I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 484 Dachao’s fatal flaw?

"Well, actually I won't commit a crime at all. I have never committed a crime in my life."

Harley was very embarrassed to hear Luther humbly ask for advice on the art of crime.

She has not forgotten that Luthor is Superman's greatest enemy and the character of DC's first-level super criminal.

Now the most evil man in the DC universe is asking her for advice on criminal skills and experience. Isn't this an insult to the fact that she is also a super criminal?

Oh, no, more evil than a super criminal, a super super criminal!

"Your shameless spirit of doing all the bad things behind your back, but always talking about justice, and still getting together with superheroes is something I admire and envy you very much," Luthor said sincerely.

He certainly didn't do as many bad things as she did, but superheroes didn't like him, and of course, he looked down on them.

But they all have a good relationship with her, and many heroes even regard her as a senior hero.

This ability to confuse good and evil and confuse right and wrong is simply not possible for ordinary people.

For example, him and Superman.

When he was in Smallville, he really liked Superman and regarded him as his little brother, but Superman just couldn't tolerate any of his criminal behavior.

If Superman could be half as tolerant to him as he is to her now, they wouldn't fall out.

Also because of Superman's 'herbiphobia', the two eventually parted ways, and their love turned into killing each other.

She has committed more than 100 million crimes, but Superman is her good friend. The two of them are also flirting. You advise me to be a good person, and I will teach you the "correct way to be a good person" by killing you.

Thinking of this, acid water began to rise in his stomach again. It should be him, Lex Luthor, who should teach Tearman how to be a good person in this way!

"Harry, is it because of your family of origin and your upbringing environment?

Your family is filled with fraud, deceit, violence, and depravity.

The Gotham you live in is also the crime capital of the world, so why are you able to achieve what you are today? "

The more Luther spoke, the more certain he sounded, "Oh, I'm different. My father is a poor scientist, my mother is a small-town woman who has received higher education, and my hometown of Smallville is as simple as Superman's face.

Growing up in that kind of environment, my criminal talent is not as good as yours, and it seems to be very scientific. "

Finally finding a scientific and reasonable excuse for being inferior to others, Luther became lively and relaxed again.

Harley's face darkened, "I have no intention of competing with you on criminal art. Superman is not dead, so you can continue to find him to practice your art."

She hung up.

Luther still refused to let her go and immediately called back.

"Harley, listen to me, I really want to exchange my thoughts with you." Luther said eagerly: "We are also friends, right? Let me ask you for help this time."

"Oh, I really don't have much experience. I never thought about dealing with Superman." Harley said helplessly.

"I don't believe it. Your methods of dealing with him are so sophisticated and vicious. How could you not have thought carefully about the real murder?" Luther said firmly.

"Superman is my friend. I thought carefully about the plan to kill my friend. Isn't it mentally ill?" Harley said.

Luther glanced at the colorful robed mage playing on his mobile phone on the sofa opposite, and thought to himself: In the supernatural world, who doesn't know that you are crazy and unpredictable and cannot be reasoned with common sense?

"Did you just have a flash of inspiration?"

Harley sighed: "It's just a coincidence. Who knew that Alex would call Superman before he died? Who knew that Superman would actually come because he was crazy?"

Luthor said: "Your on-the-spot reaction was an idea, but you should have considered Superman's human weaknesses, right?"

"No, because his weaknesses are too obvious and don't need to be considered," Harley said.

Luther gritted his teeth secretly, what was she hinting at?

——Superman’s weaknesses are so obvious that there is no need to consider them, so why does he keep losing in battles?

Harley must be taunting him secretly!

"Harley, I also understand Superman's weakness of being a good guy, but I'm not one of those ordinary people without style.

I don't simply want Superman to die.

He kidnapped a villain who was about to commit murder in a dark alley, stuffed his belly with kryptonite bullets and high-explosive bombs, and then hung him on the rooftop of a building in the metropolis. When Superman came to rescue him, he pressed the bomb switch.


The cost is only a few hundred dollars.

