I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 454 The evil wind rises again and traps Harley

"Why are you laughing?" the goddess said angrily: "I know this gesture is indecent, but if I could have controlled myself at that time, I would have run away and would I still stay here to make you laugh?"

Harley also felt that she was too "rebellious" and apologized quickly: "Teacher, please don't be angry. I have little knowledge. I have never seen an elemental storm and I cannot imagine its dangers."

"When you came here, did you find any living statues nearby?" Asal asked.

"There are so many stone carvings, I don't know which ones are alive," Harley said.

"Look at the color. Look at the difference between me and the surrounding stone sculptures." Asal said.

Harry looked around carefully and saw that there was really a big difference between the two.

Asal is more colorful and obviously full of vitality, while the others are more like stone carvings.

"Were these stone sculptures once gods?" Harley asked.

"Of course not. How can there be so many gods in the multiverse?"

Harley drove the small airship again and quickly circled hundreds of thousands of miles around. Returning to the original place, she said to the goddess teacher: "You seem to be the only one in this area."

"Hey, it seems that I was the only one in trouble during the elemental storm that year," Asal said in a bitter tone, "There were obviously a large group of gods at that time, and I wasn't the weakest one, so why was I the only one unlucky?"

Harley changed the subject and said, "I want to ask, are you bound because of its force field characteristics, or is there a strange power that invades your body?"

"I'm not sure." Asal murmured: "As soon as I hit the origin wall, I lost my perception and my mental fluctuations quickly became silent.

If Acharas had not been equivalent to a part of my body, I would have fallen into a deep sleep that day. "

Harry came closer, only about ten meters away from the goddess's forehead, and could even see clearly the rock patterns on the surface.

"Teacher, you are the founder of the Escape Pattern. You have a special talent and sensitivity for stealing energy. Can you tell whether there is energy in the Origin Wall?" she whispered.

"Hecate, Harry, are you crazy?"

Goddess Asal almost jumped - if the wall of origin hadn't stuck to her.

"Oh, it makes me so sad to see you, teacher, clinging to the wall and suffering year after year!" Harry sighed deeply as he revealed his true feelings.

Asal was moved in his heart and reminded: "The Escape Pattern can only steal magic power."

"Maybe the Origin Wall is a kind of magic. The essence of magic is the power of miracles. Do you think this wall is not miraculous enough?" Harley said.

"It's so miraculous, it's far more than just magic." Asal said.

Harley's face was filled with joy, "Are you implying that there really is great power in it?"

She is almost level 61, and she cannot upgrade just because her sixth defense specialty has not been activated.

If the origin wall is sticky because of energy, she can touch it, and once she touches it, she will be completely immune to it, and then

A crazy idea gradually took shape in her mind.

This idea did not just appear at this moment.

When she came back from the midnight bar that day and sent Bruce and Alfred in, she had a rough idea when she caught a glimpse of the blurry end of the sky (origin wall) in the distance.

"Don't go crazy." Asal warned sternly: "I am the founder of the Escape Pattern, and I know its limits best.

Its fundamental theory is that blood contains power.

All energy that cannot be extracted from the blood cannot be absorbed by the void pattern.

Moreover, since the birth of the multiverse, no one has ever escaped from the Origin Wall. "

Harley was silent for a moment and asked, "Teacher, do you believe in spiritual perception?"

"What do you feel?" Asal asked in surprise.

"For some reason, after entering Acharas the day before yesterday, when I saw the vague shadow of the Wall of Origin again, I suddenly lost the sense of horror in my heart." Harley sighed.

No idea will appear out of thin air, there will always be a trigger point.

It's not like Harley has a whim when her brain gets hot.

In the early years, Stranger promised to introduce her to a mentor.

After the incident with Little Black Bean, he did introduce her to Sage Ochi.

But after studying with Ao Qi for a period of time, Harley discovered two problems: first, Ao Qi Xian's home was too far away, so it was best for her to be a boarding student, but she was the mayor at the time and was busy with official duties; second, Ao Qi Xian's home was too far away. The reporter's specialty is 'Nine-Nine God's Famous Watches', and a lot of knowledge is not suitable for her, and is far inferior to Asal's 'professional counterpart'.

She simply gave up the opportunity to become the apprentice of Sage Aoqi and devoted herself to being Ashar's apprentice.

Over the years, she has come to Acharas at least once a year, lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Therefore, she was extremely familiar with the changes in Acharath.

When the ruins left Limbo and entered the Prometheus galaxy, when Harley saw the vague Origin Wall at the end of the universe, her soul seemed to be cast in a shadow, and a heavy feeling of depression filled her chest.

That was the warning sent to her by her spiritual sense.

And keen spiritual sense is the only talent Harley got from the blood of "Harley Quinn".

Year after year, Acharas got closer to the Origin Wall, and the pressure in her heart became more and more intense. Until the day she brought Bruce in, the burden on her heart suddenly disappeared.

"Any extraordinary person believes in spiritual perception, and they also believe that spiritual perception can make mistakes. If you make a mistake this time, your life will be dead." Asal said.

"That's why I asked you about the detailed feeling of being stuck." Harley said.

Asal thought for a while and said: "I have a method that is safer than touching the stone wall directly with my hands.

If you insist on stealing the power of the Origin Wall."

