After a few more nonsense, Midnight Daddy began to introduce the product to the fashionable girl: "The characteristics of this witch body armor are defense and shock. It has special soul pressure on police officers, gang members and demons.

Wear it and you don't have to be afraid even if you are walking in the back alleys of Gotham at night.

The GCPD who want to take advantage of you, the gangsters who are looking for prey, the vampires and low-level lemures who hide in the dark and hunt for food, will all be afraid of you at the first sight and avoid you.

Even if you hang it in the main room, it can ward off evil spirits and protect your home. "

"Aren't the functions a bit lacking?" The fashionable girl was not satisfied, "It's an artifact with the attributes of a witch. Not only can you kill like a witch when you put it on, it should at least have a god-level protective effect, right?"

"Hey, Miss Miranda, when you first made your request, you didn't ask for special defensive effects. You only asked for escape from the harassment of the demons you skinned." Father Midnight said dissatisfied.

The fashionable woman said: "Defense represents a characteristic of Witch Harley. Shouldn't we have higher requirements for it?"

Midnight Dad said: "Fifty million US dollars is the price. How much do you want for this little money?"

"Holy crap! Fifty million is not expensive?" the fashionable girl shouted.

Midnight said in a deep voice: "It is an artifact made by a divine craftsman. Not to mention its effectiveness, the craftsman's crafting fee is only 50 million, isn't it a lot?

If you can ask the master craftsman to help me once, I am willing to pay you 500 million US dollars, no limit. "

"Fifty million is indeed not expensive. A famous painting by a mortal is worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. How can a god of craftsman be no worse than a mortal?" said the demon bastard.

How can any customer speak for the store owner? Could this guy be a bastard?

Harley glanced at it and said, "This 'Witch's Body Armor' should be a failed conceptual artifact."

"Can the concept god fail?" The fashionable woman was stunned.

Harry said: “The major faiths and pantheons in the Heavenly Realm pursue maximizing profits and focus on supporting promising concepts.

The ‘traffic stars’ that become popular are quickly monetized and discarded after use, and the turnover rate is extremely fast.

The "Witch's Body Armor" was very popular back then, but the Witch has now abandoned the mortal body armor and replaced it with the heavenly artifact armor.

He rarely appears in public as a cross-dressing hero.

The popularity has dropped, the topic has decreased, and the "Witch's Body Armor" is old and immature. It has been eliminated by the "mortal audience", so it appears on the product counter. "

After thinking about it, she sighed and said: "If the witch can be included in the divine system, and let her cooperate to maintain the character of 'Bulletproof Jacket Harley' for more than ten years, maybe this garment can be cultivated and matured."

The fashionable girl was already strapped for money, but now she heard that the body armor was a 'defective product', so she turned her attention to the guitar pick from before, "Can it be cheaper?"

"That's 850,000."

"You can buy a box of this stuff at a musical instrument store for a dollar."

"It is the work of the master of magic! And it is also the favorite thing of the little male demon Constantine.

Do you know how difficult it is to win something from the little devil at the gambling table?

That bastard never loses, and you can't buy any of his magic items except this guitar pick. "Midnight said through gritted teeth with resentment.

Harley became interested, "Since he has never lost, how did you win the guitar piece?"

Midnight was silent for a moment before he said: "In that game, there were demons, tree demons, gods, and alien mages on the gambling table. The most valuable bet was a pint of tree demon essence.

Drinking it will awaken the druid bloodline and master the skill of walking in the trees. "

"Oh, tree walking is a very advanced skill." Harry was startled. "Is the tree demon crazy? It can make people learn the essence of tree walking, but it will cost it half of its life."

"Getting on the gambling table is like having one foot in Arkham Asylum, you're going crazy if you're not crazy.

Not to mention losing half a life, it is not uncommon to lose one's soul directly. "Midnight Dad sighed, "He deliberately gave me the guitar pieces first to show his sincerity.

Well, he said shrapnel meant something special to him.

I believed him after seeing him carrying it around and playing with it all the time, so that ordinary metal pieces were endowed with strange magical powers.

When I cooperated with him to clear out the other gamblers and planned to have a peak showdown between the two, he excused himself to go to the toilet and ran away with the dryad essence. "

"Since I won it, can you give me a discount, 850,000. I can't afford so much cash at the same time." The fashionable woman was confused.

Midnight said: "If you are not convenient, I also provide loan services. It is not a loan shark. It is similar to the interest rate of a small household loan from the National Bank."

"Then I'll get a loan." The fashionable woman skillfully took out her mobile phone, "Which APP?"

"Well, we haven't developed the APP yet," Midnight took out a formatted contract from the drawer, "Put your soul as collateral, and the terms are three months, half a year, three years, etc. If you don't pay it back over time, I will take it away from you. The soul is of no use no matter where it hides."

"Soul." The fashion goddess hesitated.

"Morganlin!" Midnight walked to the door and shouted, and a handsome man in a suit with a halo of light on his head and a pair of angel wings behind his back followed in.

The base of the wings are covered with colorful scales, which originate from unknown creatures.

"This is Mo Ganlin, the lower angel of Silver City. He will be responsible for signing the contract. You don't have to worry about anything going wrong at all."

The fashionable girl doubted: "He is not a pure-blooded angel. How can he enter the Silver City?"

Mo Ganlin's eyes were cold, "Since the interest rate is the same, if you can't trust us, you can go to the National Bank."

