I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 631 Final preparations

The surrounding heroes had strange expressions, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward.

Green Lantern, on the other hand, looked calm and laughed along with Harley, saying with a smile: "Pioneer, I used to think that anyone who wears a cloak as a mortal is a lunatic.

But trust me, Bateman is one of the most reliable partners.

He can defeat many supernatural beings who appear to be far more powerful than him. "

"I don't mean to discriminate against Bateman. I have seen many Batemans in the multiverse and know how great Bateman is, but the enemy we face this time is completely immune to physical damage." Pioneer explained.

"Baitman has strong command and analytical skills." Superman said.

"The monitor is responsible for directing operations."

"Forget it, I might as well stay here."

Bateman looked calm, with no emotion of shame or anger on his face.

He knew that he was not fighting alone, and the clever Harley would definitely find a way to send him into the monitor satellite.

If he tries too hard to get close to him, he may be suspected.

Sure enough, Harley smiled and said: "Actually, there is a task that is very suitable for Bateman."

"What to do?" Pioneer asked doubtfully.

Harry pointed to the corner of the hall, where Alexander Kent was being held in Louise's arms and giving instructions, "Baitman can take care of the child."

"Harley—" Superman's voice was filled with anger.

Bateman patted his arm and said, "Little Alexander really needs someone to take care of him."

"Okay, you can stay in the monitor satellite without going on a mission." Pioneer reluctantly agreed.

Louise led the red-haired child over and said: "Alexander is growing rapidly all the time. Soon he will become an adult, middle-aged, then old, and finally...

Oh my god, he is a good boy and should have a complete life. "

She covered her face and cried loudly, choking with sobs: "Master Pioneer, the monitor can definitely help him, right?"

"I'm not sure," Pioneer said.

"Harry, what about you? We were planning to find you to solve this problem before."

Louise looked at Harry with tears in her eyes again.

Harley wanted to ask her how she could have such abundant emotions in just a few days.

But the child looked at her with bright eyes, and she was embarrassed to complain.

Thinking of Xanadu who was preparing the youth potion, Harley said: "Maybe there is someone who can help him. Let Alexander go to see the monitor first. If the monitor can't do anything, I will take him to ask for the medicine."

"Selena, Ivy, get ready and go to Paradise Mountain tonight."

After the Pioneer left with a large group of heroes, Harley suspended global leveling, changed her route back to Gotham, and began the final preparations - the family and friends group's large-scale retreat plan.

"Is the antimatter wall coming?" Selina asked nervously.

"Within a week at the fastest and a few months at the slowest?" Harley shook her head. "There are too many uncertainties. We can't take risks, so we will estimate based on the worst-case scenario."

Selena went to the bedroom worriedly and started packing.

"Harry, I am also a master of magic and can help you." Ivy stayed in the living room with a stubborn expression.

"You-" Harley stared at her for a while.

The determination in Ivy's eyes did not waver.

"Yes, but from now on, you can no longer stay in the manor. You must stay with me at all times."

The situation was really critical and the eight-level anti-matter defense plan had failed. She could swallow Ivy and then hang herself on the origin wall.

"Okay, I'll be your secretary." Ivy said excitedly.

"Afu, you're ready to run away, come here quickly." Hallie called Afu again.

"Miss Quinn, thank you for your kindness, but I have to stay in Gotham to take care of you." Afu declined.

He had known about the evacuation plan for a long time and had refused it before, but Bruce had also specifically warned him before: Regardless of what the old butler said, he must be taken away.

"He went to the Monitor satellite, didn't you know?"

"He will come back."

"If he still has the time to return to the Batcave and let you take care of him, at least this crisis must be over. You have to live until the crisis is over to see him come back. When the crisis is over, I will naturally send you back."

These words were convoluted but very logical. Afu was convinced, closed the Batcave, simply found two changes of clothes, and took Dick Grayson to Quinn Manor.

At the gate of the manor, he was surprised and relieved to meet Jim Gordon with his children and wife.

"I was a little unbelievable when I received the call from Harley," Gordon said with a complicated expression, "I haven't talked to her alone for a long time."

"Miss Quinn is a good person who is nostalgic." Ah Fu said.

Gordon raised his chin toward the yard, "Brock didn't receive an invitation, and none of the big bosses from the Quinn family came."

"Archimedes isn't big enough." As soon as Afu found an excuse for Harley, he saw a giant spaceship slowly appearing over the yard.

"Wow, it's so big!" He couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Aki was still round and round, like an owl's head, but his size had greatly expanded, as big as a basketball court and two stories high.

However, its shell once again went from shiny silver to rusty.

"Don't be stupid, go in quickly." Ivy shouted in the yard.

"Mr. Falcone?" Gordon exclaimed as soon as he entered the cabin.

In the empty cabin, Harley was talking to an old man in a wheelchair.

Although they hadn't seen each other for ten years and although they were much older, Gordon still recognized his identity at a glance.

Falcone and his son and daughter, a big family.

"Oh, Gordon, come and sit." The old man also recognized him.

Harley nodded to Alfred and the Gordon family, then lowered her head and said to the old man in the wheelchair: "Kamai, you talk to Gordon, there was an accident in Limbo, I have to deal with it."

"Oh, Harley, go and do your work."

Old Kamai didn't understand what Limbo was, so he smiled and waved his hand to let her leave.

"Gordon, how are you doing now? I often see news about you on TV. Well, I'm very happy about the news about Batman you summoned with the Bat Lantern." The old man said with a smile.

"Glad?" Gordon frowned and said, "I'm helping Bateman. Bateman is probably the type of person you hate the most. He is challenging the existing Gotham order."

