I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 457 Papetua, the Mother of Creation

"Witt, do you want to take revenge?" the anti-supervision king said with a smile.

"How?" Pharaoh asked.

The anti-surveillance king stared at the three-dimensional projection image, "We have to wait, wait for her to get closer to the origin wall, wait for her to completely relax her vigilance.

I then used the power of antimatter to stir up the origin of the universe and set off an elemental storm next to the wall.

If you're lucky, you can blow her into the wall in one fell swoop. "

"Can't it be 100% successful?" King Pharaoh asked.

The Anti-Monitor King said calmly: "Before destroying the positive matter universe, I cannot leave the antimatter realm and directly interfere with affairs outside the sixth dimension.

This trick of leveraging the origin of the universe was learned from the blue giant.

I only came up with this idea after meeting Assal.

The master and the disciple ended up in the same way in the same way, maybe it was fate. "

"With how powerful the Origin Wall is, why does it need to be monitored? As soon as a living person approaches, an alarm is issued immediately. This shows that the king attaches great importance to the Origin Wall." Pharaoh asked.

The anti-monitoring king said with a gloomy face: "We three brothers are all monitoring it, and in the early years we didn't even allow anyone to get close to it.

Now that the surveillance equipment is still there, we rarely pay attention to it.

If I hadn't met Harley Quinn today, I would have dismissed the alert as spam. "

"Why?" Pharaoh asked doubtfully.

The Anti-Monitor King sighed: “There is indeed a big secret about the fate of the multiverse hidden within the Origin Wall.

Don't ask what the secret is, I can't tell it, or even think about it.

Belief is the initial power of belief, which is a powerful force.

The less people know a secret, the safer it is. "

A secret that even the Anti-Monitor considers taboo makes the Pharaoh more and more curious.

But he didn't ask, just stood quietly and watched. When Harley got closer and closer to the origin wall, pouting and preparing to exhale, the anti-monitoring king tapped on the keyboard, a selection box popped up, and he looked at the Pharaoh again. .

Werther hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Although I can't take revenge myself, it's not bad.

When I help the king replace the current multiverse with the antimatter universe, I can go to her graveside and laugh loudly.

Even better, she could hear it. "

At the signal of the Anti-Monitor King, he pressed the button to activate the elemental storm.

"Huhuhuhu" the elemental power stirred up out of thin air, flashing in the dark void with colorful and magnificent colors like the aurora. Harley was caught off guard and slapped against the wall of origin.

"Mother, Fake, why is there still wind?" She climbed on the wall and yelled.

After cursing, she immediately felt awe in her heart: I'm afraid it's just like Asal, it's not a coincidence.

——Someone is messing with her, someone is spying on her!

"Mother, Fake, why doesn't it work?" The Anti-Supervisory King and the Pharaoh King were stunned.

"Holy shit, Harley, you--that's great. It turns out that Harley, you are really talented. You are a peerless genius who can practice the Escape Pattern. I can be saved!"

Goddess Asal was so shocked that she wanted to jump again, but at the end she burst into tears of joy.

"What?" Harry was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses. He was twisting against the wall, but there was no hesitation.

"It's actually the force field of connection!?"

After carefully sensing it for a moment, she was surprised to find that the Wall of Origin had a weak response to her connection force field.

The reaction is not strong, but the origin wall loses its sticking effect on her.

"Could it be that the ability of the Wall of Origin to stick to people comes from the power of connection?"

This thought popped into Harry's mind suddenly but naturally.

The Nexus Force field is part of the fifth Nexus Force Defense feat.

Although the power Harley absorbed from Dr. Manhattan is called "quantum power", in fact, quantum is just an appearance, and is essentially the connecting power of quantum attributes.

The fifth defense specialty enabled by this power is naturally the power of connection defense.

Which energy is absorbed to activate defense expertise, this expertise is specifically targeted at that energy.

