"Lois, why are you here?" Superman shouted in surprise, then his face changed slightly and he said warily: "You are not Louise, this is black magic."

Harley gave him an appreciative look and took the initiative to walk towards the cabin.

"Hey, be careful of the trap." Superman tried to pull her, but failed.

"Hahaha, you're in!" When Harley stepped into the fence gate, "Morpheus" immediately changed his face and turned into an old witch with white skin and white hair and a tattered dress.

Following the witch's incantation, the skeleton on the wooden pile spit out a snake-like rope, and tied Harry into a rice dumpling.

Harley stood there calmly and asked: "Old woman, who are you? Where are you?"

"Haha, look what I caught?" The old witch didn't answer, but circled around Harry excitedly, muttering: "Is it a stew or a barbecue? There must be blood pudding, the tender steaks are meaty and rich. Juice, chewy and delicious, can’t be missed, hahaha!”

"Ha-Annie, are you okay?" Superman shouted from outside the fence.

"Chichichi!" Two golden needles appeared out of thin air in front of Harry, trembling rapidly and instantly piercing the witch's legs and knees.

"Puff -" the old witch fell to the ground and howled miserably, "It hurts, it hurts!"

Harley struggled hard and broke the magic hemp rope, stepped forward and asked again: "Witch, tell me your name?"

"Smelly witch, don't let me give in!" The old witch climbed up the threshold with her arms and shouted: "The thief is powerful, run away!"

Under the stunned gazes of Harley and Superman, the cabin stood up with a creak and swooped into the forest.

That's right, it's not a wooden house flying up, but two huge chicken feet standing up from the foundation and running like a chicken.

"Hahaha, you stinky witch, you can never catch up with me. This forest is my territory."

"Grandma Yajia!"

Harley yelled, and Superman yelled almost at the same time.

The old witch's chicken-footed house is very famous in American fairy tales.

Probably similar to Grandma Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandma Yajia also specializes in tricking passing children into eating them.

"Shit, where are we running from?" Harry said a bit Muggle.

"Why don't you hurry up and chase him? If he runs into the woods, it will be difficult to find him." Superman said.

"That old woman is so stupid." Harley pointed to the sky, "Go up and take a look. The sky is cloudless during the day. Is there only one chimney smoking in the forest that is a hundred miles away?"


Two minutes later, the two came to the chicken foot hut again.

The chicken feet were still running wildly. Grandma Yajia saw them from a distance and screamed in fright. She quickly climbed into the house and flew out of the window with a stone mortar.

Well, she was holding a broom in her hand, but instead of riding a broom, she was squatting on a thick stone mortar and flying.

"Smelly witch, you will never chase—"

"Tsk!" Harry flicked his finger, and the golden flying needle was so fast that no shadow could be seen. Only a handful of flesh and blood shot out from Granny Yajia's thigh, proving that it indeed existed and hit the old witch.

"Ouch!" The old witch tilted her body and fell off the stone mortar.

When Harley walked over again this time, wisps of yellow mist that only she could see floated out of the witch and entered her chest - stored in her stomach.

"You actually still make money." Harley muttered with a smile.

To deal with Granny Yajia, only three golden needles are needed.

The power of fear provided by Granny Yajia can manifest a thousand identical golden needles.

Back when there were parallax monsters, a thousand golden needles were not even enough to move a ten-meter giant sword.

Now it can be proven that the idea of ​​​​changing the golden nuclear bomb to the "Western Invincible" is feasible.

Especially when she saw the hole as big as a wine glass in Granny Yajia's leg, Harley was even more happy.

The golden needle triggered quantum critical strikes and existence field attacks, and the bones were shattered into slag.

"Grandma Yajia?" Harley said calmly.

"You can't kill me. I am a vassal of Titania, Queen of Fairyland, and this forest is my fiefdom." The old witch hugged her right leg and howled miserably, while a yellowish mist of fear continued to float from her body.

"Wonderland." Harry felt confident and said coldly, "I'll ask you questions and I'll kill you if you talk nonsense."

The old witch nodded repeatedly.

"Are you Grandma Yajia?"

The old witch nodded.

Harry suppressed the urge to ask her if she was a character in a fairy tale, and said indifferently: "Do you know who I am?"

"You are a witch who has the power of dreams." The old witch said cringingly.

After saying that, he immediately added, "There seems to be other powers, but I don't quite understand them."

Harley looked down at the Sandman robe, a little surprised at the witch's knowledge.

In terms of strength, this guy can't survive more than an archmage, but she can feel the power of dreams.

At the same time, she was relieved that the "well-informed" Granny Yajia did not notice that they were trespassers.

"Give me a map of Wonderland."

"Are you an accidental intruder?" Grandma Yajia was shocked.

Harley was also surprised, "Is there no map to Wonderland?"

She specifically asked for a map instead of directly asking where this place was and how to find the entrance and exit of the fairyland, just to avoid exposing the identity of the intruder.

Outsiders and trespassers are like foreigners and stowaways holding visas.

But he didn't want to reveal his true identity just by looking at the map.

"How could there be no map?" Clark asked puzzled.

Grandma Yajia looked at the golden needle dancing between Harry's fingers in fear and said to him: "How do you read a book?"

"Just open the book and read line by line, page by page." Clark murmured.

Harry thought thoughtfully, "So that's it, there are all kinds of wonders in the world."

"What do you mean?" Clark asked confused.

Harley said: "Just now when we were flying in the sky, you still felt that your vision and hearing were limited to a small area, because this forest is just a small world, a page of fairyland."

Then, she said to the old witch: "Tell me the way to enter each page of the book."

