I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 483 Luther’s Jealousy

Harley had already anticipated what would happen to Alex Gilbert's family.

The benefits and threats of the Ancient Imprisoning God Formation were so great that even she was afraid of them, let alone others?

When I let them leave before, I guessed that they would not end well.

She also doesn't allow them to end well.

Didn’t you come to the Forgotten Bar just to spread rumors?

But they didn't expect that they would be hit by a disaster that night.

"Who got the secret of the Ancient Imprisonment Formation?" Harley asked.

"I don't know, those grandmasters have all changed their makeup and aura." Scorpion Demon said.

"All the magic masters of the earth?"

The Scorpion Demon nodded, "I can't identify the Grandmaster, but I am always the Demon Count. I can't even tell the difference between humans, demons, and alien creatures. Moreover, they all speak English."

"There are only a few grandmasters on earth. Can you guess their identities?" Harley asked.

"I don't dare to guess, but since it's Granny Witch you're asking, I'll guess Mr. E and Taralak." The Scorpion Demon said in a voice message.

Harry smiled playfully and said, "They seem to be 'well-established' people."

"So they masked their faces and concealed their aura."

After telling the scorpion demon to get lost, Harley followed Bobo back to the bar, and was about to ask about the metallurgist of Senagon when she suddenly heard several alien mages not far away muttering about Superman.

"We need to step up our actions and catch Superman before his soul completely dissipates."

"Which Superman?" Harley couldn't help but ask.

The alien wizard, a big-headed doll with yellow toad skin, glanced at her and said timidly: "The last Kryptonian."

"Where are you going to catch his soul?" Harley asked again.

"To Limbo, near Earth."

"Why is his soul in Limbo?"

The big-headed mage groaned, as if he didn't want to say anything.

"Say it quickly." Harley glared at him.

The big-headed mage shrank and said in a trembling voice: "Witch, kill him. His soul is missing in heaven and can only be found in Limbo."

"Didn't you hear what I said before? I didn't kill Superman!" Harley said.

"Yes, Superman is your friend. You didn't kill him. He was killed by bad guys." Master Big Head said.

"What does it mean?" Harley pointed at the big head and asked Bobo behind the bar.

Bobo was confused: "Harry, you have a lot of money, so don't embarrass these soul catchers who make hard money."

"Who is buying Superman's soul? How are you sure there is no Superman's soul in heaven?" Harley changed the question.

The big-headed mage hesitated and mumbled a few words, then he simply grabbed a few of his big-headed friends and ran away.

Only the angels in heaven are most sure whether Superman is in heaven or not. Uriel has been dismissed from all his duties and imprisoned in the Silver Tower, which is specially designed for angels to "close themselves up and reflect on their mistakes". He will not be able to come out for at least a hundred years.

But besides Uriel, who else is interested in Superman's soul?

Harley thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out, so she turned to Bobo and said, "Have you recruited any mage who can smelt N metal?"

"I have met several superpowers from the Arctic Galaxy, but they are not interested in the tedious and boring 'blacksmith' work." Bobo said.

"Where are they?" Harley asked.

"What do you want to do?" Bobo asked warily.

"Interests can be cultivated. I will help them cultivate their interests." Harley said calmly.

Bobo smiled bitterly and said: "The Forgotten Bar is absolutely safe and reliable, so everyone can come in for fun and communication.

If I help you cheat a customer today, there will not be another customer in this store tomorrow. "

Harley thought for a while and smiled: "The Seven Demons are Senagon's original belief. Some people still believe in them, but there are also sane people who hate them, right?"

Bobo nodded suddenly, "Do you want to recruit the Senagan people who oppose the Seven Demons as the 'Seven Demons' Nemesis'?"

"Is that okay?" Harley asked.

"You can try it."

Metropolis, Luther Group.

The CEO's dedicated elevator goes from the negative 15th floor to the top 34th floor.

"Ding dong!" As soon as the elevator door opened, Luther rushed to the secretary's desk in the office like a crazed wild boar and roared: "Mossy, connect me to Quinn Manor, now, right now!"

Moxi frowned and looked at BOSS. There was anger on his face that had never appeared before, almost out of control.

Then she saw following him, the balding middle-aged man in colorful robes she hated the most - the mage consultant hired by BOSS two months ago.

She has not seen the magical magic yet.

But the lewd look he used to stare hard at her face and chest would appear every time they met.

This time is no exception.

Moxi resisted the nausea as if a toad had fallen on her chest and accompanied Luther into the president's office, and reminded him softly: "Boss, if you plan to talk to Miss Quinn, you'd better control your emotions first.

You can lose your temper with anyone, even the President, but not Miss Quinn.

From all angles, she is not someone who can be easily offended. "

Luther glared at her coldly, but really started to take a deep breath.

After a while, Moxi saw that he had almost calmed down, so she helped him dial the phone.


"Harley, do you still remember your promise to me that you would never take action against Superman?" Luthor gritted his teeth.

"You remember wrongly, I have never said such a thing."

