I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 570 King Arthur’s Tomb

"What, give you the magic house?" Grandma Yajia became excited when she heard that Harley planned to take over her chicken-foot hut, "Grandma Yajia can't live without the chicken-foot hut!

That is the old woman's only property, a symbol of my identity, status and honor, and the foundation of my existence.

But to you, it is just a burden that cannot be taken away. It is smelly and dirty, like a chicken coop or a doghouse, and completely useless! "

"According to the laws of Wonderland, victims are eligible to ask for compensation from criminals. You are a kidnapper, a cannibal, and a robber. You have to compensate me." Harley said.

"How do you know this law? I didn't tell you before?" Grandma Yajia asked in surprise.

Harley smiled strangely, "Any ordered society has similar laws. If not, that's better. I can rob your chicken-foot hut at will."

Grandma Yajia’s old face turned pale, she was a lawless and extremely cunning witch!

"You entered my forest and came close to my hut. Grandma Yajia has the right to tie you up and make you into steaks," she argued.

"So, you are a gangster and I am a bandit. Whoever has the big fist can be unreasonable."

Grandma Yajia was speechless.

Harry changed the topic and said with a smile: "How about this, now that the Chicken Feet House belongs to me, I am in need of a guide, so you can lead the way for me and do a good job as a guide.

In return, I will give you the magic house before leaving Wonderland. "

Grandma Yajia's face changed several times and she was hesitant.

"Mundo, pick up the hut and let's go." Harley said.

Clark was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was being called.

He was confused, but he still flew over and held up the "chicken fart drum" - the foundation of the hut above the chicken's claws - with one hand.

"Should we go back? We're going to a hero's tomb. We have to drill a tree hole. Can the house go into the tree hole?" Clark asked.

"If you can't get in, demolish the house and take away only the valuable magic materials." Harry turned to the old witch who was hesitant to speak. "As for you, in order to prevent you from finding someone to take revenge on me, I am going to cast the Maleficent Curse. Let you sleep for thousands of years!"

As she spoke, she raised her arms, her broad sleeves flying like wings, and the power of dreams surged out.

"No, I want to be a guide!" Grandma Yajia was horrified, raised her hands in front of her head, and moved back.

"You volunteered?" Harley asked.

"Completely voluntary."

"Okay, let's sign the labor contract."

Harley casually removed a piece of wood from the chicken-foot cabin, and the thick black tail of a chopstick protruded from the hood, and quickly wrote three contracts on it.

The first is the scope of the guide's work.

The second article is the responsibility of the guide - any non-subjective mistakes made by the two travelers, Harley and Clark, during the journey will be borne by the guide.

The third article is the guide's rights. Complete the task and get the chicken foot hut.

"Why do you have to take responsibility for your mistakes?" Granny Yajia asked unhappily.

"If you explain all the rules thoroughly, it is not your responsibility if we knowingly break them. Otherwise, you are fully responsible." Harley said calmly.

Grandma Yajia took the wooden board, her eyes flashed, and she sneered in her heart: This stinky witch is so stupid, she actually took the wood from my magic house, let’s see if I don’t kill you!

She deliberately dipped her finger in blood with a look of reluctance and wrote her real name, but secretly left an engraving on the inside of the board.

Seemingly unconscious, Harley retracted the board and beckoned Clark into the cabin.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you ask about the rules of Wonderland before?" Superman asked confused.

Grandma Yajia's cabin is a magic house. It doesn't exceed 15 square meters on the outside, but it's a wonder inside. The kitchen alone is 30 square meters.

Well, there is no living room, there is a big kitchen right at the door.

In addition to pots, pans and stoves, there are also several hemp ropes hanging from the roof, which are tied to human-sized rabbits and hedgehogs as tall as a child.

Seeing Harley and Superman, they blinked humanely, "Can you save us?"

"Wow, you can still talk." Clark was startled.

"You can't let them go, this is my dinner!" Granny Yajia yelled from the window, grinning fiercely at the rabbit and hedgehog.

"Harley." Clark whispered: "They are intelligent and are aliens. It would be too cruel to eat them."

What an alien

Harley complained in her mind, but did not immediately release 'Animal Man'. She only asked: "What are your names, what kind of magical race are you from, and where do you come from?"

