I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 456 Crisis on Limited Earth

The great Anti-Monitor felt a suffocation in his chest.

He was despised by a madman.

"You still failed to solve the nuclear bomb crisis in the end." He sneered.

"Alas, I didn't expect Rorschach to write a diary. I always thought he was a serious person." Pharaoh sighed: "Actually, I am not defenseless. After 85 years, I have been strictly monitoring world news and preventing any 'Real rumors' about alien octopus are out.

But after waiting for several years, nothing happened, and Laurie and the others were all honest.

It wasn't until 1992 that a reporter from the New York Times dug out Rorschach's diary from the wastebasket, and I was caught off guard. "

In 1985, before Rorschach and Daniel went to the North Pole to find the Pharaoh, they delivered the diary recording the truth to the newspaper. As a result, the newspaper's reporters had no shortage of news materials, not to mention a social welfare recipient named Walter Kovacs. diary.

Keeping a diary is already very unseemly, let alone a homeless man at the bottom of society?

Well, Rorschach doesn't have a job and lives on welfare.

The diary was stored in the data room for several years. When the inventory was being cleaned up in 1992, the administrator was shocked when he saw the name on the cover: Oh my god, isn't Walter Kovax the Watcher Rorschach?

After reading the content inside, I felt like it was ‘Fake’ again and again, there were too many exciting things.

When Rorschach was alive, he was anonymous, and even few people in the Watch knew his true identity. But everyone else died, and they died so heroically, so Daniel wrote a biography for his old friend and exposed his name.

Well, writing biographies after retirement seems to be a major feature of Watchmen.

The Night Owl generation soon wrote a memoir, exposing all the bad things that the comedian did to strengthen his silk soul.

However, the second-generation Night Owl learned from the lessons of its predecessors and wrote biographies of teammates and submitted them anonymously.

Therefore, the defeat of the Pharaoh was really unfair.

What a coincidence.

I thought I won the finale, but I didn’t expect there would be an ending after the ending.

"Besides, it's not that I don't have any remedies." Pharaoh added: "Didn't you say that I chased Joan to this universe, which eventually led to the fusion of the two worlds?

All in all, I still succeeded.

As always, Joan was just the means to my success.

Well, the hard work of cosmic integration belongs to Joan, and the unrivaled feat of saving the world belongs to me! "

Mobius glared at him, "Although I have long wanted to destroy Marnou's positive matter universe, the main reason that prompted me to do it now is the fusion of the universe."

He enlarged the 3D projection of the Wantian Yi, allowing the Pharaoh to see clearly all the single universes inside. "You see, the fused Earth-0 contains the second type of connection power, which is incompatible with other universes."

Well, Wan Tian Yi is like a big basket filled with eggs, and each egg represents a single universe.

At this time, in the Ten Thousand Heavenly Instrument, it is obvious that the 'egg' in the center is flashing with different colors of energy, which looks particularly abrupt in the middle of other universes with the same energy fluctuations.

"Qiong will invest in it and integrate our universe into your universe. You will occupy more shares. Only one of the countless individual universes has been 'tarnished' by Qiong. What else are you dissatisfied with?" Pharaoh asked doubtfully.

Mobius closed his hands, and all the universes within ten thousand days merged into one. Each universe vibrated at different frequencies, and the three-dimensional image appeared layer by layer.

“This is the true state of the multiverse. All earths and all universes occupy one cosmic position and vibrate at different frequencies.

You can imagine that in a three-dimensional coordinate system, x is constant, y is constant, and only z changes, which is a straight line parallel to the z-axis.

In the four-dimensional celestial globe, there are four coordinate axes, XYZT. The coordinate values ​​of XYZ representing the position are constant, and only the time branch appears on T.

If you can adjust the frequency of your body to match that of another universe, you can travel through parallel worlds in place even if you stand still. "

The Anti-Monitor looked at the pensive Pharaoh, "You understand? Because the positions of all universes coincide, once the blue giant completes the transformation of Earth-0, his energy will quickly saturate the entire multiverse.

Even to protect the multiverse, I have to shoulder my responsibility. "

"Why do the monitors oppose you?" Pharaoh asked doubtfully.

"Because he is the maintainer of the inherent order. Not to mention being contaminated by alien energy, even if the universe is terminally ill, as long as it is not completely dead, he still has to maintain them operating in a morbid manner.

This is the nature and instinct of the watcher.

The Forger represents creation, the Watcher protects, and I represent destruction. "

After a pause, Mobius added: "Of course, my ambition is also an important reason why I and Monitor Marnou are enemies.

The existing multiverse is composed of positive matter energy. Once they are destroyed and converted into energy absorption, I will use antimatter energy to create an antimatter multiverse.

At that time, Marnou could only become my prisoner, or be exiled to the border of the universe by me, just like he did to me when he betrayed the 'Brotherly Alliance'. "

When he said the last sentence, the Anti-Monitor gritted his teeth with overwhelming hatred.

"Thank you for your candor. I fully understand your goals and what I should do."

The Pharaoh bowed to the armored man gracefully, and said confidently and sincerely: "Joan's power comes from outside the multiverse, and is a power that is difficult to reach and understand by the managers in the universe.

It was difficult for you to deal with the new power outside your authority, so you came to me.

All I can say is, Your Excellency, you have found the right person.