If Harley can absorb the "power of poverty" and activate poverty defense, then she will never be knocked down by "poverty" again.

At this time, her fifth defense specialty prevented the Wall of Origin, which meant that the Wall of Origin relied on the power of connection to stick to those who were close to it.

This also shows that the power of connection flows within the wall!

"It's definitely not Dr. Manhattan's connecting power, because the Origin Wall was not built by Manhattan, then."

Harley's eyes lit up and her heart beat fiercely: The fifth defense expertise is now at level nine, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved. For example, the third god's defense expertise has been raised to level ten.

If the new connection power is absorbed, the fifth defense specialty may be upgraded to another level!

"Hey hey hey" Thinking of the beauty, Harley leaned on the wall and laughed.

"What are you laughing at? You're so obscene? Your saliva is dripping out and sticking to my forehead."

Asal's surprised voice woke her up.

"Uh" Harley wiped her pink lips, and sure enough she saw a wet mark on her palm.

"Haha, I'm so happy," she simply put her pride and joy on her face, "Teacher, do you think I'm fine?"

"You are so talented that you can steal any energy?" Asal said.

——Fuck, why don’t you kill me and silence me? You actually tell our secret directly!

"I would like to, but if I could do it, I would steal all over the world and become invincible." Harley sighed.

"What's the reason?" Asal asked curiously.

"Because I absorbed the power of Manhattan half a month ago and became a 'white-skinned Harley'.

If he cannot resist the adhesion of the Origin Wall, how can Dr. Manhattan travel to our universe? "

She became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke, but it wasn't all lies.

Manhattan relied on its own connection power to actively avoid the constraints of the connection power within the wall.

It's like a trap master relying on skills to avoid the killing array set by another trap master.

Harley relied purely on defense and passively withstood the effect of the connection force on her. Like a reckless man who doesn't know anything, he relies on a suit of armor to defeat the master's trap.

The effect is the same, but the method is different.

Applicability also varies greatly.

Looking back, Manhattan can also 'lay traps', but Harley can only resist all the master's traps.

However, Harley is not without the power of connection. After upgrading her expertise to level nine, the remaining Manhattan power was absorbed by her body.

That's why she seemed so relaxed, without the bumps and bumps that the armored man had when he fell into the trap.

"No matter what the reason is, can you save me?" Asal asked urgently.

"How to save me? I feel like I'm falling on an ordinary but indestructible wall. I can't touch any 'mechanisms' inside the wall. I have no mental induction, no magic power or magic circle fluctuations." Harley said awkwardly.

"Didn't you plan to steal the power within the Origin Wall before? Didn't you even sense that power?" Asal asked.

Harley said quickly: "I was just going to ask you, where is the energy? Why don't I feel anything?"

Asal thought for a while and said: "We will enter the spiritual link as originally planned, and I will pass on the feeling of power to you."

Harley didn't object, and soon the 'Escape Pattern' in her sea of ​​consciousness was touched, and she sensed the fluctuations of another Escape Pattern in the void, and the two were connected by a mysterious wave.

Gradually, a feeling of emptiness and desolation came over Harry.

She seemed to have become a piece of rock candy falling into the sea, unable to help but dissolve into the vast nothingness.

"How?" Asal retracted his spiritual tentacles, and Harley became a hollow ball pulled into the seabed. After losing its pulling force, it floated up quickly, ushering in the light on the sea surface, and sending away the immobilizing pressure.

When she surfaced, she seemed to be alive again. She gasped for breath and said in shock: "It's so scary. I feel like I'm falling into someone else's stomach, melting into the endless void. Could it be that the Origin Wall is eating people?"

"Well, you only sense nothingness?"

"What else should there be?"

"Energy feedback." Asal said: "The Origin Wall did not drain me of energy like a battery.

It takes my energy and puts it back into me.

This is why the origin wall is so scary.

Energy circulates between my body and the wall, like blood flowing between my left hand and my right hand.

