I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 482 Destruction of the Family

"A direct tax of 99.8% is indeed an exaggeration. But the 'brand' of Our Lady is entirely built and maintained by heaven and God. I don't know how the faith power paid by Our Lady will be distributed within Silver City.

But you are not the Holy Mother, so it makes sense that I will no longer allocate faith power to you. Carlisle said slowly.

"Old Ka, who are you on? This is the Holy Mother, not a Korean girl group!" Harley glared at him and said: "Even if it is a Korean idol group, the Holy Mother is considered a top idol, and they will not just take Two thousandths of a profit.”

"Even if I completely follow your wishes, my words will be of no use in Silver City." Carlisle said with a bitter smile: "However, if we can share the power of faith of the Holy Mother, it will indeed be of great benefit to us.

For example, the holy pool in the church, for example, your Grass-Headed God’s ‘Body of Faith’ plan, for example, healing magic.”

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "You used to release healing and resurrection techniques, all relying on the Seal of the Holy Mother? Where did you get the power?"

"There is no resurrection, just quietly collecting Superman's soul and letting his body enter a suspended animation that is very similar to real death.

Well, I can help people pretend to be dead.

The power of the Holy Light consumed by the healing technique comes from the accumulation of the Holy Seal of the Holy Mother in the past, so use less. "Harry said.

Carlisle asked curiously: "What are the legal attributes of the Holy Mother's Seal?"

"Well, mercy, compassion, healing, shelter, and salvation are a holy law. It contains a variety of attributes that are widely recognized by believers, but it has no offensive power." Harley regretted.

"What is the connection between these attributes and helping people pretend to be dead?" the priest asked doubtfully.

"The skill of pretending to be dead is a newly developed skill of mine. I pretended to be dead several times in the past few days. The effect was very good and I gained a lot of experience."

With the 'immortal field of existence' characteristic of the connection power defense specialty, coupled with the ability of the Holy Seal to preserve the soul, Harley is confident that she can further sublimate the art of pretending to be dead, making herself look like a completely dead person.

"The Virgin who pretends to be dead to defeat someone else's ambush," Carlisle murmured blankly: "A recent incident has made Silver City look less and less like my ideal paradise."

"Treat Silver City as an alien planet, and you will be more open-minded when you look at these bad things." Harley suggested.

Carlisle shook his head, "In my heart, Silver City will never be an alien planet."

"Stop thinking nonsense and help me find useful magic books."

Harley said, pointing to the pile of 'trophies' on the living room floor.

They are all books, magical artifacts, and works of art collected from the Ring Manor.

After spending a whole night, I still couldn't find the core secret of the ancient prisoner formation.

However, through some written records, the reason and process of Sandman Morpheus's imprisonment were clarified.

June 6, 1916, a very '666' day.

Dr. John Hathaway, Director of the Royal Museums, came to the Ring Manor with a mixture of sadness, expectation and trepidation, and handed the "Book of Magdalene" to the leader of the Brotherhood, Roderick Gilbert—— The father of formation master Alex Gilbert.

Even Alex and Roderick, father and son, are not sure what the Book of Magdalene has to do with the benevolent craftsmen in the Bible.

Roderick only knew that the book contained ancient priestly rituals known only to the ancient people.

In the wild and ancient times, gods ruled the world, and the ancient people once served the gods of endless families.

Mrs. Xanadu is a pure-blooded ancient people. She knows the rituals of sacrificing and summoning endless family members.

The Brotherhood has long invented the New Imprisonment Formation, and all it lacks is the ritual to summon the imprisoned target.

The son of Dr. Hathaway, the director of the museum, had just been killed by a German bombing before he agreed to hand over the Book of Magdalene to the Brotherhood.

Because the goal of the Brotherhood is to ‘collectively ascend to immortality’.

No joke, they plan to imprison the endless family members for death and force the second sister to grant them eternal lifespan and unlimited power.

They failed.

Like Benjamin's "Book of Truth", "The Book of Magdalene" is a manuscript, and they don't know what went wrong. They used the ritual in the book to call for 'death', but they brought Death's second sister's brother - Sandman Murphy Si, call me over.

The Sandman naturally cannot satisfy their wish for immortality.

However, the Brotherhood was afraid of being retaliated by the Endless Family and did not dare to release the Sandman.

They took away his artifact, stripped off his clothes, and imprisoned Chi Guoguo in the God Prison Array in the basement.

"Oh, the mages in this world are so crazy. They don't have any respect for the gods. They cheat at every turn. If they can't be cheated, they rob. If they can't be robbed, they use crooked formations and rituals to imprison and imprison them."

Harley put down her magic journal, stretched and said lazily.

"Just like you, you have never been in awe of any gods or demons." Carlisle rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"I'm quite moral. I never take off or humiliate anyone." Harley said.

"Buying and selling the demon lord's organs is worse than stripping off clothes."

"Devils are beasts, not gods."

"Harley, we don't have the core books of the Brotherhood here." Ivy's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Should we hire someone to kill Alex Gilbert's group of dead remnants?

The Prisoner's Formation and the Brotherhood's treasures must be in his hands. "

Harley waved her hand, "It's not worth destroying my credibility for a soon-to-be-defunct Imprisoning God Formation."

"Who knows when Sandman will regain his power? If he doesn't return to his prime, he won't be able to adjust the rules of the universe.