"My name is Mr. Little Rabbit. I live in a tree hole in the forest. My ancestors probably came from the magical land. There is an animal kingdom in the magical land, and everyone is an animal person." Big Rabbit said.

"My name is Mr. Hongfa. I live in a cave in the forest. I don't know what race I am. Maybe I was once a human and was transformed into a hedgehog by magic? I have vague memories of humans." The hedgehog said uncertainly.

"The Magical Land." Harley frowned slightly, "Is it a different world under the rule of Shazam?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of Shazam." The two animal men shook their heads.

"Come on, eat these two candies, and I'll put you down." Harley took out a small bottle from her arms, poured out two jelly beans, and stuffed them into their mouths.

"Well, it's so sweet, well." Mr. Rabbit smashed the three pieces of his mouth several times, his consciousness became blurred and he stopped moving.

"What did you do to Mr. Rabbit?" Mr. Hongfa was shrewd. He held the jelly beans in his mouth and wanted to spit them out.

Harry snapped his fingers, inserted a small golden hand into the hedgehog's mouth, and pushed the jelly beans into his stomach.

Mr. Hongfa also stared in confusion and began to snore.

"What did you feed them?" Clark asked confused.

Harley showed him the label on the small white bottle.

"Estazolam. Sleeping pill?!" Superman had a strange expression.

"The sleeping pill blessed by the Sandman is guaranteed to make you sleep when you take it, and you will dream when you sleep."

Harley opened her mouth, and a ray of yellow light sucked Animal Man into her belly, and sighed: "I was cursed by the three goddesses of destiny. The dream escape technique is really dangerous, but no matter how dangerous it is, it is better than having an anus with the 'Lord of the World'."

After explaining a few words, she shouted outside the house: "Grandma Yajia, take us to the 'Tomb of the King'."

"You can't go in the opposite direction, you can only go along the road to the hilly hunting ground." Grandma Yajia said.

"Remember your identity, you are just a guide." Harley said coldly.

The first page of the book has only one door that anyone can enter, but the last page of the book is Asgard, where Titania and Oberon live.

Unless there is no way forward, Harley really doesn't want to face the two masters of the world.

"If something goes wrong in retrograde, I'm not responsible." Grandma Yajia said.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"

Grandma Yajia muttered something, squatted on the stone mortar and flew forward. The chicken-footed hut took steps and walked quickly through the forest.

The chicken feet were jumping around, but the wooden house above was extremely stable, with almost no vibrations noticeable.

However, Granny Yaja slaughtered animals in the kitchen every day, making the house full of fishy stench. Harley and Superman didn't stay long, took a casual look around, and then jumped up to the roof.

"Why should we ask her to be our guide? Aren't we clear about the path and rules of the fairyland? Or is she lying?" Clark asked, looking at the old witch standing on the stone mortar in front of him.

Grandma Yajia was a witch. She had a big hole in her leg, but she only applied a green sticky plaster, and she stood up again with full vigor and vitality.

"She may not have lied, but there are too many details to explain clearly."

She originally didn't want to ask the old witch to be her guide, but after hearing her talk about the many rules of Wonderland, Harry understood that the 'customs' of Wonderland were so complex that it was difficult to summarize them in just a few sentences.

"What's the purpose of writing on the wooden board? I thought based on your personality, you would put a knife on her neck, tie her ankles with a rope, and drive her like a slave." Clark asked.

"Contracts between mages are much more effective than threats."

While talking, Chicken Feet Hut had already arrived in front of an old banyan tree.

The banyan tree was indescribably thick, with a knob as big as a house rising high from its roots. The knobs were scattered across several trunks, and it was hard to tell which one was the main trunk.

Just below the tree knob, the roots are like a door curtain, blocking a dark tree hole three meters high.

The chicken foot hut shrunk into a chicken coop, and Harley and Clark jumped in.

"Walking backward is like reading from right to left, bottom to top, and back to front. When reading backward, your thinking will be confused and you will know nothing; when walking backward, time and space will be messy, and your consciousness will be confused. My witch, you have to think twice!" Yajia! My mother-in-law stopped at the entrance of the cave and tried to persuade me.

Harley opened her mouth and spat out a piece of yellow light, swallowed Clark into her belly, and kicked the old witch in the chest like a ball. She rolled into the depths of the hole, and the chicken-foot hut quickly followed.

