I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 40 Start wandering today

She went to bed a little early last night. At three or four o'clock in the morning, Harley fell asleep while talking. Selina had no one to talk to, so she could only let herself fall asleep.

Her biological clock was "out of whack" and she slept very restlessly.

At some point, a wheezing sound came from the side.

There's someone else in the house!

Selena, who has always been single, suddenly woke up and saw Halle doing a one-arm handstand.

She relaxed first, remembering that she had picked up a roommate last night, and then rubbed her eyes vigorously.

"Shit, what are you doing?" she asked innocently.

"You've never seen this kind of action?" Harley didn't stop. Her blond hair tied into a single ponytail fell to the ground. Only her thumb, index finger, and little finger on her right hand were touching the ground, and her body continued to rise and fall.

"Of course I know what you are doing. I can also do one-arm handstand, but" Selena got up and circled half a circle around Harley. Sure enough, she didn't find any hidden support point behind her.

"I've never seen you do a one-arm handstand without leaning against the wall, and you only used three fingers."

"It's just about having strong core strength and maintaining body balance. As a world-class gymnast, this is just a basic skill." After saying a few words, Harley's even breathing rhythm was disrupted.

Selina was silent.

She often jumps and leaps among the buildings in Gotham and is more agile than a cat, so she thinks her ability is as good as that of a gymnast.

"How long have you been exercising?" she asked.

Harley's legs fell one after another, and her upper body was raised smoothly, as gracefully as a backflip.

"I woke up at half past eight," she said while wiping sweat.

"Eight thirty" Selina looked at the alarm clock next to the mattress, it was exactly ten o'clock.

"You just had the surgery last night, and you're exercising so intensely today, no—holy shit!"

Halfway through the words, Yinpan's face twisted, "This is my Dior 05 commemorative shirt. I got it with great difficulty. I plan to keep it until next summer. You actually use it to wipe sweat?!"

"Can't the clothes be washed?" Harley raised her neck and continued to wipe her chest.

"I have a towel here." Selina said with a dark face.

"I saw it. It smells musty and is caked. I'm afraid I'll get beriberi even if I rub my feet." Harley said unceremoniously.

The towel hung on the hook at the door, a mess. It was originally probably sky blue, but now it was gray and wet, and it made me sick to look at it.

Selena's silver face turned red and she said loudly: "This is how I live."

"Your previous lifestyle was wrong. You had money to buy famous brands, but you didn't know how to maintain good hygiene."

Selena's accommodation environment is very poor, but it does not mean that her quality of life is low.

There are more than ten sets of brand-new fashion brand clothing in the wooden cabinet.

The cosmetics in front of the dressing table, at first glance, are all luxury goods.

There were a mess of boots and sneakers piled on the floor beside the bed, none of which were of different brands.

Harley in her early years was far inferior to her.

"I have the freedom to choose how to live my life." Selena was really angry.

Harley was stunned for a moment, and finally understood. Americans are inherently self-centered, and teenagers and girls in the second period of high school cannot bear to be preached to.

"OK, this is my fault," she apologized decisively, "You said you would give me a set of clothes last night, just this one."

When Harley left the convent, she not only grabbed the guns of two guards, but also took their wallets.

It wasn't much money, less than $300 in total.

She bought herself a down jacket and wears it to this day.

She was wearing it when she was shot. There was a hole in her back and white hair kept coming out. When Selina saw it, she said she would give her a new set of clothes.

Breakfast is bagged wafer biscuits.

Selena usually doesn't eat at home. This den is just a place for sleeping and storage. It was inconvenient for Harry to go out in broad daylight, so she stayed here with her.

"What exactly are your plans?"

Selena asked with a troubled expression while Harley was leaning against the window brushing her teeth.

"I can't always rely on you to support me, and it's too dangerous to be with me. I'll leave as soon as it gets dark in the afternoon." Harley said.

Selina breathed a sigh of relief, but then worried: "You are injured, is it really okay to be alone?"

Harry staying in her little nest did bring a lot of psychological burden to her, not because she was afraid of those Holy Crusaders.

If her home were a luxurious villa, she would be happy for Harley to live there permanently.

But the reality is that her little home is too shabby, and Harley is not like ordinary street children, who has long been accustomed to such a living environment.

Even if Harley wasn't picky, Selena would still feel uncomfortable. Now that Harley is still being picky, it's the same reason that children from poor families generally don't like to invite classmates to their homes to play.

"I was shot before and lived well alone. But before I leave, I want you to do a few small favors for me."

Harley looked calm and didn't have any embarrassment in asking for help.

Because she now truly regards Selena as a friend.

"What to do?" Selina asked curiously.

"Two things. First, help me change my image and try to distinguish the me now from the me before. Finally, help me arm myself to the teeth." Harley said.

Selina looked at her carefully for a long time and said, "How about you get a new hairstyle?"

She touched her afro with satisfaction, "Just like me, it's the latest model this year."

Harley said sincerely: "Selena, this hairstyle really doesn't suit you. You have a silver face, and with a circle of round plush hair, your face looks very big, and your neck is gone." .”