What if Alex joins forces with the devil recently and attacks you again?

Don't forget that you have a new enemy recently, the Green Lantern Corps. "Ivy said worriedly.

Harry raised his head and looked at the sky. After struggling all night, it was already bright in the east.

"Carlisle, later you go to the Oblivion Bar and spread the news that the Brotherhood was swept away by me and that Alex absconded with all the wealth and secrets."

"Harry, you are so insidious." Ivy clapped her hands and laughed.

Carlisle struggled: "How about letting Ivy go?"

"Ivy and I have been busy all night and are about to go back and take a beauty sleep."

"I'm not suitable for this kind of thing. I have lived for decades and have never spread rumors." Carlisle groaned. "Harry, this is considered a high-tech job, right? It's easy for me, a novice, to do bad things."

In the end, Harley personally went to the Forgotten Bar at noon.

"The witch is so cruel, she even killed Tear Man."

As soon as I entered the gate, I heard a rough voice shouting in surprise.

Harry looked up and saw a three-meter-tall demon who looked like a scorpion standing at the gaming table, holding a beer bottle between his tail and drinking heavily while excitedly telling the four demons playing cards about tearing apart the Man. A miserable way to die.

The Fire Demon threw away the playing cards in his hand and said doubtfully: "Superman is the Witch's trump card against the Demon King. She is cruel and ruthless, I believe it, but she is definitely not stupid. No smart person will destroy the Great Wall."

"It's true." The black mage at the table next to him sighed: "Not only did he kill people, but he also tortured his heart. The witch murdered him in a way that trampled on Superman's dignity. Superman will not rest in peace even after he dies."

"Why?" Many people in the hall looked over in surprise.

"This matter is not a secret. The witch massacred the Wraith Manor last night, which is where the Wizard Brotherhood is based." The scorpion demon got ahead of the black mage and told in detail what happened at the Wraith Manor last night. , even the details are not bad.

"This is the witch's method. With her ruthlessness, once she knows the enemy's lair, it would be strange not to destroy the family." Most people looked matter-of-fact.

But they were all shocked by the witch's methods.

"Superman was always her friend. It was too tragic to be tortured both mentally and physically by her in such an incredible way."

"The witch is so cruel that she doesn't even recognize her relatives. It's so scary."

"Not only is she ruthless, but she is also vicious and cunning. There are many people who want to deal with Superman, but who has succeeded? The witch killed people easily without doing anything herself, and the process of committing the crime is also very artistic."

"Oh, this is talent. The witch is so talented at doing evil. Killing the devil is easy, and killing superheroes is just as easy."

"How do you know so detailedly?" Harley directly opened the hood on her head without turning on the voice changer at her throat.

Everyone knows about Alex, there is no need for her to disguise her identity and spread rumors.

"Satan is on top, Demon Witch Harley!" The Scorpion Demon and several card-playing demons turned black and white, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble and retreat. They knocked over tables and chairs and didn't stop. Wine bottles and cups rolled on the ground. .

"Don't be afraid, this is the Forgotten Bar, no one can hurt you." Harley comforted her softly.

"Ahhhhh" these words somehow stimulated the fire demon. It screamed in terror at the top of its voice, rushed to the door like crazy, and disappeared into the bar.

Harley was stunned and asked, "What's wrong with it?"

"'Thiago the Fire' is a follower of the Third Prince of the Third Palace. I saw you killing people in the Forgotten Bar that day, and you cut his master's body into pieces and sold it." The orangutan detective came over, and while clearing the cups and plates on the floor, he complained: "You scared it."

"Hey, stop!" Harley grasped with her palms, and the God's force field covered the scorpion-tailed demon Qi Mi and Mi moving away from the wall.

The scorpion-tailed demon's magic power was stagnant and its supernatural powers were blocked, but its physical strength was still there. However, it encountered the legendary God descending to earth for the first time and was under great mental pressure. Its legs weakened and it knelt on the ground, "Bang." Bang bang." He kowtowed seven or eight times and wailed: "Grandma Witch, please forgive me. I am just an ordinary earl. I have never offended you, and I don't have any money to squeeze out of you!"

"Harley, please, don't kill demons here." The orangutan detective quickly advised.

Harry said with a dull face: "I'm just asking it to ask a question, why are you so excited? Am I a lunatic who kills everyone on sight, regardless of the occasion?"

"Well, it turned out to be a misunderstanding," the orangutan said with an apologetic smile, "The story of you killing Superman was too exciting."

"I didn't kill Superman. You'll understand in two days."

Harley walked up to the scorpion demon, kicked it to the ground, and then said coldly: "I ask, you answer, if you dare to make trouble for yourself again, I will kill you, do you understand?"

The Scorpion Demon nodded repeatedly, "Grandma Witch, please tell me."

"What happened just last night, why is it now known to everyone?"

The Scorpion Demon said quickly: "Last night, there was a forbidden spell-level magic fluctuation in the Secret Ring Manor, which alerted the nearby mage. He heard Alex calling your name from a distance and guessed what happened.

After the news spread, many extraordinary people gathered around.

Grandma was so powerful that no one dared to get close. They only used scientific telescopes to watch from a distance.

Of course, you can't hear what you're saying from a distance.

Later, several big guys joined forces to massacre Alex's family, and while searching for the secret of the God Prisoner's Formation in their souls, they learned the details at that time. "

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