No one in the world knows Joan better than I do.

I'd love to work for you.

Just one thing, before I take up my post, please prepare enough cosmic knowledge and scientific and technical information for me. I need to recharge myself. "

"Of course." Mobius took him into a room similar to a library. The bookshelves and books were all 3D projections, but they could be opened and viewed like physical books.

"This is a library of thoughts. Unlike reading with your eyes in the material world, you can wander as much as you want in the ocean of thoughts. The faster your brain operates, the faster you can read and learn.

Maybe others only went there for one day, but you seemed to have been studying here for several years. "

"Great!" Pharaoh said with joy on his face, "I wonder what books are in the library?"

"Everything you need to know to build an antimatter cannon."

"Cannons?" Pharaoh frowned and said, "We want to use cannons to bomb the universe?"

"What else do you think?"

“I think that when civilization develops to a higher level, simple and crude weapons such as cannons and bombs will be replaced by more noble, elegant and artistic attack methods.

It's like the two-way foil in "The Post-Manhattan Era: The Trisolarial Crisis" by Little Bastard.

Just like the alien octopus I created back then, I brought together hundreds of horror novelists and supernatural film directors to jointly give the octopus the spiritual attributes that are at the pinnacle of the art of fear.

Alas, even though Harley Quinn is a bastard, she is also the most like me.

Even if it is bad, it is so bad that it is poetic and picturesque.

I hate her so much that I am still willing to give her the title of 'Second Pharaoh'. "Pharaoh sighed.

Mobius's granite-like gray-black cheeks twitched a few times, "How come bombardment with giant cannons isn't art?

The art of war is rough and powerful.

And if we want to destroy the multiverse, of course it will be more dramatic and full of fire. "

"Rebel." The Pharaoh paused and asked tentatively: "Now that I have become your subordinate, should I call you BOSS, God King, Demon King or something like that?

Or, are you the master of the antimatter realm, the king of anti-monitoring? "

"Well, 'Anti-Supervisory King' is very appropriate." Mobius touched his chin and glanced at his new recruit appreciatively.

Although this guy is a bit mentally ill, he is honest, hard-working, smart and sensible, and he is also good at flattering others, which is great!

"King of Anti-Monitors, you are almost the strongest person in the multiverse. You must have higher requirements for yourself!

You see, let’s not put all our eggs in one basket. In addition to the simple and crude anti-matter cannon, let me research several new weapons. "

The Pharaoh looked around the electronic library and said with great enthusiasm: "When I complete the basic subjects of the multiverse, it will be easy to build a two-way foil Vulcan cannon."

The anti-monitoring king's eyes were full of admiration. It was so rare for a younger brother to actively ask to work overtime and increase his workload.

"Well, you study slowly here, and I'll go and help you build a creation-level weapons laboratory first." His tone was so gentle that he didn't sound like the Great Demon King of Destruction.

The Pharaoh King lowered his eyes, and a flash of light flashed quickly, "By the way, there is one more thing. King of Anti-Monitors, can you make me a set of armor that has the function of suppressing the power of antimatter in the body."

The Anti-Monitor King frowned, "What do you want to do with an armor that can suppress antimatter energy?"

"Too much recklessness will make my brain dull." Pharaoh sighed.

The anti-supervision king twitched his lips and said in a low voice: "The power of antimatter is my gift to you. If you don't want it, I can take it out and make sure you are as weak as an ordinary person."

"No, no, no, no!" Pharaoh waved his hands repeatedly, "Am I a ungrateful person? Your kindness, Your Majesty, I am extremely grateful for and I cherish it very much.

The reason why I was murdered was because I was inferior to others in terms of strength.

I won't make the same mistake a second time.

Putting on the armor that suppresses the power of antimatter, I work hard.

When I encounter an enemy, I immediately take off my armor and become a fierce general who helps the king attack the city.

Although I am a scientist, I have actually been a superhero.

Except for Joan, no one in the Watcher team is better at fighting than me. "

"I don't have the armor to restrain the power of antimatter." The anti-monitoring king said.

"Where's the technology? I can make my own." King Pharaoh said.

"It's not technical either, but"

After hesitating for a long time, the anti-monitor king opened a library for him to store a large amount of forbidden knowledge about the antimatter universe.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Pharaoh bowed sincerely.

In the days that followed, the Pharaoh relied on his antimatter body and Zen meditation to completely give up rest, either studying theoretical knowledge in the library or making inventions in the laboratory.

The fulfilling days passed quickly.

On this day, the Pharaoh was asking the anti-monitoring king some academic questions. Suddenly, an alarm came from the monitoring room, "Didi, didi, there is a living body approaching the origin wall. Through identification, it is suspected to be Harley from Earth-0." Quinn."

"What's going on?" Pharaoh wondered.

"Just a small thing, the Origin Wall represents the ultimate secret and power of the universe. There are often people who don't know whether to live or die wandering around nearby. Hey, isn't Harley Quinn from Earth-0 the Witch Harley?"

The anti-supervision king was nonchalant at first, and then realized the identity of the visitor, "What is she doing at the Origin Wall?"

The two quickly walked to the monitor. After zooming in on the image, they could only see a blurry figure and no sound at all.

"Witt, do you want revenge?" Seeing her approaching the Origin Wall, the anti-monitoring king smiled.

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