I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 459 Became a wanted criminal in the universe

Literally speaking, the level 10 connection power defense expertise is not as big a change as the level 10 god defense expertise.

But Harley has discovered changes in the details of the fifth defense specialty.

For example, at level nine, she was only immune to quantum and time energy attacks, but now it is changed to 'immune to any form of threat in terms of quantum power and time'.

Being immune to attacks only invalidates the 'force' that falls on Harley.

Immune to any form of threat. Maybe she can ignore enemy buffs?

Theoretically, the ability lies with you, and you can clearly see it by closing your eyes and sensing it. However, Harley's situation is too special, and none of the defensive specialties are active skills.

Without someone to try it out and feel it for real, it’s really impossible to determine the effectiveness of the defense.

However, Harley can also confirm that in the multiverse, the universality of the connection power defense expertise is probably not as universal as God's defense.

Because demons and angels are the mainstream in the multiverse, and the "Creation God" with the power of connection can only be counted as two and a half, Dr. Manhattan, Pappetua, and the Origin Judge can only be counted as half.

If you leave the multiverse and enter the omnipotent universe

What kind of place is the omnipotent universe?

What is the difference between using the power of connection to create the world and God stepping into the dark abyss and saying that there will be light?

Manhattan, Pappetua, and the Origin Judge are probably the same type of gods, just like hell demons. There are different types of demons, but they are all demons.

God is obviously different from them, a different type of power.

In addition to being confused about the omnipotent universe, Harley also faces another problem that is not a problem: she can extract the power of origin within the wall to enhance her connection power defense expertise, but she cannot incorporate the power of origin into her body.

Upgrading defense expertise relies on the evolutionary treasures in the sea of ​​consciousness. The experience jar collects the 'power of the judge' in the origin wall. When it is full, it is used to complete the evolution from body to soul.

If she wants to physically absorb the power of the Wall of Origin, just like absorbing the power of Manhattan, she must rely entirely on herself.

With level 10 defense expertise, she is not afraid of the power of the connection no matter how violent it is.

The problem is that the power of Manhattan is placed there for her to swallow without any resistance. The power of the Wall of Origin will even actively flow into the body of anyone who sticks to the wall, and Harley is no exception, but after it flows in, it will follow the body. The original power flowed out, completely unstoppable.

This is natural. When the Origin Wall was established, it was for suppression and sealing, rather than a big cake that was abandoned at the border of the universe and that everyone could take a bite of.

The Origin Judge intends to let the power of connection flow in and out of the body of the attached person, in order to achieve the purpose of connecting one body and completely sealing it.

Even Papetua couldn't intercept and absorb the power of origin within the wall, so why did Harry?

Well, she can use the experience jar to seize the power of origin, but the "experience points" in the jar can only be used to upgrade her expertise and cannot be used for other purposes!

Harley's characteristic is defense. When the rebirth DC started the path of evolution, it was decided that she could only rely on the treasure to enhance her defense, but could not rely on the treasure to grab energy and improve other characteristics.

At this moment, she was suspended ten centimeters on the stone palm, helplessly watching the 'Judge's Power' placed in the wall in vain, but unable to turn herself into 'Judge Harley'.

The power of Manhattan allowed her to launch a force field attack, which even made the King of Angels howl. The power of the judge may be more domineering.

After all, Manhattan is probably on the same level as Papetua, and the Giant Eagle Judge specializes in judging these creation gods.

"Harry, be careful, there's——"

"Swish swish!"

The Archimedes airship not far away had just received a warning from Radar Andy, and green meteors pierced the dark void one after another, turning into warriors shrouded in green light, and landed in front of Harley.

Before she could react, a beam of green light enveloped her.

Not aggressive.

Harley felt the green light scanning her body.

Several more beams of green light were thrown at the Aki airship, but the airship suddenly accelerated, rushed out of the circle of green light, and quickly moved away.

"Harley Quinn, Sector 2814, Solar System, Earthling." A cold voice said from the leader of the little blue man in red, "Yes, it's you, you are destroying the Wall of Origin."

"Are you the legendary Green Lantern Corps?" Harley looked at each other in surprise.

One hundred and seven people, all aliens with tentacles, animal heads, or weird-colored skin, led by two blue-skinned old men one meter tall.

Except for the little blue man who was wearing a red robe, the rest were all wrapped in green fluid suits, shining with bright green light, like a big green light bulb.

They all also wear emerald rings on their fingers, and there is also a lantern-shaped symbol on their chests and rings - an upright "IOI".

"Harley Quinn, the Green Lantern Corps will arrest you on suspicion of carrying out terrorist activities that endanger the multiverse. Don't resist needlessly." The bald little blue man said coldly.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The green lanterns raised their hands together with solemn expressions, and the green lantern ring faced Harley, emitting a cohesive green light.

From the outside, it looks like a SWAT officer pointing a laser sight at a dangerous terrorist.

In actual effect, the restraining green light is more like a bundle of chains that is put on the prisoner.

Harley raised her hands with a kind smile on her face, "I won't resist, but can you speak clearly before arresting me?"

"Ah! She can still move."

Just a simple gesture of raising his hand caused a roar among the Green Lantern Corps.

Harley does not have the green light defense specialty, but at this time, the God Skin and the connection power defense are both effective against magic and supernatural powers respectively. Well, it is very strange. The green light mainly behaves as a supernatural power, but it has certain magical properties.

In any case, the restraining power of the light ring was more than 80% immune, so Harley could still maintain a calm appearance while trying her best to show off on the inside.

