I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 500 Such a severe punishment...Why didn’t you tell me earlier (please vote)

Chapter 500 Such a severe punishment. Why didn’t you tell me earlier (please vote)

——This wave is stable.

Even if Harley had the purpose of deliberately creating the current situation, she was still a little moved when she saw heroes such as Superman and Bateman taking the initiative to stand on her side and facing the green stars in the sky.

Harley secretly decided to try her best to trouble these heroes as little as possible in the future in order to repay their support today.

"Your objections are meaningless. Witch Harley must be captured without mercy and must go to Oa to face trial." The little blue man had no intention of compromising.

The green rings in their hands have all turned into weapons. The green light is brighter than the sun, and the aura is so huge that the ordinary audience below can't breathe.

Superman asked Harley with his eyes: If the little blue man doesn't accept this trick, is he really going to fight?

"Wait until I call someone." Harley said directly.

"Dr. Fate, Kent? I see you, why don't you come over and help?" she shouted.

Dr. Destiny did not hide. He floated in the air and said, "How about you put the overall situation first and obey these little blue men?"


"I'm not Constantine, your tricks are of no use to me."

Harry wanted to resist the urge to curse, but couldn't help but cursed: "Kent, you are such a coward, you are not even half as good as the Supreme Mage next door!"

"What next door, who is the Supreme Mage?" Kent asked doubtfully.

"She has almost the same personality as you. With the power of the gods, she controls a system similar to your Tower of Destiny that monitors the earth's magic. She is also the guardian mage and the first transcendent of a certain planet.

But she was never cowardly and never betrayed her allies.

As long as she is alive, no big boss will come to earth to cause trouble. " Harley said.

"Maybe I'm not as strong as her." Kent sighed.

"Nonsense, as long as you are willing to use your strength, one person can sweep through the entire Green Lantern Corps."

"Have you ever thought about how devastating a war between gods would be to human civilization if it breaks out on Earth?" Kent said seriously.

"I saved your life." Harley said.

"If you didn't save me that time, I wouldn't have died. However, I am willing to repay you in other ways."

"If you don't help me, the battle between me and the Green Lantern Corps will still happen. Instead of standing on the sidelines and lamenting how much damage the earth will suffer, it is better to help me and kill the little blue man with absolute advantage and minimize the losses.

Most of the Green Lantern Corps failed to overcome their yellow flaw. Without their guardians, they naturally collapsed. " Harley said.

Kent had no choice but to fly above Harley's head. Facing the little blue man, Nabu turned on all his powers and said, "Dear Guardians, you have all seen the current situation. Earth's civilization may be lagging behind, but our power is not weak. You The wishes of the people on earth should be listened to.

People on Earth deserve your respect.

As long as the trial process can be guaranteed to be fair, open, and impartial, even if Harley Quinn is ultimately sentenced to death, we can accept it without complaint. "

Harley had a stiff smile on her face, raised her head stiffly, and stared blankly at Dr. Fate: What the hell are you implying? !

"Green Lantern Corps, not threatened."

A beam of green light flew in front of the little blue man, revealing the figure of a red-skinned man with four eyebrows.

Well, he has two thick black eyebrows like blades and a thick black beard like blades on his upper lip. He has a sharp temperament like a blade.

"Ignorant Earthlings, I have seen too many stupid acts like yours in the universe where you gather strength to openly resist the Green Lantern Corps' execution of justice.

You who have never seen true power always like to regard your own extraordinary power as the divine power that dominates all living beings. Therefore, you are arrogant and think that you can force the Green Lantern Corps to compromise with evil.

Hum, if you want respect, show your strength worthy of respect! "

——This is an ally!

Harley caught a glimpse of the sullen expressions of the heroes, and felt very happy. She asked kindly: "This Lantern, who are you? Can you represent the Legion?"

"Witch Harley, listen carefully, I am Tal Sinestro from the planet Koruga, the commander of the Green Lantern Corps." Four eyebrows said proudly.

“He is the leader of the Corps, the nominal boss of Green Lantern, and his words can basically represent the will of the Green Lantern Corps.

When he spoke, the little blue man didn't even frown, obviously very much in agreement with his statement. Harley looked at Dr. Fate above, "As long as you are still a man and have any self-respect, you should make up your mind now."

At least prove to these people who look down on you that you and the people on Earth are not arrogant idiots. "

"I didn't expect Green Lantern to be so overbearing. Could it be that Abinsu's previous modesty and politeness was just a disguise?" Superman murmured.

Firestorm said disappointedly: "It's a shame that I was worried about the Green Lantern Law earlier. It turns out that they are just like Earth's politicians, they are glamorous on the surface but filthy behind the scenes.

The legion commanders are so arrogant, which shows how perfunctory Green Lantern is to low-level civilizations like Earth. "

"No wonder Green Lantern has included the solar system under its jurisdiction for tens of millions of years, but it has never been mentioned to the people on Earth in the past few decades. They look down on us at all." Captain Atom said angrily.

"Let's do it, this is no longer just a matter for Senator Quinn. Even for the dignity of the people on earth, we have to fight today." Animal Man said excitedly.

Doctor Fate hesitated and said, "Harley, let me be honest with you, the Green Lantern Corps is not the only one here today.

Do you still remember that day you asked me to help track the green light?

Thousands of Green Lantern Corps are not the only ones coming to Earth today. "

"Did Green Lantern and the devil from hell collude and create another witch hunting team?" Harley was surprised.

"It's not a demon. After you left the Origin Wall that day, the Green Lantern Corps immediately noticed it, and then they chatted with the God King and Demon King on the wall for a while.