"After the Kryptonian invasion, when we discussed cooperation in researching Kryptonian weapons and power technology, you promised me that you would not interfere with any of my actions against Superman."

Luther's mouth seemed to be chewing a piece of iron, and every word was filled with the power of holding back.

"I have said this before, but you have recently developed robots and clones of Superman one after another, and you haven't shared these technologies with me? Moreover, I didn't stop you when you created Superman," Harley said.

"Biotechnology is not part of the cooperation."

"Cyborg Superman is also biotechnology?"

Luther hesitated for a moment and then said frankly: "You think he is a robot, but in fact he is a living person with mechanical skeleton and appearance.

In fact, you met him, Hank Henshaw. "

"That Dr. Hank who studies mental information technology? He uploaded his consciousness into the mechanical body?" Harley asked in surprise.

"That's him, but the technology of the Mechanical Superman goes far beyond consciousness uploading. Its evolutionary potential is greater than that of Superman. Give me two years and I can make it surpass the real Superman."

Luther was complacent at first, but at the end, he couldn't help but became angry, "Harry, you ruined my plans and ideals!

You killed Superman, why did you kill Superman?

Or in a way that shatters his hypocritical ideals? "

"Uh, who did you listen to? I didn't kill Superman."

"Don't try to fool me. The supernatural world has spread. You used evil, cunning but exquisite methods to kill people and make Superman die in peace."

Luther was so excited that he was like a loser who failed to express his love to the goddess and spent several years trying to improve himself to meet the goddess's requirements, only to find out halfway that a gangster had obtained the goddess's entire body and soul at the cost of a 'lollipop'.

Harley asked strangely: "Are you jealous?"

She heard it because the emotion in his voice was too obvious.

"I'm angry!" Luther said angrily.

Harry smiled happily and asked, "Aren't you a Muggle? Where did you get the news about the magical world?"

"Do you think I'm a fool? You've seen the wonders of magic and yet you turn a blind eye to it?"

"So? You probably don't have any magic talent."

"Humph, this is just what you think. I have replaced sleep with meditation. One hour of meditation is equivalent to five hours of sleep. Sooner or later, I will be able to activate my magic power.

Now, I have money and can hire a magic engineer consultant. He can teach me magic and use magic to help me overcome scientific and technological problems. Naturally, he can help me inquire about the trends in the magic world. "

At the end of the sentence, Luther began to drip with Shanxi's old vinegar again, and you could smell the sourness through the phone line. "I've heard about the big things you've done recently."

Demon Lord, Demon King, Hell, Heaven, Origin Wall, and Cosmic Police. She causes a sensation in the multiverse at every turn, and even the earth seems unable to restrain her.

Luthor would sometimes be stunned for a moment when he was tired from work: Is it too narrow-minded to keep focusing on Superman?

The outside world is so big and wonderful. Harley can stand on the waves and smile proudly. He is not inferior to her. Maybe he can do better?

"Actually, you really don't have to be jealous of me. Superman will always be yours, and I'm just his friend." With her rare harmoniousness, patience and meticulousness, Harley explained everything she did that night and her intentions. .

"So, you can rest assured. I just gave Superman a small lesson, teaching him to understand the helplessness of reality and to know how to advance and retreat when doing things in the future."

After hearing this, Luther became even more excited and jealous, "Just because he made you unhappy once, you just let it go."

He couldn't speak anymore.

Even he could hear the sourness and shock in his words.

But he still couldn't help but think - just because Superman made her unhappy once, she just casually used the "Flying Immortal" to kill people and kill people.

Superman had made him frustrated and hated countless times, but he still tried his best. At that time, he was still very proud of his method of dealing with Superman - full of technology and wisdom.

Now compare Harley's simplicity and efficiency, like an antelope hanging horns, uncanny craftsmanship, full of sinful artistic sense, and the effect is very good, killing Superman in one go.

What's even more outrageous is that she deliberately didn't kill him, teaching Superman a lesson in a condescending and triumphant manner, letting Superman see the pain that his 'stupidity' had brought to his loved ones. The highest state of the greatest pursuit (killing Superman and making Superman suffer)!

Things that he could never dream of doing in the past were easily accomplished in Harley's hands.

It was obvious that that night was an unexpected incident, and Harry was not like him, who had prepared for several years in advance and worked hard to carve out a plan.

She adapts to circumstances and improvises on the spot.

Luther felt a little out of breath, his chest was filled with unwillingness, jealousy and inexplicable anger, and was about to explode.

Then he shriveled up quickly again.

Frustration is the best emotional fire extinguisher.

Let the excitement turn into deep depression and depression.

——Is he really inferior to Harley?

"Harry, why..." he hesitated, murmured, and considered, "why are you so talented in crime?"

Harley was a little confused and very dissatisfied, and said seriously: "Luthor, friends are friends, but if you talk nonsense and slander me out of thin air, I will still be angry."

"I'm not kidding." Luthor said sadly: "I envy your criminal art against Superman and want to ask you for some experience."

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