I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 449: Market knowledge in the magical world

"Don't you think this skirt is very beautiful?" The fashionable woman opened her arms and spun around in a circle. The dark green leather skirt shone with gorgeous colors under the light.

Harley nodded and praised: "It is indeed very beautiful, you have great taste.

In fact, I recently hunted a demon and am considering using his leather to make a few sets of clothes. "

The iron giant's skin is made of N metal, which can be peeled off to make armor, weapons, and airship shells to cope with the immediate crisis.

"Really?" The fashionable girl was very happy when she met her soulmate. She took out her mobile phone and said, "Why don't you add me as a friend? I'm not boasting. I'm not very strong in magic, but when it comes to skinning and making clothes, even a great master can do it." Not as good as me.

I know the leather properties of 128 kinds of demons and alien creatures, and I record what each kind of leather is suitable for.

Last fall at Paris Fashion Week, I exhibited three pieces of devil skin.

By the way, I'm a fashion designer. "

Harley used her trumpet to exchange attention with the 'Hell Leather Designer'.

Midnight glanced at her, her brows furrowed and then immediately opened.

——This woman has no magic power in her body and her aura is peaceful, but it causes inexplicable pressure on his spiritual sense. What's going on?

"This guitar piece is just right for you. With it, those little devils will never dare to come near you again."

He took a piece of metal out of the box and placed it on the mahogany counter.

It was a heart-shaped pick with two huge letters engraved on the surface, JC, made of copper alloy.

"Such a small pick has no magic power, so what effect can it have?" the fashionable woman asked doubtfully.

Harley felt the weak but tenacious magic wave coming from the pick, and couldn't help but let out a light sigh, her expression became strange.

"It is the beloved object of a great master of magic. It looks small and has weak magic power fluctuations, but it is particularly effective against demons." Midnight introduced.

"Which Grandmaster?" the fashionable woman asked.

"John Constantine."

JC is the abbreviation of John Constantine, and his breath is both familiar and strange to Harley.

It should be Zha Kang's work when he was a teenager.

"Never heard of it." The fashionable girl shook her head.

“You don’t even know Constantine?” Midnight’s eyes widened, “He has done a lot of big things recently.

Because he played with heaven and hell at the same time, some people started calling him the "little male devil". "

"Little boy devil? What a strange name." Harley suppressed a laugh.

"This title doesn't sound like a big shot." The fashionable woman frowned.

Midnight solemnly said: "You all know about the famous Witch Harley in the multiverse, right? The Boy Devil is actually a variant of the Witch. Constantine changed his name to 'The Boy' because he was a man.

His reputation is far less famous than that of the witch, not because what he did was not sensational enough, but mainly because the witch's achievements were too exaggerated.

Some time ago, the Holy Son came and the Holy Grail was defiled. Who in the magic world didn't know? It was Constantine who did it. "

"Well, it turns out to be a low-end version of the male witch Harley. It seems that I am really ignorant. I don't even know that there is such a big shot in the magic world." The fashionable woman suddenly said.

Father Midnight handed over the metal piece, "Would you like this guitar piece? $850,000."

"850,000." The fashionable woman's expression changed slightly, "Isn't this price enough to buy Harley's genuine exorcism props?"

Harley quickly said: "I have never heard of a witch making exorcism tools. If there are, they are definitely fakes."

"That's not necessarily the case." Father Midnight bent down and carefully took out a stainless steel box the size of a violin from the safe.

After opening it, I saw a thick piece of clothing neatly folded inside.

"This is..." Harley didn't recognize it for a moment.

"Witch Harley's body armor is the one she used to fight hundreds of GCPD in Gotham's Bali Street. In the mercenary supermarket, it is still the most popular economical body armor."

With a solemn expression on his face, Midnight took out his clothes and spread them out on the counter with an air of piety, just like a traditional Chinese painting lover unfurling the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

A tattered windbreaker covered with bullet marks and blood stains appeared in front of everyone.

"How is that possible?" Harley exclaimed.

"Have you noticed?" Midnight glanced at her, then turned to the bewildered fashion woman, "It is a semi-artifact!"

"But it's just a rag!" the fashionable woman murmured.

"I sensed fluctuations in divine power. It's really an artifact!" A demon bastard nearby exclaimed.

Father Midnight put his palm on his collar and input his magic power to activate it.

"Buzz--" A bloody shadow floated out from the windbreaker, staring at everyone with a murderous face, "I am the witch Harley, you ugly people, come and die!"

Her speech is a bit mechanical, and she is very average, but in appearance she looks like a little Harley.

Well, Harley, a girl about fourteen years old.

"Mother Fuck!" Harley was stunned and wanted to shout: You are the witch Harley, then who am I?

"I bought it!" the fashionable girl covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Gabriel, he is so strong and murderous. His mental pressure alone makes me afraid to get close."

The demon bastard turned pale and backed away.

Midnight explained: “This body armor is stained with the witch’s blood and strong spiritual will.

The heavenly craftsman first extracted the concept of ‘witch body armor’ from above and turned this illusory concept into a real god.

Believe in God.

Then cultivate it with the endless faith of all living beings.

Several years passed, and it finally became a conceptual god with some of the witch-killing aura.

In the end, this powerful semi-artifact was forged with the Concept God as its soul and the Witch's body armor as its body. "

The fashionable girl said calmly: "I'm sorry, it's only been three years since I accidentally picked up the magic book, and I've been exposed to the magic circle for even less time. I really don't know what the concepts of God and Heaven mean."