"Just walk down the only path. It's as easy as reading." Grandma Yajia said.

"Tsk!" The golden needle flew quickly, pressed against the old witch's neck, and blasted a basin-sized hole on the ground.

"One last time, you answer whatever I ask. Tell me how to enter each page of the book. If you are not honest,"

If the old witch is not honest, she does not know the second way besides torture to extract a confession.

Is using black magic to extract souls useful for characters in fairy tale books?

She wasn't sure, so she could only "hum".

The effect was very good. Grandma Yajia explained the method of entering the fairyland and even the secret to entering the next scene one by one. There were more than twenty copies in total, until the end of the chapter 'Grandma Yajia's Forest'.

The old witch said: "I didn't lie at the beginning. This is a forest. You can enter the mountain trail behind by following the forest path. The hills are on the next page, where you may encounter the hunting Queen Titania. She will decide the story behind you." "

"You haven't lied yet? How can I leave Wonderland if I don't know the levels ahead?" Harley said coldly.

Unexpectedly, these words exposed her "ignorance".

Grandma Yajia gave her a strange look, "Do you read from back to front?"

"Tsk!" A needle pierced the palm.

"Ouch--" The old witch's left palm was dripping with blood, and there was a hole as thick as a finger.

"Haani, there's no need for this." Superman advised.

Harley glanced at him. If he hadn't been here, she would have pinned the old witch to the ground with dozens of needles and was so angry that she was so angry.

"Books can only be read along the way, not backwards. If you want to leave Wonderland, you can only finish the book. Meeting Titania is the ending. Unless you read the prologue on the first page, which is the collection of fairies. Leave the market."

Harry frowned in thought. She believed in the witch's words, and seeing the Fairy Queen was the most orthodox way to leave.

But she also remembered one thing, just "a few hours" ago: when entering the gate of hell and crossing the River of Resentment, ten fairies from Wonderland occupied the second deck of the Charon ferry.

That's the tithe!

Wonderland is a vassal of hell! !

After offending the United States, do you dare to run away to Canada?

In a fair duel outside of Wonderland, Harley and Superman would definitely be able to defeat the Fairy King and Queen.

But now she is in fairyland.

Whether she can tear this world apart, she must know.

She can't.

Superman can't do it.

Then, the King of Fairyland, who controls the absolute power of this world, can suppress them.

Because the Immortal King and Immortal Queen are equal to this heaven and this earth.

"What are the taboos in the fairyland? I can read minds, so don't lie."

Harley pointed her finger at the center of Granny Yajia's eyebrows. It did not touch her directly, but a thin golden thread passed through the skin, flesh and bones and entered the inside of her head.

Green Lantern can connect to the cerebral cortex of the dead through the green lantern thread and ask questions to the dead.

That kind of technique is too delicate and requires the intelligent cooperation of the ring. Harley cannot do it and can only use the thread of fear to sense the emotional fluctuations of Granny Yajia.

If it beats violently a few times, you may be lying.

This method would be useless if Granny Yajia was as cunning as she was.

"The first taboo is that iron products are not welcome in the fairyland, because cold iron makes the fairies in the fairyland very uncomfortable." Grandma Yajia rolled her eyes upwards, stared at the "golden needle" on her forehead, and said quickly: "It's OK to nail horseshoes on the door. To keep the demon spirits away, the iron fence can tie up the demon spirits, and the iron dagger is buried under the door so that a witch like me cannot enter the house.”

"Well, you didn't lie." Harley nodded.

Neither she nor Superman had any iron weapons with them.

Grandma Yajia breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "The second taboo is time. Wonderland is also called the 'Land of Summer Twilight'. You can only enter at dusk and must leave before the sun comes up the next day.

Outsiders cannot sleep in the fairyland. A night's sleep represents the passing of a night, and one day in the fairyland is equal to a hundred years in the human world.

After some sleep, it will be a hundred years before he returns to the human world. "

"Ah -" Clark exclaimed, "Did we wake up from our sleep?"

Harley said: "Don't worry, it's okay."

Superman was indeed sleeping, sleeping from the dream dimension to the wonderland, but she was always awake and could clearly perceive the flow of time.

She has a level 10 bonded power defense feat, immune to any form of temporal threat!

Whether a dream for a hundred years is a threat is up to her.

If it happened, she would definitely feel it and be able to resist.

"How did you jump directly to my chapter?" Grandma Yajia asked curiously.

"I'm asking you." Harley poked her again, making her squeal.

“Third taboo, don’t ask questions or ask for help from anyone you see on the road, and don’t accept any gifts, food or help.

In the land of goblins, everything you pay has a price, and the price is determined by the goblins.

The fourth taboo is etiquette!

The slightest verbal faux pas may result in donkey ears or worse.

Finally, never stray from the path, no matter what you hear, see, or feel—"

"You have strayed from the road before. You don't even need to pretend to shout in the voices of your acquaintances, you just came here on your own.

That’s why I attacked you. I didn’t violate the laws of Wonderland. "Grandma Yajia said excitedly.

"One of the taboos you mentioned is not to take action against evil fairies." Harley said.

Grandma Yajia was speechless.

Harley kicked her, "Give me the chicken foot hut and you'll be free."

ps: Connection Power Defense Specialty, Level 10: 1. Immune to quantum energy damage, immune to any form of time threat, immune to Judgment of Origin, immune to ordinary supernatural attacks 50%-70%;

2. Immune to universe-level restarts;

3. The force field of connection: It is completely exempt from the fatal attack effects of the multiverse level, and partially exempted from the fatal attacks of the omnipotent universe. Its own intrinsic field is difficult to destroy (the omnipotent universe level).

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