I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 377 The coolness of young literary authors

The whole street was littered with corpses and rivers of blood. Only Karl and his wife stood proudly.

"The team was destroyed." Joseph said blankly: "Didn't you say that Dr. Manhattan was destined to be killed by us?"

Harley was silent, this was a logical and normal phenomenon.

But Carl Manhattan will still ‘die’, it’s just not sure who will become the unexpected factor next.

"We won, you were wrong." Angela smiled and walked towards her husband.

Karl also smiled and shook his head slightly, "No, I was not wrong."

"What?" Angela was confused.

"Angela, I'm sorry, I chose this result, but the pain is all left to -"

"Boom!" A bright red beam of light shot from above the pickup truck. The bucket-thick light was colorful and brilliant, full of gorgeous brilliance.

Dr. Manhattan, who fell into it, was like a monster covered by a mirror.

"Ah~~~~" Carl Manhattan wailed and turned into a ball of discrete particles, which was sucked into the tachyon cannon and disappeared.

At the same time, the silver metal cage in the center of the warehouse lit up with bright white light, and a line of blue energy came out of thin air. Under the incredible eyes of Harley and others, it condensed into a black and blue eagle.

Well, he was naked and had his dick in tow.

Looking a little weak, he knelt on the ground with a blank look on his face, turning a blind eye to the shocked expressions of the people around him.

"Joan?" Laurie called softly, with some uncertainty in his tone and eyes.

Judging from his appearance, he and his old lover of twenty years were completely different people.

But at least they're all blue.

"What's wrong with him?" Seeing that her ex-husband didn't respond to her calls, she turned to look at Harley.

"His existence field has been disturbed." Harley looked at the silver metal cage in amazement, "I didn't expect this rag to be really useful!"

"What do you mean? Why doesn't he look at me?" Laurie asked worriedly.

“We ordinary people exist only in the present, in a physical way, at only one point on the timeline.

The physical existence field is equivalent to a one-dimensional line.

The existence field collapsed and the lines turned into countless points.

Dr. Manhattan kills people with one finger and decomposes them into blood mist, thus shattering the physical existence field.

Dr. Manhattan can exist at any point on the timeline, which is a line.

Therefore, his existence field has at least one more line than ours. In addition to the physical existence field, there is also a temporal existence field.

Now the Faraday-Manhattan Cage has caused his 'time existence field' on the timeline to collapse and break down into countless 'atoms'.

Specifically, his 'physical' person is complete, you can see every detail of his body, but he is lost in time. "

At this point, Harley shouted to the naked man in the cage: "Doctor, what time is it now, what are you doing?"

Manhattan said blankly: "It's 1985 now, and I'm on Mars. The stars we've seen are just the afterimages of their past."

Laurie burst into tears.

She covered her mouth and choked with emotion, "This is what he said to me on Mars. He is now in 1985 and is with me. We are about to break up."

"What material is the cage made of?" Harley asked Clark next to her.

"It seems to be a special lithium alloy, I don't know much about it."

"Ah, Kasapa, be careful!" Joseph exclaimed.

When Harley heard the sound, the black Manhattan disappeared, and his wife went crazy.

"Qiong!" Angela's eyes were splitting as she raised her machine gun and fired wildly at the old man behind the tachyon cannon.

But old Kasapa opened his arms and faced the flying bullets head-on. His body shook a few times but was unscathed.

"Hahaha!" The old man raised his head and laughed wildly, "Angela, I am Harley's grandfather. Have you forgotten what her favorite equipment is?"

"Bulletproof vest, you were pretending to be dead before!"

Angela's black face was twisted and ferocious, her eyes full of despair and pain.

"That's right. Nine years ago, when I saw her wearing a body armor and fighting her way in and out of hundreds of GCPDs, I suppressed the turbulence in my chest and secretly decided that the body armor would be the 'family emblem' of the Quinn family."

As the old man spoke, he also took out his mobile phone and shouted with pride: "Harry, did you see? I have conquered God on earth, your grandfather is still your grandfather!"

Harley's cheek muscles twitched slightly, and a ray of thought quietly entered the big cross: Richie?

Outside Baiyin City, the Duke's Mansion on Paradise Mountain, inside the host computer.

"Harry? Are you communicating with me through the Golden Hall?"

"That's right." Harley explained the situation in general and said, "You should inform Ivy immediately and ask her to drive the airship to defeat Kasapa."

