I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 458 Green Lantern Corps in Action

The woman's voice is kind, like a mother's lullaby, making people want to get close to her.

But the more this happens, the more wary Harley becomes, because based on her nature, she will not get close to any stranger at all - unless the other person is a giant, and there are benefits to getting close to him.

And it was only superficially close. Even she herself couldn't predict what she was thinking.

She quickly stopped absorbing the power of connection and asked: "Why are you inside the origin wall?"

The other party can speak and find her, it must be because she absorbed the power of connection and destroyed the wall.

“The Origin Wall is not the wall of protection of the universe as you think, it is my sealed place.

I am the Mother of Creation, who created this multiverse. All life in the universe is my child, especially the people on earth, whose bodies contain the essence of life sown by me.

But this universe is not isolated. There are many evil forces outside the universe.

I wanted to protect my children from being enslaved by evil forces outside the universe, but in the end I was..."


A loud hawk's call sounded between Harry and Pappetua.

Dazzling silver light shines from the cracks in the origin wall.

The majestic silver energy forms the shape of a giant eagle with spread wings and soaring on the surface of the wall.

"Ah, the evil force is here again! Child, keep going! Destroy the origin and see the true -"

Papetua's voice gradually weakened, and finally broke the spiritual connection to Harley.

"This is."

Harley looked solemn and felt carefully.

As she expected, the silver energy was the pure power of connection—the power absorbed by her, the power to maintain the existence of the Origin Wall, and the power to seal Pappetua, who claimed to be the mother of creation.

"Crack, click, click!"

Because she squeezed the power of connection, the cracks that appeared in the origin wall began to heal quickly under the action of the power of connection of the 'Eagle'.

Except for an arc-shaped depression with a radius of two kilometers and a depth of less than one kilometer on the wall, everything that happened before seemed like an illusion.

Harley stood by the wall, as if in a dream.

"It turns out that the Origin Wall is really a prison, and the Mother of Creation is sealed inside. However, what Papetua said may not be true."

A sarcastic sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, as if powerful people with great power were not very good at lying.

Papetua said that evil forces from outside wanted to enslave the multiverse, and she was sealed away to protect the universe.

The problem is that the origin wall has existed since the beginning of the multiverse's historical records.

If the evil forces outside wanted to enslave the universe, they would have enslaved it long ago. How could there be peace and tranquility now?

Well, the DC universe is 'full of vitality', and of course it has no chance of peace and tranquility, but it is all caused by its own internal chaos. At least for now, there is only one intruder in tens of billions of years, Dr. Manhattan.

However, Harley didn't completely regard Pappetua as a liar.

Because the person who can be sealed by the power of creation (the power of the giant eagle connection) must also be a creation god.

Although there was no contact, Harley was convinced that Papetua also had the power of connection.

Even if a creator god lies, the lie still contains the truth about the core secret of the universe.

For example, Harley determined that at the beginning of the creation of the universe, there was a battle, and one creator god was defeated by another creator god and sealed inside the wall.

For example, Harley was sure that the Earth had a close relationship with Papetua, because when He called her child, there was no sense of disobedience, but a closeness that came from the depths of blood.

This is strange, but also normal - debtors with blood and strength often cannot refuse their creditors.

"Fake, I took all the precautions but still fell into the trap. From the time they were born on Earth, all Earthlings inevitably owe Papetua a debt that is difficult to repay." Harley cursed with a sullen face.

It’s so difficult for ordinary people in this world.

It is also difficult to be the supreme person in this world because there are too many competitors and it is too complicated.

Human beings are like a commodity. From birth to death, they are marked with countless brands. Countless powerful beings try their best to get the final ownership of the commodity.

It was tragic, too horrible to look at.

“Both Papetua and the eagle god who sealed him are not good enemies, they may both be threats.

Well, in order to protect myself, I must upgrade the strength of connection defense feat to another level! "

Harley found a perfect excuse for the greed in her heart, and her eyes when looking at the Origin Wall became firm and fiery.

Although extracting the power of the Eagle God's connection will destroy the Origin Wall, and the destruction of the Origin Wall may allow Papetua to escape, the most reassuring and safest thing is to have the power in your own hands.

Well, her defense expertise has been improved, and she feels at ease and safe. As for the rest of the multiverse, this is something that superheroes need to consider. She is no longer a mayor, and she does not want to do her job in her position.

Moreover, the strength of the seal also obeys the barrel effect. How much water the barrel can hold is determined by the shortest piece of wood, and the strength of the origin wall is determined by the weakest wall.

She has dug a hole in the wall, and as long as the remaining hole is not as deep as the first one, it will not change the strength of the current seal.

After comforting herself, Harley completely put aside her psychological burden. Like a cheerful hamster, she drove the Archimedes airship and dug holes in the wall of origin. Each hole was as far away as possible, hundreds of millions away from the previous ones, or even Dozens or tens of billions of kilometers.

The sixth dimension, the antimatter realm, the anti-monitor base.

A few hours ago, when Harley landed on the Origin Wall.

"Why is she okay?" The anti-supervision king was shocked and confused.