The cave is dark and there is no light, but there is no need to worry about going astray, there is only one path.

The old witch was in front, and Harry and the chicken-foot hut were walking side by side. The narrow space was depressing, and only the rustling footsteps and breathing could be heard.

Harley had a strange expression. It was not her and Granny Yajia who were panting, but the Chicken Feet House. It was panting violently, and the small chimney was filled with thick smoke.

"Ah, I'm melting, no--" Suddenly, Grandma Yajia in front covered her face and let out a miserable howl. The space around her seemed to be mosaic, as if she was wrapped in a ball of boiling water.

Her person is also like coal briquettes falling into the water. The rippling shadows are blurred and illusory, and they are lost from Granny Yajia into the "boiling water of time and space", as if she is being broken down into "elementary particles". .

Harley quickly took a step back, activated the fifth level defense specialty, the power of connection stance, and the mosaic of messy time and space immediately bounced away.

They seemed to be opening a two-meter-diameter bubble in a heating pipe that was boiling water.

Seeing that the defensive expertise was effective, Harley stepped into the "boiling water of time and space".

Well, if it doesn't work, she will turn around and run away, leaving Granny Yaja to fend for herself.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?" Granny Yajia asked in shock.

The chicken foot hut is no longer breathing.

Harry kicked the old witch in the butt again and said, "Quickly go!"

After walking for about five minutes, twisting and turning, climbing up and down, at a distance of 300 meters, a chaotic candlelight appeared in front of me, the entrance of the cave became wider, and the surrounding "boiling water space-time" also came to an end.

Harley spits Clark out before moving on.

After a while, they heard a melodious heroic song.

"King Arthur sleeps at the foot of the mountain. The sword in the stone is covered with cobwebs and buried deep at the foot of the mountain. If darkness covers Britain, he will wake up and appear in the world, slaying the evildoers, eradicating the tyrants, eradicating the violence and bringing peace to the good in a single thought."

Exiting the tunnel is a huge cave, or tomb.

Under the bright yellow light of burning candles, a handsome young man wearing ancient clothes sat beside the coffin, holding a harp in his arms, slowly twisting it lightly, and singing gracefully. Thin blond hair fell down on his forehead, covering his expression, but it could not stop the faint sadness that overflowed from his singing voice. and feelings.

They stood and watched him sing three songs in a row.

After King Arthur, there are Frederick the Redbeard and Catherine.

"Praise the Lord, I have two listeners!" The singer raised his head and looked at Harley and Clark in surprise, "Oh, you are real humans, not goblins or fairies."

Harry was not surprised. The hoods covered their appearance, but their aura that was obviously different from that of fairies and fairies could not be concealed.

Well, Harley could cover it up, but Superman couldn't, so she didn't hide it.

"That's weird, how did you come from behind?"

"Thanks to Grandma Yajia's magical powers, her methods are amazing." Harry said.

Grandma Yajia smiled dryly.

The singer didn't bother with such "little things". He just introduced himself once and asked about the identities of the two human guests.

"When the king sleeps, a wizard must also sleep, and his bards, falling into a sleepless slumber, can only sit here and sing the king's songs over and over again." Singer Thomas sighed.

This guy is very talkative. In addition to the heroic deeds of King Arthur and the trivial matters of the palace, he even talked about what he did to the Fairy Queen for one night.

Seeing that Grandma Yajia was not surprised at all, it seemed that the Fairy Queen's promiscuity was not a fatal secret.

However, Harley is pressed for time and isn't interested in the bard and fairy queen's shit.

"Is he King Arthur?" she asked, pointing to the open-air coffin next to her.

On the stone platform made of red bricks, a strong man with a beard and a beard was lying on it holding a sword. Thousands of years have passed, and the body seems to have become a fossil.

"That's him, my master."

"I thought he was in Avalon."

"Avalon is in Wonderland."

"Avalon is obviously a lake." Harley suddenly raised her head, "Is there a lake above the cave?"

"The Lake of Wonderland is at the entrance of Wonderland. Where did you come from? Didn't you see it when you came?" the poet asked strangely.

Halli glared at Granny Yaja, the old woman was so bad that she hid this matter.

The witch looked innocent, "The fairyland lake is in front of the gate, not within the fairyland."

Harley pointed to the sword on King Arthur's chest, "Is this the Sword in the Stone? Can I try it?"

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