The power of the visible light spectrum is actually a manifestation of energy conservation.

Every junior high school student who is exposed to optical knowledge will hear the teacher say: The starlight we see now actually came from tens or hundreds of years ago, or even longer.

Light is emitted from the star, travels through countless light-years to the earth, and is received and felt by the human eye.

If the star's light never encounters a planet and keeps moving forward in the universe, what is the end? What is the end of light wave energy?

The brain's emotional fluctuations, joy, anger, greed, fear and pity. If the brain waves emitted by these emotional activities continue to spread in the universe, what will be the outcome?

In the real universe, the universe has no boundaries. If the emotional light waves and ordinary light waves and electromagnetic waves of living things never encounter a medium that absorbs their energy, no one knows their true ending in the universe.

There is no boundary on the surface of the DC universe. According to scientists' research, the universe has been expanding, but in a dimension higher than the four-dimensional material world - the gap dimension between the fourth and fifth dimensions, there is a special starry sky. Prometheus Galaxy, the boundary of this galaxy is the Origin Wall.

The Origin Wall is also the boundary of the universe.

Therefore, it is certain that if light waves do not encounter a medium during propagation - for example, interstellar dust absorbs light waves and electromagnetic waves, and Harley absorbs the power of fear near her and directed at her - emotional light waves and ordinary electromagnetic waves and light waves will all Enter the Origin Wall.

This is where the power of emotion comes from.

The emotional light waves of all living beings are absorbed and stored by the Origin Wall, forming a 'reservoir' of the emotional spectrum. The Little Blue Man invented the technology of pumping water from the pool (ps).

Instead of pumping a certain amount of water at once, a conduit connects the central energy battery and the pool to pump continuously and steadily.

Then Green Lantern carried a bucket (Green Lantern Portable Lantern) to Oua to collect water. Finally, he poured the water in the bucket into a water gun (Light Ring), and "sizzled" in the universe with the water gun.

A problem arises here: energy cannot form a closed cycle.

For example, grass absorbs nutrients from the ground. When sheep eat grass, they poop out, and the poop is absorbed by the grass.

This is a simple cycle chain of energy and matter.

However, the emotions of sentient beings - entering the wall of origin - accumulated into the power of the emotional spectrum - pumped into the central energy battery - the Green Lantern uses Green Lantern energy within the universe.

This is not a closed energy loop.

The green light energy used by the green light cannot return to the origin wall.

Because the Origin Wall absorbs light waves, the Lantern will never convert 100% of the green lantern energy into light waves.

For example, Harley's "Golden Flying Needle" has such powerful kinetic energy, where does it come from?

It's all driven by the power of the yellow light.

In other words, Harley's golden flying needle, apart from a little bit of yellow light, mainly consumes kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is not light energy and cannot be recovered by the origin wall.

In this way, a phenomenon may occur: the Lantern uses too much energy, causing the Origin Wall to make ends meet, and eventually the power of the emotional spectrum is exhausted.

Just in recent months, the Origin Wall has experienced two energy crises across the emotional spectrum.

For the first time, Harley activated the ninth-level green light defense expertise and the ninth-level yellow light defense expertise, drawing a large amount of emotional power from the lamp beast.

The lampbeasts are also connected to the "Emotional Spectrum Pool" on the Origin Wall.

Therefore, Harley was actually draining the energy of the Origin Wall at that time.

Back then, even Satan and Doctor Manhattan were exhausted. Although the Origin Wall was large, it was also somewhat weak.

The second crisis was more serious.

On the day she rescued Rachel, Harley lost her Parallax monster.

If she didn't struggle and let the Parallax monster leave, there would be no crisis.

However, she struggled desperately, preferring to have the jade broken to pieces, but it wasn't that miserable. It was true that the jade was broken, but Harry was also very upset.

She ate the cooked duck from the head down before it flew away.

In addition to the massive yellow light energy, Harley also robbed 99% of the origin of Parallax Monster.

Her 'monster maw' was almost a little parallax monster with incomplete functions - unable to directly extract energy from the emotional spectrum.

She enriched herself and lost the origin wall.

What impact does emotional energy deficit have on the origin wall?

During the first "energy crisis", Constantine discovered a crack leading to the inside of the Origin Wall.

It wasn't that there was a crack originally. When Harley hung on it to absorb the connection power of the Origin Judge, a big pit was made on the wall. The crack at the bottom of the pit connected to the wall. Later, the crack healed, and now a small crack opened again. ——Because Harley extracted a large amount of emotional power and upgraded her sixth emotional spectrum power defense expertise.

After that, Constantine contacted Papetua.

The second "deficit of the origin of the emotional spectrum" made the cracks even wider. Papetua not only transmitted information outwards, but also transmitted part of the power belonging to the Mother of Creation.


"Hi, Harry, Holy Son, it's not too late to come and visit now, right?"

Wearing a yellow khaki high-collar windbreaker, the dusk sun seemed to have poured a bowl of blood on his shoulders.

Zha Kang had a Silka cigarette hanging from his mouth, and the smoke made the pale cheeks of Keanu Reeves, who had evolved from a young Leonardo DiCaprio to a middle-aged Keanu Reeves, look a little hazy.

"How did you get down here?" Harley asked in surprise.

"We will discuss this issue later. Now is the time to meet the Holy Son."

Constantine flicked half of his cigarette butt into the corridor outside, walked slowly to the Dog Saint, sat cross-legged on the blanket, and stared at the Dog Saint with his bloodshot blue eyes hiding two lumps of eye excrement. son.

Dog Shengzi also looked at him with a serious dog face.

