I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 610 Constantine, be my apprentice

"John Constantine, one day you will understand that God is your final destination!" Gou Shengzi said solemnly.

"Let your god eat shit."

Constantine got up, patted his butt, and walked towards the door.

"I'm serious, Constantine, you have the potential to become a saint, you can be my Saint Peter." The Dog Son shouted.

"What?" Harley exclaimed.

"What did you say?" Zha Kang turned around, his face full of surprise.

Dog Shengzi sighed: "As soon as I saw you, my heart was touched.

I have a feeling that our destinies will be deeply connected in the future.

Thinking carefully about my mission - to redeem the undead in hell, and then looking at your past and present, I suddenly realized that you need my guidance, and I also need to find a way to redeem the fallen spirits in you.

Just like Jesus saw St. Peter fishing as he crossed the river, I meet you here. "

"You are sick and delusional!" Constantine sneered disdainfully, "Even if I go to hell, I don't want to be redeemed by your dog daddy."

The Dog Son nodded, "Yes, I am different from Jesus. He redeems people. The people I guide are fallen souls like you who are going to hell."

"Uh" Constantine was startled and said angrily: "When God comes, I spit on Him; when Satan comes, I will give Him the middle finger. Heaven and hell are not my destination, uncle, I won't play with you!" "

Harry looked at Zha Kang in surprise, "Boy, are you sure he is Saint Peter and not Judas?"

"The Judas of Jesus is St. Peter to me. My disciples must come from hell, or are degenerates who deserve to go to hell." Dog Son said.

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched, "According to this standard, Constantine is really suitable to be your first disciple."

"You guys can continue talking nonsense here." Constantine turned around and left.

"Please wait, today is the day of the Holy Son's pilgrimage. As a sage who comes to visit me, you should at least listen to what I have to say." The Dog Holy Son shouted.

Constantine paused, hesitated for a moment, sighed, returned to face the Dog Saint Son, and sat down cross-legged, "I won't believe anything you say."

Dog Shengzi said: "Hell has been born for tens of billions of years, and almost no undead have gone to heaven by their own abilities.

This goes against God’s original intention of creating hell.

Hell is a place of punishment, and the purpose of punishment is not to make them suffer.

Simply causing pain to the souls of evildoers will not make the world a better place. "

"At least it can intimidate those who come after me," Harley said.

Dog Shengzi shook his head and said, "Master Harley, have you been intimidated?"

Harley's feet are a little itchy and she wants to kick someone. Oh, it's a dog.

"The Bible makes it very clear that people make mistakes because they have original sin since birth. From the moment a baby is born, the seven original sins flow in the blood.

Crime when you grow up is just the awakening of original sin, rather than being infected by sin.

Fear can suppress the outbreak of original sin, but it cannot eradicate the flaws in human nature.

Only by converting to faith, feeling the glory of God in God’s teachings, and washing one’s soul with the glory of God can one be able to get rid of original sin, make the soul holy, and finally be saved. "

It turns to Constantine: “Punishment of the fallen in hell is to teach them to repent of their sins in pain, so that their souls can ascend and become holy spirits.

In the past, there were no dead souls ascending to heaven from hell because there was a goal but no path from hell to heaven - one could look up to heaven from hell, but could not find the ladder to climb to heaven.

My mission is to create that ladder.

Jesus had twelve disciples, all of whom came from the human world, because Jesus needed to provide a road to salvation for mortals.

The Twelve Apostles are the forerunners on the road to human salvation. Their process of sanctification is the evolution of the road. They are models and guiding lights for those who come after.

I will also have disciples who will help me practice the path of salvation.

Constantine, I'm not joking, you are in sin and your heart is bright, you are the best candidate for the 'disciple of hell'. "

"Are you done?" Constantine asked.

Dog Shengzi said: "That's it, you can leave if you want."

Constantine got up and walked out without any hesitation.

"One day, Constantine, when you understand the meaning of salvation, you will naturally come back and recite the Bible with me." Dog Shengzi said behind him.

"Okay, okay, the game between the Son and the Sage is over, go back to your doghouse."

Harley pulled the dog off the sofa and drove him away, called Zha Kang back, and sat down by the fireplace again, drinking and chatting.

"Why can you leave the Origin Wall?"

"After you left, I called the name of 'Papetua' using the method of sacrifice, and we got in touch." Constantine said frankly.

"You're looking for death." Harley sighed.

Constantine shook his head, "On the contrary, I am saving myself."

Seeing that Harley was about to taunt, he raised his hand to stop her and said softly: "Don't think that when I talk about self-rescue, I mean getting off the wall of origin.

I am a magic master, and my exclusive magic spell has been upgraded to the rules of the universe.

Simply put, I have the power of rules.

I’m afraid that your Excellency, ‘Golden Nuclear Bomb’, has forgotten my little mage’s ‘Spiritual Awareness’ skill. "

As he spoke, his eyes shone with strange light like bright stars.

Harley instantly felt like her soul was being scanned by X-rays over and over again.

"Yes, you have become an Archmage," Constantine smiled, and then his expression suddenly turned horrified, "Your exclusive magic spell——"

Harley spread her right index and middle fingers apart and poked his eyes.

