I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 501 The ball-protecting hero who sacrificed his life generously

"Why is the central energy battery of the Green Lantern the most terrifying place in the universe?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"I don't know the specific reason, but in the history of Green Lantern, there has never been a precedent for a creature sealed into a battery, no matter whether it is a physical entity or an energy body, no matter what attributes it is, no matter how powerful it is, to escape.

The comment "the scariest place in the universe" comes from Gunther.

When we were chatting in the early days, he told me that the central energy battery can restrain almost all extraordinary beings in the world. "The stranger said seriously.

"Bragging, no matter how powerful the green light is, its energy level will not exceed the power of God." Harley said.

"You say that because you don't understand the nature of green light energy. Believe me, even Gabriel may be sealed by the central energy battery." Stranger said solemnly.

"Hey, I didn't expect the little blue man to be so cruel. It would be worse for me than death!" Harley sighed.

"There is no other way. We can only fight. When the light turns green and we understand that nothing can be done, we may change our minds." Stranger said.

——The Stranger is such a good friend, much better than Dr. Fate, but...

Harry's heart moved and he said, "Kent, put your helmet on."

"But Naboo—"

"Without Nabu's magical power, you can't be of much help."

——Without Nabu forcing her to put the overall situation first, how could she put the overall situation first?

Kent looked embarrassed, put on his helmet, and once again transformed into Dr. Fate with a golden cape, golden gloves, golden briefs, and blue clothes.

"Dr. Destiny, please use magic to create a spiritual space and bring me, the Stranger, and all the heroes in." Harley said.

Telepathy has a very big benefit, which is that it saves time.

For example, Harley started talking nonsense with Dr. Fate, Stranger talked nonsense with Little Blue Man, and then Harley talked nonsense with Stranger. It seemed like it took a long time, but in fact it only took two or three breaths. In the eyes of the ordinary audience in the hall, they were just talking. He hesitated for a moment.

"This is the bottom line of the Green Lantern Corps." Harley explained the details of the Stranger's inquiry into the Green Lantern Corps' bottom line, and then said: "It can be seen that the little blue man is determined and would rather smash the earth and the solar system than destroy the earth. Bring me to justice.”

In the dark and empty spiritual space, only a beam of light is cast in the center, a round table, just enough chairs for everyone to sit.

Hearing Harley's words, Stranger and Bateman both cast surprised glances at her: She should have said, 'The little blue people are ruthless and vicious, completely ignoring the wishes of the people on Earth and looking down on them. They want to be arrogant to the end, and we can't. It's only right to surrender to power!

Moreover, she should never say anything about battle losses, such as, "If we fight together, all life on earth will be devastated, and the solar system will suffer heavy losses."

She wants to arouse the anger of Earth's heroes and share her hatred, completely forgetting the consequences of starting a war.

When the consequences are mentioned, the heroes will only hesitate.

No, Superman hesitated, "It seems that thousands of Green Lantern Corps came and surrounded the earth. If there is a war, the earth will..."

The other heroes didn't speak, but the hesitant expressions on their faces were obvious.

Doctor Fate simply transformed into the God King of Naboo again and looked at Harley sternly, "Is this what you can do as a hero?

In order to survive for a while, you actually drag the entire earth to accompany you on your adventure?

Even if the Green Lantern Corps is defeated, how many casualties will there be among the heroes here? How many innocent people will die in Gotham and Earth? "

——You bastard, I will kill you sooner or later!

Although she had known that He would say this and deliberately gave Him the opportunity to say this, when she actually heard Him say it, Harry still felt angry.

She felt furious and wrote down Neb's name in "Harry's Little Book."

Under the gaze of all the heroes, Harley's face showed sadness, anger, excitement, shame, unwillingness, pain and struggle.

The expressions are very layered and very touching.

At least in the spiritual space, everyone was infected by her emotions, and even Nabu and the Stranger didn't have any doubts - in the physical world, you can still perform with expressions, but in the spiritual space, any expression on your face is an inner projection. , the most infectious and direct.

Well, the top acting masters all perform with their heart.

"This is why I asked you to hold a spiritual meeting." Harley was still struggling and had not given up her desire to survive. She couldn't go too fast, as it would arouse suspicion.

"Doctor Destiny, you are the God King of the Earth and have the ability to open up a realm. As long as you activate the Tower of Destiny and fully display the God King's domain, you should be able to protect ordinary people from the effects of war."

This is a somewhat excessive request.

Harley and Neb's relationship isn't that deep.

Sure enough, God Naboo said coldly: "The Tower of Destiny is the center of the Earth's magic network, monitoring attacks from other dimensions at all times.

I will not put the earth in crisis without warning for you. "

The Stranger pondered: "At least not today, when I learned that the Green Lantern Corps was coming to capture you, too many gods cast their gazes upon you.

If there is a demon who hopes to see you unlucky and hates you for being saved by Dr. Fate, and takes the risk to throw a forbidden spell into a city on the earth, or opens an alien space and attracts alien creatures to invade the earth, the loss will be too great. "

"Why are there gods watching here?" The Flash wondered.

Seeing that many heroes looked curious, Stranger quickly told the story of Harley accidentally injuring hundreds of gods and demons.

"My God, this is incredible." The Flash exclaimed.

"I didn't expect that myth is so close to us." Atom murmured.

Wonder Woman looked at Harley and hesitated to speak.