After a long time, Zha Kang lowered his head, wiped his face, and shed two lines of tears, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

He was in extreme pain, and he didn't know whether it was regret, unwillingness, hatred, or a mixture of emotions.

Harley had never seen Zha Kang who was so out of character and so angry. His face was twisted and he started crying.

"May the Lord forgive you."

A halo of light seemed to rise behind the Dog Saint Son's head, and his body exuded a gentle and holy aura.

"Cao, Cao Cao, Cao Cao, Cao!" Zha Kang continued to scold with tears in his eyes.

"Staying there and regretting when you can make changes is the most useless behavior." The Dog Son sighed: "John Constantine, I know what happened to you.

All your sins stem from pride.

That is, the seven original sins of arrogance.

You are so proud that you want to disobey the Lord, even challenge the Lord.

I have always believed that everything I did was correct and meaningful.

Eventually you reap the consequences of what you sow.

Fortunately, you are crying and repenting, and you can still be saved.

At this moment, you are the closest to God.

If you can start from now on, listen to the Lord’s teachings and learn to be humble and respectful, Heavenly Father’s love will still come to you. "

Harley turned her head away and couldn't bear to look straight at it. King Ye Bi was starting again.

Zha Kang raised his middle finger to Dog Shengzi, looked at Harley and asked, "Can I hit him?"


This was exactly what she wanted, and Harley extended her hand in invitation.

Dog Shengzi remained unmoved and looked solemn.

Zha Kang really stepped forward and patted it on the head, "God raised on dog food."

Dog Shengzi's golden hair was knocked crooked on his forehead.

"Ada——" Harley screamed strangely, flew up, and the hard sole of her boots hit Zha Kang's chest, "Boom!"

Like a cannonball, Zha Kang flew four to five meters sideways, slid on the ground for another three or four steps, and stopped after hitting a corner.

"You dare to hit my dog, are you tired of living?!" Harley put her left hand on her hips and pointed at Zha Kang with her right hand.

Dog Shengzi looked confused.

"Ouch. I asked you and you agreed." Zha Kang groaned.

"Yes, I agreed, but you didn't ask about the price."

Harley was so refreshed that she not only slapped Dog Shengzi in the face, but also took the opportunity to beat Zha Kang, getting double happiness.

"Fake——" Zha Kang struggled to turn over, sat down against the wall, lit a cigarette for himself, took a puff, and then coughed hard.

"Shit, internal bleeding?"

He felt something fishy and salty in his mouth, so he wiped it with his hand, and sure enough, little blood stains appeared on the back of his hand.

"You are too cruel."

"You are too weak. My movements are so slow and my strength is so light. You can't dodge or carry it. Who is to blame?"

Harry said this, but still extracted the power of holy light from the Virgin's halo and cast a basic holy healing technique on him.

"Because of this dog," Constantine pointed at the Dog Son, his cheeks contorted with pain and anger, "my sacrifices, my meanness, my love... everything I gave became a joke.

What a big joke!

Hahaha, cough cough cough."

As he coughed, he increased the intensity of drawing warmth from the cigarette, and the thick smoke blurred his face.

"That bitch of God must be hiding at the top of the Nine Heavens, laughing loudly at the ignorance and humbleness of mortals. No matter how much you resist, it's not as good as His arrangement, Fake!"

He was laughing and crying.

"Do you regret it?" Dog Shengzi asked warmly.

"If I had known this outcome, I--" Zha Kang shook his head and said nothing. He just put the cigarette in his mouth and smoked hard.

"If I had known the result now, you would still repeat what you did before, even more sinfully. You would look for opportunities to kill my Duoduo, just like you did to your lover." Harley sneered.

——Contaminate a bitch with a poisonous cock stained with demon blood?

Zha Kang thought of this first, and immediately blushed, feeling extremely embarrassed and angry. However, looking at Harley's expression, it seemed that this was not what he meant. He could only feel ashamed and angry, but speechless.

Dog Shengzi sighed: "Harry——"

"Ada -" Harley yelled again, lifted the hem of her blue and white plaid cotton skirt, and kicked the dog, who was caught off guard, two meters away.

"Woof woof——"

This was the first time Harry heard it bark, which was the same sound an ordinary dog ​​would make after being pressed in pain.

"Call 'Master'!" Harley scolded: "As a holy dog, you cannot lose etiquette in front of the 'Sage Constantine'. When the sages see you, is it because you are a dog and you are not right?" Do you salute?"

The joy is doubled again.

Harley's happiness is always so simple and unpretentious. She can be very happy when she sees the people who offend her being unlucky.

The Dog Holy Son got up and squatted on the sofa again, and said calmly: "Master Harley, please give me some dignity. After all, I am the Holy Son, and I am still receiving the visiting sage."

These words made Harry soften, and also made her feel a little ashamed and regretful. She -

"Well, don't let the sage see that the master of the Holy Son is rude, domineering, and irritable. That would make me very rude and embarrassing." The Dog Holy Son paused before continuing.

Only then did Harley realize that the previous "Master Harley" had been emphasized, emphasizing that it was not rude, but "Master Harley" was too irritable and irritable to finish hearing its name.

And her master is so low-class that she makes him lose face and lack dignity? !


Harley dragged "Sage" Zha Kang up and dragged him to Dog Shengzi, "Hit you hard, I swear, I won't kick you again this time."

"I'm afraid of you. Go crazy on your own. Don't torment me. I'll take my leave." Zha Kang raised his hands in surrender.

(ps: The little blue people were not the first to discover emotional energy, they just "industrialized" other people's inventions.

But Harley didn't know the inside story and always thought that the little blue man had discovered and created an original method of using emotional energy. )

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