I want to have a date with Superman

Summary of the gains and losses of the trip to hell

Judging from the results, it seems that Harley paid a heavy price.

She lost a lot of meritorious deeds and lost her lantern beast, and even Rachel couldn't fish it out completely.

Let me explain the reason for arranging the plot this way.

First, Harley must pay the price. She went to hell, and the devil of hell hated her. If she was unscathed, it would appear that the devil was too incompetent.

Second, the merit is exchanged for small black bean hairs, which is not consumed.

Many readers know that Lucifer later abandoned hell and ran to the human world to open a bar.

Soon, the old road is almost out of hell.

The appearance of the Dog Son broke the last shackles tied to God by God, and Morpheus's behavior of taking the helmet prompted Him to make the final decision.

Once the old road is gone, the hair of the little black bean will be worth a lot of money.

Therefore, in terms of merit, he lost more than 100 million to Sangongmo.

But for Rachel - meritorious deeds formed a seal, sealing part of the soul of the Three Palace Demons, just like the Sandaime Hokage sealed the two hands of Orochimaru.

Not a loss either.

Third, parallax is strange.

Losing the Parallax Monster was probably the biggest and most direct price Harley had to pay.

Focus on explaining the plot.


From the author's perspective, why do we arrange such a plot?

First of all, the Parallax Monster is an important prop for Hal Jordan to become the Parallax Demon. For the subsequent plot, Harley can retain the power of the Parallax Monster, but she must lose the Parallax Monster - she does not lose the yellow light energy, but changes from infinite blue to The water flows slowly.

As long as she doesn't spend too much money, she won't be short of yellow light energy.

Of course, as a fan author, there is no need to stick to the original plot. I have changed a lot of plots at this time. Even Rachel and the Three Palace Demons have changed their fates. It doesn't matter if I change Hal Jordan again if necessary. .

But DC has a basic setting. Whatever power you get, you have to pay a price.

As for me, I also regard "power comes with a price" as the core setting.

So, is there a price to pay for using emotional energy?


There are two kinds of price. One is energy branding. Harley is not too afraid. She has level nine defense expertise.

The other is an inescapable cosmic responsibility.

This is the point, and the main reason why I asked Harley to give up the Parallax Monster.

The power of emotion is the common property of all living beings in the universe.

The total amount is there, and no matter who uses it, he has to pay the price.

To put it more bluntly, the power of emotion is related to the Wall of Origin, and Pappetua is imprisoned in the Wall of Origin.

If you overuse the power of emotion, the wall of origin will collapse. This responsibility is too heavy.


Analyzing it from Harley's perspective, is losing the Parallax monster a big loss?

Let’s talk about the conclusion first, it’s not big.

Her growth path was actually planned very early: 1. Work hard to upgrade, with defense as the core competitiveness; 2. Find new power and follow the path of the God of Magic.

Lucifer's Satanic punishment and the power of the lamp beast are just like the armor, they are just props to accompany her through the staged difficulties.

Only your own power is your own, and external power is ultimately unreliable.

The reason why Harley didn't activate her magic was not because she couldn't, but because she only wanted the power that belonged to her.

For this reason, even though her bloodline contains demon king-level magic, she still insists on using cost magic, waiting for opportunities to find new power.

This is the right way to practice.

She doesn't even want magic that's branded by someone else, so why is Baba keeping a lamp beast that's obviously someone else's power now?

Therefore, losing the Parallax monster is not a loss to Harley.

Even because of the improvement in Taoist mind, the overall benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Well, let me give you a little spoiler. Because of losing the lamp beast, Harley will take the most important step on the road to magic - comprehending exclusive magic.


Finally, Rachel.

To talk about Rachel, you have to look at her setting in the original comics - she is a superhero who believes in justice and is very pious.

I feel that a true friend is not to let him accompany you all the way. He will accompany you wherever you go - this is a requirement for yourself as a friend, not for your friends.

This view of mine is almost a summary of Harley’s friendship journey.

She is not the same person as Bateman, Superman, The Stranger, Swamp Thing, and even most of her friends like Zacon.

Everyone knows the story of Boya and Zhong Ziqi, and everyone thinks their friendship is worthy of envy.

The question is, are they the same person?

Obviously not. Boya is a high-level intellectual who has dozens of apartments in his house and collects rent while lying down.

Zhong Ziqi was a woodcutter. In ancient times, being a woodcutter was very difficult. Just look at the charcoal seller.

How could two people like that be the same person?

But Boya didn't give his own house to Zhong Ziqi, and Zhong Ziqi didn't give up cutting firewood and became Boya's "bad friend" because he became Boya's friend.

Back to Harley and Rachel.

When Harley rescued Rachel, what she hoped most was that Rachel would get rid of her father and escape from hell, and become a carefree and carefree princess of hell. Return to Gotham with her, live in Quinn Manor, and live with her. Ivy and Selina form the "Four Beauties of Gotham" and live their small lives happily every day.

This is her idea.

But Rachel is not a mindless person, she has her own hard work and persistence.

Going to Quinn Manor and being a pretty, happy, silly white riceworm, is this really Rachel's ideal life?

You know, before Harley gave her the Dream Lord, Rachel had been in the hands of ghosts and fathers for nearly ten years! ! ! !

How could she persist for so long?

Without thoughts and firm ideas, how could she persist for so long?

Obviously not.

So why has she persisted in her thoughts and ideas for so long?

I will talk about it in detail later, but I will just mention it now - it is related to heaven and God.

Do you still remember what the Stranger said when he gave Rachel to the Three Palace Demons?

He said that this was God's arrangement, and God never does anything in vain or does anything wrong.

Obviously, God’s plan will follow.

There is no need for God to fawn over the Three Palace Demons.

Everything was for Rachel. It can also be said that God favored Rachel, a believer, and answered her prayers.

To put it more bluntly, God was doing Rachel a favor by letting the Stranger give Rachel to the Three Palace Demons.

As for the reason, we will talk about it later. When Harley and Rachel meet in heaven, all the answers will be revealed.


In summary, this is the reason why Harley and Rachel are "fatefully destined".

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