harley smiled, "Ten million is too little, I want 1 billion!"

"Then you go make a movie."

Harley was startled, "I really went to take pictures?"

"Go, the world already knows who the Holy Son is, your threat is not threatening." Tianzhi said.

"Okay, I don't want 10 million anymore, I want to make a movie."

Harley put down a harsh word and cut off the connection with the Voice of Heaven.

On the first day, while continuing to patrol various cities, meeting heroes and testing super criminals, she also made great efforts to recruit famous Hollywood directors, claiming that she would make a biographical movie related to God.

The next day, Harley became anxious. She had masturbated to all the criminals and heroes she could find in the United States. She was still 30% away from level 79, and her goal was level 80!

In addition, several famous directors were moved by the invitation from Golden Nuclear Bomb, but Tian Zhisheng still had no reaction at all.

Is the Voice of Heaven really not afraid of God being embarrassed?

On the third day, a golden tower fell from the sky and landed on Liberty Island, standing side by side with the Statue of Liberty.

The tower is taller than the Statue of Liberty, almost 140 meters. It is golden yellow in color, with two antennas on the left and right at the top. Overall, it looks like a strange-looking fork.

Many people guessed that it was a machine through its high-tech appearance, but they had no idea what it did.

In the afternoon, Bateman returned from the Monitor satellite and brought the answer to the people on earth: "It is called the cosmic tuning fork, it looks like a U-shaped tuning fork, and its functions are very similar.

Tuning forks help calibrate the tone of an instrument.

Now that the multiverse is in violent turmoil, the cosmic tuning fork can maintain the universe in a standard state.

It is the cornerstone used by the Monitor to stabilize the material universe and the last wall against the antimatter crisis.

If the multiverse is regarded as a house, the cosmic tuning fork is the steel skeleton, making the single universe more stable.

It is also the coordinator of cosmic energy and can effectively block the approach of the wall of antimatter. "

"Well, I understand, it is the sea-fixing needle of the laws and energy of the universe." Harley said thoughtfully.

Bateman glanced at her in surprise, nodded and said, "A very accurate summary."

Luther stared curiously at the towering golden tuning fork, his expression gradually becoming excited, "Can we go in and study it?

This is probably the most advanced machine in the multiverse, containing countless unimaginable knowledge and secrets within it. "

"There is no door, no way in, and the monitor doesn't want to reveal his skills. He can control it remotely. We just need to protect it from being harmed by the shadow demon." Bateman shook his head.

Then, he took out a hard drive box from the Bat belt, looked at Luther, then at Harley, and finally handed it to Cyborg, "There is knowledge and technology related to antimatter in it, as well as a set of skills that I personally Designed antimatter energy deflector.

Cyborg worked with The Flash to take materials from Brainiac's ship and turn it into a physical object as quickly as possible. "

Of the Big Seven, only Cyborg, The Flash, and Aquaman stayed on Earth 0. The other Big Four and more than 30 heroes went to the Monitor satellite.

"Did you design it?" Luther looked suspicious.

"I participated in the design process, and the Monitor provided technical support." Bateman turned his attention to Harley, with doubts and expectations. "It fully follows your request at the 'Heroes' Meeting'. It can guide antimatter to a certain extent." flow direction.

Combined with the cosmic tuning fork, the effect is even stronger.

But just manipulating the flow direction and hitting the antimatter energy in one place will not destroy it. What other plans do you have? "

"I have to see the antimatter wall with my own eyes to be sure." Harley was excited, but also a little nervous.

Her plan is to reach level 80 before the crisis comes and use the surging antimatter to activate the eighth defense specialty.

If she has level nine anti-matter defense expertise, first of all, she will no longer be afraid of anti-matter clouds, and will not be like countless heroes on the earth who are instantly killed by anti-matter white light and die in suffocation.

Secondly, the Anti-Monitor who controls anti-matter energy not only cannot restrain her in the positive matter universe, but must be restrained by her.

Finally, similar to her tactics of turning on the God Force Field and taking Dachao, who is restrained by magic, to deal with the Demon King of Hell, even if the earth's heroes are restrained by anti-matter energy, under her protection, there is a high chance of directly killing the Anti-Monitor.

This plan gave her the confidence not to embrace the Monitor. It was the reason why she suggested that the heroes should not go to the Monitor satellite and stay on Earth to form a small group. If the hero died in the battle, who would she recruit to form a group to fight against the Monitor? She can't do it by herself, can she?

