I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 455: The Anti-Monitor Who Is Disdained by His Ideals

"Mobius, Anti-Monitor?" Pharaoh frowned and said, "With all due respect, this name confuses me."

The armored man said calmly: "My name is Mobius, and my identity is the anti-monitor of the multiverse."

"Are you a god or a demon? What is the vocation of the Anti-Monitor?" Pharaoh asked curiously.

"How much do you know about this universe?" Mobius asked.

The Pharaoh smiled bitterly and said: "I used to think that the universe was just a combination of numbers and formulas, and it had already been incorporated into my mind.

But now, angels, wizards, demons, gods, Kryptonians, Superman, and you appear one after another. I suddenly find that I know nothing about the universe. "

"Actually, this is not the first time we have met." Mobius sighed: "He is really cruel to you."

"What do you mean? Who does he mean?" Pharaoh asked.

“There were once two independent universes, your universe and my universe.

One day, a blue giant with the power of creation came to my universe. "


Mobius nodded slightly and explained the fusion of the universe in detail.

In order to make it more vivid, he also brought the Pharaoh to the main control room, first used the master brain to simulate the process of universe fusion, and then fully introduced the current multiverse on the monitor to the Pharaoh.

Well, the anti-monitor can monitor the entire DC multiverse just like community security guards monitor the public areas of the community. They cannot see the details, but they can know every major event that has a material impact on the universe.

"There are six dimensions in the multiverse. I don't need to say more about the four-dimensional material world. You have lived there your whole life.

There are eight divine realms in the five-dimensional limbo, which are the dimensions of thinking and imagination.

Once upon a time, most gods and demons were tied to the beliefs of sentient beings.

If sentient beings believe they exist, they exist.

If forgotten by living beings, they will weaken and eventually die completely.

Such creatures are the Old Gods.

Of course, some old gods were born and grew up in the four-dimensional material world, such as Zeus in Greek mythology, or higher powers provided the foundation for their existence, such as angels and hell demons.

These divine beings are not bound by belief.

There are also gods who root their existence in the rules of the universe. They are called 'New Gods', and they also only regard faith as a kind of food, not a necessity.

The sixth dimension above the five dimensions is divided into three areas: two large and one small. It is the world of the multiverse manager.

For example, the place you are standing at this time is my antimatter realm. "

The Pharaoh pondered: "You mean, there are three managers of the multiverse in the sixth dimension, who are higher than the gods and are higher beings?"

“If the multiverse were an ecological park, it would have three administrators, one responsible for construction, one responsible for daily management, and one responsible for dismantling and destroying garbage to ensure the recycling of energy and materials.

They are the Forge, the Monitor and the Counter-Monitor. "

Mobius stared at him, "Now you understand who I am?"

The Pharaoh looked complicated and said, "But I don't understand why I am favored by you."

Mobius put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "I thought that with your wisdom, you could figure it out in an instant."

"I just heard too much information that subverts common sense. My mind is a little confused," Pharaoh said, patting his head and approaching the giant three-dimensional projection map suspended in mid-air - a complete map of the multiverse.

"If I guess correctly, your target is Joan, or the universe that Joan left behind?

Damn it, thanks to me keeping him as a friend, he actually restarted my life without saying a word. "

His expression became ferocious, "Joan definitely knows that my needs are completely different from those of Laurie and Daniel.

Laurie longs for peace in the rest of his life, but I hate having my fate manipulated.

He knows, and knows why I invented the tachyon accelerator against him - because I don't want him to affect my future. "

Mobius smiled: "This is one of the reasons why I chose you, we can reach consensus on some aspects.

Presumably you are not averse to destroying the new world established by Big Blue at the cost of destroying your life and dignity. "

The Pharaoh's face was gloomy, and various emotions flashed rapidly in his eyes.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "None of the Watchers are good, they are all bastards.

I have too many reasons to help you in Joan's universe and the world of Harley Quinn. "

"Very good, I saw you right!"

The Pharaoh lowered his head and looked at himself, frowned and said: "You should have come to me earlier, maybe half an hour earlier. Now I have been poisoned by the little bastard, and only a ghost is left. What can I do?"

"Resurrecting you is just a small program in the 'multiverse machine'."

Mobius actually entered a code on the console, and a scarlet beam enveloped the Pharaoh.

"Uh-huh~~~" The Pharaoh intuitively felt a powerful force pouring into his body like a blow-up doll. He changed from illusory to solid, from soft to strong.

He clenched his fist, and a powerful force crackled between his finger bones.

He has a new body.

"This is the first reward I give you. Rebuilding a new body with the purest anti-matter energy. Now that you have the power of a god and can fight with Tearman, are you satisfied?" Mobius smiled proudly.

The Pharaoh frowned, shook his head and said, "I'm very grateful for your kindness, but I still like my original body."

Mobius wondered: "Why? In addition to being stronger, more energetic, and full of endless energy, your current body is no different from your original body. Even the genes are exactly the same."

"Unearned power makes me look like a fool." King Pharaoh said.

Mobius said: "But you have been practicing the martial arts of the Celestial Dynasty for decades, in the cold and heat, practicing day and night. Isn't it for the sake of strength?"

The Pharaoh shook his head and said: "I go to learn martial arts, more to temper my will, transcend my spirit, and enlighten my wisdom through physical exertion, not just for the strength of my fists and feet.

Now this bull-like strength is of no use to my spiritual practice. It can only turn me into a dull-minded man who is used to relying on strength to solve problems.

If I really needed strength, I would have smoked Joan decades ago and made Manhattan myself.

If I need power to achieve my goals, it would be easy to clone an army of giant octopuses and rule the earth, or even the galaxy. "

The dignified anti-monitor was unable to refute at this time.

"I can't take you away while you are alive." Mobius said.