"Congressman Quinn is a myth in her own right. She has done things that even mythological heroes would not dare to imagine." Captain Atom said with admiration on his face.

Seeing that all the heroes showed more respect for Harley because of her great feats, Nabu was not very happy and reminded in a deep voice: "Witch Harley, unless you immediately come up with a cunning plan that won't trigger a war, Otherwise, I won’t accompany you to go crazy, and I also suggest that you don’t go crazy with her.”

"But the Green Lantern Corps is also insulting the people of Earth. They look down on us and humiliate us with contemptuous attitudes and arrogant words.

Even if it weren't for Congressman Quinn, I would still want to fight them.

As Sinestro, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, said, respect can only be earned through strength. "War Eagle clenched his fists and looked excited.

"As long as we work together, there may not be no hope of victory." Wonder Woman said slowly.

Superman said distressedly: "The key now is not whether we can win, but how to avoid large-scale battle losses.

One Green Lantern can manage a sector of the universe, which shows that their combat effectiveness will not be inferior to that of the top star battleship class in the universe.

What is the concept of thousands of interstellar battleships fighting on the earth? "

"Green Lantern is not a super criminal. They will not attack or kill people indiscriminately. We should be able to limit the battle to a harmless airspace." Stranger said.

"What if real fire is fired and the battle gets out of hand?" Nabu said.

The stranger looked at him deeply and said, "It's up to us to work hard to avoid the worst case scenario."

Nabu was silent for a moment and said, "The guardians won't kill her anyway, so why don't you accept their verdict?"

"Harry is not happy." Stranger said simply.

"I'm willing to take a gamble." Hallie kept everyone's attitude in mind. At this time, she felt that her emotions were almost brewing, so she ended her struggle and her eyes became determined.

"What are you betting on?" Stranger asked doubtfully.

"At today's Heroes Conference, I talked about three crises in total. In addition to my battle with the Green Lantern Corps, which may cause harm to the earth, there is also the crisis of Pharaoh and Apokolips.

At first I vowed never to bow to power.

But now when I really face the war, I hesitate again.

I was afraid that fighting would inflict trauma on the planet that I would regret. "

The bitterness in Harley's eyes almost turned into actual tears, and all the male heroes couldn't help but feel pity.

Bateman was unmoved and frowned in thought - she wanted to be judged by Oa? Why?

"For the safety of the people on Earth, I am willing to make a bet that Oua will not be able to survive the Apokolips crisis and the Pharaoh crisis." Harley calmed down the complicated expressions on her face and said firmly with eyes.

"What do you mean?" everyone asked in surprise.

Harley sneered: "Apocalypse invades the earth, will the space police care about it?

I bet the Green Lantern Corps, including the little blue man, will be wiped out by Darkseid.

Can Oa survive the Pharaoh crisis?

I bet it was a multiverse-level catastrophe that Oua couldn't handle.

When Oa is destroyed, I will be free. "

"Well, that doesn't sound very reliable." Flash said strangely.

"Harley, you."

Stranger frowned, do you have a conspiracy against Oua?

"Are you sure?" he asked.

As long as Harley was sure, he believed that nothing would happen to her.

"For the sake of the earth, I am willing to take a gamble." Harley said righteously.

At this time, I was still in the mood to show off, so Stranger felt relieved.

But just as he was relieved, his heart was raised again - old friend Ganser, would he be in danger?

Bateman nodded calmly and said nothing.

"Harley." Superman looked worried.

"Witch, you-" Nabu was surprised.

"I have made up my mind, and there is no need to persuade me." Harley waved her hand, "Dr. Fate, please end the spiritual meeting."

"What? Are you willing to surrender?" The little blue man was stunned.

"What? Congressman Quinn will never bow to power? What happened that we don't know about?" the audience exclaimed.

"What conspiracy does Witch Harley have?"

Extraordinary beings on the magic side, and even gods who cast their sights on the earth, are more doubtful than shocked, and more shocked than happy.

"I am willing to surrender as long as the Green Lantern Corps agrees to three conditions."

Harley's pretty face was serious, she raised three fingers and said loudly: "First, the Green Lantern Corps must apologize to all people on Earth for your arrogance and arrogance;

Second, I swear on the honor of the Green Lantern Corps that if Apokolips invades the Earth, you will go all out to take down Darkseid just like you did against me today;

Third, if the Pharaoh crisis breaks out, you must be brave enough to take responsibility and not put the earth in front of you as a shield. "

"Why should we agree to your conditions? You are already surrounded." Sinestro sneered.

"Your life is in my hands!" A cold voice sounded in his ears.


The next moment, Sinestro's green light energy suit shattered, and his thick red neck fell into the big iron hoop-like hand.

"You——" Looking at Dachao's indifferent face so close to him, Sinestro was shocked and angry, "You made a sneak attack!"

"Sneak attack from the front?" Dachao threw him aside as if throwing away garbage, glanced at the little blue man, and said seriously: "Agree to her conditions, or have a battle with all of us earthly extraordinary beings?"

The little blue people discussed among themselves for a while, and finally decided not to make trouble, and quickly bought the witch.

Before leaving, Hallie faced the audience and cameras with a resolute expression like a martyr who sacrificed her life generously. "Power cannot crush my spine, but I am still a ball-protecting hero and a five-ring general. I am willing to bend down for you."

My compatriots on earth, never Don't forget your family shame and work hard! "

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