The only trouble with the plan is the collection of antimatter energy.

She can only absorb "docile and controllable" energy, and cannot draw violent energy from enemy attacks to activate her specialty defense.

For example, she can chew the Green Lantern ring raw and absorb Green Lantern energy in the central energy battery, but Green Lantern's attacks fall on her and she cannot absorb them.

Harley was sure that the antimatter wall must be controlled by the Anti-Monitor, but she was not sure whether the control was strong or weak, and whether it could be directly absorbed.

Therefore, she hopes to use the wisdom of all scientists on earth to research a technology to guide the flow of antimatter.

The antimatter energy that was controlled to flow to her body should have become "tame" and could be absorbed?

Harley was still not sure until she tried it herself.

"We have spent so much manpower and material resources, but you are not sure?" Bateman was somewhat dissatisfied.

"I'm not sure, I'm just not 100% sure."

"What's the approximate chance of winning?" Bateman asked immediately.

Harley said vaguely: "At least 50%, and the tuning fork can increase it by another 20%."

Anyway, success is 100%, failure does not matter 99% or 10%.

"Seventy percent? It's already very high." Luther said.

Bateman nodded slightly, "Time is urgent, Cyborg, please contact the Flash now and assemble the 'antimatter energy deflector' immediately."

"Boom!" Cyborg opened the sonic boom channel and disappeared on Liberty Island.

"Tell me about the situation inside the Monitor satellite." Harley said.

Bateman's eyes quickly overflowed with a complex emotion that was a mixture of pain, sorrow and helplessness. "In front of the monitor, I saw with my own eyes the destruction of countless universes and the death of countless people, but there was nothing I could do."

I guess within half a month there will be only five tuning forks left in the universe, and the rest will all be annihilated in the wall of antimatter.

Heroes hardly rest, working all the time, and people sacrifice every day. I even saw Superman on Earth 1 being overwhelmed by the Shadow Demon, and his cousin cried loudly while holding the bloody corpse."

There was some moisture in Bateman's eyes, "It's too tragic, but all the hero can do is protect the tuning fork of the universe, or move the humans who are destroying the earth to the tuning fork universe.

The heroes have sacrificed so much, but their actions are only a drop in the bucket for the entire crisis. "

"How many of us died?" Harley asked softly.

"More than ten of them, more than a third were lost in the battle. Zatanna said they didn't even have souls left." Bateman said sadly.

"Out of his mind?" Luther and several nearby heroes looked horrified.

Bateman frowned and looked at Harley, "There are several heroes who bought Paradise Mountain Financial Management and cried out to God for help before they died, but to no avail."

"A few universes apart, how can my host here receive the signal?"

Harley looked regretful, but secretly rejoiced in her heart. If she failed to call for help in this universe, her 'misappropriation of public funds' would be exposed.

"Hey, Voice of Heaven, you win, use the power of God to erase my memory, ten million." She quietly communicated with the big cross, doing two things at once.

After today, heaven will be closed, and if you want to betray yourself again, you won't be able to do it.

After deducting the previous arrears of 10 million, there is only more than 7 million left.

The next moment, vast power descended on Harry's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to annihilate some of her thoughts.

God Skin to boot.

"What did you do? You didn't forget that part of the memory."

There was still no emotion in Tian Zhisheng's tone.

"How about you try again? As long as 10 million, try whatever you want."

After a while, the voice of heaven said: "If you break your oath and say something you shouldn't say, not only will all your merits be deducted, but your mercenary contract will also be terminated."

"Even if you are the voice of heaven, you still have to be reasonable. The ten million before was just to erase your memory, and there was no oath involved." Harley shouted.

Then she said in a gentle tone: "How about we make another transaction, only five million, I swear?

And I will not use these five million for myself. In the name of God’s gift, I will give them to the heroes fighting on the front line in the form of unlimited, unsecured and interest-free loans. "

Although the voice of heaven didn't speak in the middle, Harry always felt as if it was about to speak, but then held back a breath.

After a long while, it said: "You swear, I will give you ten million without any discount, but it is not a loan - anyone who lends money will go to hell, and God will not participate in any form of lending.

Those meritorious deeds are given free of charge to the savior heroes in the name of God. "

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