I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 451 The Hell Fortune Teller with a Headshot

"I originally didn't plan to charge money, but in order to reassure you, I changed my mind and agreed to charge. I'm not capricious." Midnight lamented.

He was treated as a slave in the 18th century and sold from Africa to the United States. He has lived for hundreds of years. He has met many people and experienced many things, but he has never been as frightened as he is today, over trivial matters such as whether to accept payment or not. Fearful and in danger.

"I paid for my peace of mind, but now that you've done this, I don't have my peace of mind whether I pay or not. Please tell me how to make me feel at ease." Harley said calmly.

"Sit down first and don't get excited. We have no fundamental differences. If there are misunderstandings, we can clarify them slowly."

Midnight also stood up, with a face full of sincere persuasion.

When Harry sat down with a dull face, he thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "How about I return the two hundred million dollars to you, just as if you have never been here today. As long as you and I don't say anything, others will I don’t know either.”

"I'm not an overbearing and unreasonable person, and I won't be a freeloader." Harley waved her hand and sighed: "It's a simple matter originally, you open the door to do business, and I come to buy services, but you have to think too much."

——Facing the vicious, cunning, and capricious witch, can I survive without thinking too much?

"Yes, it's a simple matter. It's my fault for overthinking." Midnight apologized sincerely.

Harley used her mobile phone to make a payment.

"Ding dong." Midnight picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't help but be stunned, "Why is it 100 million?"

"Another fifty million to buy you another message."

Midnight swallowed, "What news? Maybe it's not worth fifty million."

"Continue to help me keep an eye on Mammon's 'Suicide Squad' and collect information on each member, paying special attention to the prophecy master among them." Harley said.

Midnight was tempted to say no immediately.

His original name is definitely not "Midnight". Midnight implies that he is right in the middle between night (evil) and day (justice), impartial and does not interfere with any grudges between heaven and hell, unless the balance he wants is disturbed. Others break.

No one would simply classify Witch Harley as a member of the Heaven faction, so he was willing to betray the information to her.

Well, the fear of her going crazy was also an important part of the reason.

But this doesn't mean that he will give up his principles and completely side with her to fight against hell.

Otherwise, the neutral attribute would be broken, and his bar, where angels and demons gather, would no longer need to be opened.

Hell will not spare him.

He considered his words and said tentatively: "I can sell you information, but I can't be in trouble with hell."

Harley nodded and said, "I won't let you be my undercover agent in hell, even if you actually do undercover work."

Midnight Black's face flushed, "I am paid to do things, and I am impartial. I am not an undercover agent of any force."

"I gave you the money, and you accept it." Harley glanced at him in surprise, "That's all I need you to do. Don't think too much and add drama to yourself."

There was a moment of uncertainty on Midnight's face, and he had already made a decision in his heart: he could not keep the secret for the witch. There was a need to maintain a balance of information between hell and the witch.

“Why focus on diviners?”

"I'm worried about their prejudgment of what I'm going to do," Harley sighed.

Midnight's eyes flickered, and the witch found someone to predict the demons' actions!

This is extremely valuable news.

The witch came to the midnight bar and inquired about the flatulence by name. This fact in itself showed that she had been aware of Mammon's actions in advance, but some details needed to be confirmed by him.

"Fifty million, I'll help you get a list of flatulent mercenaries, but this is just a business." He emphasized.

Harley said: "Bloodhaven is not as prosperous as Manhattan after all. When this matter is over, you should move back.

As long as the information on the list is correct, I will give you a building, which will be your original Midnight Restaurant. "

Midnight struggled for a moment, but still refused: "No, it's fine here."

An inexplicable smile flashed in Harry's eyes, and she stood up to say goodbye to him.

"Wait a minute!" Midnight walked back with the box containing the 'Witch's Bulletproof Vest' and said, "Guests spent a total of 300 million US dollars in the store today, breaking the single-day consumption record for a single person, so they deserve a small gift."

Harley asked curiously: "Where did you find the clothes? I seemed to have thrown it in the sewer back then, so no one should be able to pick it up."

Midnight thought about it for a moment and said, “It should be Jim Gordon.

After the 'Devil Incident' in Gotham Cathedral ended that year, the Holy Advent Crusaders and the Gotham Police Department dropped the charges against you, and you also denied that you were the masked female gunman in the Bali Street shootout.

He once wanted to arrest you, so he searched everywhere for evidence that you were a masked woman. Finally, he found this dress in the sewer and secretly stored it in the evidence room of the police station.

As I recall, he did arrest you at that time. "

Harley looked complicated, "It turns out that guy isn't all reckless and impulsive."

Midnight said: "He has been preparing for several months, and even planned to go to Bali Street to find witnesses, who were your former neighbors.

If you deny it on the spot in court and he suddenly produces personal and material evidence, it is really possible to convict you. "

"How do you know so clearly?" Harley asked curiously.

"I will try my best to find out the origin of the products placed on the shelves." The corner of Midnight's lips curled up, and he said proudly: "I am a voodoo warlock. I am searching for the parties involved in the incident in hell. It is as simple as giving it to Gotham. Old friend, hang up."

"By the way, Constantine is your friend, right?" he asked suddenly.

"A very good friend, what, do you have news about him?" Harley asked with concern on her face.

With her popularity in the magical world and being her good friend, others might look down upon him at some point, but more likely they would stab him in the face to retaliate against her.

