I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 41 The Limit of the Experience Pack (Please recommend new books and collect them, thank you)

It's almost Christmas, and Gotham has been getting a little snow from time to time these days.

The cold weather only speeded up the pace of pedestrians on the street, and did not affect the excitement and prosperity of the city at all.

In fact, this snow has become the Christmas decoration in the dreams of countless boys and girls sitting by the warm fireplace.

And those homeless children hated the cold wind, the ice and snow.

They cursed God and everyone who could stay in a warm room while doing whatever they could to get a moment of comfort.

10:30, Greenwich Village, Bunota second-hand store.

"Ahem." The bearded white boss coughed a few times, "Little girl, the time has come, I have to close the business."

Harley looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and frowned: "In an international metropolis like Gotham, shop owners who close at half past ten are too lazy, right?"

The non-mainstream colorful ponytail and Gothic makeup were indeed effective. She walked around the street, being careful and vigilant, but no one called the police to arrest her.

She doesn't even seem that out of the ordinary, because in Gotham, the alternative is the mainstream.

Then she ran to this second-hand store to use the heater.

The boss's fat face was slightly dark, "Let me tell you clearly, you have been sitting by the bookshelf reading since you came in at two o'clock in the afternoon, and you didn't even order a cup of coffee.

Before, forget it, I can't do your business, there are other people, but now it's snowing outside and no customers have come in for nearly an hour, so of course I have to close the door early.

At least I can save some electricity bills, and at least I can go home early to spend time with my wife. "

"Who said I won't buy anything?" Hallie pointed to the shelf with musical instruments opposite and said, "I've been struggling with which guitar to choose."

"Are you still confused now?" the boss asked with a dull face.

Harley nodded, "I was confused about which one to choose before, but now I'm confused about whether to buy it or not. After all, the customer experience is really bad."

The boss stared at her, his expression changed several times, and walked away without saying a word, and never mentioned the matter of driving people away to close the store.

It took another half an hour before he shouted again: "I have to close at eleven o'clock every day!"

Harley sighed and went to the instrument rack to choose the cheapest guitar.

"Did you really buy it?" When checking out, the boss was very surprised.

"Well, I'm a singer. Do you know Avril Lavigne who sings?"

The boss nodded, "Canada's little queen, right?"

"She is my idol, and one day, I will become the next queen." Harley held the old yellow guitar and said with longing.

With her new look, she also gave herself a new name.

In order to have a fuller character image, a new career and life goal must be found.

She will not really pursue any music dream - that is courting death, and Jacky Cheung's concert is a bloody lesson.

Just if you carry a guitar on your left shoulder and a luggage bag on your right shoulder, others will subconsciously label you as a wandering singer.

The mariachi is naturally distinguished from the Witch Harley.

This is her main purpose.

"You and her are really similar." The fat boss said.

They are all non-mainstream.

"Where's your original guitar?" he asked.

"Sell it. Part of the money from the sale will be used to eat, and part of it will be used to buy your broken guitar." Harry said.

She was a little happy that her new identity had successfully deceived old Gotham people.

"Wait a minute!" The bearded boss stopped Harry, who was leaving after paying the bill, with a struggling look on his face, "You can continue to stay here."

"Huh?" Harley was surprised, "You won't go home to be with your wife?"

A lewd smile appeared on the boss's face, "I can stay here with you."

Harley was dumbfounded, this is a Gothamite, a very typical Gothamite.

She raised her middle finger high and left without looking back.

"Hey, little sister, think about it again. Free hot water and heating. How about I give you twenty dollars and fifty dollars tomorrow morning?

Come back and I'll give you a Martin OM guitar. "

The boss was gritting his teeth when he said the last sentence.

Harry had the urge to stay, but resisted.

Well, stay and put the Colt on the boss's head and make him hand over the collector's edition Martin guitar.

The city is like a wild beast spouting rage and fanaticism.

Filled with a dizzying heat.

When the snowflakes fall and fail to form snow, they melt into filthy muddy water. The neon lights flash like madmen, casting mottled colorful shadows on the water.

"Plop." The long leather boots fell, water splashed, and the broken colorful shadow suddenly exploded.

Gradually, the wind roared more and more, and the snow flakes almost flew sideways. There were sparse cars passing by on the street, but there were fewer and fewer pedestrians. Even the neon lights seemed to be frozen in the light tubes.

At this moment, the city seemed to have become a desolate and towering mound in the north, lonely and desolate, cold and hopeless.

"No, I want to sleep." After wandering around in the street, Harley couldn't help but return to her cardboard house again.

The carton was still there, but it was no longer flattened and folded aside as she had left it.

Someone came here, reopened the cardboard boxes, and assembled a simple hut on the spot.

She stood three steps in front of the carton for two minutes, and still shouted: "Hey, are you new here? Do you know this is my land--Gah!"

The black barrel of the gun stood out in the thin white snow, and Harley stopped suddenly.

"OK, it's yours, I'll leave now." Harley stared at the barrel of the gun and backed away step by step.

Even though her body deviated from the current shooting line in the first step, she did not turn around - the old man Kasapa taught her never to point her back towards the muzzle of someone else's gun unless absolutely necessary.

It wasn't until she completely avoided the shooting angle that she turned around and left quickly.

"Wait a minute -" The people in the carton hut seemed to be crawling out, and there was a sound of the carton shaking.

"Are you a girl, a young girl?" He was a man, middle-aged.

"Do you want to be a gentleman and give me the carton?" Harley stopped, leaning against the wall, and already holding Colt in her right hand.

