I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 611 The new most wanted criminal in the universe

"What information did you get from the innocent Miss Pappetua?" Harley asked curiously.

Constantine looked hesitant, "I don't know whether I should say that those secrets don't mean much to you, but once I tell you, will you remember it? Faith is power, and belief is also power.

I think it's better for me to bear this heavy fate alone. "

Harley wanted to take the dog out and bite him.

Constantine struggled for a moment and sighed: "Forget it, let me tell you, I can't seem to do it alone."

"The key to unsealing Papetua lies in the core fragment of the Origin Wall, which he calls the 'summary body', which contains all of his divine power - I feel that he is lying, it should only be a large part of his divine power.

In short, that sum was the key to his freedom.

To unblock the total body, seven special powers need to be unlocked.

The first is the stasis force corresponding to the speed force.

The second type is the invisible emotional spectrum corresponding to the power of visible light emotion.

The third type is the tears of death corresponding to the power of life connection.

The fourth type corresponds to the extraordinary power - the power of belief in gods and the power of magical elements, the wind of nothingness.

The fifth type is related to revelation, or wisdom? "

Constantine frowned, "Papetua's way of existence is too high-end. His thoughts and words are clearly expressed, but I can't understand them or even remember them.

Those concepts could not survive in my mind for long. "

"So exaggerated? You are a master of magic." Harley looked solemn.

Constantine sighed: "In fact, it is not difficult to understand that when we tell mortals the truth about magic, they cannot listen, or even hear. In front of the Mother of Creation, the master is just a child."

"What are the remaining two powers?" Harley asked.

Constantine said helplessly: "I don't think there is any need to say it. First of all, I don't understand, can't remember, can't understand, and what I say may not be correct; secondly, even if I am lucky enough to say it right, you won't understand; finally, Even if you understand it, it’s meaningless, we don’t have access to those powers at all.”

"Tell me, maybe I have more knowledge than you." Harley said.

"Well, the fifth power, which has to do with revelation, is called the Black Apple."

"This" Harry's eyes widened, what is this?

"The sixth one, called the sixth annotation, seems to be related to the sixth dimension, or six-dimensional people? I'm not sure, can you understand it?" Constantine looked at her curiously.

"I don't understand." Harley said helplessly.

"The seventh one is even more ridiculous. It's called the 'Year of the Villain.' It seems to be related to the belief in evil and destruction. It's too mysterious."

Harley's eyes flashed slightly, "These seven powers plus the corresponding powers form the basis of the universe?"

"I'm not sure, but it should be the basis of Papetua's divine power." Constantine said.

"Papetua is the goddess of creation. Isn't her divine power the power of creation?" Harley gradually had an idea in her mind - using these seven powers to activate seven defensive specialties, she would be almost invincible in this universe. .

"He told you these seven powers, but you can't even understand them, so what can you do?"

"He asked me to establish a 'Creation Goddess Cult', using seven powers as the 'power angels' of the church. To put it bluntly, it is another version of the 'Wizard Group'.

My effect on Him is the same as that of the wizarding group on Little Black Bean. "Constantine said.

"This information is not of much value. Your ability to formulate words is a bit poor. If it were me, I would find out all about his origin, life experience, future plans, fatal flaws, and abilities and characteristics." Harley said.

"I can't face Him directly at all." Constantine said with a solemn expression: "Imagine the wizards of the wizarding group facing the little black bean. They spend all their energy talking and listening to Him. How can they have the time to show off?"

"But you said before that only half of ten percent of your power is used."

"I mean, it only takes half of the effort to gain His trust. Gaining trust is different from using clichés.

There are too many irrelevant words, and He is not stupid, so wouldn’t He be suspicious?

However, in addition to the total body and the seven basic powers, there is indeed other news.

For example, the process of His being sealed.”

Constantine said: "He has three sons, namely the Monitor, the Counter-Monitor and the World Forger. He was building an all-powerful universe-level army at the time, preparing to defend against 'invaders' from outside the universe. As a result, the three were killed. A son betrayed.

They colluded with foreign invaders to seal their mother.

I'm sure He lied. The powerful ones outside the universe are not invaders, but like police officers who manage many multiverses. "

"Hey, this plot is a bit familiar."

Harley has a weird expression, why is she loading up with "Naruto" again?

Why do we say "again"?

When she met the lantern beast earlier, she discovered that the lantern beast looked very much like the tailed beast in Naruto.

Constantine said: "I have never heard of the Monitor, the Anti-Monitor and the World Forger, and I don't know anything about the outside of the universe, so this information is almost useless to us."

"It's useful. I've seen the Watcher's messenger recently."

Then, Harley talked about the 'Pharaoh's Crisis'.

"Oh, go ahead, I'm really tired. Let's have dinner at my sister's house first, then go to the Amazon rainforest, and then return to London. Goodbye."

Constantine stood up and prepared to leave.

"What are your plans for Pappetua?"

A cold light flashed in Constantine's eyes, "Find other people who know and promote the name of 'Papetua'. I will not be his only pawn."

Harley smiled strangely and said, "That's too passive. It's better to be more proactive."

Constantine asked warily: "What do you want to do?"

Two hours later.

In the front hall of Quinn Manor, the table next to the fireplace was filled with food, and the Quinn family started today's dinner.