Doesn't this mean I have become part of the wall?

Therefore, the longer it is hung on the wall, the harder it is to revive it, and it will eventually become the lifeless stone sculpture you see. "

"Let me think."

Perhaps she should revoke her stance on the power of connection before she could feel the power of the Origin Wall.

Harley waited until the elemental storm disappeared as suddenly as it came before leaving Asal's forehead.

I drove the small airship around and found a blank wall without a statue of the devil a million kilometers away from Asal.

Well, if she absorbs the power of the Origin Wall, she must stay away from the teacher to avoid hurting her.

Harley left the airship again, spread her limbs, and threw herself against the wall.

Cancel the force field of connection - "Crack, click, click!"

It was as if she had been hit by a trick that "told you to transform into the palm of a terracotta warrior."

The whole body was quickly petrified.

The original indestructible wall of origin turned into a soft quagmire, and her body slowly sank in and expanded rapidly.

Halle, who is 1.72 meters tall, suddenly expanded to a height of 5,000 meters after her whole body turned to stone, making her even bigger than Asal.

However, she did not notice the change in her body for the time being.

Just like when she was connected to Asal's spirit before, she felt her body melting into a bowl of sugar water, and the power in her body made Harry suddenly wake up.

She has the power of a hammer inside her.

She has absorbed countless magical powers from hell, ranging from low-level demons without titles to demon lords, demon kings, and even little black beans. Magic powers that are huge and close to the demon king have all been transformed into the power of blood by her.

To put it bluntly, power exists in the blood.

Later, she absorbed the power of Manhattan and integrated it into her body, making it impossible to directly extract and use it.

Therefore, if there is no power in her body, she cannot flow out of it.

But now there is indeed power flowing out.

Power cannot come out of thin air, does it mean that the power of her body is squeezed out by the Origin Wall like refining lard?

Harley is a little scared.

But the next moment, that power returned to the body.

Exactly what Asal said.

The returning force is mixed with another force.

The power flowed into her body, and her consciousness became slightly groggy. The connection between her body and the stone wall seemed to be closer.

——After discovering the power of alien connection, should you activate the fifth defense specialty upgrade?

This message came from the Evolution Treasure of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Sure enough, it is the power of connection!"

Harley was happy and immediately stored the power of alien connection into the upgrade jar.

The energy in the body continues to flow out, flowing into the stone wall, giving back part of the connection power, absorbing the connection power, and then flowing out the energy.

"The power of this connection is so strange, forcibly connecting different lives to the stone wall."

While she was happy, Harley began to be frightened again.

The existence field of a living person is the force that connects atoms together to form a human body; the existence field of the universe is called the "power of connection", which connects matter and energy to form a complete universe.

For example, Manhattan's connection power can connect two universes into a new universe.

The connecting power of the origin wall is to 'connect' life into the form of a stone wall.

Why do this?

The power of connection must have a master.

So, why did the 'creator' spend the power of creation (the power of connection) to build this weird origin wall?

Just to prevent people from inside and outside the multiverse from entering and exiting?

"Crack." The sound of the wall breaking came next to her.

Harley woke up from her meditation and was surprised to find that she had grown bigger, bigger than Teacher Assal - which meant that the extraordinary power in her body surpassed Assal.

Meanwhile, she sank deeper into the wall.

As the connection force on the wall surface was absorbed, the indestructible stone wall automatically shattered and fell off the wall. At this time, she was like a cannonball, smashing a deep hole in the wall, and the deep cracks were like Spider webs cover the walls.

"Child, child"

A vague call came into Harry's sea of ​​consciousness along the gap leading deep into the wall.

She was stunned for a moment, and then her hair stood on end: There was someone inside the wall, a woman!

"Who are you and why do you call me child? Why are you inside the wall while everyone else is outside?"

"Child, you are from the earth, right? I am Papetua, the mother of creation of the universe, and all the people on earth were created by me."

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