But this is not my purpose! !

I wanted more, I wanted to prove that Superman was not a god.

I wanted to break down humanity’s superstition of him and his position of being aloof, like God—and bring hope to humanity.

Fake, mankind does not need his false hope, mankind needs smart and rational heroes like me.

I want to declare to the world that human beings have enough wisdom and strength to protect themselves and do not need a red cloak with a tuft of curly hair on their forehead to be our God. "Luthor said excitedly.

"I can't seem to help you. Your ideals are too grand." Harley sighed.

"But you've already done it." Luther said in frustration like a deflated ball: "You have proven that his ideals and persistence are all a joke.

His death was not heroic at all, it looked like a third-rate joke. "

"I didn't think too much, I just wanted to hit him." Harley said.

——I would rather you thought a lot and planned for a long time. After putting in a lot of effort, I finally succeeded once, instead of doing it casually, I achieved my dream goal.

Luthor cursed secretly and said sincerely: "If Superman refuses to change his ways and continues to interfere with your normal revenge actions in the following days, what will you do?"

"That's not true, is it? He's not a clumsy person."

"His iron head must be harder than a lump of elm wood." Luther said sternly.

"Then let me repeat it again. Anyway, I don't lack kryptonite daggers, and my revenge targets don't lack an ungrateful, sinister and cunning heart." Harley said casually.

"I'm afraid Superman won't trip over the kryptonite vines twice," Luthor said.

"In addition to the vines, I also have the captured kryptonite formation. There are two versions of the red sun beam, scientific and magical. I guarantee that Superman will come and attack once." Harley said with a smile.

Luthor wanted to say that the Metropolis Superman fanbase had used kryptonite and red sun generators long ago, but now they were all in Blackgate Prison.

"Is there any other way?" he asked.

"Of course, it's actually very easy to deal with Superman."

Luther was shocked and asked humbly: "Tell me."

"Have you ever discovered that Superman's strength is very superhuman, but his mind is not superhuman at all?" Harley asked.

Luther frowned and said: "Although I think he is hypocritical, ordinary people are very attracted to him."

"Hey, your perspective is still too low. Who is Superman? A typical American, a child of an American farmer, receiving a Western-style education based on the most orthodox Christian doctrine."

Luther was thoughtful, but still couldn't grasp the key point. He couldn't help but asked anxiously, "So?"

“So, he has all the shortcomings that Americans have, and the shortcomings of American values ​​​​are also flaws in his thinking.

If I really want to deal with him, I don't have to kill people or punish him.

Just let him show his true colors in front of the world and show his true colors as an 'American country'.

As much as the people of the world hate the United States, they will hate it even more. " Harley said.

Luther hesitated and said: "It is true that Superman received an American education, but his thoughts have already transcended the boundaries of the United States.

Superman wants to be the benchmark and hope for all mankind, so he naturally does not limit himself to the interests of the United States.

In fact, he strongly dislikes putting America first.

He and Dr. Manhattan, who helped the US military fight Vietnam, are completely different types of people. "

"Luthor, you are such a super confidant!" Harley praised.

"However, since you are also an American, you will naturally make a big mistake - you will subconsciously think that the universal values ​​of the United States are really correct.

To put it simply, Superman would definitely not do anything that Americans think is wrong, such as the Vietnam War.

But what all Americans think is right, you and Superman also instinctively think is right. "

"Harry, what you said is a bit reactionary." Luther narrowed his eyes.

"Are dissidents more sinful than super criminals? In fact, we are now discussing how to 'tarnish' the pure God on earth. This topic is reactionary enough." Harley laughed.

"Give me an example of what to do." Luther said.

Harley smiled strangely, "For example."

After ending the call with Luther, Harley immediately dialed Clark Kent's cell phone.

"Where are you?"

"I took two days off to help my mother repair the house in Smallville." Clark paused, then hesitantly said: "I proposed to Louise, and she agreed.

My mother was very happy and decided to redecorate the old house. "

"Congratulations, you should thank me, right? I let you see friends in need." Harley said with a smile.