Based on your popularity among the gods and demons of the Origin Wall, knowing that Green Lantern has defeated you and that the Green Lantern Corps plans to kill you, what will those gods and demons do?

If I step forward to deal with the Green Lantern Corps, countless gods and demons will definitely come to 'break up the fight'. "Dr. Fate sighed.

"Farke, sooner or later we will kill all those ungrateful bastards." Harley said half of her cruel words before she stopped talking.

In the "Harley's Little Book" in my mind, the four characters "Gods of Heaven" replaced the position of "Demon King Mammon".

“The ancestors of the earth worked hard for more than 100,000 years to expel the gods and restore mankind’s right to independent development.

Now, as the guardian mage of the earth, you are just watching the gods wreak havoc on the earth again and oppress the good things on the earth?

Kent, for the sake of the earth and humanity, please stand up for a while! "Harley shouted on the spiritual channel.

Doctor Destiny hesitated and said: "Harley, for the sake of the earth and the overall interests of mankind, please sacrifice once. Stop making trouble and go to Oa with the Guardians."

"Farke, besides letting Earth's heroes sacrifice themselves for the greater good, what else will you do?!" Harley said angrily.

She really looks down on Dr. Fate now.

Although he is so strong, he has always been timid, and I have never seen him stand up for anyone.

"Aren't you responsible for the trouble you caused yourself?" Doctor Destiny asked.

"Yes, I am responsible for the trouble I caused. But in the Little Black Bean incident and the 'Owl Evil God' incident, when did you not ask me to sacrifice my life for mankind in the name of 'for mankind'?"

"You are a human being and you are making sacrifices for the sake of humanity. What's the problem?"

Harley said rudely: "This is a big problem. Damn it, you are the boss and master of mankind!

Humanity benefits, and as the God King of Order, you benefit the most.

It's like Bruce and I are the big bosses of Gotham. When Gotham develops, we can reap the most dividends. "

"Humph, you're so messy!"

'Dr. Destiny' scolded him angrily, turned around and left.

Not Kent, but an old, commanding voice.

"Oh, don't go, I still need to-" Kent struggled, took off his helmet and put it under his arm, with a very embarrassed expression, "Harry finally saved us last time."

"What are you doing?" Sinestro was confused.

The main character, Harley, didn't speak, with a gloomy expression. She just watched Dr. Destiny's schizophrenia, talking to himself, leaving for a while, and then 'struggled' to stay.

"Harley, what do you think?" Superman asked.

"Fight! People on Earth will never yield to power!"

Harley was also fed up. She took out the blood killing stick and prepared to summon "Quinn's Team".

"Wait a minute!" Blue space ripples flashed, and the stranger appeared in front of her first, "Gunther, let's talk."

"Is that little blue man an acquaintance of yours?" Harley asked in surprise.

The Stranger nodded slightly, floated to the little blue man, and said mentally: "If there is a war, I will stand on Harley's side. In addition to me, there are Swamp Thing, Etrigan, and several magic masters.

Add in heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman, and you have no chance of winning. "

"Not necessarily." Ganse said calmly.

The Stranger sighed: "You think Harley's cunningness prevented you from coming to Earth to round her up?

The reason she didn't hide was because she was sure you couldn't catch her.

This is Earth, this is Gotham, and she has too many backups and support.

Even without us, she can still fight guerrillas with you on Earth, kill a few people, and then jump into Limbo.

If you really can’t fight him, you can escape to Silver City in a spaceship. How can you pursue him? "

Ganser was silent for a moment and said: "You have to try to know the result. She is the first person in history to destroy the Wall of Origin and must be punished.

Stranger, you know what will happen to the multiverse if the beings in the wall are released - countless single universes and billions of lives, not a single one of them will survive. "

"No matter how hard it is to reverse what has happened, I can persuade Harley to swear that she will never touch the Origin Wall again." Stranger said solemnly.

"Stranger, we have made it very clear. She can destroy the Origin Wall and must be imprisoned; she has destroyed the Origin Wall and must be punished." A little blue man with a scar on his face said coldly.

Stranger looked around at the group of little blue men. It was obvious that his friend Ganser might be the strongest, but he was not the leader among the guardians.

He couldn't even convince Ganser, let alone the other stubborn and indifferent guardians?

Sighing secretly in his heart, he tentatively asked: "If you bring Harley to Oa, what will be her final outcome? Well, what is your bottom line?

Perhaps, the two sides can compromise with each other and reach a consensus to avoid the outbreak of a cruel war. "

The little blue men communicated quietly for a while, and Gunther came forward and said: "We can not kill her, but she must be punished and ensure that she will never destroy the Origin Wall again."

"so what?"

Ganser was silent for a moment and said: "We will put her in the Green Lantern Central Energy Battery forever."

Stranger's expression suddenly changed, "She will never agree."

"Stranger, to be honest with you, the order to hunt down the witch came from the Monitor. He asked us to ensure that similar incidents never happen again.

Either kill her or seal her. Only these two methods can completely eliminate future troubles. " Ganser sighed.

The stranger turned around and said bitterly: "Harry, get ready for war."

"What did you say?"

"I advised them to stop, but they refused, and I asked them what their bottom line was."

"Do they want me dead?" A murderous intent flashed in Harley's eyes.

"Life is worse than death!" Stranger sighed: "They want to seal you in the green light central energy battery."

Harley's expression froze, her murderous intent melted away like ice and snow, and was replaced by uncertainty, "Green Lantern Energy Center?"

"Well, the energy source of all Green Lantern rings, the most terrifying place in the material universe." The Stranger's eyes became firm, "Harley, prepare to fight, the Green Lantern Corps has no sincerity in peace talks at all."

——You still have to fight, others are sincere.

Harley almost laughed.

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