"The one who was judged by Satan along with Flatulence was the demon Duke Nergal. He once took advantage of people's danger and injected his own demon blood into Constantine's body when he was hospitalized in a car accident and lost three limbs and was unable to move."

"I know that. Oh, poor John." Harley sighed pitifully.

"Satan gave Nergal a chance for revenge and captured Constantine's soul in Hell to be tortured for millions of years."

Harley suppressed her laughter and said worriedly: "John has Nergal's blood in his body, which is equivalent to its bloodline servant. He has almost no resistance to the devil's manipulations!

At midnight, keep an eye on the spot for me and notify me immediately if you find John. "

Father Midnight's eyes flashed slightly, "Of course."

——When that bastard dies, I will notify you!

As soon as Harley left on her Yamaha, two pieces of news spread quietly.

First, Witch Harley disguised herself and went to the Midnight Bar, where she stayed for almost two hours.

Second, the Witch is looking for Constantine to protect him from Nergal.

"What does she want from you?"

At midnight, Midnight's father was meditating while holding his sister's skull, when a demonic shadow appeared beside him out of thin air.

The father calmly put down the skull and said calmly: "I didn't expect His Majesty Mammon to come in person, it really made the shop shine!

But business is business, and if you want to get any information from me, you have to pay a price. "

"How brave! How dare you talk to me like this." The demonic shadow twisted and expanded, almost touching the ceiling, and was about to pounce on Midnight. The violent magic power that escaped caused a howling wind in the room.

"Buzz buzz" The eyes of the skull in Midnight's hand flashed with scarlet magic light, and layers of magic circles rose up in the room. Mammon's demonic shadow quickly shrunk into a normal human shape, and its body was firmly bound by magic chains.

"Your Majesty Mammon, don't underestimate any magic master, especially the old master who has done hundreds of things in the world." Father Midnight sneered.

Mammon calmed down, opened her scarlet eyes, and asked, "Are you so strong against the witch?"

"I'm as lowly as a dog in front of her." Midnight said with a dark face, bitterly.

Then, he sighed weakly and said: "I am very realistic, I will kneel to anyone who can kill me.

You are the devil, but you cannot kill me.

The witch is now not even an archmage, but she can burn my bar to the ground.

That crazy woman can do anything. "

"You can use formations to deal with her. Didn't she come to your bar today?" Mamen looked down at the rune chain on her body and clicked her tongue, "Eight sets of god-level sealing formations, twelve sets of master-level There are soul suppression arrays, three sets of time and space sealing arrays, and one set of banishment arrays.

On the entire planet, there are less than a handful of mages who dare to enter your home and run wild. "

"Unfortunately, Witch Harley is the 'thumb' in the palm." Midnight said with a wry smile.

"Okay, let's do business as usual. How did the witch come here in detail? How much did it cost?" Mammon asked.

"Fifty million, soul coins." Midnight stretched out her palm and said with shining eyes.

"Do you think I'm a big fish?" Mammon said angrily.

——He bribed the two demon kings Belial and Beelzebub, and only spent a total of two million. How dare this little human mage speak?

Midnight said solemnly: "I promise it will definitely be worth the money."

"Speak out and let me judge for myself."

Midnight said firmly: "Pay a 20% deposit first and keep the remaining 80% in my sight. This is the rule!"

"Did you also ask the witch to pay a deposit?" Mammon stared at him and asked.

Midnight shook his head, "I'm not going to offend the Witch Harley for a mere two hundred million dollars."

Mammen gritted her teeth and said, "You only took her 200 million, but you asked me for thousands of 200 million."

"You are different people and have different wealth, and the news means different things to you. My news is just the icing on the cake for the witch, but it is definitely a timely help for you."

Mammen opened her mouth, "Ugh!"

A blood-colored waterfall fell from His mouth, and a soul was sealed in every drop of water. It was so vast, but actually it was only half a basin.

A fifth goes to Midnight Daddy.

"If you dare to lie to me, even if it delays the important task of hunting the witch, I will kill you first." The King of Wealth said coldly.

"I've always been honest in my business. Even the witch praised me when I paid the bill." Midnight said sternly.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell her secret!"

Midnight said seriously: "She had a premonition of a crisis, or heard some rumors, and knew that you were plotting against her, so she went to a fortune teller to predict her future.

Through prophecy, she predicts your actions and makes arrangements accordingly.

If you break into Quinn Manor without knowing anything, you will definitely fall into a trap and be doomed. "

"Absurd, what prophecy can reveal the fate of the Demon King?" Mammon's face was full of murderous intent, "You are deceiving me!"

Midnight said: "You can also ask someone to divine her future. If you can see through her future, you can easily know whether I am lying.

If my information is wrong, you have no loss and I will refund the deposit.

But if my news is proven, you will have avoided a great catastrophe.

No matter how you look at it, you won’t lose money, right? "

Mammon calmed down and said: "The future is uncertain. Divination is just one of the many possibilities for observing the future. It has no meaning for the strong."

"To be honest, I can't guarantee whether the witch is deceiving you, deliberately making any prophecies, and deceiving you through me.

But give it a try, you’ve got nothing to lose.

My property is here, and so are the people. If the information is wrong, you can come over at any time and the soul coins will be returned as they are. "Midnight said.

Mammon found no reason to refuse.

Returning to Hell that night, He invited a demon noble who was proficient in prophecy to divine good or bad luck for their witch hunting operation.


Under the stunned gazes of several demon leaders, the Demon Viscount's head exploded and he died tragically on the spot.

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