"Oh my God, saying this makes me feel like a madman!" At the end of the sentence, she started shouting again.

"Stop shouting, what should I do first?" Harley said.

Asal said: "If you want to know what it feels like to be stuck, you can connect our mental powers through the resonance of the void pattern, and my feelings can be almost 100% restored to your mind.

Here is the problem, the feeling is so real, if your spiritual perception is completely wrong, you will turn into a rock, like the meteorite of Acharas, and be pulled by me to fall into the wall of origin.

But before falling into the origin wall, you can have the spaceship snatch you away. Maybe you can be rescued in Silver City? "

Harry smiled and said: "This is a good method. Let me verify it again and start."

"Verify what?" Asal asked curiously.

Harley slowly approached the origin wall, 9 meters, 8 meters, 7 meters.

"I want to make sure that the stickiness of the origin wall does not simply come from the force field."

If it were a pure force field with no power to absorb, then she would——

"Whoosh--" Suddenly, in the empty realm of nothingness, a colorful 'aurora' appeared out of thin air. It was obviously bright, but it enveloped Harry like a thick dark cloud.

Asal's mind was also enveloped, and he wailed hysterically: "Harry, run quickly, the evil wind is coming again!"

At this time, Harley was only two centimeters away from the origin wall. She was pouting and trying to breathe into the wall.

"Bang!" The 'demon wind' struck, and she was caught off guard. Her body was like a pancake, completely pressed against the wall.

"It's over."

Rewind to Christmas.

The solar system, Europa, Dr. Manhattan's Garden of Eden.

On the second floor of the castle, the Pharaoh stood at the window, looking uncertainly at the servants below who, without his orders, began to decorate the Christmas tree and kill chickens and sheep to prepare for the feast. Oh, there are no servants in Eden now, only citizens.

"They were completely disobedient. Everything was just as that little bastard expected."

When they love him, obey him, respect him, and everything is centered on his will, he feels that their emotions are very cheap and not even worthy of his attention.

Now they live their lives happily and simply, and they no longer have anything special about him, and he is very disappointed.

Thinking about it carefully, the past ten years or so living in the Garden of Eden seemed to be the most peaceful time in his life.

"You little bastard, you have a darker heart than me. The Watcher really has a successor!"

He couldn't help but curse Harley for causing all this.

But after he cursed emotionally and pulled the bruises on his face, the old man couldn't help but grin.

"However, she is still too young and doesn't do things well. She thinks she can trap me in this way."

The old man smiled coldly and slowly took out a small glass bottle as thick as his thumb from his pocket. There were several white crystals the size of broad beans in it.

"Hey, maybe I can't build a spaceship in the Garden of Eden. There are too many parts and it would take too long, but it only takes five minutes to prepare a bottle of potassium cyanide."

"Tonight, on Christmas Eve, let's all sit together and drink eggnog." He looked at the busy crowd below. The warmth in his eyes disappeared, and there was no murderous intent. They were just cold, as if he were looking at a nest of ants blocking the road.

"Little bastard, the law is very perfect, but no matter how perfect the law is, it still needs people to enforce it. Kill everyone who knows the law, and I will become the new legislator, haha ​​- hehe!"

Just as he was smiling proudly, his heart suddenly became cramped, his breathing became rapid, his face turned blue, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Plop." He fell to the ground, and the glass bottle containing potassium cyanide rolled away.

"Fuck, I was poisoned, you little bastard, you did it so beautifully, so cruelly, I hate it so much"

A shadow of a soul invisible to mortals floated up from the old man's body, with pain and confusion on his face. It slowly rose, leaving the castle, leaving the Garden of Eden, floating to the surface of Europa, and then began to accelerate suddenly, leaving matter as fast as a flash of light. boundary.

But the moment he entered Limbo Hell from the material world, or in other words, in the interlayer between the material world and Limbo Hell, a silver electric light enveloped him and pulled him into a yellow and empty world at high speed.

It looks like the Gobi Desert at dusk covered by a sandstorm.

There is an all-metal base in the center of the Gobi Desert. It covers an area as large as three football fields side by side and has several shining energy towers erected. The whole thing looks like a red alert base.

The silver arc of light that enveloped the Pharaoh's soul was connected to the energy tower in the center of the base.

"Whoosh!" The Pharaoh came to the top of the tower, into a brightly lit, empty and spacious hall.

"Adrian Veidt, I've finally waited for you." A man covered in high-tech armor said with a smile.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Pharaoh asked blankly.

"Do you know your status code?" the armored man asked.

The Pharaoh was stunned for a moment, and then he cursed loudly: "I'm a rude father. He obviously promised to let me spend my old age in peace, but he also tried his best to fiddle with a set of laws to restrain me, but in the end, he drugged me early.

Damn it, it's probably because Laurie and Tearman were present and she didn't want to show her vicious true face! "

"It seems that you know that you are dead." The armored man said solemnly: "You are a smart person, you should understand that since I brought you here halfway, I must have something to ask for.

My request is simple, be loyal to me and do my work.

After it is done, I will fulfill any wish you have, even to rule a universe. "

"If you want me to be loyal, you must first reveal your identity!" Pharaoh said with a bitter smile.

"Mobius, the Anti-Monitor."

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