Pharaoh's knowledge of the Origin Wall was far less in-depth than he was, and he was not that surprised. "She absorbed Joan's power to some extent. Joan was not attached to her when she came in. By the way, how did I get in in the first place?"

The anti-supervision king was quickly relieved when he heard what he said, "You are very smart, and you followed the power of the blue giant to chase you here."

The Pharaoh frowned and thought hard, "How to find the power that has disappeared for several years?"

"You had it then." The Anti-Monitoring King pointed at the Archimedes airship.

The Pharaoh stared at the airship and murmured: "Before it was transformed into a magic ship by Harley Quinn, the only strange thing about it was the power engine."

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said: "I understand, it is the engine. Everyone thinks it is a perpetual motion machine, but it is not. It also needs fuel.

It's consuming quantum energy.

Qiong was lucky. After the intrinsic field experiment failed, not only did she not die, but she entered a dimensional space full of quantum energy in a quantum state.

He is the only conscious being in quantum space.

When his mind perceives those quantum energies, they are imprinted on his soul.

Quantum space became Joan's personal space.

The quantum engine on the airship can extract energy from quantum space and can theoretically track Joan's movement. "

The Pharaoh's face was full of excitement and he said excitedly: "King of Anti-Monitors, quickly steal Harley Quinn's airship. With it, we can find Joan again and even enter Joan's quantum space."

The Anti-Monitor King looked at him with a strange expression, "Will Big Blue fall into the same pit twice at the same time?"

"Of course not, he's not stupid -" the Pharaoh stopped abruptly.

"In this rebooted universe, I haven't had the chance to use engine tracking for the 'first time' yet," he said aggrievedly.

The anti-monitoring king sighed: "To you, it has never happened. To us, you tracking him with an airship has already happened in full view of the public.

This universe is different from your original universe.

Including me, many supreme beings have not given up tracking the blue giant.

If the airship was still usable, we would have stolen it for our own use. "

The Pharaoh gritted his teeth and said: "Restarting the universe is just playing hooligans. It's worse than playing a save game. It's simple and crude and has no skills at all.

Poor mortals, even though they are extremely intelligent, have no chance to struggle. "

"You are wrong, restarting is not a game save, what is restarted is only the single universe and the life in the universe.

The trauma and loss of the multiverse itself, far from disappearing, actually intensifies.

If we continue to reboot, one day the multiverse will collapse. "The anti-supervision king said.

"Hey, what is she doing? Why did she turn into a stone giant?" Pharaoh asked in surprise.

At this time, Harley tried to absorb the power of connection within the wall for the first time.

"Damn it, she's destroying the Origin Wall." Seeing the wall shattering and the stone losing its power and turning into ashes falling, the anti-monitoring king was shocked, angry, and full of fear.

"Stop, idiot, you don't know what you're doing!" he growled.

But Harley couldn't hear it at all.

His voice couldn't be heard either.

"Do you have any other defense mechanisms? You can't just monitor and not punish, right?" Pharaoh reminded.

The anti-monitoring king looked gloomy, "Although our three brothers are all monitoring the Origin Wall, Wantianyi (the material universe) is the domain of the monitor, and he is responsible for the Origin Wall.

As long as the monitor is not dead, he will definitely notice the changes in the origin wall. Let's see how he arranges it. "

The two waited for a full day and two nights before they saw hundreds of green meteors flying from the sky into the monitor lens.

"Are they human beings?" Pharaoh rubbed his eyes vigorously. "They are all aliens. Are all aliens so powerful?"

There are more than a hundred of these green men, and they don't seem to belong to the same race. They can physically jump through space at super-light speeds and fly between sub-light speeds. "

"Didn't you see they were wrapped in green light?"

"Even if the green light is as powerful as the most advanced individual armor, what about the pressure of acceleration on the body?

"Pharaoh said.

"They are Green Lanterns. Two Guardians have come. They are very cautious. However," the Anti-Monitoring King frowned slightly, "What is that Marnou guy doing? Why didn't he come over in person and arrive as soon as possible?"

Harley sat cross-legged and hung above the palm of a stone statue of a god, holding her chin with her right hand and lost in thought.

In two days and two nights, the Owl Airship took her flying for countless millions of kilometers, digging a total of twenty-three holes in the wall, and finally filled the expertise experience jar.

Fifth, the strength of connection defense expertise, level 10: 1. Immune to any form of time and quantum energy threats, immune to judgment of origin, immune to ordinary supernatural attacks 50% - 70%;

2. Consciousness is immune to cosmic-level restart;

3. The force field of connection: exempt from the fatal attack effects of the multiverse level, and partially exempted from the fatal attacks of the omnipotent universe, and its own intrinsic field is difficult to destroy (the omnipotent universe level).

When the expertise is upgraded to level ten, the defensive attributes remain unchanged, only the defense strength is enhanced.

Breaking out of the multiverse initially involves the omnipotent universe.

Coupled with an 'exemption from the trial of origin', Harley has almost figured out the source of the absorbed power of connection: outside the DC multiverse, there is a place of origin, and there is a judge in the form of a giant eagle in the place of origin.

For unknown reasons, the judge punished Papetua.

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