Father Midnight glared at him, smiled and explained to the fashionable girl: "Mo Ganlin is an important minister under the command of Angel King Gabriel, and also has the status of a lower angel in Silver City, although he has never been to Silver City.

Like Harley Quinn.

She has also never entered Silver City, but no one can deny her identity as the Duke of Heaven. "

"Can the loan contract be filed with Gabriel?" Harley asked.

Father Midnight shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Only scoundrels like us engage in financial business.

How proud and noble is the angel king Gabriel?

Mo Ganlin is like a servant of the 'Angel King's Mansion', making a living through the reputation of the Angel King. The Angel King will not care if he knows about it.

But if something happens, he will also be responsible for it.

With Gabriel's strictness, guests don't have to worry about Mo Ganlin's petty tricks.

There are so many ways to make money, and it’s not worth risking your life. "

After the fashionable girl followed the angel banker and left, and no other customers opened their mouths to buy goods, Harry said: "I buy news."

Father Midnight nodded calmly, gave instructions to his younger brother, and led her into the empty living room on the third floor.

"This guest must be here for the first time. I don't know what to call him?"

"When I ask my question, you can immediately guess who I am."

"What do guests want to know?"

"How much do you know about hell?" Harley asked.

Midnight smiled proudly, "If guests want to inquire about other dimensions, I would recommend you to go to the Oblivion Bar.

If you ask at the Oblivion Bar for news about Hell or Heaven, especially about Earth, they will suggest to you that you come to me. "

"So confident?"

"Just try and you will find out."

Harley said: "Hell's soul currency system collapsed, what will happen to the flatulence?"

Midnight's eyes flashed slightly. With this voice, this momentum, this temperament, and this body shape, he had a vague guess about this issue.

"I can't tell ordinary people this news. To ordinary people, it is meaningless and worthless."

"How much is it worth if it's not an ordinary person?" Harley laughed.

Midnight stretched out two fingers and said, "Two hundred million."

"Let's hear it and see if it's worth the price."

Harley's tone was relaxed, but she did not provide any proof of ability to pay.

Midnight Ding looked at her for a while and said: "Flatulence was sentenced to death by Satan Lucifer - go fight the Witch Harley to death.

Originally, the punishment should be executed immediately, but Flatulence's father is Mammon, the King of Wealth.

Their family is rich!

Mammon bought Belial and Beelzebub with two million high-quality souls, and did not ask for a change of sentence, but only asked them to suspend their sentences for half a month.

The soul currency system of hell collapsed, and the three rulers of hell, including Lucifer, suffered heavy losses. Therefore, Belial and Beelzebub agreed to Mammon's request.

Only two days have passed since the half-month period, and Mammon has already spent five million soul coins and secretly recruited more than twenty demon gods in hell and other dimensions.

His idea was also very simple. On the day and moment when Flatulence was to be executed, all the demons would follow him to Quinn Manor.

By killing the witch with a crushing force, Flatulence will not only survive, but he will also be able to collect the bounty placed on the witch from hell, obtain a large amount of the origin of the devil, and gain the supreme glory of terminating the witch.

It is impossible to say that it can offset the previous investment in Mammon soul coins and make a huge profit. "

"He is worthy of being the king of wealth, with good plans and courage."

Harley nodded slightly. The information was detailed, logical and 80% true.

"Is this news worth 200 million US dollars?" Midnight said with a smile.

Harley took out her phone and pressed it a few times.

"Ding dong." The next moment, a message notification came from the mobile phone in the pocket of Midnight's jacket.

I took it out and saw that it was the public account of Midnight Bar, with a credit of 200 million!

"Happy!" He gave Harley a thumbs up.

"Can you get the list and abilities of Mammon mercenaries?" Harley asked.

"Mammon is still recruiting troops from all over the world, and the current list is definitely not complete."

"As much as you want," Harley said.

"Well, this message is also included in the above service."

Father Midnight briefly described the twenty-four ‘Mammon thugs’.

The information about demons and black magicians on Earth is very detailed, but even the abilities of demons from other worlds are uncertain.

Harley frowned slightly, not one of the 24 thugs was proficient in divination.

Those people are even less likely to be supreme beings.

Did the people really beat Xanadu to death?

Not necessarily, maybe Midnight missed some more secret information.

"You should have guessed who I am, right?"

"I didn't guess, I don't know anything." Midnight said seriously.

Harley's mouth twitched and she said, "How much does it cost to buy out the news that I'm coming to your place?"

"Don't worry, it doesn't cost a penny. I will never reveal our meeting today. This is the basic conduct of our news dealers."

There were a few drops of hot sweat on Midnight's forehead, and he also used honorifics.

——The witch is testing him. If he dares to accept money, it will imply that he has the idea of ​​betraying her, and then she can kill people and silence her.

She is indeed a witch, so cunning and vicious!

"You really don't want money?" Harley suddenly turned serious.

Midnight quickly expressed her position: "No need, I swear to keep silent——"

Harley stood up, a murderous look flashed in her eyes, "If you don't accept money, it means you have no obligation to keep my confidentiality. It seems you plan to-"

"I'll take it, fifty million!" Midnight said eagerly, her face trembling a few times.

At this time, he was sweating profusely.

"You are so capricious, how can I trust you?" Harley said coldly.

At midnight, I was dumbfounded and confused. Should I accept the money or not?

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