"Come back to Oa with us, and the Legion will give you a chance to receive a fair trial."

The little blue man with pigtails looked calm and didn't care about her performance.

"I woke up early in the morning without even brushing my teeth. I was sitting at the edge of the universe thinking about life. Suddenly you came over and said that I was engaging in terrorist activities. You pointed at me with a green light ring and wanted to arrest me and put me on trial."

Harley spread her hands in confusion, "Even if the arrogant Americans on Earth who consider themselves the world's policemen at least used washing powder to prove that someone else has a mass murderer hidden in their home before imposing sanctions in the name of justice and peace, you will never More ruthless than the Americans, right?"

"We know who you are, Witch Harley. You are good at lying and cunning." The bald little blue man said.

Harry sighed: "In this time of nonsense, you have already told me your name, origin, my detailed charges, evidence, and witnesses, why are you so arrogant?

I am a close friend of the little black bean who has broken through hell. Did I say that? Am I arrogant?

I am God’s beloved Lord Quin. Do I look down on others?

I am a close friend of Manhattan, the blue giant who fused the universe with one hand, but I still communicate with you calmly and as an ordinary person.

I am still the younger sister of the sister who died in the Endless Family, but I announced it loudly and made it known to everyone, and then, like you, I looked at people through my nostrils and didn’t show my teeth when I spoke? "

The aliens, who were not qualified enough and did not even recognize Little Black Bean, God, Manhattan, or Death, looked at each other with blank expressions.

Those who were smarter began to lower their heads and use their own lamp rings to check the names of the above people.

Well, each green light ring is not only a weapon, but also a mastermind and cosmic communicator. It has practical functions such as automatic translation of languages, communication anytime and anywhere in the universe, and connection to the main star of Oa to query information.

Green Lantern’s senior executives’ expressions changed slightly and their expressions became solemn.

"Witch Harley, I am Gunther, Guardian of the Green Lantern Corps, and this is my companion Remy." Seemingly compromised, the little blue man with pigtails still spoke indifferently, "We received news from the monitor, You are crazily destroying the Origin Wall, so I came to arrest you. Now, what else do you have to say?"

Harley asked curiously: "Who is the monitor?"

She thought of the elemental storm before and the feeling of being watched.

"He is the manager of the multiverse. All your actions are seen by him and recorded."

Gunther thought, and the ring projected a huge picture in the void, like a movie - Harley fell on the wall of origin and turned into a stone giant. The wall cracked, and the rock lost its divinity and turned into ashes.

Harry narrowed his eyes and asked softly: "I was visiting my mentor at the Origin Wall before, and a gust of evil wind suddenly blew in the void, causing me to fall on the Origin Wall. Was it the monitor's doing?"

"I don't know, and that's not important," the little blue man looked at her steadily. "You destroyed the Origin Wall and put the entire multiverse into crisis. You must pay the price for it."

Harley looked around and saw that the Archimedes airship had disappeared into the distance. Seven or eight green lanterns were chasing it. The remaining green lanterns formed a tight attack formation to surround her in the center.

"Why would destroying the Origin Wall threaten the security of the universe?" she asked.

"If you have any questions or explanations, you can tell them in the trial hosted by the guardian on Oua Star." Ganse said calmly.

Harley said seriously: "I am an American. Do you know that your current actions and words are infringing on the patent rights of Americans?"

"Patent rights?" The green lights didn't know why, and looked confused.

Harley said solemnly: "The act of asserting its powerful force and the privilege of a great power in the world, using its own fabricated laws to forcibly detain and try people from other countries, and decorating it with high-sounding hypocritical rhetoric, is an act that we Americans are in conflict with. Innate talent is also our patent.

You imitated Rice Emperor's behavior, have you paid the patent fee? "

"Arrogant, how old are you in the United States? A fraction of the age of any guardian is longer than the entire civilization of the earth." A red-skinned green lantern scolded.

"Oh, you mean, we Americans have to pay you royalties for using force to act arrogantly and blaspheming the law and justice in the name of the law?" Harley asked.

Red-skinned Green Lantern was so angry that his chest swelled and fell. After a long time, he said coldly: "It's useless for you to argue. It can't change your situation at this time."

"Abinsu, don't talk nonsense with her. Witch Harley, whether you agree or not, it will not affect the Legion's decision-making."

Gunther stretched out his hand, and immediately a giant green hand as big as a two-story building stretched out and grabbed Harley as fast as thunder.

Harley was floating on the palm of the god's stone sculpture, which was bigger than a basketball court. At this time, she shrank and easily blocked the attack with her stone fingers.

"Boom!" The rock arm shook violently, and Gunther's big green hand extended and turned into a huge cage, covering the entire palm and Harley.

On the surface of the green cage, normal-sized fists stretched out, wrapped around the fingers of the stone sculpture, and struck Harry from eight directions from the west.

"Shit, why is the green light energy not affected by the origin wall?" Harley was shocked.

The origin wall not only sticks to people, it is also immune to any form of attack, and energy falling on it is also absorbed.

But Green Lantern not only touches the Origin Wall with green light energy, he can also slap the wall rocks at will!

"Bang bang bang!" During her breathing, Harley had been beaten hundreds of times by dozens of green fists, causing her nose to be bruised, her face to be swollen, her bones to be broken, her heart to bleed, and her head to be filled with rage.

"Richie, get Fiora on the line, give her Steppenwolf's ax, and chop up these little green men for me."

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