I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 378 The Crisis of Restarting the Universe

Laurie's expression changed for a while, and he muttered: "Why? Since he can see through the future and choose the future he wants, why should he expose his identity and be arrested by you?"

"Because of love! What makes him happy is being loved and cared for. It is the sense of security that belongs to a little man." Harley said.

"It's ridiculous. Didn't Jenny and I love him back then? He was always the one who abandoned us first. It was only when I couldn't feel the love from him that I decided to break up with him.

He is a God on earth and no one can hurt him. How can he feel insecure?

On the contrary, Jenny and I were in panic of losing him in the later moments.

Still a little man”

Laurie shivered a few times, shaken goosebumps all over the place, and said with a distorted expression: "It almost disgusted me to death."

"I also think it's a bit exaggerated, but..." Harley frowned, "You also heard the process of Director Jude's identity being revealed.

Angela's grandfather killed Director Jude because he knew his true identity and also knew that he had a KKK uniform hidden in the back of his closet.

Angela learned the news from her grandfather and was curious, so she asked Dr. Manhattan, who existed both now and twenty years ago, to ask her grandfather.

So, her grandfather indirectly got Director Jude’s secret from her, and twenty years later, he killed Director Jude.”

"This should be a logical paradox." Giles frowned.

Harley waved her hand, "You missed the point."

"What's the point?" Everyone looked at her in confusion.

Harley pondered: "The information transmission between Angela and her grandfather is indeed a serious logical paradox, because they are each other's sources of information, but neither of them originally knew the information.

Ignoring the singularity of the microphone Carl and only looking at the two people as an isolated system, the news that Director Jude was a traitor seemed to appear out of thin air, breaking the 'law of conservation'.

But this is the reality. What does it mean? "

"What?" A group of people were confused by her.

"It shows that Dr. Manhattan's power is enough to create things out of thin air, break any form of 'conservation law', and make paradoxes completely reasonable," said Harley.

"Have you strayed from the topic?" Giles asked.

Harley glanced at him, "If I tell you directly, the point is that Dr. Manhattan cannot violate the law of cause and effect, would you understand?"

Giles was stunned and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, please continue."

"The existence of Dr. Manhattan can eliminate logical errors and make it reasonable for Aunt Angela and her grandfather to exchange information.

In other words, he is above the rules.

The question is, are there really no rules above him?

I didn’t know it before, but now I’m sure it does exist!

If you think about it again, when Aunt Angela said to Carl - help me ask, how did my grandfather know Director Jude's secret - Carl, who exists in the present, past and future at the same time, can he not know about her grandfather? The answer?

He knew, but he couldn't help but go and help spread the word.

After asking, he was obviously stunned for a moment, also troubled by this logical paradox and his own behavior of "wasting work". "

"Ah, I understand, it's the law of cause and effect." Giles was stunned at first, and then looked at Harley's expression and became horrified, "You——"

——Witch Harley is well-deserved and so terrifying.

He actually found Dr. Manhattan's flaw in just a few sentences.

"I don't quite understand," Laurie muttered.

"Uh, I don't understand either. The rules of the universe are too mysterious." Joseph said awkwardly.

Harley said: "What's not clear about this? The so-called rules are like water flowing downwards.

Without external force, the water will flow downwards "involuntarily".

This is the rule, and water itself cannot violate this rule.

Karl knew what Grandpa Angela would say, but he couldn't help but repeat Angela's question.

It shows that there is a higher-level rule than the 'law of conservation' that constrains him to do that.

So what did he do? "

"He helped deliver the message?" Clark said blankly.

"He seemed to be doing useless work, but in fact he completed a chain of cause and effect - because Angela asked Karl to pass the message, her grandfather knew that Director Jude was one of ours.

Because her grandfather told her Director Jude's secret twenty years later, Angela was able to ask Carl to relay that question.

No matter how many logical paradoxes appear, at least the causal chain is complete. "Giles sighed.

Harley said: "Even though Dr. Manhattan spans time and exists in the past, present and future at the same time, even if he can deny most of the rules of the universe, he is still bound by the law of cause and effect.

When he chose the outcome that he would fall in love with Aunt Angela twenty years ago, the reason why he fell in love with her was destined to happen.

His influence on the law of cause and effect is, at best, to reverse the temporal order of cause and effect.

There should be a cause first and then an effect, but by virtue of his control over the rules of time, he managed to enjoy the 'effect' first and wait twenty years before completing the 'cause'.

But no matter what, the causal chain must be complete. This is the law of cause and effect, and Manhattan cannot change it.

So, why did he fall in love with her?

No need for me to say it, you have all seen it.

It was today, in a desperate situation where he was destined to die, that he was moved by a persistent silly woman. "

"For him to fall in love with her, there are two essential conditions: first, the cavalry regiment comes to the door with tachyon cannons today; second, he will really die.

Without the cavalry regiment, without the tachyon cannon, without those of us who covet his power, he would not face a life-or-death crisis.