"You made us understand that we need to cherish the present and the people in front of us, but Superman's thoughts and actions will never change. Superman will never let down the 'S' on his chest. On Krypton, it represents hope!" Clark said solemnly.

"Oh, you really have a tough head," Harley smiled carelessly, "I called you to remind you to be careful lately, Luther will use dirty tricks against you."

"He never gave up on me." Superman's tone was not very good, as if he was still complaining about his fake death.

"Take care." Harley hung up the phone decisively.

Two days later, Superman reappeared in Metropolis, saving people from fire and water, and received numerous praises.

On the third day, he heard someone calling Superman in the distant east.

He thought of Harley's warning.

But after hesitating for a moment, he went with his heart.

On the border between north and south Chaoxiang.

A group of North Koreans were trying to sneak into South Korea but were discovered by soldiers guarding the border.

The threats of armed soldiers and the cries of women and children in the crowd formed a tragic scene.

Superman arrives.

Suspended in mid-air, the red cloak looks like a freedom banner in the wind.

He looked down at the soldiers who were looking up to him with dementia, and said solemnly: "Let them freely choose their own lives." (ps)

He spoke in English, but the soldiers' superiors understood him.

Conflict inevitably breaks out.

Superman still didn't kill anyone, he only broke the soldiers' guns like sugar cane, destroyed the approaching armored vehicles with heat rays, and knocked out his attackers.

Then he said to the group of 'refugees' huddled together, full of fear and expectation: "You are free."

Someone among the refugees filmed the whole process with a mobile phone and uploaded it online.

On the third day, there were also refugees calling for Superman on the US-Mexico border.

That night, victims in several countries in the Middle East that were invaded by the United States and targeted by the United States called for Superman.

A week later, Superman suddenly disappeared in Metropolis.

Except for those who happened to be in danger and longed for Superman's rescue, no one cared about his whereabouts. Now everyone was scolding him, and he hid, which just proved that their curses were right and worked.

"Superman is arrogant, domineering, cruel and vicious. He is provoking North Korea and is a lackey of the Japanese Empire!"

North Korean press officers accused Superman of interfering in other countries' internal affairs, sabotaging border posts, and even attacking soldiers in an attempt to provoke a war.

"Superman is ignorant! Who does he think he is, that he can decide the national policies of other countries? Are he indiscriminately putting foreigners into the country and treating the laws of the Republic of Korea as decoration?" a South Korean press officer criticized loudly at the press conference.

"Superman is worse than a beast, and he actually attacks the soldiers who are protecting our country!"

The "Washington Military Times" severely criticized Superman for interfering in a "normal body search" of two American soldiers on a young local woman in Afghanistan, causing one to be seriously injured and one to suffer mental trauma.

"Superman is the evil accomplice of the US army!" After Superman rescued American citizens held by the XX organization, causing the XX organization to lose their hostages and be slaughtered by the US army, the head of the XX organization made a tearful complaint on Al Jazeera TV.


(ps: The plot of "rescuing" the North Korean stowaways belongs to Supergirl. I forgot which cartoon movie it was in. Superman has done many similar things.

No matter how great the setting of Superman is, he is always the protagonist of comics written by Americans, and he always has strong American views.

How many people don't like the United States, there should be as many people who don't like Superman.

The most typical example is "Iron Man". Tony Stark is so popular with the audience, and the praise of "a mortal, as good as a god" is also widely recognized by people.

Chinese netizens, including myself, also love him very much and regard him as a hero.

But is Iron Man really a hero?

He put on the Mark armor and went to Afghanistan to fight against the XX organization. It seemed very just. But the problem was that the war in Afghanistan came entirely from the United States. He never had any bad opinions towards the American army who was the instigator. Instead, he hated fighting guerrilla warfare in his own homeland. of Afghans.

These three views.

Many superheroes in American movies cannot be analyzed in depth. Once you analyze them, you can see deep in their hearts an editor and cartoonist with purely American attitudes and values. )

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