She suddenly had an illusion that she had returned to her childhood. Under the leadership of Kasapa, in the wild mountains and forests, she held a shotgun and held her breath. The prey was also cautious, baring its teeth and stretching out its claws.

"Hi, girl, I don't mean any harm." The man couldn't even see her figure, so of course he knew that she was guarding against his pistol.

So, he raised his hands and walked openly to the center of the alley, letting her see clearly.

Harry did see clearly. He was a tall, strong man, wearing a brown woolen sweater and black leather pants.

There was no jacket, and no gun in his hand or waist.

"What do you want to do?" Harley asked.

"The bottom of the carton was all wet. I had to put my fur coat under it, but it was still cold. You were cold too, right? You had nowhere to go, right? Look at me. I'm strong and my arms are warm. , it will be very comfortable for us to sleep together.”

The man is generous and generous, as if he is saying - I happen to be going to XX community, madam, let's carpool!

Seeing that Harry was too lazy to pay attention to him, the man struggled, showing a look of regret.

"I still have fans, let me give you half!!"

He tried his best to look heroic and generous, just like Mr. Zhao who wanted to pay for the whole audience.

But the slightly trembling voice showed his inner unrest.

But he consciously paid so much, and the little splasher in front still didn't look back.

The man felt that he had been humiliated, and his nameless anger and obscene desires mixed into a strong driving force. - "Ouch!"

He howled and lunged at Harley.

"Xiao Bichi, do you think you can escape?!"

Harry didn't have to look back, he could easily dodge just by listening to the sound, and then he took off with a flying kick.

But at the moment of action, she suddenly remembered that she had given up her life goal of becoming a top athlete and instead worked hard to improve her personal strength.

In other words, upgrade as soon as possible and add defense to Man of Steel.

She turned around, raised her arms, and blocked the man's flying kick with a "bang" sound.

"Chi chi chi -" The force was so strong that she took three steps back on the slippery snow.

"Gudong, Gudong." Red bubbles popped out of the blue turtle experience tank.

Harley frowned, she had little experience!

Maybe it's not that I have less experience, but that it's level 12. The size of the experience tank seems to have remained the same, but in fact the capacity has increased more than ten times.

The higher the level, the harder it is to upgrade.

"You useless good-for-nothing, you only have this little power? No wonder no woman wants you, you useless piece of shit, you're a weakling who can't even jerk off!" Harley yelled, no matter how ugly it sounded.

"Bichi, you made me angry!" The middle-aged man's lust receded slightly, and his anger increased greatly.

"Bang bang!" Left hook and right hook, the fight was quite methodical.

"Gudong Gudong." Harley blocked from left to right, only defending but not attacking.

Her body was swaying from side to side as she was being beaten, but a smile appeared on her lips.

The experience value has increased three times compared to before!

In addition to the attack power, the man's maliciousness has also been greatly improved.

Before, he was "caring for the beauty", but now, he doesn't mind killing him while he's still hot.

Two minutes later.

"You are such a useless piece of trash!" Harley raised her legs on the spot, lifting her boots higher than her own head, which was suffocating the big man's Adam's apple.

"Crack——" There was a crisp sound in the throat.

"Bang——" The big man flew backwards and hit the ground like rotten meat.

"Ho ho ho!" The big man covered his throat with one hand and waved the other hand wildly. His eyes popped out and twitched like a fish falling on the shore.

If you look closely, his head is steaming, and his hair is even wet with sweat.

You can see obvious white water vapor coming out of the head.

Obviously, he worked harder and harder than the cattle plowing the fields before, but it is a pity that

"You've been fighting for so long and you don't even have half a level of experience, you're a scumbag!" Harley's face didn't look very good. She cursed and turned and left without even looking.

She wasn't happy because she couldn't upgrade.

If the experience points keep rising, she will give him a chance to play for ten more minutes.

But the fact is that after only a dozen punches, the experience value of a single attack began to drop.

Obviously the intensity has not dropped much, but the level of malice continues to soar. Why has the experience pack devalued?

After a while, the experience tank stopped even bubbling, but he was still fighting.

Harley knows that this is not a system, and there is no system to fix bugs.

If she could, Evolution Arcana would always allow her to gain experience.

It can't be done now, which only means that it really can't be done.

"Perhaps, the evolutionary treasure extracted some special energy from the enemy when I was attacked, and that energy allowed me to evolve, and this street gangster has already been bald by me?"

Regarding "food defense expertise", after reading the book review, I found that I may not have explained it clearly enough, which led to some misunderstandings.

First of all, it extends from defense, mainly preventing any form of harm caused to the body by the food in the stomach.

For example, obesity and indigestion are all harmful.

Secondly, the current expertise level is low, and it only protects against damage caused by ordinary food. It may protect against toxins in the future, but not yet.

Third, absorbing all the nutrients does not mean that Harley will stop pooping.

In reality, girls often brag - no matter how much I eat, I can't get fat.

The question is, she ate so much food, where did the nutrition go?

Pulled out.

If poop has no nutrition, why can dogs eat poop to fill their stomachs?

Relatively speaking, Harley's absorption of nutrients will be more efficient, instead of converting all food into energy.

In the final analysis, this defense expertise only protects against the negative effects of food digestion.

Fourth, the energy absorbed from food is only nutrients, not magical special energy.

It can only be said that ordinary people have a low utilization rate of food, while Harley has a high utilization rate and "high power" - consumption speed is fast. The difference between the two is only quantity, but no qualitative leap - of course, one day, Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and this defensive skill will be very magical.

For example, take

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