"Because of Joan?" Pharaoh asked.

"Not only the blue giant, but also the monitor. Witte, you are not an ordinary person." Mobius looked at him deeply, "You are the third outsider since the birth of the multiverse.

Think about it, if the administrator has been monitoring a garden for countless millions of years, and suddenly sees a wild boar breaking through the fence and running wild in the garden, can he not be impressed and pay more attention to it? "

"Alas, I don't remember anything." Pharaoh said helplessly.

"Not long after the blue giant came to this multiverse, you followed him in a small airship, and then..." Mobius paused, frowned and said: "I don't know too many details. When we will..." The alien universe is destroyed, and after I recover all the matter, energy and information, I can return that period of life to you."

The Pharaoh nodded and asked again: "Now that I am taken away by you, won't you let Joan and the monitor know?"

Mobius said: "When you are in the material world, you are in the sight of the blue giant. When you arrive in the Abi Hell in the underworld and become a Buddha there, you will be enveloped by the power of the gods in the heaven.

The gap between Limbo Prison and Wan Tianyi belongs to the no-no zone, out of everyone's sight.

No one will know your whereabouts unless someone happens to be there to see the whole thing happen. "

The Pharaoh was silent for a long time and said in a deep voice: "I have joined the gang, tell me our ultimate goal.

If you just bring destruction to the world, please forgive me, it is too untechnical, too unstyled, and not worthy of your status. "

"Revenge can't be the motivation for your actions?" Mobius asked curiously.

"Revenge is a low-level desire, just like sex, it is very interesting, but it does not need to be the goal of life." Pharaoh puffed up his chest and said proudly: "As long as I live, as long as you give me time, revenge will be as simple as casual Turn the steering wheel and crush the stinky dog ​​poop on the roadside until the juice splashes.

But I can't stop for stinky shit on the side of the road, or change the direction of my life. "

"Adrian, you are so interesting." Mobius said with interest: "What is your goal in life?"

"When I was 25 years old, I was wearing the uniform of the Pharaoh, standing on the top floor of the building, overlooking the bustling city below, and my heart was filled with pride." The Pharaoh showed a look of memory, and suddenly sang at the top of his voice: "I am Osmandis, King of Pharaohs, my unparalleled achievements make even the mighty ones in the heavens despair! (ps)"

The Pharaoh is not going crazy. Well, he does seem to be going crazy.

What he said later, which seemed like a declaration, was actually quoted from the British poet Shelley's sonnet "Ousmandias (Pharaoh)".

This is where the title "Pharaoh" comes from.

"Unparalleled achievements?" Mobius asked with a complicated expression, "Has your ambition not changed now?"

"If I change, I will no longer be the 'Pharaoh'." Pharaoh sighed.

Mobius said: "I will destroy all positive matter universes, and then use antimatter energy to reconstruct a new multiverse. Then I will be the sole master of the multiverse.

You can choose a single universe or a single universe as your private domain and practice your great achievements at will. "

"Well, this ideal is barely passable." Pharaoh said reluctantly.

Mobius said blankly: "Only 'barely'?"

The Pharaoh smacked his lips and said: "To be honest, dominating the world is not a very stylish goal, just like destroying the world.

Replace the world with the universe, and then expand the universe into the multiverse. At best, it will be an enlarged version of Genghis Khan and Alexander.

Obviously, even if I succeed, I will only be on an equal footing with them, and I will not be able to make the gods despair of my unparalleled achievements. "

Mobius clenched his fists, suppressing the urge to destroy him with one punch, and said: "It seems that your achievements in life cannot even compare to ruling the world."

Pharaoh raised his eyebrows, "I want to rule the earth, will it be difficult?

At that time, I did not use force at all. I only relied on strategy to make the countries of the world operate according to my will.

If I want to destroy the world, it's easier. I can come up with countless strategies in the time it takes me to sit on the toilet and take a shit. "

"Then tell me, what is the unparalleled achievement that even the God of Heaven can't match?" Mobius gritted his teeth.

"Of course they do what they can't do - make the inevitable impossible, make the impossible happen.

For example, let a world destined to be destroyed by war due to human greed and depravity be transformed into a peaceful and prosperous age of harmony, tranquility, and friendly exchanges between people. "Pharaoh said matter-of-factly with a serious face.

"Fuck! You are such a madman."

(ps: Shelley's "Ousmandias (Pharaoh)":

I met a traveler from an ancient land,

He said: There are two giant stone legs standing in the desert,

No torso visible. There is a broken head in the sand next to it.

The heavy sand was half-covered, but the brows on that face were furrowed.

With an arrogant sneer on his wrinkled lips,

This shows that the stonemason had a clear understanding of Pharaoh’s heart;

Living expressions carved on lifeless stone,

It will outlive the imitation of the sculptor’s skillful hand.

The following words are chiselled on the base of the stone legs:

"I am Osmandis, the King of Kings,

His achievements are unparalleled, and no one can match them! "

Now all is gone. Huge ruins,

The wreckage is surrounded only by the vast and desolate Gobi desert.

The lonely yellow sand spreads into the distance, boundless.


Obviously, this poem is not praising the pharaoh, but Shelley is sarcastic. Except for a few arrogant words on the ruins of the wall, nothing is left of the once arrogant emperor, only desolation in time.

The Pharaoh is definitely not illiterate. He calls himself Pharaoh and takes that poem as his life creed. The meaning is very obvious: Even if you think I am arrogant and arrogant, I cannot live forever in time, but I don't care, I just want to be here. In this life, I will establish unparalleled achievements while I am alive.

The old man is not simply stupid, but very rationally crazy. He fully understands what he wants and what the world thinks of him.

What's even more frightening is that he also has the wisdom to match his crazy ideals. )

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