“Heaven is the paradise of gods other than Christ. It is like a joint venture. Countless old gods who feed on faith come together to create the ‘Thunder Sky Realm’ that is as famous as God’s Paradise.

Concept God.”

Midnight frowned and said, "Miss Miranda, do you understand the concepts of Limbo, the Eight Divine Realms, New Gods, and Old Gods?"

"You know a little bit, the first page of my magic book is the map and overview of the multiverse." The fashionable woman said.

"In this case, you must also understand that Limbo is actually a dimension of thinking." Midnight thought for a while and said: "The wise men of the Celestial Dynasty once proposed the concept of 'unity of heaven and man' after traveling in different dimensions. They combined the multiverse with Analogy to a person.

It's very interesting and quite reasonable. If you are interested, you can go to the library next door. It has a collection of handbooks and secret books by magic masters from all over the world, and the price is not expensive. "

With a slight cough, he immediately returned to the topic, "If the multiverse is human beings, then the material universe we are in is its body.

Limbo is its sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​​​human consciousness, there are thoughts that are either tame or uncontrollable. Thoughts are illusory but extremely real.

The thoughts in Limbo are mental beings, and they are worshiped as gods by humans.

Believe in God.

The conceptual god is the lowest god of faith.

It is currently just a concept that can absorb human enthusiasm and belief in this concept to maintain its extraordinary power. "

The fashion girl mused: “The ‘witch’s body armor’ itself has become a familiar and personalized concept to us.

This concept continues to appear in news reports and oral traditions among humans, and has the potential to absorb beliefs and become gods. "

Father Midnight nodded and said: "That's it, there are many similar conceptual gods and conceptual artifacts.

For example, the Winscht trump card I just sold is the belief in the concept of sentient beings of the famous Winscht firearms family.

For example, the Lincoln Revolver, which works wonders against high-level demons.

For example, George Washington's Falling Sakura Divine Ax is specifically aimed at plant mages and believers in the Green of All Things.

Even the Statue of Liberty in Haikou, Manhattan, has been transformed into a conceptual god. "

The fashionable woman was dumbfounded, and after a long time she wondered: "What is the use of these concept gods? What can they provide to the great master god who has worked hard to enlighten them?"

"This." Midnight said uncertainly: "Maybe to make weapons? I don't know much about the Lord God of Heaven."

Harley sighed: “The old gods feed on faith and rely on the faith of all living beings to maintain life and strength.

But now humans don't even care about God and heaven, and other pantheons can only be even worse.

In order to survive and develop, those main gods can only develop new businesses based on human needs.

Such as concept god.

No matter how low-level the conceptual god is, he is still the god of faith, a low-level god under the main god.

At least 50% of the faith gained from belonging to gods, the main god and the main god's pantheon will be taken away.

For those concept gods who have no potential for growth, the commission will be even more severe, 80% or 90%, and they will be squeezed to death.

For example, BB machines and cassette machines are electronic products that appear at a stage in the development of science and technology. Their survival life is short, and we can only pursue "short-term, smooth and fast" for them.

Like the Statue of Liberty, she should be treated better. The freedom she represents will not collapse for the time being before the collapse of the United States. "

"They are great gods, but why do they sound like evil capitalists who force us to do ninety-nine-six and say it's a blessing?

Each pantheon has become a company pursuing efficiency. "The fashionable girl exclaimed in disbelief.

Harley said seriously: "Don't use capitalists to blaspheme the gods. They clearly mark the price and have never insulted the conceptual gods with blessings!"

After a pause, she continued: "The gods in the heavens also need to support their families. As long as they don't break the law, any way to make money is not shabby."

The fashionable woman has a distorted expression.

“I used to wonder why in the past few hundred years, heavenly gods have come to the earth to do strange things from time to time.

They are like scrap collectors hanging "old mobile phones, old computers, 20 yuan each" speakers on the streets, searching for "brand-name" items everywhere."

Father Midnight suddenly realized that he looked at Harley more cautiously - the person who could tell such a secret was definitely not an ordinary person.

Harley sighed: "It was only recently that I met a neon god who was recruiting people to join him, so I became interested in asking for this information.

Then I was shocked. I didn't expect that the living environment in Tianjing was already so bad. "

——The Neon God wants to recruit her into the "Neon Faith Unlimited Liability Company". She is qualified to become a Faith God!

Father Midnight realized this and became more and more curious about her identity.

"To put it bluntly, it's just one word, volume!" Harley sighed: "In a closed market environment like the earth, the economic scale is still shrinking every year, how can it not be seriously involuted?"

"I heard that the new gods don't need the power of faith." A black mage next to him said.

“The old gods understood their own rules, and their godhood belonged entirely to themselves. They had no responsibilities in the universe, and they were carefree and at ease.

The new gods must conform to the rules of the multiverse, use their bodies to conform to the Tao, and become the cornerstone supporting the universe."

Harley thought for a while and said: “The old gods are like private enterprises, where the fittest survive and the strong survive.

The new god is a civil servant, with an iron rice bowl and relatively little workplace pressure.

But civil servants depend heavily on the state of the country.

Our multiverse encounters crises every day. Every time there is a big crisis, the new gods are frightened. The living environment is not necessarily better than the old gods.

It can only be said that life is not easy for anyone these days. "

"Inspiring and thought-provoking!" Midnight couldn't hide the admiration on her face.

The other mages looked at Harley in awe.

——The person who has this kind of insight and emotion is definitely a big shot in the magic world. Looking at her outfit that conceals her identity, she looks like a wandering spirit.

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