If the cavalry regiment were to come over, he would not be able to eradicate the White Night incident ten years ago.

This is another chain of cause and effect.

He also had to really die because he was too powerful to truly fall in love with someone. "

"What does being strong have to do with loving someone?" cried Laurie.

If what Harley said is true and it is difficult for Dr. Manhattan to fall in love with someone, then she who did not pay any price and only made a few flirtatious gestures probably did not get his true love.

Laurie couldn't accept this possibility.

Harley asked: "If you want to use money to move someone, is it easier for ordinary people to be moved, or for billionaires?"

Without waiting for Laurie to answer, she said to herself: "An ordinary person with a net worth of 200 US dollars, if you give him 2,000 US dollars, he will be so excited that he can't sleep at night.

You gave two thousand dollars to a billionaire, and he casually took it and stuffed it into his pocket without any emotion in his heart. "

"If two thousand dollars were all my assets, wouldn't the billionaire be moved?" Lowry said.

"So, between a billionaire and an ordinary person with $200 in his pocket, who is more likely to be moved when faced with the $2,000 he paid for it?

I am just saying that it is difficult for a strong person to give love, but it does not mean that there is no love.

And Dr. Manhattan's situation is even more special. He travels on the timeline and is almost omniscient.

If there was a chance that he wouldn't have to die, then he really wouldn't be in the slightest danger.

Probabilities meant nothing to him.

There is a saying that ordinary people have a narrow escape from death, but they can see through the future and directly choose the only way to survive without looking at the other nine dead ends, so they naturally have no sense of crisis.

If there was no life or death crisis, if he was 100% safe, he said he was dead, but Aunt Angela asked him to stay at home, and the moment she came to protect him would never come.

And he fell in love with her at that moment.

He has loved her for twenty years, and the result has been achieved. The 'cause' of that moment must come.

When he chose to fall in love with her today, he was destined to die today. "

"He knew that loving her would lead to death, but he still chose this result," Laurie said with a shocked expression, "because he wanted to love her and be loved by her with his life.

She did fight for him even though the 'God on earth' was 100% certain that there was no chance of winning.

They are both willing to give their lives for each other, this."

"This 'novel' is so literary, it completely surpasses the pretentious and slap-in-the-face routine that old and new readers like." Harry said with sour teeth.

Tears gathered in Laurie's eyes and slid down the wrinkles on her face, but in the end she smiled, "This is really a great and romantic love, isn't it?

I should feel uncomfortable, but now I am really happy.

After we broke up, I found Daniel, he met Angela, and we both found our own happiness.

Such a result is so good, so good! "

"It's really great that you can think like this." Harley breathed a sigh of relief, "I was really afraid that you wouldn't be able to think about it."

Laurie said seriously: "No matter how Joan and I started, no matter what kind of emotions he felt for me, I gave my true love. Do you believe it?"

Harley nodded repeatedly, "Believe it, of course I believe it. If you didn't love him, you wouldn't have taken the initiative to break up with him when you were old and he was still at his peak."

As the wife of ‘God on Earth’, Laurie’s quality of life is more First Lady than First Lady.

After leaving Doctor Manhattan, even the house she lived in was taken away, and the prosperity of the past was far away from her, but she still chose to leave.

"You are old and sallow?" Laurie's face darkened and he shouted: "I was only 35 years old at the time and in my prime."

Harley ignored her and continued: "Only if you love deeply, you will feel unbearable pain and despair when you don't get a response from love, and you will have the idea of ​​giving up on this relationship."

"Harry, I'm not as pitiful as you say. My life is not your third-rate romance novel.

There was no extreme pain, no despair, I was just tired of him. "Laurie's face turned darker.

"Ahem, Harry, the topic has gone too far. Let's talk about what to do next." Joseph reminded.

Harley was silent, and the next step was to immediately obtain the "power of the hydrogen bomb".

She had never been more eager to unlock the Manhattan Defense feat than now.

Because she was worried that she would bring too many variables, causing Black Manhattan to restart the universe.

He would give up his life for the love of the black aunt. When you lose that love and go crazy, it is not impossible to restart the universe and love again.

She didn't want to be herself anymore.

This is why she said Black Manhattan has become the biggest variable.

She really couldn't imagine that he could desire love and be loved so much.

The majestic DC God on earth makes the heroine look like the 'immortal emperor hero' of the fairy tale drama. He occupies the most powerful power and authority in the world. He does not rule the world properly, but is obsessed with loving life and death. He is greasy, crooked, and sticky. Nian da da, three lives and three lives.

"Squeak~~~" Just as he was thinking wildly, there was a sound of a car braking at high speed outside the warehouse.

"Congressman Keane, they are coming." Joseph's walkie-talkie rang at the right time.

Then, a group of well-dressed, pampered white men and women walked in.

The mayor and speaker of Salta City, the governor, justice, and congressman of Oklahoma, the U.S. Congressman, the major general and colonel of the Pentagon, and the president of a world-renowned company

There were more than thirty people, all white, all top dignitaries.

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