"What? Not saving him? He is your grandfather, right?" Richmond was confused.

"Save Angela and quietly release Kasapa.

In addition, let Ivy plant spiritual spores on the old man.

Make sure that Angela 'tortures' him about all the secrets of the Cavalry Regiment that he knows.

For example, the location of my current factory.

If you have the chance, you can secretly feed Angela a devil fruit and feed it with juice without letting her find out.

She has just been through a brutal shootout and must be very tired. I need her to be as fierce as a tigress when she gets to the factory! "Harry said seriously.

Richie followed his words and first sent a message to Aki's airship, then asked in confusion: "Why?"

"For the sake of plot! My appearance may very well change the script of Manhattan Black that was set 20 years ago.

For example, the rise of Kasapa.

Without me, he wouldn't be the leader of the hunting team, let alone put on a bulletproof vest. Even the hood is bulletproof. He is completely imitating me. exclaimed Harley.

"Why do you want to follow the plot?" Richie asked again.

"We intersect with Dr. Manhattan's life, and his life is a cool novel written by himself.

Well, it's a high-end literary youth romance novel that's higher than conventional fiction.

So, we became the characters in his book.

The characters in the book all serve the plot.

The plot is definitely meant to make Dr. Manhattan happy. As a person in the book, I will definitely make him unhappy if I randomly change the plot.

The author is unhappy, and the fate of the people in the book is worrying! "

"I don't quite understand." Richie said blankly.

"Hey, you don't understand if you don't understand. Just remember to make Angela brave enough to pass all the way and reach the cage where Black Manhattan is kept safely.

Before the finale of the story, if the male and female pig trotters don't meet, the plot will be unfinished! "

Harley was silent and whispered to Richie, but in the warehouse, the cavalrymen were all crazy and cheered loudly: "We successfully hunted Dr. Manhattan, long live Casapa, long live the 7th Cavalry Regiment."

Seeing that Harley kept staring at Karl in the cage and completely ignored him, Old Kasapa felt unhappy and shouted: "Harry, don't think this is a coincidence.

Just like what I once taught you in the hunting grounds, no matter how the battlefield changes, you must keep a clear mind and carefully look for opportunities to win.

Angela is a fighting genius.

Although she joined forces with Karl for the first time, she alertly helped him keep an eye on his back.

Blue Carl is even more ridiculously strong. Bullets can't get close, and he can hit someone in the head with just a click of his finger.

The two of them cooperated and killed all our people in just over ten seconds.

However, within three seconds of Blue Carl’s appearance, I discovered a flaw in their husband-and-wife team.

When I avoided Carl's blue palm and waited for his back to the truck, I was right in Angela's attack range.

They cover each other and take care of each other's back.

Hahaha, I deliberately let Angela shoot me instead of being hit by Carl's dissociation energy beam.

After I was shot, everyone thought I was dead, but I was alive and well. "

"Kasapa, you have lived up to my trust and you are worthy of being Harley's grandfather." Joseph praised.

The old man shook his head repeatedly, "It should be said that she deserves to be my granddaughter. I killed Dr. Manhattan, and my achievement was greater than her defeating the Kryptonian guy, ah~~~"

Aunt Angela's angry and distorted face appeared in the camera, and she smashed the butt of a gun. Old Kasapa wailed, and the signal was interrupted.

"Uh, this" Joseph looked at Harley, "Would you like to go over and take a look?"

"Leave him alone." Harley quickly walked to the console and ordered loudly: "Clark, turn on the psychic energy converter immediately."

"So anxious? You said before that after hunting Manhattan, you would wait for other forces to jump out." Joseph frowned.

“Now I find that the biggest variable is actually Black Manhattan.”

Harley kicked Clark who was motionless, almost knocking him over, "Didn't you hear me? Come on."

Clark should have continued to wait for Joseph's instructions, but the kick and Harley's loud scolding made him feel dazed for a while, as if he had returned to the miserable years 12 years ago when he was bullied by a beautiful girl and did whatever she said. .

He subconsciously activated the switch, and the 'container' next to him made a low hum.

"You are a military advisor and an expert on Manhattan issues. I listen to you, but you have to wait a few more minutes." Joseph pulled her and said.

"What are you waiting for?" Harley asked confused.

