I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 42 Some misunderstandings about food defense expertise

Regarding "food defense expertise", after reading the book review, I found that I may not have explained it clearly enough, which led to some misunderstandings.

First of all, it extends from defense, mainly preventing any form of harm caused to the body by the food in the stomach.

For example, overnutrition, diabetes, obesity, and indigestion are all harmful.

Secondly, the current expertise level is low, and it only protects the body from harm caused by ordinary food. In the future, it may be possible to defend against toxins (digesting toxins, not resistance), but it is not possible yet.

Third, absorbing all the nutrients does not mean that Harley will stop pooping.

In reality, girls often dream that I can’t get fat no matter how much I eat.

The question is, she ate so much food, where did the nutrition go?

Pull it out.

If poop has no nutrition, why can dogs eat poop to fill their stomachs?

Relatively speaking, Harley will absorb nutrients more efficiently, instead of converting all the quality of food into energy.

In the final analysis, this defense expertise only protects against the negative effects of food digestion.

Fourth, the energy absorbed from food is only nutrients, not magical special energy.

It can only be said that ordinary people have a low utilization rate of food, while Harley has a high utilization rate and "high power" - fast digestion speed. The difference between the two is only quantitative, not qualitative leap - of course, one day, Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and this defensive skill will be very magical.

For example, chew the DC Origin Wall as a biscuit

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