Duoduo lay at Harley's feet and gnawed bones, the dog Shengzi squatted on the chair and gnawed bones, Selena ate her nutritional meal for pregnant women, and Ivy distributed fruits to everyone - freshly grown fruits.

There used to be a dog at home - Duoduo's grandson Loach, but now he has gone to Wayne Manor again.

While drinking sweet corn porridge, Hallie commented on today's TV news: "It's too much. They actually want to erect a statue for me again. The Metropolitan has already erected two statues for me. It's such a waste of people and money. It's so inappropriate."

"Actually, Metropolis has erected statues for you three times." Ivy corrected: "The first Krypton invasion, the second Heroes Convention, you sacrificed yourself for the people of Earth and surrendered to the Green Lantern Corps.

The third time was the Darkseid invasion and this is the fourth time.

But don’t worry about repeating the statue. Today’s statue stands beside the large pool of the Washington Monument. "

"Well, it's ridiculous that there are monuments to me everywhere." Harley shook her head with a smile.

The fat man floated in front of the 98-inch TV, looking left and right, "Where's the remote control? I don't want to watch your news."

"Just press the button under the TV, the red one." Gou Shengzi said.

"I don't like watching it either." It added.

The fat head appeared with a green light tentacle, stretched it out and pressed it.

"The golden nuclear bomb will turn the tide!" ABC TV station was broadcasting live in Brainiac's spaceship. The female reporter pointed to the glass bottles hanging from the dome: "I bought it, there are 42,452 glass bottles, representing 42,452 civilizations. A rough estimate, There are more than 60 billion people in it.

But now they are all in deep sleep, and the Justice League has yet to find a way to rescue them.

If the Fifth Ring Admiral hadn’t been shrewd and decisive, and saved Metropolis first—"

The fat man quickly changed the channel.

The Fox Economics Channel was broadcasting an alien program. A mirror master in a suit and tie spoke eloquently to the red-skinned alien host: "Don't blame me for boasting. The success of this space rescue operation mainly depends on our unjust watch." Or, rely on Captain Quinn——"

Fat Tou changed to the next station.

Gotham Current News

It changes channels immediately.

NBC Entertainment Gossip: "This morning, Justin Bieber said in an interview at the Metropolis that the story of General Five Rings' battle with Brainiac inspired him to write a 'Star Wars' song for General Five Rings. song of'.

This is already the ninth king-level singer on earth who has publicly expressed his intention to write songs for the Five Ring General.

At the same time, a total of five pop queens are writing songs for Superman, and three singers are writing songs for Mirror Master. There is also an Internet singer with 30,000 fans who raved about Batman's mortal body and how dare he participate in the battle of the gods. The courage to fight, after completing "The Hero of the Universe of Beauty and Power" by the Five-ring General, he wrote another song "The Brave Bat" for Bateman. "

"Why is it all news? I would rather watch cartoons!" Fatty shouted.

"It's seven-thirty now, prime time for news. Otherwise, try Disney instead." Selena suggested.

“We are seriously considering the possibility of animating ‘Admiral of the Five Rings’, many children love her and want to play her.

It’s a pity that her image is not as distinct as that of heroes such as Wonder Woman and Superman, and the uniform is a big problem.”

"Harley, does Disney have your permission?" Ivy asked.

"Movies and TV shows about celebrity biographies, as long as the content is derived from public information - newspapers, news, interviews, etc., do not need the consent of the parties concerned," Selina said.

"Why is it all news about Harley? It's been several days since we defeated Brainiac, right?" Fatty said angrily.

"You can use your tablet to surf the Internet. How many cartoons on puppy videos are not enough for you to watch?" Harley said.

"The tablet is too small and it hurts my eyes to look at it."

"Harley—bang bang bang!" There was a rapid knock on the door, and the voice was Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

"It's finally here." Harley smiled slightly, poured all the beef leg bones on the plate to Duoduo, wiped her mouth, and stood up, "You continue to eat, Green Lantern and I have business to discuss."

After opening the door and seeing Hal with a stern expression, she asked politely, "Have you had dinner?"

"You can prepare two chicken and tomato sandwiches for me to take with me when I leave."

Hal said casually and asked in a low voice: "Where is Constantine? The guardian wants me to capture him immediately and take him to Oa at any cost."

"He left long ago."

"Since you reported him, why did you let him leave?" Hal asked confused.

"I reported him to remind you that there is a big problem with the Origin Wall, instead of sending my friend to Oua to be interrogated as a prisoner," Harley said.

"Harry, the Guardians want to know what happened on the wall. They want to check Constantine's memory personally." Hal said seriously.

Harley shrugged, "If you can catch him, I'd love to see him suffer.

But I won't betray my friends.

In fact, he was right there when you reported him. "

"What do you want to do with all this fuss?"

"Call the guardians to come out and wash the floor. Oh, repair the cracked origin wall."

"Let me ask the Guardian." Hal walked aside and whispered a few words to the ring. When he returned to Harley, his expression was not very good. "The Guardian will lead a group of green lights to the Origin Wall and use the power of the green lights to repair it. Cracks, but they insisted on getting rid of John Constantine.

They say you leave the wall of origin in the power of God and that's okay.

It is very abnormal for Constantine to leave the Origin Wall. Keeping him will endanger the security of the entire multiverse. "

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