I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 376 The group is destroyed

"Qiong, what is a tachyon cannon, and why can it hurt you?" the black aunt said in horror.

Black Manhattan waved his hand, looked at her softly, and said, "That's not important. Do you still remember the first time we met in a bar in 1993, when-"

"They want to kill you!" Aunt Angela interrupted him excitedly.

"That's right." Black Manhattan nodded and said affectionately: "My former friends often went to Brother Gong's restaurant on the corner of 14th and 17th avenues. I didn't expect to see you at first sight -"

"Joan!" the black aunt grabbed his shoulders and shouted: "That's not important, the Seventh Cavalry is going to kill you, and they have prepared some damn cannons. Wake up!"

"Angela, I'm very awake now. We were at the dining table. I took the initiative to strike up a conversation with you, and you kept chatting with me."

Black Manhattan's expression is very subtle. If you don't pay attention, it is difficult to notice the tenderness on his face.

"It's not that time, it's now, at the end of 2013, we are facing this crisis." reminded the black aunt.

"I know, but for me, the past is happening now, too," Black Manhattan said.

Aunt Angela sighed and asked: "Since you are in the past, then my grandfather is also opposite you, right? Why did he come to Tulsa?"

"Well, I invited him over. Do you have anything to say to him?"

Aunt Angela glared, "Are you inviting him?"

Black Manhattan nodded slightly, "I'm at his home in Metropolis, the property left to him by Captain Washington."

"Is this Manhattan where time is supreme? He often talked like this when he was with you before?"

Harley glanced at the stunned old Silk Soul. She seemed to be shocked and immersed in depression.

“He also talks like this, but then he tends to talk about the future, he’s more curious about the future, and he’s immersed in it for a long time.

But now, he has been thinking about the past, a past without me. "Laurie said sadly.

——Only the elderly cherish the past.

Harley sighed and asked, "Who is Angela's grandfather? He knows Joan and received a gift from Captain Washington. He must also be a Watcher."

Laurie looked up at the cavalry around him and remained silent.

"The Watchmen are an elite white organization, and there are no black people in it!" Joseph said excitedly.

Harley frowned and said: "Angela is pure black, and her grandfather must be black. If the cross-dressing hero wears a hood and disguises himself as white -"

Speaking of this, she thought of someone, "What an old Yinbi, he actually faked his death and got away. Isn't he probably a hundred years old if he is alive now?"

The conversation between Black Manhattan and his 'Big Mom's Wife' continues.

"Angela, do you have anything to say to your grandpa?" 'Blue Black Ink' asked.

Angela was anxious, but she was also troubled by a question, so she blurted out: "Ask him, why does he know that Director Jude is from the 7th Cavalry Regiment.

Jude and I have been colleagues for more than ten years, and I didn't notice anything unusual about him.

My grandfather was a foreigner. When he first came to Tulsa, it was easy to discover his secrets. He even knew about the 3K uniforms hidden in the secret room behind his closet. "

Metropolis in 1993, a high-end apartment near a bustling street.

The 80-year-old black man said blankly: "Who is Director Jude? This is the first time I have heard of this name. Is he a 3K member?"

2013, Tulsa.

Black Manhattan frowned and said, "He doesn't know. No, he knows."

"Ah, it was me. I told him, and then he knew Director Jude's true identity, and then he killed him in October this year." The black aunt said in shock.

"Almost, at least one causal chain is completed." Black Manhattan nodded.

"But Director Jude's identity was told to me by him——"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The cavalry regiment outside saw Manhattan chasing after him for a long time, so he took the initiative to shoot.

In an instant, the glass and the furnishings in the living room were shattered.

Upstairs, there were children crying and calling.

They were calling mom and dad.

"Fake, the enemy is outside, what are we talking about!" Aunt Angela turned her head and looked outside, vaguely catching a glimpse of a small pickup truck with a special shape.

On the roof of the truck, a weird "electromagnetic gun" as thick as a bucket was installed - the brass-wrapped coil was directly exposed.

"Joan, do something!" she shouted anxiously.

Black Manhattan looked up at the ceiling. The children's voices disappeared instantly, "Roxi and Topher have been sent away by me."

"Where are the enemies outside? Quickly deal with them." Aunt Angela breathed a sigh of relief.

Black Manhattan slowly shook his head, "I can't do it, I can't stop them."

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is so easy for you. You just thought of sending away the three Luo Xi siblings and sending everyone outside to hell!" Aunt Angela said in disbelief.

Black Manhattan looked at her affectionately and shook his head gently again, "I really can't do it. Do you still remember what I said to you that day at Brother Gong's restaurant?

I walked over to your table, sat down, looked at you and said ‘I love you’.

You laughed loudly, not believing it at all, and only regarded me as a chatter.

Later you asked me many times, asked me if I told the truth at that time, and asked me when I fell in love with you——"

"Shit!" Aunt Angela stamped her foot irritably and shouted: "Joan, to be honest, I'm glad that you can even remember the love words when we first met decades ago. It was very romantic, but now is the wrong time!