If you have a round face, you should keep your hair straight and long, hanging down from the forehead to cover the excess part of the face.

"You don't know how to appreciate it. Everyone says I'm cool." Serena said with a dark face.

Then, she rolled her eyes and said with a wicked smile: "If you ask me, you used to have a good girl image, but now you should become unconventional."

Harry actually nodded and said thoughtfully: "Dye your blond hair another color, then put on dark eye shadow, put powder on your face, and paint your mouth red."

She thought of the image of Harley Quinn in previous movies, and there was no one more unconventional than Harley Quinn.

Psychologist Harley Quinn and Harley Quinn look like two completely different people.

In the end, Harley still didn't become "Harley Quinn".

Her blond hair was parted in the middle and dyed pink on one side and bright blue on the other.

The white face with clown makeup was too ugly, so Halle changed it into a simple gothic outfit. Her flawless face did not need to be decorated. The main thing was red lips and dark eye shadow that contrasted sharply with the "white face", giving her a very rich look. Lines of power.

"It's a bit weird." Selina looked at her for a moment and said, "Don't laugh, be cool and cool."

Harley immediately stopped smiling and tried to keep her eyes cold and sharp.

"The face and hair are too clean, not like a street child."

Selena's tone was slightly sour. Even if Harley tormented herself like this, he seemed to have more temperament than her.

"The coat can be dirty, but the body must be hygienic, wash your hands frequently, and wash your face and feet every day." Harley glanced at Selena's lower body with a pointed look.

When she took off her pair of leather ankle boots last night, the smell almost made her autistic.

She asked where there was water to take a bath, and Selena said she didn't even have a basin.

I have never had the habit of washing my face and feet before going to bed.

Some homeless people never even take a bath for months because there are no public bathhouses in the United States. They can only go to gas stations, wipe themselves by the lake, or use water to wash in public restrooms.

Selena is quite good at hygiene. Sometimes when she sneaks into other people's houses to steal things, she locks the door from the inside and calmly borrows the shower to take a shower.

"What do you usually use to rob?" Selena took out a large suitcase from under the wardrobe, and as soon as she lifted the lid, Harley couldn't help but whistle.

"I thought you were a pickpocket."

"I am a pickpocket, but don't forget, this is Gotham. Ordinary people can't sleep without holding a gun. A real killer must at least collect a few RPGs." Selina said.

Five pistols of various models, two shotguns, and even a "spray" (shotgun).

"They're all second-hand goods." Harley frowned.

“Second-hand stuff is cheap.”

In addition to guns, there were neatly arranged boxes of ammunition.

What particularly amazed Harley was the bullet belt of the same style as Schwarzenegger.

Well, the kind that is slung over the shoulder, with plastic-cased bullets as thick as dry batteries, looks very intimidating.

"I originally had two pistols, and now I'm going to choose a double-barreled shotgun."

Harley chose the Beretta, which was about 30 centimeters long. When she encountered a strong enemy wearing a body armor, it was her turn to take action.

After stuffing the bullets and shotgun into her backpack, she asked again: "Do you have a bulletproof vest?"

"That thing is so bulky." Selena shook her head.

When Harley was about to leave with her backpack, Selena stopped her and pulled out an old map from under the mattress.

"I almost forgot, this is the distribution map of Gotham's underground forces. Each gang and their scope of activities are marked with red dots."

"Shit, there are so many gangs in Gotham?!" Harley was dumbfounded, and the entire map almost turned red.

Selina said: "The main ones are the Maroni and Falcone families, they are the emperors of Hedao.

Each emperor was in charge of a kingdom, and each kingdom had dozens of dukes, and each duke commanded dozens of knights.

To us ordinary people, every knight is also a boss.

For example, I am a lone wolf pickpocket and I am my own boss.

Stolen things must be sold. My last family member, Masky, is a member of Sister Yu’s family and a knight. "

"I don't want to provoke them." Harley said.

"Every homeless person doesn't want to be a homeless person." Selena sighed and said helplessly: "Many times we don't have a choice. If someone pulls you into a gang, don't refuse in a hurry. Let me help you with reference."

"I really don't want to mess around." Harley was helpless.

"You are so smart, why don't you understand? A nonpartisan person cannot survive in a society full of parties and factions.

Of course, I'm not really asking you to become a black state member.

In a kingdom, in addition to kings, dukes and knights, there are also common people. Just like me, I am my own boss, but I am also Sister Yu’s subordinate.

Even if I am caught stealing things from Sister Yu’s territory, my life will not be in danger.

So, do you understand? "

Selena looked into Harley's eyes and said seriously.

Harley sighed, "I understand, I'll try to keep a low profile and let everyone ignore me."

Selena pointed to the map and continued: "The green dot is a residential area I often go to, where there are often empty houses that have been unoccupied for a long time.

If I meet someone, I will live in it secretly and wait for the owner to come back before I leave. If you can't stand staying on the street anymore, you can go to these places. "

Before leaving, Selena gave Harley two hundred dollars.

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