"Hey, I'm old and have low energy. It's hard to care about old friends. I don't care about other people and can't care about them anymore.

I'm glad that you haven't changed your original intention until now.

I'm so happy that you are still the same person you were ten years ago. I didn't see the wrong person at first. "The old man said.

"Baitman is challenging Harley." Gordon reminded.

"Do you think I still have to worry about Harley?"

Ah Fu didn't like his scornful tone and proud expression, "Baitman succeeded only half the time."

"Mr. Pennyworth? Sorry, you have lost a lot of weight and have a mustache. I didn't recognize you just now."

The old man stared at Ah Fu for a while before reluctantly remembering his identity.

"Haha, I can understand why you said that, and I also admit that he is very successful. It is not easy for an ordinary person to be in the same circle as Superman! But to threaten Harley, Superman would lend him all his power. It’s useless.”

"I believe that Bateman will change Gotham one day." Afu said firmly.

"Well, Harley will be happy to see the results, just like I was happy to see Gordon change Gotham." The old man smiled.

Gordon couldn't stand it anymore.

Just at the cabin door, a few more people came in.

Selena with her big belly, Angela holding her son, and several acquaintances from Harley's early years, such as the sister and mother of shooter Pulika.

"It's time to leave, everyone follow me to the second floor." Selena shouted.

Everyone didn't know why, but they still followed her up the spiral staircase.

"Is this the Archimedes airship?" Gordon asked in surprise.

The silver owl airship is inlaid in the center of the second floor, like a red date in a date cake.

"The big spaceship outside has only one shell and is a temporary one. It's fine in theory, but there's a big storm blowing in Limbo right now, so it's safer to enter the Owl Airship," Selina explained.

"Since we are about to set sail, it's time for me to leave." Gordon hugged his wife, daughter, and son one by one.

"Leave? You want to go back to the police station?" Old Kamai asked in surprise.

"Well, it's been a while since I sent my family away. Alas, I am a mortal after all!" Gordon shook his head bitterly, and his expression quickly became firm again, "I will stick to my post until the last moment, or until dawn. "

"Gordon, you are very good. May Morpheus protect you!"

Old Kamai showed admiration and sent him a blessing.

"Who is Morpheus? Camai, are you a cult?" Gordon asked with concern.

"Don't talk nonsense, my Lord Morpheus is the God in the dream, a supreme existence." Old Kamai said piously.

"Who introduced you to this dream god?" Gordon's expression remained serious.

In Gotham in the past few years, the "Hell Detective" has seen many incidents similar to those involving cultists and cults.

"Harry introduced it, I think you can try it too."

"Hallie? She believes in God. Why does she want you to change her belief?"

Gordon was surprised, but relieved. It seemed that he was ignorant, and Morpheus was really a righteous god.

"I asked her to help recommend a god with gentle teachings." Old Kamai sighed, "You know my situation, and I know it even better. I definitely can't go to heaven.

After I retired, I read the Bible at home for three years, donated more than a billion dollars, and went to church every week to confess, but I still had to go to hell. "

"How do you know you will go to hell? I think if you are sincere, God will at least give you a chance. Well, the Bible says so," Gordon wondered.

"Harry asked the angel for me, and the angel must be right."

Gordon felt weird for a while, then asked curiously: "Then you converted to believe in the Dream God? What happens now?"

"No, I believed in God for the first three years, but it didn't work, so I asked Harry to recommend a church that was suitable for me. She asked me to believe in Buddhism and strive to become a Buddha immediately. I believed in it for seven years." Old Kamai shook his head bitterly.

"Kamai, you definitely can't do this. You must be pious and firm in your beliefs."

Gordon is now barely an apprentice of the dark arts, and he is not completely ignorant of extraordinary things.

"I know, even though I have asked Harry to ask three times in the past seven years, but I have never entered Buddhism, I still insist on reading Buddhist scriptures.

I understand the importance of piety and steadfastness better than you do.

Until some time ago, when I asked her for the fourth time, she suggested that I convert to dream God.

She said that His Majesty Morpheus is more tolerant and has simpler beliefs. Anyone who has a dream and works hard for their dream can become his believer.

Moreover, Harley has connections in the Dream Kingdom, which makes it easier to inquire.

Unlike Buddhism, every time she asked someone for help, it was troublesome and she had to owe a favor.

Gordon, you have a great dream, which is in line with the teachings of His Majesty Morpheus. We can be church members. "

"I believe in God." Gordon declined.

"But you can't go to heaven." Old Kamai sighed.

Before Gordon could get excited, his daughter became excited first, "My dad is a good man, God will bless him."

"Oh, I'm sorry, look at what I, an old fool, said in front of the child. Yes, your father can go to heaven, I said the wrong thing." Old Kamei smiled and comforted his sister-in-law Liang.

"Child, what is your name?"


"Barbara Gordon? You and your mother?" Old Camai glanced at Gordon's wife, Xiao Lai.

——Not his biological son, but very similar to the "Gordon's fiancée" who was kidnapped by him back then, also named Barbara.

Before Gordon left, the old man couldn't help but persuade him, "Gordon, you are really more suitable for His Majesty Morpheus."

"Thanks, but I'm more concerned about the present."

Looking at Gordon's back, Bruce's adopted son Dick suddenly turned to Alfred and said, "I want to stay."

"Master, you——"

"Afu, if I leave Gotham now, I will never be him." The young man's eyes were firm and his tone was solemn.

Ah Fu was startled, "You and I——"

Dick shook his head firmly, "He wants you to go, and so do I, for our sake, Afu."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

"This kid is not simple," Old Kamai said with a complex expression.

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