"You don't think that I alone can build the framework of the cavalry regiment, do you?"

"Who else?" Harley asked.

Joseph sent a message on his mobile phone and said with a smile: "A group of noble people."

Harley was inexplicably reminded of Marvel's Hydra.

Now that Dr. Manhattan has been captured, the transformation is about to begin, and it's time for the smugglers hidden behind the scenes to show up.

"You said Black Manhattan is the biggest variable, why? He has been arrested." Joseph asked again.

"Do you really think of Kasapa as the hero who defeated Dr. Manhattan?

Black Manhattan could just fall in love with Aunt Angela in 2013, and at the same time use this love to confess his love to Aunt Angela in 1993.

Don’t you know that the old man is pretending to be dead? " Harley sneered.

"If he knew - well, he did know that he would be shot by the tachyon cannon. He said it before in the living room, why?" Joseph looked confused.

Giles' eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at Harley and said, "You once said that in a life involving Manhattan, we are like people in a book, the future is foggy, and we are working hard for a happy ending every moment.

But he is a reader who can directly see everyone's ending and even the consequences of each choice.

Therefore, he is also the author. He can make different choices and create the ending that suits his heart.

If people want to fight with the author in the book, they must first find out what makes him happy before they can figure out the reason why a certain plot appears.

For example, the 'plot' that allowed the 7th Cavalry to discover his identity.

Now, can you figure out what makes him happy? "

Harley sighed: "His coolness is indeed literary and artistic, far better than the fight between Lao Bai and Xiao Bai, and the slaps in the face to show off."

Having said this, she smiled proudly again, "Actually, I have always figured out what makes him happy, but I don't know it myself. Or rather, I'm not sure.

We are characters in his books, that’s right.

But by coincidence, he also became a character in my book.

Although the details differ, Red Manhattan is almost a personal biography of Blue Manhattan. "

Laurie said blankly: "What does Joan have to do with your novel?"

"Have you seen Red Manhattan?" Harley asked.

"It's such a bloody romance. Hexagonal Love made me feel sick, and I threw the book away halfway through reading it," Laurie said.

Harley was just about to laugh at her for not knowing the goods, but suddenly something moved in her heart and she smiled: "I understand why you don't like "Red Manhattan", because you are one of the heroines.

Unfortunately, you are still the disgraceful heroine.

The three romances in Red Manhattan correspond to youth, middle-age and old age, youth love, middle-age love and lust, and old age love to be loved.

Blue Manhattan had a free relationship with Jenny when he was young. I was attracted to you when I was 15 in middle age, and I met Angela when I was old.

Just right.

Moreover, Jenny, you, Daniel, Angela, Joan, and Rorschach, three women and three men, what is this if not a hexagonal love? "


"Well, I think Rorschach and Daniel are very gay," Harley said.

"Farke, Daniel is not gay." Laurie scolded.

"Haha, if you think about it carefully, Daniel was already in his forties when he married you, but he was still single." Harley said with a smile.

"I know Daniel better than you, and the hexagonal love is when six people are entangled at the same time. Jenny, Daniel, and Joan are all more clearly distinguishable, and there is no endless entanglement." Laurie glared at her with his bruised old eyes. , "Harry, you are humiliating me. You said that Joan and I have no love. He is just greedy for my youth and beauty."

"There is no shame. You can make a supreme being obsessed with your beauty. It is already amazing.

You also know the story of the "golden apple for the most beautiful goddess". Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite destroyed Troy for the title of "the most beautiful". " Harley comforted her.

"When I was in love with him, you were not even an embryo, you know nothing!" Laurie sneered.

"Then tell me, at the age of 15, you are illiterate and have no experience. Apart from a good skin and an empty belly, you have nothing. Besides beauty, what else can he love about you?"

"Why does love need a reason? When you were 15 years old, you were more cruel and evil than me. Are you also useless and have no meaning?" Laurie said angrily.

Harley said in a deep voice: "Laurie, I don't want to hit you, but for Dr. Manhattan, love really needs a reason.

Otherwise, why did he choose the ‘plot’ of being killed now?

Do you know why ten years ago, during the White Night incident, between eradicating the roots and letting go of the remaining cavalry regiment, he chose the future of 'exposing his identity and attracting covetousness'?

He told Angela before in the living room that neither he nor she could change the result of him being killed by the tachyon cannon. Do you know the reason? "

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