You swear to me - you're not lying, there's really nothing you can do to stop them. "

"You know, I never lie to you. When you asked me who I was after chatting for a while in the bar, I directly identified myself and told you that I was Dr. Manhattan." Black Manhattan said.

Alloy equipment processing factory, in the large warehouse in the backyard.

"What are these two chattering about?" Joseph frowned.

"Has Dr. Manhattan ever lied?" Giles looked at Laurie.

Laurie was in a trance and asked an unexpected question: "He fell in love with her the first time they met. He has been in love with her for twenty years. The passion has not subsided and she is still so romantic. How am I worse than her?"

She also followed Dr. Manhattan for 20 years. From the age of 15 to 35, she gave him all the best years of her life.

If his love for her at that time could be half, no, even one-tenth of what he loves for another woman now, she would not be separated from him.

Joseph hesitated and said: "Harry, do you think Dr. Manhattan's brain is--"

"Stop talking!" Harley looked more serious than ever before, her eyes fixed on the screen.

"There's really nothing we can do." Black Manhattan sighed.

Aunt Angela stared into his eyes for a moment, "We must be able to do something, at least I know what I should do now."

"Qiong, I will protect you." Her expression was solemn, as if she was swearing.

"You can't do it."

"I must do it." Aunt Angela turned and walked to the living room wall and took down a huge oil painting half a person's height. Behind it was a metal safe.

Use your thumb to complete the fingerprint verification, and the cabinet door pops open, revealing a cabinet full of firearms.

Angela looked serious and moved quickly. She quickly changed into a black leather nun's robe, which had a certain bulletproof effect. She also loaded the pistol with magazines, one after another, and inserted them into the holster on her waist.

Catching a glimpse of her husband looking at her in awe, she turned back in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"This is this moment." He murmured softly, his face full of tenderness and sweetness.

"What?" Aunt Angela was confused.

"I just said you couldn't save me. You believe I'm not lying, but you still want to try." Black Manhattan said softly: "I am also in 1993, in that bar, and I said to you - I love you.

I'm still in our apartment two months after we met, and you're asking me if I lied when I said I loved you at the bar.

Asked again, when did I fall in love with you. "

"Angela, this is now, this moment."

"Hahaha" Aunt Angela was amused, "Joan, your love words are really romantic, but now is really not the time. Besides, we have been married for almost 20 years, how could you just fall in love with me now?"

"No, I've always loved you!"

Black Manhattan's tone became urgent, like a young boy trying to prove his love to his lover.

“From the moment we met to now, my love has never changed, it’s just the way I feel time.”

"OK, I understand." Angela was fully armed, interrupted him perfunctorily, and warned him solemnly: "Qiong, listen to me, before I deal with those people outside, before I destroy that cannon, don't go out."

After saying that, she rushed out of the door without hesitation and faced dozens of heavily armed knights outside alone.

"I see!"

Harry suddenly realized, half of the solemnity on his face disappeared, and what was left was more of surprise and emotion.

"What did you find?" Joseph asked confused.

“I found Dr. Manhattan’s joy as a reader and as a writer.

At the same time, I also understand why he said that he could not prevent being killed by us. " Harley sighed.

"What?" Laurie, Joseph and everyone else shouted in unison.

"Can we really kill Manhattan?"

"Will Joan really be captured by them?"

"How can this be?"

Harley looked at the screen with an inexplicable expression and said calmly: "You can see for yourselves, Karl is dead, tonight, right outside his door."

"Chichi—" Everyone looked at the screen and saw Aunt Angela pulling out a gun and blowing off the heads of two cavalrymen.

She did not go through the main entrance, but took a detour from the side and suddenly attacked the waist and abdomen of the cavalry regiment's defense line.

Angela was wearing a black leather nun's uniform, with rosary beads hanging around her waist. She held a gun in both hands and shot repeatedly, hitting her head with the gun, like the Black Death coming out of hell.

But she was alone.

Soon, the fierce firefight caused her to quickly empty the magazine.

But her target - the pickup truck loaded with tachyon cannons, was in the center of the cavalry regiment's convoy.

She got into her black Cadillac, stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, like a lonely Cossack cavalry rushing towards the machine gun line, brave and tragic.

"Da da da da." Countless bullets were fired, and the car windshield was smashed.

"Creak - boom!" The Cadillac tilted to one side out of control and hit the side of a Volvo.

Before Angela could struggle out, four or five cavalrymen had already surrounded her.

They didn't hesitate, let alone pity, they just clicked the button - "Boom, boom!"

Blue light flashed, and they suddenly exploded into a spray of blood.

Black Manhattan teleported to the car door and protected his wife. He pushed forward with his left hand to block the incoming bullets. He pointed out with his right hand one after another, and the cavalrymen turned into mist one by one.

Angela got a chance to breathe, picked up the automatic rifle from the ground, and joined the battle again.

The couple were encircled and killed each other. All the flying bullets were blocked by Manhattan. The blue light arcs and bullets that flew out took away every life.

In just ten seconds, the cavalry regiment was cleared.

Even old Casapa, who was preparing to kill Dr. Manhattan with a tachyon cannon in the pickup truck, was shot several times and collapsed.

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