Zha Kang threw his head back and shouted: "Don't get excited, unless you never use the exclusive magic spell, sooner or later someone will see through your old tricks."

"What did you see?" Harley said coldly.

"Your exclusive spell is the anti-injury magic shield, but it seems to be related to..." Constantine frowned, "It seems to contain a supreme rule.

You are not even a master, how can there be rules, let alone the supreme rules?

But that's how I feel.

Did you have an unexpected encounter and get the legendary 'Singularity Curse', a defensive 'cosmic rule bug', and integrate it into your magic shield?

By the way, when I met you last year, you were already promoted to Archmage.

It’s just that you’re not satisfied with the power and potential of the exclusive magic. Shit, did you get the Singularity Spell a long time ago and deliberately didn’t upgrade it just to integrate it into the exclusive magic? "

——Farke, this bastard is so accurate!

Harry said calmly: "Don't change the subject. My magic never hides things from people. You don't need to analyze it."

Constantine looked at her in surprise, "I suddenly have a feeling that one day in the future, your achievements in magic will exceed those of Zatanna and I.

It's really strange that among the younger generation, your talent in magic has always been relatively weak."

"I'm as wise as a fool," Harley said impatiently, "Let's talk business."

Constantine said solemnly: "The crisis I encountered was not about being hung on the Origin Wall - in fact, I have already been hung up on it, and there is no such thing as a crisis.

The problem is, I'm so desperate that I fell right into the center of the big hole you dug earlier.

There are still a few small cracks that are cracked inside.

When you came to see me, I told you that you seemed to hear a voice inside.

When you told me His name and identity—Papetua, the mother of creation, I understood the big deal.

Even if I act like a coward, restrain my thoughts, huddle against the wall and pretend to be dead, do you think He can let go of the fat on the 'mouth'?

He is already calling me.

Even my spiritual power can get in through the cracks, couldn't the Mother of Creation get out through the cracks I found?

My true spiritual sense sensed the fatal crisis, and I also found a way out in the crisis - taking the initiative, disguising myself as someone who walked away from the wall at any cost. "

"No need to pretend, you are just that kind of person." Harley complained.

Constantine glared at her, "Didn't I narrowly escape death when dealing with the wizard group? Even if the Holy Son comes, I did something that I can't forgive myself for, but was it for my own benefit? What benefits did I gain?"

"You get a cheap daughter. She's cute in pink and has the same blue eyes as you."

"Really?" Zha Kang touched his chin and murmured, "Maybe I have to go see her."

He shook his head and continued: "Harry, it's not only the trick you tricked me into, but also your attitude towards Pappetua.

Comparing my feelings, a big devil who has been sealed in the Origin Wall for countless years finally found a crack in the seal. When he met someone who could save him, you "coldly" refused.

Of course you did the right thing, but what would Pappetua think?

What will He do to the next person who can communicate, which is me? "

"You had a premonition that He was going to do terrible things to you, so you just threw yourself into His arms?" Hallie asked.

Constantine said: “If I avoid Him and show hostility to Him, He certainly doesn’t mind treating me with the greatest malice.

Unfortunately, I was hanging on the wall and couldn't hide.

So, I disguised myself and showed my extreme desire for power and my desire to leave the origin wall.

I worship Him as a god, just like those junior black magicians who sacrifice and worship demons.”

Speaking of this, his expression became very strange, "I originally used the fighting spirit and scheming to deal with you, and prepared to go on the craziest and greatest adventure in my life.

As a result, Pappetua looked like a junior high school girl.

Ten successes, only half a point was used.

Not only did He tell me His secret, He also gladly helped me escape from the wall of origin. "

"Are you sure you haven't been tricked by Him? After all, she is the Mother of the Universe, and she has experienced ups and downs." Harley doubted.

Constantine said: "I have the same suspicion. After leaving the Origin Wall, I hid in the magic circle and carefully inspected the inside and outside of my body, as well as my soul.

He laid no trap except for the mark he left on my soul.

Maybe He thought he had grasped my greatest lifeline - my desire for power.

Well, He promised me that if I rescue Him from the Origin Wall, I can become the strongest person in the multiverse besides Him, and I can also rule countless single universes.

But I don't even want to increase the magic power in my body, so why would I want His power. "

Harry said speechlessly: "Isn't the soul mark enough? I even doubt that with His method, he can hear our conversation through the mark on your soul."

"I'm not stupid, look at my face," he pointed at his own face, "is it pale, with sunken eye sockets and dull eyes?

I had just come down from the Origin Wall, and I should have been feeling proud and in high spirits.

Three days ago, I had just left the Origin Wall, and before I had even gone far, I immediately used a special secret technique to cut off a fifth of my soul, sealed it in the magic box, and returned to the Origin Wall. "

He was weak but triumphant, "It took such a big price, of course the mark will be removed."

"You're cruel enough!" Harley gave a thumbs up. After losing one-fifth of his soul, it's a miracle that this guy hasn't turned into a vegetative state.

"If I don't be cruel to myself now, others will only be more cruel to me in the future." Constantine said with a wry smile.

"What secrets did you get from Pappetua?" Harley asked.

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